My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 135 Xilou’s poems? Announce it!

In this "Shanyin Cup" poetry exchange meeting, the live broadcast format of Douyin is divided into two types:

The first is the official live broadcast. In the official live broadcast room, the host invited 18 guests from the Shanshui Club. Among them, sitting at the front were the "Quick Gun" teacher Feng Qi and the "Silver Gun" teacher Zhu Han .

The expressions of the two people were calm, but there was murderous intent in their deep eyes.

Behind them, the 16 members of the Shanshui Club were astonishingly imposing, and all of them had sharp eyes.

Obviously, it's not a good thing.

The second type is Internet celebrity anchors. The 27 anchors who participated in the event each started live broadcasts.

At the same time, Douyin’s official live broadcast room received the live broadcasts of 27 anchors and projected them on the large screen at the scene.


The number of people in the official live broadcast room of "Sanyin Cup" has reached more than 1 million.

The barrage was dense.

It can be seen that this event caused quite a stir.

Even in a live broadcast room with 27 anchors, the minimum number of people is more than 10,000.

Especially "Xilou", which was pushed to the forefront by Douyin this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is impressively 100,000+.

This is the first time the number of people in the West Tower live broadcast room has exceeded 100,000!

Netizens were even more enthusiastic than the official live broadcast room.

"Xilou, come on!"

"Xilou, I will always support you!"

This is a crazy fan, and before you know it... there are already crazy fans in the West Building.

However, there are only a few idiot fans.

The barrage at this moment was slightly unfriendly.

"Come and see, what kind of anchor actually dares to be on an equal footing with Teacher Feng Qi and Teacher Zhu Han."

"And you're wearing a mask? It scares dad to death."

"Who gave you the courage to challenge the two guns?"

"It's so funny, today's Internet celebrities really don't know how high the sky is."

"Xi Lou still has some culture, which can be seen from a poem he wrote before. But compared with the two guns, there is still a big gap."

"Xilou, let's be humble and admit our mistake to Shuangqiang in front of the camera."


Wang Mo, who was used to seeing big winds and waves, didn't care at all about these barrages.

His eyes were fixed on Douyin's official live broadcast room.

At this moment, the poetry exchange meeting has officially begun.

After the host made a simple opening statement, he got to the point: "This 'Shanyin Cup' exchange meeting is divided into three days. The exchange content on the first day is mainly the 'opening poem'. The second day is for free play Time. On the third day, write poetry for the proposition.

Today is the first day, so the content is: appreciation of the opening poem.

The 45 guests who participated in the exchange meeting have already submitted their "opening poems" to us in advance. The requirements for writing poetry this time are: write a poem based on your online name or pen name.

Now, let us take a look at what wonderful content these guests have submitted. "

Speaking of which.

The barrage was boiling.

"I want to read Teacher Feng Qi's works."

"I want to see Teacher Zhu Han's works."

"Announce it now and see whose poem is better."

"Double guns!"

"Double guns!"

Sure enough, the battle between the two guns was the most popular.

The host looked at Feng Qi and Zhu Han and smiled: "Teacher Feng, Teacher Zhu, netizens are most interested in your two works. Do you two have anything to say?"

Zhu Han shook his head and remained silent.

Feng Qize said calmly: "I am more interested in the works of 'Xi Lou'."

In a word, it is full of gunpowder.

Barrage flew up.

"Teacher Feng has such sharp words."

"These words are too targeted."

"Hahaha, Teacher Feng is obviously angry."

"Who wouldn't be angry? Teacher Feng, as China's top literati, was actually compared with an Internet celebrity by Douyin. Teacher Feng has a good temper, but if it were me, he would have left long ago."


The host didn't seem to hear the aggression in Feng Qi's words. He smiled slightly and said, "Teacher Feng, please don't worry. Xilou's works will be announced later like others."

At this time.

Zhu Han suddenly said: "Host, what is the order in which you announce the opening poems? Randomly? Or is there a sequential order?"

The host said: "First announce the works of the anchors, and then announce the works of the Shanshui Club guests."

This is the established process that Douyin has already set.

