My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 103 This song should be good, right?

Yunhai Media is very efficient.

Three hours later, Wang Mo received the news from Yuan Xiong: The company had collectively approved his request to take the order.

However, the company has a suggestion: silent orders will not be publicized to the outside world, and it is best to keep a low profile.

Wang Mo thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

He knew that this was the company's attempt to protect itself.

Because "Wuyan" is so popular in the entertainment industry now, if word spreads about his acceptance of orders, I am afraid that countless companies, crews, and individual singers will approach him for singing appointments.

Secondly, there is another important issue: both Wang Mo himself and the senior management of Yunhai Media know that the reputation of "Wuyan" is seriously inflated, and most of it is the media's deliberate hype that raises "Wuyan" to a high level.

But if you really calm down and think about it: Wang Mo has only written four songs so far, although all four songs have become popular. But looking at the entire composing circle, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of songwriters with more than four fire songs to their names.

Therefore, "Wuyan"'s achievements in the composing world are at best a gold medal songwriter.

But he was at the forefront.

He was pushed to the level of the number one person in the "composition world".

Although the scenery at this height is infinite, once you make a mistake, you will be in doom.

Yuan Xiong said in a deep voice: "That's why the company decided to keep a low profile on your order."

Wang Mo nodded: "No problem."

Yuan Xiong said: "I don't know much about the composition department. So next, you discuss with Mr. Liu how to take orders, and I will handle other issues for you."

After the instructions, Yuan Xiong left the composition department.

Wang Mo, on the other hand, stepped into Liu Zhengwen's office.

Liu Zhengwen immediately greeted him warmly: "Xiao Wang, sit down."

Wang Mo nodded and was not polite. After sitting across from Liu Zhengwen, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liu, since the company has approved my acceptance of the order, please help me find a list of songs on the market. .”

Liu Zhengwen: "So anxious?"

Wang Mo nodded: "It's early rather than late."

Liu Zhengwen said: "Okay, I'll deal with this matter as soon as possible, and I can give you a few choices before getting off work today. In fact, when our composition department is not busy, we will also accept song appointments from some entertainment companies and film crews. So doing this is considered familiar.”

Wang Mo said: "That's good."

In China, not all entertainment companies have composition departments.

That is to say, only the top entertainment companies such as Yunhai Media and Canxing Culture can afford to support a huge composition department. Therefore, if some singers from other small entertainment companies want to release songs, they basically approach the composing departments of large companies or some independent composers to arrange songs.

In addition, many film crews and TV variety shows require various theme songs and interludes, and they also need to hire external singers.

Therefore, the company's composition department often receives external orders.

Liu Zhengwen said: "Xiao Wang, can you tell me your requirements for taking orders?"

Wang Mo thought for a while: "Anything is fine."


Liu Zhengwen almost squirted out a mouthful of water. What can I call it?

He said seriously: "You have to give me a direction for taking orders, for example, the style of music, is it popular?"

Wang Mo said: "Okay."

Liu Zhengwen: "What about rock?"

Wang Mo said: "Alright."

Liu Zhengwen: "Do you accept the national style?"

Wang Mo said: "Take it."

Liu Zhengwen: "What about rap?"

Wang Mo said: "You can also take it."

Liu Zhengwen took a deep breath and calmed down the overwhelming power in his heart: "According to your wishes, wouldn't it be possible to accept any order?"

Wang Mo nodded: "I just said, it's okay."

All right.

Liu Zhengwen lost his temper.

If it were any other person, he would have kicked the other person out of the office long ago. But he knew Wang Mo's ability, maybe the other party wasn't bragging, maybe it was true.

He said weakly: "But you have to give me a range, right? Otherwise, according to what you said, I can easily find hundreds of orders on the market, and you won't even be able to see them."

"That's it..."

Wang Mo thought for a while and said word by word: "If you really have a request, then pick the most expensive one and don't accept the cheap one."

This young man!

After hearing Wang Mo's request, he remembered what Wang Mo said before about renovating the villa. Liu Zhengwen seriously suspected that Wang Mo took the order just for money.

After a pause, he said: "Okay, I'll try my best to choose orders with a high unit price. But the higher the price, generally speaking, the higher the requirements of Party A. Are you okay with this?"

Wang Mo: "It doesn't matter."

High standard?

These are all things that the system should consider. What does it have to do with him?

He only needs to spend 500,000 to buy the song.

Thinking of this, Wang Mo suddenly thought of a question and thought to himself: "System, what did you do with the money I paid to buy the song?"

System response: [Use it where it is needed most. 】

Wang Mo: "Be specific?"

The system fell into silence.

This made Wang Mo's heart start to stir: Use it where it is most needed? Where is it?

Around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Liu Zhengwen called Wang Mo to the office.

He handed over a stack of documents: "Here are three song orders that I selected. One is an episode of a film and television drama, one is a corporate advertising song, and the other is a game theme song.

For the first film and television drama, Party A’s asking price is 1 million. The film and television drama is about love. This order was sent by the other party’s crew a week ago. There should be many composers who have accepted the order, but there is no news of the transaction yet. .

