My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 104 Completed? Are you kidding me?

When Wang Mo downloaded the song from his mailbox, Yuan Xiong had already walked out of the kitchen.

"dinner time!"

Three dishes and one soup.

Stir-fried pork with chili pepper, roasted eggplant, fried tofu, and a seaweed egg soup.

Although it is simple, it has a very homey feel.

Especially Yuan Xiong's cooking skills are quite good. After Wang Mo ate three large bowls of rice, he touched his belly and sighed with satisfaction, and then stood up to wash the dishes.

Yuan Xiong is responsible for mopping the floor.

I have to say that if Yuan Xiong changed gender, this scene would be particularly heartwarming.

But now it looks a bit nondescript.

Neither Wang Mo nor Yuan Xiong cared about the lack of paper.

After dinner, Yuan Xiong picked up the demand book for Gao Niu's advertising song and read it while picking his teeth. Then he shook his head and said, "Xiao Wang, I still suggest you change the order. This order is too difficult and it is easy to overturn. .”

Wang Mo smiled and said: "No need to change."

Yuan Xiong: "You are really confident."

Wang Mo blinked: "The main thing is that I have already written it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Xiong's hand that was picking his teeth froze in mid-air.

The only sound in the living room was the TV.

There was silence for several minutes.

Yuan Xiongcai threw the toothpick into the trash can: "Brother, don't joke about this."

Although Wang Mo usually likes to tease himself, it is better to be serious about such things.

From Yuan Xiong's perspective, Wang Mo was teasing him again.


While I'm cooking, are you telling me that this song that has troubled the entire Chinese composing circle for a month has been completed?

Isn’t this nonsense?

However, the expression on Wang Mo's face remained unchanged, with a faint smile.

Watch and watch.

Yuan Dazhong began to beat faster and asked tentatively: "Are you...seriously?"

Wang Mo: "What else?"


Yuan Xiong took a deep breath: "Okay, I will assume that you have written it. But did you deliberately fool me?"

From cooking to finishing, it only takes more than an hour.

In this little time, even if the inspiration is overwhelming, it is not enough.

So in Yuan Xiong's opinion, Wang Mo was either talking nonsense, or he just wrote some random music scores as a joke.

Wang Mo no longer explained, but pushed the laptop to Yuan Xiong: "It's just enough for you to listen to it and make some comments."

Yuan Xiong looked deeply at Wang Mo and found that there was no teasing in his eyes.

He nodded, put on his headphones, and clicked on the electronic sample.

Even though he had seen many miracles created by Wang Mo, Yuan Xiong still had doubts in his heart at this moment.

Even the last time Wang Mo wrote the ending theme for "Eternal Soul", it took two days, okay?

Writing a song in two days is amazing enough.

But now.

Wang Mo only spent less than two hours.

I took a look at the song title: "Sour and Sweet is Me".

Yuan Xiong nodded. The title of the song was quite in line with the product characteristics of Yogurt, and it was quite qualified.

Hopefully the next songs aren't a spoof.

The electronic female voice was a little strange, but it did not affect Yuan Xiong's judgment.

Yuan Xiong couldn't tell whether the singing voice was good or bad at the beginning. After all, he was not a professional musician.

But soon, when the chorus sounded:

"I like sour and sweet

This is the real me

Every day is very new to me

my picky palate

The most unique difference”

Yuan Xiong suddenly sat up straight, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

Especially when he looked at the lyrics, looked at the clear picture of Gao Niu You Yoghurt next to the lyrics, and then heard the singing here, Yuan Xiong felt like an electric current was hitting him all over, and his body was almost numb.

"This too suitable for this product?"

Yuan Xiong swallowed and his eyes became much more serious.

When the song ends.

He listened again.

While listening to the song, Yuan Xiong automatically changed the electronic female voice to a sweet girl's voice based on his own experience.

This change made him tremble inside even more when listening to the song.


The second singing ends.

Yuan Xiong sat there and thought about it for a while, then took off his headphones and looked at Wang Mo with an incredulous expression: "Did you really write this song while I was cooking a meal?"

Wang Mo said: "Time is not important. Brother Xiong, please comment first. Does this song meet the requirements of the other party's advertising song?"

Yuan Xiong didn't answer the question and sighed: "Two million... is a bit of a loss."

The smart Wang Mo immediately understood what Yuan Xiong meant and showed a bright smile.

Yuan Xiong rubbed his brows and pondered again: "Xiao Wang, it's a pity that you sold this song to Gao Niu for 2 million. I'm going to think of a way to see if I can get the other party to take the initiative to raise the price."

Wang Mo's eyes brightened: "Is it possible?"

Yuan Xiong: "This is my responsibility."

The next day.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, Yuan Xiong took Wang Mo to Liu Zhengwen's office.

Yuan Xiong looked a little serious: "Mr. Liu, let's discuss the order Wang Mo took yesterday."

Liu Zhengwen observed the words, stood up, and immediately explained: "Brother Yuan, listen to me first. Gao Niu's advertising song order was selected by Wang Mo himself. I have already said that this order is very difficult, but He still insisted on choosing it. Don’t blame me.”

Yuan Xiong's expression became strange.

