My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 106 Silent! This time, I will put all my emphasis on you.

Chapter 106: Speechless...This time, I will put all my emphasis on you.

Of course Wang Mo didn't understand advertising, and the system didn't give him any knowledge about advertising.

But Mengniu's sour yoghurt advertisement was so successful that those few slogans of his were deeply ingrained in his mind.

However, facing Yuan Xiong's inquiry, Wang Mo still said: "I understand a little bit."

Liu Zhengwen: "..."

Yuan Xiong: "..."

Again, I understand a little bit.

I know a little bit about your sister.

Liu Zhengwen's expression became serious: "Wang Mo, what you just said is true. Do you really want Tang Qinyun to sing this song and become the spokesperson of Gao Niu You Yogurt?"

Wang Mo thought for a moment and said, "If I can really make Tang Qinyun a spokesperson, will I get a commission?"

Liu Zhengwen was speechless: "How is it possible..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Yuan Xiong said resolutely: "Of course! Tang Qinyun couldn't have been the spokesperson. So if this matter can be accomplished, it all depends on your ability. You are the same as the one who makes this matter. In my opinion, you must take at least 30% commission."

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes, I think so too."

Liu Zhengwen: "..."

Why do these two people always focus on money in everything they do?

He snorted coldly in his heart, and then said: "Lao Yuan, I will also contribute a lot to this matter. I have no credit but hard work. So even if I don't get a commission, I should still get a bonus, right?"

Yuan Xiong: "Bonus is a must!"


Liu Zhengwen clenched his fist fiercely: "Old Yuan, you will die through fire and water!"

Gao Niu Group.

Manager He from the advertising department of Yogurt heard the news conveyed by Liu Zhengwen and immediately announced it.

Seeing what Manager He said, the scene was in an uproar.

Because Liu Zhengwen conveyed several meanings:

First: The singer of the advertising theme song must be designated by Wu Yan.

Second: If Gaoniu Group insists that the advertising theme song be sung by a spokesperson, then Yunhai Media hopes that the singer they designate can become the spokesperson.

Third: If Gaoniu Group agrees to the first two points, Wuyan will give them a few slogans for free.

See these three conditions.

Everyone was stunned.

Some even wiped their eyes, thinking they had seen it wrong.

After a while.

The conference room finally erupted into a huge noise.

"I kind of want to laugh."

"Is Yunhai Media crazy? Dare you put forward this condition?"

"I'm afraid they have forgotten that we are Party A."

"With these three conditions, do they regard themselves as Party A?"

"I admit that the song composed by Wuyan is good, but it's not so good that they, Party B, can override us and dictate what we do, right?"

"I think it's understandable that they want to designate the singer. But they want the singer to be the spokesperson? That's crazy!"

"They even boasted that they would give us advertising slogans for free. As a member of the advertising department, I felt humiliated."


Director Luo was also full of astonishment. He asked aloud: "Manager He, is this really what Yunhai Media said?"

Manager He nodded: "That's absolutely true."

But this time, Director Luo did not get angry. Instead, he pondered for a long time before speaking: "In this way... let's hold a video conference with the other party first and listen to their inner thoughts, especially Wuyan's, before we make a decision."

Manager He was about to comply.

The deputy director Gao Rong on the side refused flatly: "No!"

Director Luo frowned: "Why?"

Gao Rong said in a deep voice: "The demands made by Yunhai Media are really outrageous. Who do they think they are? These conditions are simply treating themselves as masters, and we have become foils. How is that appropriate? Theirs The task is just to write an advertising theme song for us. Now that the task is completed, the next thing has nothing to do with them.

If they want to appoint a singer, we can barely accept it.

Then they still have to appoint a spokesperson, which is simply ridiculous.

This is an internal matter within our company, what does it have to do with them?

As for what they said about giving us advertising slogans. Please, we are the brand publicity department, specialized in this. Do we need a song writer to provide us with advertising lyrics? If this is the case, I suggest everyone just grab a piece of tofu and pretend to be dead. "

After hearing these words, many people nodded secretly.

"Mr. Gao is right."

"It's just that Yunhai Media stretched its hand too far."

"Let them come directly to work in Gaoniu."


Director Luo nodded: "Mr. Gao, I agree with your statement. But as a giant in the entertainment industry, I don't think Yunhai Media will be unreasonable. So the conditions they put forward may seem absurd, but there may be some deep-seated reasons behind it. So we might as well communicate with them first and listen to their opinions before making a decision."