However, Zhu Han shook his head: "Let's announce our Shanshui Club first."

Feng Qi also said: "Yes, let us announce it first."


There was hesitation on the host's face.

The process of setting up the process before was because Douyin knew that there was a huge gap in the quality of works between internet celebrity anchors and Shanshui Club members.

Announcement of the anchor's works first, without other works for comparison, can at least prevent netizens from feeling a psychological gap in advance.

But if the Shanshui Club's poems were released first, with Zhuyu first, and then the anchors' works were seen in comparison, netizens would probably feel as if they had just eaten a seafood dinner and were immediately stuffed with shit.

Feng Qi said calmly: "What? Are you in trouble?"


What he wants is to make netizens feel the gap between the two sides.

Let people know what it means to be a literati! What is internet celebrity!

Let people know whether Internet celebrities are qualified to compete with them!

When the host was in a dilemma, Jiang Liang's voice came from the headset: "It doesn't matter, just follow Teacher Feng's wishes."

After hearing this, the host nodded: "Okay, then I will announce the poems of Shanshui Society first."


He clicked on the big screen.

Immediately, a name appeared on the screen: Shanshui Club-Changge.

Then the camera shifted to a young man with long hair and ancient clothes in the guest area.

When the young man saw his name, he stood up, smiled slightly and cupped his hands in front of the camera, his scholarly temperament springing out.

follow closely.

One of his poems appeared on the big screen.

The host began to read in a measured voice.

It is a seven-character quatrain, especially the sentence "Toast three jugs of wine and play a long song for you", which aroused everyone's amazement.

Even Wang Mo nodded secretly. This man named "Chang Ge" was only at the "rising" level of the Shanshui Club, but he was so powerful.

The Shanshui Club truly deserves its reputation.

The second person is: Shanshui Society-Zhu Ying.

This man is a middle-aged man with a somewhat honest smile on his face, but the poems he writes are anything but honest.

One sentence: "Where the candle shadow flickers in the red light, Luo Shang ripples into the dream" has made many people imagine it, and at the same time it has also been greatly praised.


It's the third person, the fourth person... When all the opening poems of the sixteen Shanshui Club members were announced, except for the two guns, the barrage in the major live broadcast rooms had already turned into snowflakes all over the sky.

"Too powerful!"

"Oh my God, the poems written are so beautiful."

"I feel the beauty of poetry."

“Shanshui Club deserves its reputation!”


The more this happens, the more people become more curious about the works of Feng Qi and Zhu Han.

The comments in each live broadcast room gradually formed a unified comment.

"Double guns!"

"Double guns!"

"Double guns!"

The host knew that there was no need to delay, so he simply released a five-character quatrain and an ancient poem by Feng Qi and Zhu Han one after another.

One person's name is: Jiao Xia Ke.

One person's name is: self-restraint.

The two of them are indeed masters of poetry, and their poetry is a level higher than that of the previous members of the Shanshui Club, both in terms of wording and conception.

Many netizens don’t understand why they see it because they don’t know how to appreciate it.

But some netizens who have studied poetry began to praise it generously.

"As expected of a pair of guns."

"Just now I thought other Shanshui Society's poems were good enough, until I saw these two poems."

“It’s so well written, and the more you taste it, the better it tastes.”

"Once the two guns are released, they will be crushed!"

"Who do you think will win this time?"

"I think Teacher Feng Qi's quatrains are better."

"But I think Teacher Zhu Han's words have a deeper meaning."

"It's begun, the battle between the two guns has officially begun. It was so fierce but evenly matched on the first day!"

“It’s so exciting!”

"Damn it, the tone of voice upstairs doesn't sound like a local? I suggest a strict investigation!"


After announcing the poems of Shuangqiang, the host rested for about ten minutes, and then began to announce the poems of the anchors.

The first anchor: Liuyun.

On Douyin, Liu Yun is a talented anchor with more than one million fans. He is very popular because he likes to compose words and sentences, and speaks with great literary talent. He has also written several poems in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the number of people in his live broadcast room has exceeded 50,000.

"Haha, it's time to reach Liuyun."

