My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 105 It’s only three million! Big profit!

Manager He also looked a little embarrassed.

Normally, he would never have said such a mindless thing.

But in today's meeting, he was extremely nervous. In addition, when he was on the phone just now, all the attention of the audience was on him. This led him to make such a stupid mistake and subconsciously conveyed the other party's words. come out.

"Damn it, that old man Liu Zhengwen misled me!"

Manager He cursed inwardly.

It's impossible even to think about.

The other party just contacted me yesterday and said that someone had taken their order.

Even if the call just now was a joke, it would be impossible to complete the creation in just one day!

But soon, Manager Liu calmed down.

Don't panic.

Hold still.

He took a deep breath, looked at Director Luo and said, "Mr. Luo, what I just said is the truth. That's what Manager Liu from Yunhai Media told me. As a giant in the entertainment industry, Yunhai Media behaves so frivolously. , using this kind of joke to deal with our customers. I suggest that they be blacklisted and never cooperate with them again. At the same time, it is necessary for our public relations department to issue an announcement to make this bad behavior of Yunhai Media public."

Director Luo said nothing.

Manager He's heart, which had just calmed down, suddenly became anxious again.

after awhile.

Director Luo suddenly said: "Did you just say that they sent the song to your email?"

Manager He nodded quickly: "Yes..."

"Open your mailbox!"

Director Luo said coldly.

He Jinglian was agitated and quickly opened her mailbox.

To his surprise, there was actually a new email in his mailbox from Manager Liu of Yunhai Media.

When I clicked on it, it was a song called "Sour, Sweet, and Sweet Is Me".



Manager He was dumbfounded.

At the same time, when he saw the song title, he immediately felt in his heart: This song title fits well with his company's premium yogurt brand.

Isn't it?

Didn't Liu Zhengwen lie to me?

"What are you doing standing still? Let me ask you, do you have any songs?"

Director Luo shouted.


"Connect the projector, connect the speakers, and play!"


Manager He hurriedly took care of everything, and soon the name of the song appeared on the projector.

Suddenly there was a slight noise in the conference room.

"Eh? Is this the title of the song?"

"It reads a little bit."

“It’s in line with the core selling points of our products.”

Even Director Luo was slightly stunned after seeing the name of the song, but his expression was still stern. It's just a song name, nothing much can be seen from it.


The singing started.

The light melody diluted the original solemn atmosphere in the conference room, and then the singing came to everyone's ears.

"A small speaker plugged into the ear

Hiding in bed and reading comics

Although I'm still in the ivory tower

How I want to grow up overnight"

Even though she is an electronic girl, everyone’s first impression is: it’s so sweet.

This song made a group of middle-aged people in the conference room actually hear a strong sense of girlish sweetness.


Manager He's face turned ugly.

Why do you feel like this is a song about a girl enjoying her sweet first love?

What's going on?

They sell high-quality yogurt, and they have something to do with the girl's first love.

He quickly said: "Director Luo... I put it in the wrong place. I will turn it off right now."


However, the next second, Director Luo stopped him with a look and listened to the song with a more focused expression.

At this time, after Manager Luo interrupted, the singing just reached the chorus part.

"I like sour and sweet, this is the real me

Every day is very new to me

my picky palate

The most unique difference

I like sour and sweet, this is the real me

In adolescence, I was a little narcissistic

world of adults

Adventures awaiting me”

The brisk and clear lyrics and innocent and sweet singing echoed in the conference room.

This time, Manager Luo finally heard something.

These lyrics.

This artistic conception.

It seems, maybe, probably, that it can be matched with Yogurt products?

He didn't notice that at this moment, the expressions on the faces of many people in the company began to become extremely exciting as they listened.

Director Luo, in particular, stood motionless as if his acupuncture points had been tapped.

"Ha-grow up quickly, grow up quickly

say hi to this world

I want my self to be most like me

I am the most unique among the crowd

Sing my own song”

When hearing this.

There was no other sound in the conference room.

Everyone just listened blankly, letting the singing echo in their minds.

"I want to sing my feelings

I want my self to love my self the most

Laughing and crying, I remember them all

Dreams always have deserts

Dream is a kind of happiness”

Director Luo, who had been standing motionless in the form of a statue, finally moved. He shook his head, still seeming to be thinking about the song.

Whether an advertising theme song is qualified or not depends first on positioning, second on lyrics, and third on melody.

Their product Yogurt is targeted at young people, especially teenage girls.

And this song "Sour and Sweet Is Me" actually fully conveys the young, sour and sweet feeling of a girl. This is what Director Luo finds most incredible.

Especially the song in front of me is just electronic vocals.

If it were replaced by a spokesperson with a sweet voice, and then the image of the other person was printed on the packaging of Yoghurt, Director Luo could hardly imagine how big a response the product would have by then.

Second is the lyrics.

The lyrics don't say how good, elegant or profound it is, but it is this kind of relaxed, happy and uplifting lyrics that are most suitable for girlish feelings.

In Director Luo's words: just right.

