My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 134 Are you crazy? West Tower VS Double Gun?

[Ding, there is a new email in your mailbox, please check it].

Seeing the email prompt, Jiang Liang took a deep breath before opening the email.


Open the email.

"God bless you."

Jiang Liang muttered something silently in his mind, and then saw a poem lying quietly in the new email.

The title of the poem is: "Happy Meeting·Walking Up to the West Tower Alone without Words".

"Huh? Happy meeting?"

Jiang Liang's eyes were slightly surprised.

With Jiang Liang's literary background, he certainly knew that "Meeting Happily Ever After" was the name of the poem. He was surprised that few modern literati would use this word card to write lyrics.

But just the first sentence moved him again.

"Speechless, I went up to the West Tower alone."

In just six words, it outlines a lonely, desolate and sad artistic conception.

Jiang Liang swallowed. In his opinion, just these six words could instantly kill all other anchors' works.

Looking down, two short sentences came into view.

Just a glance, so to speak.

Jiang Liang took in the entire poem.

"Speechless, I went up to the west tower alone, the moon was like a hook. The lonely phoenix tree locked the autumn in the deep courtyard."

"Continuous cutting and confusion are the symptoms of separation and divorce, and not the ordinary feeling in my heart."


Jiang Liang just sat in front of the computer, feeling numb.

When he saw Feng Qi's poem, he was filled with admiration.

When he saw Zhu Han's words, he touched his hands with emotion.

At this moment, Jiang Liang didn't know how to describe the complicated feelings in his heart when he saw the song "Happy Meeting" written by Xilou.

Read it again.

Watched it again.

Jiang Liang found that when he read this poem, he felt like he was losing his temper.

Nothing else.

He was so shocked that he couldn't bear it anymore.

There was only one thought in my mind: Was this written by Xi Lou? Isn’t this really the words of some great ancient poet dug out of some ancient tomb?

"Brother Jiang?"

"Brother Jiang?"

After his subordinates shouted several times, Jiang Liang shook his head and looked up at the other party: "Have you read Xilou's words?"

The subordinate was stunned for a moment: "No, is Xilou writing lyrics?"


Jiang Guangming nodded and pointed to the screen: "Take a look."

The subordinate leaned his head over and took a few glances. His breathing became obviously rapid: "This... this poem..."

A few minutes later.

In the office area, the entire "Shanyin Cup" team has already spread the word about this song.

Not on the web.

Instead, everyone holds a printed copy of "Happy Meeting·Speechless Alone on the West Tower". It seems that only after printing it out can one feel its impact.

Everyone looked at the words in their hands and fell silent for a moment.

Finally, a colleague clenched his fist and said, "This word... is really awesome!"

Rough words.

But many people don't think it's inappropriate, and even think that only by speaking like this can they express the almost explosive restlessness in their hearts.

Office area.

Following this colleague's foul language, the situation exploded instantly.

"Fuck, this song."

"It makes my head spin when I read it."

"What a 'Lonely Wutong Deep Courtyard Locking Qingqiu', absolutely amazing!"

"The last sentence is the best."

"Every word is the essence."

"Let's put it this way, you have to explain some words before I can know where they are classics. Some words, no matter how well you explain them, I still think they are rubbish. But this poem, as a person who doesn't understand literature, I can feel it shaking my soul.”

“The more I read, the more endless the artistic conception becomes.”

"It's just too sad. What kind of things did the author go through to write such words?"


Soon, everyone's focus of discussion focused on another matter.

"If you compare this poem with the poems of Teacher Feng Qi and Teacher Zhu Han, which one is better?"

"No comparison."

"Oh? Do you think the two-gun version is stronger?"

"You said the opposite."

"I don't think there is any comparison. I also read Shuangqiang's works, and I just admire and appreciate them. But in this poem, I feel the throbbing of my soul."

"Oh my God, if that's the case, then this 'Shanyin Cup' will probably be even more exciting."


Talking and talking.

All eyes were focused on supervisor Jiang Liang.

Jiang Liang took a deep breath and his expression regained his composure: "Send two planners to tailor a promotional plan specifically for the 'Shanyin Cup' in Xilou. Remember, the core of the planning plan must tell others one thing: We Douyin anchors are not all trying to gain fame, but we are all crouching tigers, hidden dragons!"


The two little girls who were doing the planning agreed.

Under Jiang Liang's calm expression, his tumbling heart became even more passionate.

Originally, in this "Shanyin Cup", he wanted to use the talents of Shanshui Club to add some cultural charm to Douyin. Therefore, the focus of planning is all on Shanshui Club.

In particular, the battle between Feng Qi and Zhu Han is a top priority.

As for Douyin’s internet celebrity anchor?

Jiang Liang never thought of doing any publicity or promotion for them.

Without him!

Jiang Liang really has no idea. Forcibly promoting these anchors will only make people ridicule: What level are these anchors? Dare you stand with the members of the Shanshui Club?

but now!

Who says Internet celebrities are inferior to chickens?

Who said that the battle between two guns was the ultimate showdown this time?

not necessarily!

Jiang Liang felt a little excited.

The work efficiency of the Douyin department cannot be said to be low.

After three hours.

On Douyin’s event page about the “Shanyin Cup”, its huge promotional poster suddenly changed.