"Liu Yun, come on!"

"If you don't seek to surpass the twin guns, just defeat the others in the Shanshui Society."

"I just read Shanshui Society's poems, and I feel like that. Liuyun will definitely not lose to them!"

In the pursuit of fans.

The host has announced Liuyun's poem, which is a modern poem.

In the eyes of many people who do not understand literature, they simply cannot appreciate the level of modern poetry.

However, among the netizens watching the live broadcast today, there are many people with profound literary attainments.

Many people were immediately confused when they saw Liu Yun's poem.

To ordinary people, at first glance, this modern poem seems to be very beautiful. It is packed with words, catchy to read, and rhymes like a B-box.

However, in the eyes of professionals, this modern poem has almost no artistic conception, the words are piled up in a mess, and the rhymes are forced.

"What the hell is this?"

"Modern poetry? Stop being ridiculous!"


Someone has already popularized in the comment area what modern poetry is: Although modern poetry is not limited to format and rhythm, it also has the artistic characteristics of poetry, such as the use of lyrical means, allusions, conception and expression techniques, etc. Branch lines require that the meaning of the sentence is complete and can exist independently, that it is sufficient to show a certain tone and posture, and that special and specific time, persons and events are explained...

If you only think that modern poetry is just a branch of a random sentence, then this modern poetry is a meaningless joke.

Judging from Liu Yun's modern poem, Liu Yun did not even understand the basic connotation of modern poetry.

This modern poem is like garbage!

Those words turned the barrage upside down.

Many people have realized that there is a huge gap between Liu Yun’s poems and the poems written by Shanshui Club guests just now!


What happened next made netizens feel shocked.

Talking about ink and laughing, who writes the pen, holding the wind and clouds in hand, rising and falling in the sea of ​​clouds... the opening poems of various internet celebrities were announced one by one by the host.

However, none of these poems are of high quality.

There are even some poems that even netizens find unpalatable.

Several anchors didn't even understand the basic tones and rhymes.

Seeing the poems written by these anchors, many people were heartbroken.

"Is this the level of an internet celebrity?"

"Oh my god, not even as good as my son."

"Brother, you should at least rhyme your seven-character quatrains."

“How on earth did these people become talented anchors?”

"Oh, this is even funnier. I actually wrote an acrostic poem using my own online name. This acrostic poem was probably generated by Baidu, and there are famous lines in it. Hahaha..."

"I've said it before, no internet celebrity is real."



Even greater agitation swept away in the barrage.

"At this level, you are still bragging that you want to compete with Shanshui Society?"

"It's ridiculous to even think about it."

"Before I saw the poems written by Internet celebrities, I really thought they could compete with Shanshui Society. Otherwise Douyin would not have made such posters. As it turned out, Douyin really treated us as fools."


Douyin’s official live broadcast room has already been flooded with saliva from netizens.

Hundreds of barrages pop up every second.

Live in the live broadcast room.

All the members of Shanshui Club had faint smiles on their faces. They already knew what happened in the live broadcast room from their mobile phones.

One person snorted coldly and wanted to stand up and speak.

Feng Qi grabbed him and said, "Don't worry, there are still poems from Xilou that haven't been announced. It's not too late to wait until the host announces everyone's poems."


Among all the anchors, only Xilou’s poems have not been published.

Barrage poured out like a flood.

"Hurry up and announce the West Building."

"What? You don't have the nerve to show us Xilou's poems?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I want to see what Xilou uses to fight against the twin guns."

"That's ridiculous!"

"hurry up!"

"hurry up!"

Looking at the excited netizens, the well-trained professional host still had a faint smile on his face: "Okay, now let's take a look at the work of the last anchor and the last guest today, Xi Lou. Please see..."

As her words fell.

On the big screen, a word came into view:

Happy meeting·Walking alone to the west building without words

Author: Xilou

Silently, I went up to the west tower alone, the moon was like a hook. The lonely Wutong deep courtyard locks Qingqiu.

Continuous cutting and confusion remain, which is the sadness of separation and separation, the ordinary feeling in the heart.

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