For the second corporate advertising song, Party A’s asking price reached 2 million. The song solicitation started a month ago, and several composers from our company also participated in the submission, but in the end they failed. Because Party A's requirements are a bit high, although a month has passed, it is still pending.

The third one was a game song. Party A offered a price of 1.5 million, and the other party requested to create a song that fit the game based on the core content of the game. This order has also been around for twenty days, and still no one has won the bid.

You can take these three orders back and study them carefully to see which one is better?

Tell me your choice tomorrow and the day after tomorrow so that I can make some preparations in advance. "

When Liu Zhengwen introduced it.

Wang Mo flipped through the three documents roughly.

When Liu Zhengwen finished his introduction, he picked up the document in the middle and said: "It doesn't matter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I have chosen it."

Liu Zhengwen was stunned: "Did you read it?"

Wang Mo: "Look, that's it."

He pointed to the second document, which was the order for the corporate advertising song.

Liu Zhengwen cursed in his heart: Look at it. When the labor and management were introduced just now, it took less than three minutes. What could you tell in three minutes?

But he didn't say anything, but forced a smile: "Are you sure you choose this? In my opinion, this one may be the most difficult."

Wang Mo: “But it’s the most expensive!”

? ? ?

I've been explaining this for a long time, and you just picked the most expensive one?

Liu Zhengwen felt that his heart was a little blocked. He wanted to say something else, but Wang Mo had already left the office with the second folder.


Wang Mo returned to his bachelor apartment.

Okay... It's not a bachelor's apartment now, because Yuan Xiong actually brought his bedding and washing supplies over, as if he was determined to live with Wang Mo until death.

Why bother?

Why bother?


Wang Mo looked at Yuan Xiong and said nothing for a long time.

There was no trace of embarrassment on Yuan Xiong's face: "Don't look at me, I have already made up my mind. From now on, no secrets of yours can escape my fiery eyes."

Wang Mo: "But... you live here with me, have you considered your sister-in-law's feelings?"

Yuan Xiong was unmoved: "You don't have to worry about it!"

Well, it seems that Lao Yuan has really made up his mind.

Wang Mo had no choice but to sigh deeply. If this happens, he will give up the five-fingered girl in the future.

It's really depressing.

But there are still benefits, because the kitchen that I never use finally has the smell of fireworks.

Yuan Xiong was a good cook, so he bought rice oil, soy sauce, vinegar and various dishes from outside, and started cooking in the kitchen.

Wang Mo shouted "Come on" from the side.

While Yuan Xiong was cooking, he asked, "Have you taken any orders today?"

Wang Mo: "Took it."

Yuan Xiong was stunned: "So fast?"

Wang Mo: "I've always been fast."

As he spoke, he briefly described the order he had taken.

When Yuan Xiong heard that the price of the order was two million, his eyes lit up. But he quickly frowned: "I seem to have heard of this list before?"

After a while.

He shook his head: "I remember, I heard several friends in the industry mention this order before. Party A's request is a bit abnormal, and it may not be easy to accept, so you have to pay attention. Don't waste a lot of energy. In the end, it was all in vain. Not only did you fail to receive orders, but it also ruined your reputation as 'silent'."

Wang Mo smiled: "It's not that difficult, right?"

Yuan Xiong's expression became serious: "It's really difficult. Because the business leaders who are entities do not understand music at all, so it is difficult to communicate with them. This is why even though this advertising song order has been released for a month, there is still no success. The reason why people can win. My suggestion is: give up this order and change it."

Wang Mo shook his head: "Since I accepted it, let's try it."


He came to the living room, took out the document, and began to read it carefully.

The order was issued by a dairy brand called "Gao Niu".

Wang Mo briefly learned about the "Gaoniu" brand. The popularity of this brand is similar to that of Mengniu and Yili on the earth. They are both large dairy groups with a market value of tens of billions.

This time, the reason why the other party asked for a song was because it had launched a new brand of high-quality yoghurt, so it planned to customize an advertising song for this brand.

"The bid of 2 million is just for the advertising of one of its brands. These big companies really have deep pockets."

Wang Mo thought to himself.

Of course, two million is nothing to these big companies.

He remembered that in the previous life, Huawei spent tens of millions to customize the song for a theme song. That was a real big deal.

Thoughts return.

Wang Mo said silently in his mind: "The system will customize the song according to the requirements of the file."

System: [Generating the most suitable song for the host...generating...]

About ten seconds later.

A line of text appeared on the system: [After deducting 500,000 yuan, congratulations to the host for winning the song "Sour and Sweet Is Me". 】


Wang Mo raised his eyebrows when he saw the name of the song.

It's actually this song.

This song shouldn't be too familiar to him.

In 2005, it can be said that the entire streets of China were filled with the sound of this song.

Of course, it also has another title: the advertising song for Mengniu Sour Yogurt.

It is precisely because of the song "Sour and Sweet Is Me" that the sour yogurt launched by Mengniu became famous all over the country in a short period of time and quickly established itself in the market.

"very good."

Wang Mo showed a satisfied smile: "Such a song should be suitable as an advertising song for Gao Niu's premium yogurt, right?"

No matter how perverted the other party's request was, he still couldn't win the song if he didn't believe it.

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