Gao Rong smiled lightly: "In that case, then follow Mr. Luo's arrangements. But I still say the same thing, no matter what Yunhai Media's reasons are, we cannot let them interfere in our internal work. This is the principle!"

After saying that, Gao Rong sat down with a stern expression.

meeting room.

The others were silent when they heard the two people's argument.

Everyone knows that in the brand department, although Director Luo and Deputy Director Gao are in harmony on the surface, they are always competing secretly.

Especially now that it’s December and the new year is approaching.

At the end of the year, the company will have a performance appraisal, including senior executives!

Performance results involve personnel changes.

If Director Luo's performance is better during the assessment, he will still secure his position. However, if the performance of the senior deputy director exceeds that of Director Luo, he will replace Director Luo and be promoted to director next year.

On weekdays, Director Luo does things without leakage.

But after what happened today, Gao Rong felt that she saw a little hope. If Director Luo insists on letting Yunhai Media intervene in the company's internal affairs, then don't blame her for being rude!

Director Luo still had a faint smile on his face, and seemed not to notice Gao Rong's inner changes.

He nodded towards Manager He.

Manager He took action immediately.

Twenty minutes later, Manager He said: "Mr. Luo, I have communicated with Yunhai Media and can start the video conference at any time."

Director Luo nodded: "Turn it on."

A few minutes passed.

The video conference between the two parties is officially connected.

The people attending the meeting on Gao Niu's side were still a group of people in the conference room.

As for Yunhai Media, there are only two people: Liu Zhengwen and Wang Mo.

In the video, Wang Mo is wearing a mask. Although he knows that the probability of Gaoniu Group employees recognizing him is very small, he still wears a Gege mask just in case to block his peerless appearance.

"Hello, Mr. Luo."

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

"Who is this?"



"very young."

"Young and promising."


No one expected that Wu Yan, who was famous in the music industry, would be such a young man.

This surprised everyone.

As for Wang Mo wearing a mask, no one thought much about it. Many people working behind the scenes are reluctant to show up, which is normal.

After simple greetings.

Director Luo went straight to the topic: "Mr. Liu, we have already discussed the three conditions you proposed to us. I feel that your company's three conditions are a bit out of line. But we still want to hear why your company proposed it. Such a request?"

Liu Zhengwen smiled slightly: "Mr. Luo clearly understands that since we put forward these conditions, of course we have considerations.

The first condition: Let Wuyan designate the singer.

Mr. Luo, if you know Wu Yan, you will know that Wu Yan has a rule: for all the songs he writes, he must personally designate the singer. This is not to say that Wu Yan is arrogant or cold, but because only Wu Yan knows who his songs are most suitable for. Only in this way can the song and the singer have the best fit, so that the song can achieve the best effect after it is broadcast.

For example: "It Doesn't Matter" is an example, and "Invisible Wings" is also..."

Luo Zhengwen nodded: "If Wuyan can find a more suitable singer, we can accept this. But the second condition: Do you want the singer to become the spokesperson? We cannot agree to this. The spokesperson of a brand, It is something that can only be decided within our company and cannot be designated by outsiders."

Liu Zhengwen didn't answer.

He looked at Wang Mo.

Wang Mo sat up straight and said in a deep voice: "Since Mr. Luo can agree to the first condition, in my opinion, it is most appropriate for the spokesperson to be a singer, which can make the advertisement have a greater effect and attract customers The desire to buy becomes stronger. Of course, we will not choose this spokesperson casually, this is the person I selected——"


He turned on the projector in the conference room.

On the projector, a pure and lovely girl's face appeared. The girl's smile was sunny and youthful. A pair of big and smart eyes seems to suck in the souls of many people. Such a girl fits the image of first love in many people's minds.

Wang Mo pointed at the girl and said: "This girl's name is Tang Qinyun. She is 19 years old and is a signed singer of Yunhai Media. Although she is not well-known, her voice is very sweet. I think she is the best singer of "Sour and Sweet Is Me" . And her smile, her age, and her appearance are all the most suitable for the spokesperson of the Gao Niu You Yogurt brand."

Gao Niu's side.

Everyone nodded secretly as soon as they saw the girl's face.

The image of the other party is indeed very consistent.


Gao Rong immediately stood up and objected: "Mr. Wuyan, your joke is a bit big. I don't deny that this girl has a good image, but she has almost no reputation. Let her serve as a spokesperson, which is different from ordinary people. What's the difference? What's the purpose of asking celebrities to be spokespersons? Isn't it just to use the celebrity's popularity to bring fame and sales to the product? But this girl can't bring any benefits to the product at all, so we invite her What's the purpose? Is it a waste of money?"