It turned out that the poster was a cool poster of Feng Qi VS Zhu Han. The two bosses stood on one side and looked at each other with sharp eyes. Their backgrounds were other members of the Shanshui Club participating in the event.

There are eight sharp characters written on the poster: In a battle between two guns, who will compete? !

As for Douyin’s talented anchor?

Not even qualified to be in the background.

But now, the poster has changed.

The new poster is divided into red and blue sides.

On the red side, there are figures of Feng Qi and Zhu Han working side by side, with 16 members of the Shanshui Club standing behind them.

On the blue side is Xilou wearing a mask, and behind him are 26 talented anchors.

Red VS Blue!

In the center, a flame burns! .

Several majestic characters glowed in the flames: Douyin Talent Anchor VS Shanshui Club, the war is about to begin!

At this moment, Douyin is promoting the "Shanyin Cup" across the entire network.

Therefore, after the poster was updated, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

As expected, there was a chorus of exclamations.

"What the hell?"

"I go?"

"Here I go, what did I see?"

"This poster is so crazy!"

"Are you crazy? Xilou VS Double Gun?"

"How brave is Douyin to make such a poster?"

I have to say that the smell of gunpowder displayed on the poster is too strong.

Especially in the eyes of almost all netizens, Douyin's talented anchors are not qualified to stand with Shanshui Club, but now Douyin actually put them on the same poster, and made a red-blue decisive battle.

Who wouldn't be shocked when seeing a poster like this?

After the manager's initial exclamation, many netizens finally couldn't help it.

"Douyin, when you make posters, can you be a little more realistic?"

"Oh, I'm embarrassed to see this poster."

"What the hell? A bunch of Internet celebrities want to fight against Feng Qi and Teacher Zhu Han?"

"The funniest thing is that the poster even says it's 1 V 2. One person in the west building challenges two guns. It makes me laugh to death."

"Hahaha, ask those Internet celebrities, do they dare?"

"Xi Lou: I didn't dare, I didn't, I knelt down..."

"Originally, the previous poster was quite good. What I was most looking forward to was the battle between the two guns. Now when I look at this poster, I just feel funny."


Scolds are scolded.

But after Douyin changed the poster.

The popularity of "Shanyin Cup" has become even higher.

There were even many marketing accounts that forwarded the posters in a sarcastic tone, accompanied by various mocking texts.


The wind blew the leaves and spread all over the Internet in an instant.

Because Yunhai Media is well-informed.

So Wang Mo soon learned about this from Yuan Xiong. He opened Douyin and saw the poster of his duel with Feng Qi and Zhu Han. He suddenly blinked: "The art is of good quality and the poster is very beautiful."

Yuan Xiong was angry: "Brother, this is not the focus of your attention. The point is why Douyin puts you in such a conspicuous position? This will not do you any good!"

Wang Mo spread his hands: "Perhaps that's why I sent the opening words?"

Yuan Xiongxin paused and said quickly: "What words did you send to them?"

"Here, that's it."

Wang Mo opened the mailbox and pointed at the contents of the mail.

Yuan Xiong looked at it intently, and after about half a minute, he suddenly looked at the poster seriously again, and then nodded seriously: "Well, the poster is really beautiful."

At the same time, many members of the Shanshui Society also learned about the poster.

The crowd was excited.


"Douyin, this is a naked humiliation."

"Put Teacher Feng and Teacher Zhu on posters and compete with a group of Internet celebrities?"

"The most unbearable thing is that Teacher Feng and Teacher Zhu only stand on one side. Does Douyin mean that the so-called internet celebrity 'Xi Lou' can fight against two teachers?"

"I can't bear it anymore!"

"I suggest you not go to the exchange meeting. Douyin doesn't respect us at all!"


Neither Feng Qi nor Zhu Han spoke.

Feng Qi's face was very ugly, so gloomy that he could make water flow out of his face.

Only Zhu Han was relatively calm.

After a while, hearing that everyone's anger was getting stronger and stronger, Zhu Han finally said: "Everyone, please be patient. We are all old people who have been immersed in literature for many years. As the saying goes: Reading makes people calm. Is it possible that now? Just a poster makes us upset?”

After hearing this, everyone calmed down a little.

But many people still looked bad.

One person stood up and said, "It's not that we are unstable, it's that Douyin disrespects us too much."

Zhu Han said with a smile: "Perhaps Douyin did this just for a publicity stunt. Respect or disrespect cannot be seen from a poster. If we want them to respect us and all netizens to respect us, then We will show what we should be capable of in the next exchange meeting. Let everyone see whether those Internet celebrities are qualified to stand opposite us and compete with us!"

Feng Qi took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes and said, "Yes, only with enough strength can you get enough respect. But without strength, you should also bear the corresponding consequences!"

"Yes, give these people some color the day after tomorrow."

"Especially that Xilou, let's see what he is really capable of."

"When the time comes, don't blame me for speaking too sharply!"

"They were the ones who didn't give me face in the first place."

“If it weren’t for the bonus, I would have given up long ago.”


All members of the Shanshui Society were ignited by a poster.

Originally, for the sake of the generous bonus, they thought that if the atmosphere of the exchange meeting was good, they might be able to give some pointers to these internet celebrity anchors.

but now.


Give me a break.

There was also a commotion on the Internet.


The time came at eight o'clock on Friday night.

On this day, the Douyin "Shanyin Cup" officially started live broadcast!

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