My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 137 Too sad? Then let’s have a heroic song!

Douyin official live broadcast room.

After hearing what Feng Qi and Zhu Han said, the host's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "Please ask our director to connect the West Building in, okay?"

A few seconds later, Wang Mo wearing a faceless man mask appeared on the big screen.

Originally, the faceless man could be regarded as a ghost mask.

But at this moment, when many netizens saw it, they felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy in their hearts.

The host smiled and said: "Xilou, did you hear what Teacher Feng Qi and Teacher Zhu Han said just now?"

Wang Mo nodded: "I heard it."

Host: "Then what do you think?"

Wang Mo said modestly: "Mr. Feng and Mr. Zhu are both seniors in the literary world. It is an honor for me to communicate with them. Therefore, I will definitely go all out to ask for advice from these two teachers in the next performance."

Very official answer.

Now he pays special attention when speaking in public.

After all, he didn't want the house collapse to happen again.

The host said: "Today, your opening speech surprised almost everyone. Many netizens were curious about your true appearance under the mask when they praised you. Could you please take off your mask and let everyone see your true appearance?" ?”

After hearing this, many netizens pricked up their ears.

Especially the fans in Xilou, all of them have expectations on their faces.

Since the broadcast of West Tower, the mask on the face has never been taken off, so no one knows the true appearance of West Tower. When I heard the host's question, I immediately became excited.


The next second.

Wang Mo shook his head: "Sorry, I can't. What's more, he looks like a stinker, and there's nothing interesting to see."

The host asked: "Do you not want everyone to see your face, or is there a special reason?"

Wang Mo said: "Actually, the first sentence of the poem just now, 'Going up to the West Tower alone without words', you can also understand it as 'Going up to the West Tower alone without face'. The face of the face..."

"Speechless? Faceless?"

The host was thoughtful, wondering what kind of shameful thing he had done?

Only then did he put on a mask?

But she was too embarrassed to ask. She suddenly nodded: "Oh, so that's it... Then we won't force it."

She looked at the members of the Shanshui Club: "Teachers, is there anything else you want to talk to Xilou?"

Originally this was just a polite word.

However, one person stood up in the Shanshui Club.

The man's name was "Hiker", and he said: "Hello, Xilou. I just read your poem, and I really admire it. But isn't this poem a bit too sad? To be honest, this poem is good. That's fine, but it doesn't quite fit your image and temperament, Xilou, and your current mental state. It makes me sound disconnected from you. In my opinion, this poem is most suitable for the kind of woman who is in deep boudoir to express her lovesickness. "Young resentment, I don't know how you created it, but this word is a bit inappropriate for you, Xilou. Of course, this is just my side of the story. If I offend you in any way, please forgive me."

Sure enough, what was supposed to come came.

Although Feng Qi and Zhu Han expressed their admiration for Xilou in their words, which member of the Shanshui Club is not a proud person? Seeing that the dozen or so elites in the Shanshui Society here were overwhelmed by a poem from Xilou, many people felt a sense of suffocation in their hearts.

So, this man said what he just said.

Hearing this person's words, Feng Qi and Zhu Han frowned slightly, but did not say anything.

Others remained silent as well.


Wang Mo actually didn't pay much attention to what the other party said.

At this moment, he was paying attention to one thing: tonight, his number of fans actually increased by more than 300,000!

This surprised and delighted him.

In just over three hours, it gained more than 300,000 followers. How much reputation does that have?

He quickly asked: "System, how much reputation did I get tonight?"

System: [The host has gained a total of 225,600 reputation tonight. 】

my God!

Wang Mo's breathing became rapid. In such a short time, he gained more than 200,000 reputation.

It's simply a reputation harvester.

However, it is still far from the 1 million reputation of the mission.

"The Shanyin Cup is divided into three days, which means that on average I have to get 340,000 reputations per night to complete the task. Well... more than 200,000 reputations are not enough."

When he was calculating in his mind, he heard the words of "Mountain Hiker", a member of the Shanshui Society.

Wang Mo rolled his eyes and had an idea.

Judging from the reputation I got tonight, the more I show my talent, the more reputation I will gain.

In this case.

It seems like we need to make some noise.

He said: "Whether a poem is resentful or heroic should not be the basis for judging the gender of the poet. It is just an expression of the poet's mood at the time. I took out "Happy Meeting·Speechless Alone on the West Tower", Because it best explains the origin of my online name and meets the requirements of this opening poem.

As for boldness...if you want it, I have it too. Do you want to listen? "

At first, everyone was still distracted when Wang Mo spoke.

But hear it to the end.

In an instant, everyone became energetic.

Feng Qi and Zhu Han from the Shanshui Society even leaned forward.


Do you have any heroic poems?

The hiker was also frightened by Wang Mo's words. He was stunned for a moment and then said: "You mean, about your online name, you also have heroic poems?"

Wang Mo smiled: "Of course."

Hiker: "This..."

Wang Mo said: "It's just that this poem has little to do with the origin of my online name. It is an improvised work... Have you been to Jinling?"

