Douyin’s official live broadcast room, Wuyan live broadcast room, and the live broadcast rooms of other talented anchors.

Netizens are still posting comments.

"Brothers, get ready to start taunting."

"Come on, let's take a guess, will Xilou's poems reveal their true colors?"

"Everyone, please be rational. Xilou is not like other anchors. He has real strength."

"Ha! Strength? How high is your strength? Is it high enough to compete with twin guns?"


Before the opening poem of Xilou was released, netizens would not go too far. But after the poems are released, as long as Xilou's performance is too poor, these Internet celebrities may immediately arouse the power in their hearts.


"Look! What's the content?"

"What the hell?"


"Depend on!"


The ancient power of netizens was not aroused. Looking at the poems appearing on the big screen, the content of the barrage suddenly became shorter and less.


In the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, time seemed to have stopped for a moment.

What’s really weird is Douyin’s official live broadcast room.

On the screen, all the people from the Shanshui Club had faint smiles on their faces just a moment ago.

There is indifference, arrogance, disdain, and confidence in this smile...

Some people are even ready to stand up and say something.


The next second, the smiles on the faces of everyone in the Shanshui Club, including Feng Qi and Zhu Han, suddenly froze. Everyone stared blankly at the words on the big screen, as if it was a static sketch of the human body.

Especially Feng Qi and Zhu Han.

Their mouths were wide open and their eyes almost bulged.

At this moment, the expressions of the two of them can almost become two classic emoticons.

After the host announced Xilou's lyrics, he then began to recite the full text in a melodious voice.

The words are very short, it can be said that it takes less than half a minute before the host finishes reciting them.

But not until she stopped.

All the guests from the Shanshui Society still maintained their stiff postures.

Of course, the expression changed and became richer.

There was shock.

There is confusion.


Finally, when the host coughed slightly and was about to speak.

Zhu Han breathed out, looked at the big screen again with a very complicated look, and then looked at the host: " the opening line of Xilou?"

The host said firmly: "Yes."

Zhu Han opened his mouth, closed it again, then opened his mouth again, and then sighed: "What a 'Lonely Wutong Deep Courtyard Lock Qingqiu'. Just the word "lock" makes people have endless aftertaste."

Next to him, Feng Qi finally had a reaction: "What a 'don't have a feeling in my heart'. My mood at this moment actually overlapped with this sentence. It's me who underestimates people, heroes come from young."

at this moment.

No matter how arrogant Feng Qi was in his heart, after seeing "Happy Meeting: Silently Going to the West Tower Alone", this arrogance disappeared without a trace, leaving only shock in his heart.

The same goes for Zhu Han. After he finished speaking, he fell into silence again, staring at the words on the big screen in a daze. No one knew what the poet was thinking in his heart.

The other members of the Shanshui Club were also silent.

A certain guest who wanted to stand up just now had already stepped back and had no intention of getting up again.


The barrage finally broke out.

"Damn it, this song!"

"Is this a word written by Xilou?"

"Oh my God!"

"I, a person who doesn't understand poetry, actually read it with gusto."

"Me too. The other poems I read today are all in a fog, and I can't tell whether they are good or bad. This is the only one, but the more I read it, the more I am addicted. The more I read it, the more I like it."

"You laymen may think this poem is very powerful. But in fact, we insiders have already knelt on the ground to worship it."

"With one word and two sentences, I actually read the classic flavor."

"Every sentence, even every word, is so classic."

"Yes, yes, that's what it means."


At this moment, in the live broadcast room of the West Building, the number of people who were originally 100,000+ suddenly ushered in a sudden surge again.

Countless netizens flocked in.

Barrages were floating like snowflakes one after another.

"Xilou, was this poem really written by you?"

"Damn it!"

"How awesome!"

"It makes my anus tighten."



But soon some people said that this poem was too resentful, full of cold desolation and endless loneliness, and it felt like there was a kind of nameless pain when it was read. How could a young-looking anchor like Xilou do this? To write such a poem?

Some people started to question.

But soon, someone else stood up and analyzed why Xilou wrote this poem.

A person named "Detective DJ" said: "When Xilou said "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms" in the live broadcast room, he said that he had experienced the darkest moments in his life, and had experienced depression and suicide. Emotionally, it was only after I came out of that period of pain that I came up with "Facing the Sea, Spring Flowers Blooming".

Obviously, this song "Happy Meeting·Speechless Alone on the West Tower" is most likely the work of Xilou at that time. It is hard to imagine how depressed and depressed Xilou was at that time.

But perhaps we have to thank Xilou for that experience that allowed him to write such a good poem.