Liu Zhengwen continued quickly: "If you don't agree with his choice of this order, you can change it at any time. Yesterday's film and television drama order and game song order, I think they are all good."

With that said, he opened the drawer and started looking for documents.


Yuan Xiong stopped Liu Zhengwen's move and said with a faint smile: "Mr. Liu, I'm not here to ask Wang Mo to change the order."

When Liu Zhengwen heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately said with a smile: "Let me just say, Wang Mo is a composing genius, how can it be difficult for a mere advertising song to attract him? And the price of this order is the highest, which is most suitable for Wang Mo." Mo's temperament. Anyway, I am personally very optimistic about his ability to write good songs.

By the way...Xiao Wang, did you carefully study Gao Niu's requirements after you returned? Do you need more detailed information? I already communicated with Gao Niu yesterday and said that we have top songwriters here who have taken their order. I hope they will wait patiently and provide follow-up support at any time. However, I did not disclose that it was ‘Wuyan’ who took the order. "

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, we don't need the information."

Liu Zhengwen held a stack of documents: "I think I still want it? The more detailed the information, the easier it may be for you to get inspiration."


Wang Mo explained: "I have completed this order and the song has been sent to your email. You can take a look."


The document in Liu Zhengwen's hand fell.

He froze on the spot, and after a while he said, "What did you say?"

Wang Mo repeated it.

Liu Zhengwen was stunned again, and then he quickly grabbed the computer and opened the mailbox at an extremely fast speed.

Downloaded the song files inside.

Put on your headphones.



A few minutes later.

When a song ended, Liu Zhengwen took off his headphones and looked at Wang Mo like a monster.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

In the end, he just said: "Abnormal!"

Apart from these two words, he couldn't think of anything to describe Wang Mo.

Next to him, when Yuan Xiong saw Liu Zhengwen's reaction, the corner of his mouth curved slightly and he said to himself: If I told you that Wang Mo made this song in one meal, I wouldn't scare you to death!

After a long time, Liu Zhengwen looked at Yuan Xiong: "Brother Yuan, since Wang Mo has already written the song, why do you still want to discuss this list with me?"

Yuan Xiong said solemnly: "Because of the price."

Liu Zhengwen was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted: "Low?"

Yuan Xiong: "What do you think?"

Liu Zhengwen immediately said with certainty: "It is indeed low!"

Yuan Xiong smiled: "Heroes have similar views. Since this is the case, we have to discuss it carefully."

Gao Niu Group.

This dairy group, which is worth close to 100 billion, is currently performing prosperously in China.

Especially after the living standards of the Chinese people have improved, many parents are paying more and more attention to their children's nutrition, so they buy various milks for their children to supplement their nutrition. This also makes the various brands of Gaoniu Group better and better.


Although Gaoniu Group has many brands, it does not have a song belonging to its own brand.

In this era of diversification, it is considered to have fallen behind the times.

Therefore, the company decided to try to customize an advertising theme song starting from its "Excellent Yoghurt" to enhance the influence of the product and at the same time integrate with international standards.

However, the order for the advertising theme song was sent out for more than a month, but they still have not received a work that satisfies them.

this day.

The director responsible for the promotion of the Yogurt brand looked unhappy: "Our product is about to be launched on the market, but we still haven't finished a theme song. What's going on?"

"We're trying to figure it out."

The advertising manager wiped his sweat: "In the past month or so, we have received hundreds of song submissions, but these songs are not in line with the theme of our products, so the time has been delayed. But the good news is... Yunhai The composition manager of the media said that they have another heavyweight composer taking over the order, and I believe good results will come soon."


The director said coldly: "Didn't Yunhai Media already take orders before? It's just that all three songs are not working. Do you still believe in them so much now? Are you trying to find reasons for yourself to shirk responsibility, or are you completely unable to solve this problem? What happened?"

"this and that……"

The advertising manager's forehead was sweating heavily.

At this time.

His cell phone rang.

About to hang up.

The director narrowed his eyes and said, "If it's a work matter, take it!"

The advertising manager then wiped the sweat from his forehead and answered the phone.

After listening to a few words, his face became a little ugly.

After hanging up.

He said cautiously to the director: "Mr. Luo, this is the call from Yunhai Media. They said they can indeed do this order, but the price of two million is a bit low. Unless... the price is raised, they will not work hard to create. Deliver works that satisfy us.”

"increase price?"

The director's brows instantly furrowed and his voice became colder: "Are they trying to raise the price? Very good, then you tell them that price is not an issue. As long as they can write an advertising theme song that satisfies us, I will give them Three million! But if the quality is not good, you won’t get a single point.”


The manager took a deep breath, dialed the number again, and then conveyed the director's meaning.

Then he hung up the phone.

The meeting continues.

Another half hour later, his phone rang again.


There was silence.

Everyone, including the director, focused their attention on the manager.

The manager looked at the call and answered the phone again.

After a while, his face gradually became incredulous. It wasn't until a busy signal came from his ears that he said to the director in a trembling voice: "Luo...Mr. Luo, Yunhai Media said that after the price increase, they The songwriters were so inspired that they had already composed the song, and... and they had already sent the song to my email."




In the conference room, everyone had ridiculous expressions on their faces.

The director stared at the manager closely, and after a moment he said word by word: "Manager He, are you kidding us?"

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