Wang Mo shook his head.

He said seriously: "Who said endorsements must be celebrities? Who said celebrities can definitely drive popularity and sales? As long as the advertising is good, the product can be a hit even without celebrities."

previous life.

Many popular products do not use celebrities as spokespersons.

The most classic one is Melatonin, in which two villains danced for several years. This kind of advertising effect has crushed many brands endorsed by kings and queens, and has become a miracle in the advertising industry.

As for ordinary people buying products, in fact 99% of them don’t look at who is endorsing it.

Unless you are a very sticky fan group, you may deliberately buy a product after your idol endorses it. Other than that, ordinary people still buy things as they please.

Who cares who speaks for you?

Wang Mo continued: "So my suggestion is: invite Tang Qinyun to sing and serve as the spokesperson at the same time. Although she is not well-known, her fame will definitely increase after the song is promoted. Combined with her image of invincible youth and first love , will definitely attract a large number of loyal fans of boys and girls, and then open up the market for young people. Of course, during the advertising process, one or two advertising slogans that are in line with Tang Qinyun’s image and product characteristics will be launched, as long as the promotion is in place. This sweetness The three-pronged promotion method of characters + songs + slogans will definitely ignite the market.”


Director Luo's originally indifferent expression gradually became serious, and finally he even showed thoughts on his face.

They have never used the kind of integrated publicity and promotion that Wang Mo mentioned.

It sounds innovative.

He asked: "Mr. Wuyan, the publicity method you mentioned is indeed quite novel, but the role of advertising slogans in this kind of publicity should also be very crucial. If I agree to your conditions, you will definitely be able to give us the most suitable one." Advertising slogan?"

Wang Mo said with a smile: "Of course. If you are not satisfied with the slogan I gave you, then I will take back everything I just said and only need to appoint a singer."

Director Luo pondered for a moment and said, "In that case, maybe we can try to cooperate."

"Mr. Luo, be careful!"

Gao Rong temporarily blocked the video conference connection, stood up and shouted.

Director Luo looked at her: "Mr. Gao, I think Mr. Wuyan is right. He integrated spokespersons, products, songs, and advertisements all together. This is a very novel way of promoting products. I think we might as well try it." Give it a try. Mr. Gao, you know that when we launched new products in the past, even if we spent a lot of money to hire celebrities to endorse our products, the effect might not be good, because today’s young people are paying less and less attention to the celebrity endorsement effect.”

Gao Rong frowned: "The risk is too great."

Director Luo: "Everything has risks."

Gao Rong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "But this risk is beyond our control. If Mr. Luo insists on doing this, I will not get involved. I will still use my own methods to promote new products. "

This is the first time Gao Rong has so flatly opposed Director Luo's decision in public.

Director Luo stared at Gao Rong, and after a moment he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Gao, are you sure?"

Gao Rong's expression was serious: "OK."

Director Luo narrowed his eyes slightly: "In that case, please ask Mr. Gao to find another way. This time, the headquarters has allocated 10 million in publicity expenses for us to promote the new products. If Mr. Gao wants to find a way by himself, then Each of us spends five million in publicity expenses to promote new products, and the company's employees are at your disposal. Then we will see whether President Gao's method is better or my publicity method is slightly better."

Say these words.

The two of them were completely matched.

Whoever can win this competition will be appointed as the director.

Gao Rong showed no signs of weakness: "Thank you, Mr. Luo."

After saying that, she stood up and left.

Since she wants to use her own method for promotion, there is no need to attend meetings here.

Director Luo looked at Gao Rong's leaving figure and sighed inwardly. How could he not know that Gao Rong coveted his position?

This time he boldly adopted Wang Mo's novel promotion method, which was actually planning for his own future.

Because traditional publicity methods have long been outdated.

If he still uses the traditional method of celebrity endorsement and advertising to promote new products, although it is very safe, there will be no breakthrough. In the eyes of senior management, this kind of performance can only be regarded as mediocre.

He was vaguely worried that when the performance appraisal was conducted based on those results, even if he had no fault, he would easily be given a low score by the senior management. But deputy director Gao Rong is young and energetic, and acts decisively. If he is not careful, he may overturn.

So Director Luo is ready to take a big gamble.

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

He sighed again: "This wave is a bit too big."

After a while, Director Luo reconnected to the video conference. Looking at the young image of Wu Yan in the video, he said silently in his heart: "Wu Yan, Wu Yan, I have placed a lot of emphasis on you. I hope your words will be Correct, otherwise I will be in danger if I am not careful."

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