As for the melody.

Not to mention, judging from the expressions of so many executives in the conference room, the melody will not be any worse.

"Manager He..."

After the singing ended for a while, Director Luo finally spoke.

Manager He quickly stepped forward: "Mr. Luo, please tell me."

As he spoke, he was still confused and had no idea what Director Luo meant after listening to the song.

But judging from his heart, this song should be above the passing line. Although at first, he mistakenly thought it was a first love song, it was only after listening to it that he realized how wrong he was.

The meaning expressed in the song is really suitable for the product Yogurt.

As a manager of the advertising department, I still have this appreciation.

It's just that I was too nervous at the beginning, which caused a misjudgment.

Sure enough, Director Luo said solemnly: "Call Yunhai Media and tell them that we have confirmed this song."

Manager He asked: "Aren't you going to modify it?"

Director Luo shook his head: "No, the lyrics and music are just right. Changing it rashly is just superfluous."

Manager He: "Okay, I'll contact the other party right away."

Director Luo nodded and suddenly added: "Ask the other person who wrote this song and whether it really only took half an hour to complete the lyrics and music."

The statement of half an hour seemed a bit ridiculous to Director Luo.

But even if I started creating it yesterday, it only lasted one day until today.

Which Yunhai Media composer has this talent? Can you write such a song in just one day?

at the same time.

What's even more strange in his heart is that since Yunhai Media has composers of this caliber, why didn't he take their orders before? Didn't pick up until yesterday?

Soon, Manager He's message came back: "Mr. Luo, Manager Liu from Yunhai Media said that this single was accepted by Wu Yan, their company's ace songwriter. Of course, it was purely a joke to compose it in half an hour. Wu Yan composed this song. The song really takes one night.”

"Wuyan? Who is it?"

As a director of a dairy industry group, he knew nothing about the music industry.

But when other people in the conference room heard Manager He's words, several people let out low exclamations.

"It's actually speechless."

"Did I hear it correctly? A song written by Wu Yan?"

"Oh, my mom."

Hearing other people's comments, Director Luo asked curiously: "Is this Wuyan famous?"

One person stood up and nodded: "Famous, very famous."

As he spoke, he recounted Wu Yan's achievements in the past few months, and added: "I heard that many singers in the industry offered millions to Wu Yan to write songs, but none of them could hire Wu Yan. This time he It’s really surprising that they actually stepped in to take over the order of our advertising theme song.”


After listening to this man's account, Director Luo thought for a while and suddenly said: "So, if we pay three million for one of his songs, we will make a lot of money?"


The person who spoke just now nodded vigorously: "Wu Yan writes songs, and it only costs three million more. It's an absolute huge profit."

Yunhai Media.

After receiving the call from Manager He, Liu Zhengwen had a premonition, but his eyes were still shocked.

He looked at Yuan Xiong and Wang Mo who were staring at him, and said, "There is news from Gao Niu that the song has been approved. And not a single word or melody has been modified in the whole process."

As he spoke, he cursed again in his heart: Abnormal! Abnormal!

Wang Mo was able to complete such a demanding order from Gaoniu Group in less than a day.

Simply not human!

Especially a while ago, when several composers in the company accepted this order, the work they sent was severely criticized by Manager He, who also listed a lot of conditions that didn't work and needed to be modified.

But now, facing the song written by Wang Mo, Manager He is not dissatisfied at all.

When he was happy, he added: "If I had known, I should have offered four million."

Yuan Xiong smiled and shook his head: "Don't go too far. The price of three million is already in line with expectations."


Liu Zhengwen nodded and looked at Wang Mo: "There is one more thing, I have told Gao Niu. You need to designate the singers for the songs you write in Wuyan. Gao Niu is temporarily hesitant, but There is no objection. Wang Mo, do you have anyone suitable to sing this song in the company?"


Wang Mo was already prepared. He took out a note from his pocket and handed it over: "It's her!"

Liu Zhengwen took it and took a look, his face instantly collapsed: "Brother, you have chosen a newcomer again? You don't think the newcomer's share is low on purpose, right?"

"of course not!"

Wang Mo said righteously: "I chose her purely because of her sweet appearance and pleasant voice. There is no personal factor involved at all."

Liu Zhengwen still frowned: "But... Gao Niu probably won't agree to a newcomer singing their advertising theme song. Their favorite singer is: the spokesperson of Yogurt."

"This is easy to handle."

Wang Mo pointed to the girl's name on the note and said: "Then let her become the spokesperson of Youyoghurt!"

There was absurdity in Liu Zhengwen's eyes: "Can you make Gao Niu listen to you?"

Wang Mo: "Mr. Liu, please call Gao Niu and convey my intention. Then tell them that if they agree to her becoming the spokesperson of You Yoghurt, I will send them one or two advertising slogans to ensure that they feel that the product is excellent." Worth the money.”

Liu Zhengwen didn't have much reaction yet.

Yuan Xiong suddenly jumped up and looked at Wang Mo suspiciously: "Do you still understand advertising?"

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