I heard someone say: Classic literary works have always been a display of various life experiences. Now I somewhat understand the meaning of this sentence. "

This person's words were quickly forwarded by netizens.

Even Wang Mo was stunned for a while after seeing it: Is this okay?

Can this also be associated with each other?

Many netizens have already asked for confirmation in the live broadcast room.

"Xilou, is what Detective DJ said true?"

"Did you really write this poem during those painful days?"

“It turns out that this is how the anchor’s online name ‘Xilou’ came about.”

"Wow, wow, I'm so touched, I really want to hug the anchor."


Of course Wang Mo would not admit it. He was not that thick-skinned yet.

But he did not deny it, leaving enough room for imagination among netizens.

Aren’t many literary works more famous the more rich the imagination of future generations?

For example: Lu Xun's "There are two trees in front of my house, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree."

This sentence has been interpreted into several large sections by later generations.


Douyin official live broadcast room.

The host smiled and said: "Teacher Feng, Teacher Zhu, do you two have any opinions on the poem Xi Lou?"

Zhu Han shook his head and sat down without saying a word.

Feng Qize took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Is this why you suddenly changed the poster?"

The host was stunned and said subconsciously: "I'm not sure."

Feng Qi nodded: "That seems right. Please forgive me for being arrogant before, because I underestimated the anchors on Douyin. It can be said that based on this poem, there is indeed someone in Xilou PKing me and Lao Zhu The strength. The poster... deserves the title.”

Everyone was shocked again.

They didn't expect that Feng Qi would actually say such words.

Is this equivalent to personally admitting that one person from Xilou can compete with the two guns? !


Many media reporters and marketing accounts who stayed in the live broadcast room were shocked by Xilou's words just now. Now they were shocked again when they heard Feng Qi's words.

But then, they got excited.

Breaking news!

Teacher Feng Qi, one of the two great talents, actually personally admitted that an internet celebrity anchor had surpassed him. If this news were released, it would definitely cause shock in the industry.

But soon, Feng Qi said again: "But today is just the beginning. The 'Shanyin Cup' has three days. Only the exchanges in the next two days can show a person's true ability. Originally, this poetry exchange meeting, I thought Only Lao Lin is my opponent. But now it seems that I have to add Xilou. Very good, this is interesting, otherwise it will always be a battle between two guns, which will be too boring. Lao Zhu, what do you think? "

Zhu Han smiled slightly: "You are right."

Feng Qi also smiled and looked at the camera: "Xilou, I'm waiting for you in the next two exchanges!"

Zhu Han looked at Feng Qi, then stood up and looked at the camera: "Xilou, I'm waiting for you too."


The two of them sat down.

Just now, I was thinking about the reporters and marketing accounts who were preparing to write the press release, and my heart was shaking again.

Damn it?

Teacher Feng Qi and Teacher Zhu Han issued challenges to Xilou at the same time?

In everyone's eyes, the two of them agreed to fight in Xilou.

Two guns, challenge an internet celebrity!

Many people were shocked.

Even Wang Mo was slightly stunned when he heard what the two said in the live broadcast room.

But immediately, he felt a faint feeling of admiration in his heart: Both Feng Qi and Zhu Han were not only leaders in the poetry world, but also top figures in the literary world. Maybe they were not up to He Zhixing's level, but in the He is also considered a famous figure in the literary world. But at this moment, after seeing Wang Mo's poem, the two of them did not get angry or pretend to be arrogant. Instead, they immediately recognized the quality of the poem, sighed to themselves, and put down their bodies to challenge Wang Mo. .

Just this behavior and tolerance make him worthy of the word "literary gentleman".

And after hearing what Feng Qi and Zhu Han said.

Netizens became extremely excited again.

"Ahhh! Incredible!"

"Tonight's live broadcast, I was stunned."

"I didn't see the battle between the two guns, but I actually saw the two guns VS Xilou?"

"Oh my god, what's going to happen next?"

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Especially some of Wang Mo's idiot fans straightened their backs instantly.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was displayed vigorously and vigorously.

"The West Tower is invincible!"

“The West Tower is unparalleled in the world.”

"The West Tower has unified the world for thousands of years."

"Who else?"

"Who else is dissatisfied?!"

Someone even shouted: "What about those people who look down on Internet celebrities? Where are those trolls who were trolling Xilou just now? Stand up! Let me see your faces at this moment. Who says Internet celebrities are necessarily inferior to traditional literati? Who says anchors must be just for fame and reputation? Although other internet celebrity talent anchors are basically idiots, there is no doubt about this. But as long as we have one person from Xilou here, it is enough!"


At this moment, many netizens thought so in their excited hearts:

Facing the powerful Shanshui Club, one person from Xilou is enough for Douyin's anchor!

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