The hiker didn't know why Wang Mo suddenly asked about Jinling, but he still said honestly: "Been there."

Wang Mo: "Can you tell me, what do you think?"

The hiker said: "An ancient historical city, where you can feel the rise and fall of Chinese history and the flames of war. It can be said that Jinling is a city that can make people feel infinite emotions."

Wang Mo said: "You are right, I have also been to Jinling, and this is the feeling."

There was a pause.

Wang Mo's voice was high: "So, I have a poem about it here! It's the same as climbing to the west tower, and it's also "Happy Meeting". Please listen!"

The entire Douyin live broadcast room was quiet.

Even in the live broadcast rooms of other talented anchors, netizens stopped scrolling.

Only Wang Mo's energetic voice echoed:

"Please listen!"

""Happy Meeting: Going to the West Tower in Jinling City""

"The west tower of Jinling City is leaning against the clear autumn. The setting sun is shining down on the ground and the river is flowing."

"The Central Plains is in chaos, the hairpins are scattered, when will they be collected? The sad wind blows tears across Yangzhou."

Lang Lang's voice rippled in the live broadcast room.

Sonorous and powerful.


Invisibly, an inexplicable aura spread out with Wang Mo as the center, sweeping the entire audience.

In an instant, Feng Qi and Zhu Han, who had just sat down, felt as if they were struck by lightning, and they both suddenly stood up.

Other Shanshui Club members were also shocked by this poem.

If the first poem is sad, then this poem is full of pride.

If the first poem is lonely and sad, then this poem is full of hesitation.

If the first poem is about the love between children and children, then this poem is about the husband’s long journey to home and country!

The same word brand name.

The same words were recited by Wang Mo.

However, it produced two completely different effects.


What makes everyone even more uncomfortable is that the quality of the poem Wang Mo just read is still so high that they despair.

Feng Qi swallowed: "This..."

Zhu Han's eyes bulged: "Second ci? Still the same ci brand name? This..."

Still human?

Many people have difficulty composing a good poem in their lifetime.

But Xilou shot two songs!

Even the two poems have the same name, and they have completely different artistic conceptions, so the difficulty is doubled.

The host was dumbfounded for a moment.

Because the changes in front of her were completely beyond the flow of the show, she didn't know how to control it for a while.

Major live broadcast rooms.

Netizens are already outraged.

"my God!"

"Oh my god."

"What's happening here?"

"I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it."

"My mother asked me why I just stood up and then knelt down."

"Oh my god, what word?!"

"The setting sun for thousands of miles falls on the ground and the river flows... It's so majestic that it makes me want to cry."

"Xi Lou, are you going to defy heaven?"

"Pervert, how can an internet celebrity be so perverted?"


The poem read by Wang Mo was written by Zhu Dunru in the Song Dynasty.

Zhu Dunru is not very famous in the long history and culture. However, this poem expresses his deep patriotic feelings with a grand and profound artistic conception. It also allowed him to leave a place for himself in the Song Dynasty, a prosperous era when poets were like carps crossing the river.

Of course, in terms of the artistic conception and wording of the poem, Li Yu's "Meeting Happily" crushes Zhu Dunru, but if we look at the momentum and vastness of the poem, Zhu Dunru's poem clearly wins.

In particular, many male netizens naturally like heroic poetry.

A heroic poem is enough to make their blood boil.

Therefore, when Wang Mo finished reciting, the excitement in the hearts of these netizens was even greater than before.


Wang Mo's live broadcast room has been flooded with crazy netizen barrages.

Wang Mo didn't look at the barrage. He fixed his gaze on the hiker: "What do you think of this poem?"

The climber opened his mouth, but finally said: "Sir, you are a great talent, I am not as good as him."

After saying that, he bowed deeply to Wang Mo before sitting down.

What else can be said?

What else could he say?

Facing the second poem Wang Mo blurted out, he couldn't be arrogant no matter how arrogant he was.

Literary men must be arrogant and have strength.

If the gap between the two sides is not big, then the climber will have to be arrogant no matter what. After all, Wen Wu is the first.

But if the gap between the two sides is like a chasm, then if he is still arrogant, he is overestimating his own abilities and will only be laughed at.

The host finally came to his senses: "This...which..."

In the end, her eyes were fixed on the double guns: "Mr. Feng Qi, what do you think of the second poem Xilou just chanted? Can you comment on it?"

Feng Qi's face darkened.

Mad, is this host a professional?

I don’t want to comment!

How would you like to comment? What else can you say besides complimenting the other person?

However, in front of everyone, he still smiled: "My thoughts are the same as those of the hikers. Mr. Xilou is such a talented person, it has opened our eyes."

After saying that, he looked at Zhu Han.

Zhu Han's face just happened to turn around.

The two people's eyes met in the air, and they both saw the shock and worry deep in the other's eyes.

Reason for shock:

Where did this West Building come from?

It’s incredible that an Internet celebrity’s attainments in poetry can crush them all!

Reasons for worry:

Just now, they were confident enough to tell Xilou that they were waiting for each other in the second game.

But now it seems that the second game may be a bit unbearable.

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