My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 102: Prepare to take orders for the villa

Hao Mingxing became a dark horse.

And it's the most dazzling one.

Especially the ratings of "Singer Style" are too high, so the popularity brought by Hao Mingxing this time even far exceeded his first song "It Doesn't Matter".

At Yunhai Media, many people were belatedly aware of the news and didn’t know the news until the day after the show ended.

At this time, everyone was shocked that Wuyan actually wrote another song for Hao Mingxing.

Wu Yan wrote four songs in total and gave two to Hao Mingxing.

What kind of treatment is this?

It’s not like your biological father, right?

The most terrifying thing to think about is: Hao Mingxing has only reached the second round on the stage of "Singer Style". There are still a series of competitions such as the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals. God knows whether Wu Yan will continue to write for Hao Mingxing. Song?

I remembered that in the past, everyone said that Hao Mingxing was a licker behind his back.

Some people despised it.

Some people are disdainful.

But now seeing the popularity of Hao Mingxing, everyone's heart becomes complicated.

"If Wu Yan can write two songs for me, I guarantee they will be better than Hao Mingxing's."

"I'm going to lick it now, is it still too late?"

"Speechless dad!"


At this moment, Hao Mingxing, who has returned to Yunhai Media, is taking a rest.

Manager Zheng Lai was a little angry: "Many people outside said that you are a silent licker, so that's why he wrote two songs for you. They are nakedly jealous."

Hao Mingxing: "What's there to be angry about? Am I not the one to be angry about?"

Zheng Lai: "..."

Hao Mingxing: "It's not sad to be a licking dog. What's sad is that I'm not even qualified to be a licking dog. By the much money can I make every month now?"

Zheng Laidao: "After this episode of "Singer Style" was broadcast, you became famous. However, the revenue from the songs did not increase much. After all, the majority was taken by Tomato Channel. However, the advertising endorsements have increased to millions. , your appearance fee has also increased several times. Not surprisingly, your average monthly income will exceed one million in the future, and if you can receive endorsements from first-line brands, your income will be even greater.

Of course, this is only your current worth. You also have a third song from Wuyan, so your value will further rise in the future. Coupled with the company's operations, it won't be a problem for you to become a second-tier singer within half a year. A second-tier singer's annual income can range from tens of millions to tens of millions. "

"Okay, use it all to build a school, and leave nothing behind."

Hao Mingxing was decisive.

Zheng Lai: "Okay."

He had known Hao Mingxing's determination for a long time and knew that his own persuasion would be useless.

And he also knew that Hao Mingxing was not short of money at all, but he was obsessed with music and became a singer.

at the same time.

Wang Mo was also counting his fingers to calculate how much money he could earn in a month.

"My main income now is the share of a few songs. I haven't even received a single income from the live broadcast. The share of songs is a long-term process. Last month it was 460,000, and this month it is estimated to be 60, 70, 700,000 Ten thousand. This kind of income is completely enough for me to repay the mortgage on the villa, but there is not much leftover."

This won't work...

The money earned is still too little.

The reason why Wang Mo was so worried was that he received a call from the developer that his villa was ready to be handed over. After handing over the house, the next step is decoration.

He asked Yuan Xiong: "Brother Xiong, how much does it cost to decorate my villa?"

Yuan Xiong: "Do you want a sophisticated or simple decoration?"

Wang Mo: "We all bought single-family villas, of course they are fully furnished."

Yuan Xiong stretched out a finger.

Wang Mo: "Ten million? That's okay, I can afford it."

Yuan Xiong: "Ten million can barely cover the hard furnishings. Soft furnishings are a bottomless pit. Sometimes an ornament or an oil painting is worth eight figures. But no matter how much you save, if you want to pretend to be tasteful in your villa and style, tens of millions are indispensable.”

Wang Mo's happy expression just now solidified.

"Tens of millions, right?"

"What do you think? Of course, if you want to simply decorate, paint it casually, and then buy some furniture or something, you can do it with a few million. But if you want to live more comfortably, tens of millions is just the starting price...not to mention other things. A set of mahogany furniture costs more than ten million. So for some wealthy people, the cost of decoration is much more than the cost of buying a house."

Wang Mo was speechless.

The renovation costs tens of millions, and you can still understand it by gritting your teeth.

But tens of millions?

This was beyond his endurance.

He silently calculated in his heart: at the current rate of making money, he might not be able to renovate the villa in ten or twenty years if he doesn't eat or drink.

"No, we have to make money faster."

Wang Mo said secretly.

To speed up making money, it seems that there are two ways:

First: rely on live broadcast.

Second: by writing songs.

Now that I have more than 3 million fans on my Douyin account, I should be able to make a lot of money by selling goods live. It's just that Wang Mo is a little repelled by this method of making money, because all he makes is the hard-earned money of ordinary netizens. Moreover, the quality of the products sold live was really difficult to guarantee, which made him feel a little guilty.

Of course, the ultimate goal of the company allowing itself to conduct live broadcasts is probably to bring goods through live broadcasts. But when that day comes, I will do my best to protect the interests of users.

Since live streaming doesn’t work.

That leaves only the second option: relying on songwriting.

Think of this.

Wang Mo shouted in his heart: "System, can I customize the song now?"

System: [Okay. 】

Wang Mo: "What conditions?"

System: [500,000 per song. 】

Five hundred thousand... Wang Mo swallowed secretly, he couldn't afford it.

But he soon felt relieved. Which of the songs provided by the system was not a masterpiece? Five hundred thousand songs can allow the system to customize a song, which makes me a big profit.

This business!

Can do it!

Wang Mo had made up his mind. He looked up at Yuan Xiong and said seriously: "Brother Xiong, are there any companies or individuals in the entertainment industry that have bids for customized songs?"

"Of course."

Yuan Xiong said in surprise: "You don't even know this, do you? Not every company or every crew has its own composition department. So when many companies, crews, variety shows and other programs need to use songs, they will turn to outsiders. Recruiting songs. For example, the theme song of CCTV's "Forbidden City" that you received an order from before is an example.

However, in the past, because the status of songwriters was not high, the prices offered were not high. The maximum price for customizing a song was only about 500,000. Prices for custom songs have soared in recent months as people realize the importance of songwriters. The price of customized songs from many large companies has risen to over one million. Some game companies even offered a sky-high price of five million to customize a song. "

Five million per song is indeed a high price.

Wang Mo nodded.

According to the company's previous contract that gave him a maximum commission of 70%, he can get more than 3 million yuan in commission for one song.

This also strengthened his intention to take orders.

Yuan Xiong smiled and said: "The price of customized songs has soared so much, thanks to your influence of 'Wuyan'. Congratulations to you for your indelible contribution in improving the status of songwriters. By the way... you ask this do what?"

Wang Mo said: "I want to take the order."



Yuan Xiong was a little confused at first and was stunned for a while: "You want to take orders? Accept orders from the entire network as Wu Yan?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Yuan Xiong was silent again for a while before speaking: "This is a big matter. I have to discuss it with the company's senior management."

Wang Mo: "Then you can discuss it first, but no matter what the outcome is, I will accept the order."


Seeing the determination in Wang Mo's eyes, Yuan Xiong, who knew Wang Mo's temper, knew that he had made up his mind, so he had no choice but to say: "It is necessary for company meetings. After all, your identity is 'Wuyan'. So if the news of you taking the order spreads, When we go out, it is estimated that many companies and film crews will come to us. In this way, we must do a series of issues such as risk prediction, price assessment, customer demand assessment, etc. in advance. Believe me, your requirements for accepting orders will depend on the company. There should be no objection. But the necessary processes and measures must be prepared in advance.”

Wang Mo knew that Yuan Xiong was telling the truth, so he said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Brother Xiong."

Yuan Xiong: "But having said that, if there are more orders then, will you be able to handle it?"

Wang Mo thought for a while: "It should be depends on how much money the demander gives. The more money, the more inspiration I can inspire."


Yuan Xiong was speechless for a moment.

For the first time, he heard that inspiration was controlled by money.

Wang Mo continued: "By the way, there is another very important issue: for the orders I take, I must designate the singer at that time, and I will not accept singers from the requesting party."

Yuan Xiong had long known Wang Mo's special needs, because Wang Mo had made such requests for the previous songs, so he readily agreed: "No problem."

After saying that, Yuan Xiong left in a hurry.

Almost two hours later, Yuan Xiong did not come, but Liu Zhengwen found Wang Mo.

Liu Zhengwen's face was a little excited, but also a little depressed: "Xiao Wang, you are finally willing to focus on composing music. But the singers in our company want you to help them write songs, why are you still taking orders from outside?"

Wang Mo: "I'm short of money."

Liu Zhengwen: "How much are you missing? I'll give it to you."

Wang Mo: "My villa is ready to be renovated, and I plan to decorate it tastefully."

"Hehe, it's decorated. Hehehe, it's a villa. Hehehe, it's tasteful."

Liu Zhengwen laughed a few times and said with a serious face: "You're right, there are so many singers in the company, and it won't be good for anyone you write songs for. I think it's better to accept orders from outside."

Wang Mo nodded: "I think so too. And... I will not let the company's singers suffer. If the order is completed, as long as the company has suitable singers, I will choose the company's singers to sing. It's the same old saying …”

“Don’t let the good news flow to outsiders!”

Liu Zhengwen said it immediately.

He is very familiar with Wang Mo's catchphrase.

"That's right."

Wang Mo showed a bright smile.

This is his perfect plan.

In this way, taking orders can earn the demand side a sum of money. Then letting the company's singers cooperate will give the company a favor. Finally, the singer has to give himself a share of the song.

Kill three birds with one stone.

Why not?

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