In order to promote the "Shanyin Cup", Douyin has been advertising on the platform for several days.

But at the beginning, its advertisements were pushed accurately, and only netizens who were interested in literature and poetry could see the advertisements.

Until the event countdown enters two or three days.

Douyincai just started large-scale publicity on the entire Internet.

Immediately, the popularity of "Shanyin Cup" surged.

Many netizens flocked to the event page and discussed it with great interest.

Especially some students who are interested in literature or in the literature department of universities were even more excited when they saw that Feng Qi and Zhu Han also participated.

"What the hell, Teacher Feng and Teacher Zhu?"

"These two are real giants in the world of poetry. Their works are included in many poetry collections I have read."

"For middle school extracurricular reading, the works of these two teachers have never been absent."

Some people have already started to educate netizens who don’t know what’s going on.

Netizen "Butterfly" said: "Teacher Feng Qi is known as a fast gun because he writes poems very quickly and of high quality. Teacher Zhu Han is known as a silver gun. Every poem he writes is as unique as silver." As bright as light. The two teachers usually compete in extracurricular readings, magazines, and literary meetings, and each has his own victory or defeat.

It can be said that wherever two people appear, there will definitely be a fight. Therefore, the confrontation between the two is called: the battle of two guns.

This time, the two teachers participated in the Shanyin Cup at the same time, and it seemed that there was another exciting showdown. "


Someone else posted the work of two teachers in the video.

At this time, many netizens screamed in surprise.

“Oh my god, ‘Screen Window’ is actually the work of Mr. Feng Qi?”

"When I was a child, this song 'The Secret of the Stone' has always been my nightmare in extracurricular reading. Today I found out that it was written by Teacher Zhu Han."

"They are really all great gods."

"It's not just these two teachers, the other dozen or so members of the Shanshui Club are all very good."


It can be said that the discussions among netizens are almost all focused on the "double gun dispute" and other Shanshui Club members.

Internet celebrity?

Ninety-nine percent of netizens subconsciously ignored them.

Only a few people posted a few comments.

"It seems like there are some talented people among Internet celebrities, right?"

"Yeah, things like Talking about Mo Xiaoyu and Holding the Wind and Cloud in Hands are all good. I've seen the poems they wrote in the live broadcast room. Anyway, I think they are very artistic."

"The really powerful one is 'West Tower', right?"

"Yes, Xilou is a really good talent. The last performance of "Facing the Sea, Spring Flowers Blooming" really warmed my heart."


But at this time, even the crazy fans of "Xi Lou" didn't think that Xi Lou had the ability to compete with the poetry masters of Shanshui Society.

In their opinion, Xilou was probably at best comparable to a first-level "fledgling" member of the Shanshui Club.

But this time, among the people coming from the Shanshui Club, the most recent one is a second-level "emerging person"!

Nothing beats wow.


The team in charge of the "Shanyin Cup" is busy preparing for the exchange meeting.

Supervisor Jiang Liang was flipping through something in front of the computer and asked the subordinate next to him: "Has the list of people participating in the live broadcast been determined?"

The subordinate nodded: "Everything has been confirmed. There are still 18 people participating in the Shanshui Club, and there is no change. There are 27 anchors on the Douyin side participating, of which the two anchors, Xilou and Squinting Sleep, were confirmed today."

Jiang Liang said: "Very good, although this time's Shanshui Club is centered on Shanshui Club, the participation of Internet celebrities is also very important, because they need to live broadcast and promote it. By the way, Shanshui Club and the anchor's opening Have you sent all the poems?”

"There are still five people who haven't been sent yet."

"Hurry up."


After the subordinates agreed, they began to make phone calls one by one.

As for Jiang Liang, he picked up a copy of the "Shanyin Cup" exchange meeting process and double-checked whether there were any mistakes.

This exchange meeting is divided into three days and has three processes:

first day--

All members participating in the exchange meeting will prepare an opening poem in advance. Its requirements are: Please write a poem or poem under your pen name/screen name, and use this poem to explain the origin of your pen name.

Therefore, this opening poem is everyone’s ticket to the exchange meeting.

Whether the opening poem is well written or not will determine whether it is good or not.

the next day--

Everyone can express themselves freely, they can write poems or lyrics. Whether it is ancient poetry or modern poetry, as long as you use your best ability, you can even produce satisfactory works that you have never published before.

Therefore, the next day is considered the day when everyone shows their strongest abilities.

The third day——

The real test is coming. On this day, Douyin will join forces with Shanshui Society to come up with a question on the spot, and even netizens can participate in the question. Then let everyone compose poems on the spot according to the topic requirements.

It can be said that this day is the most test of everyone's on-the-spot reaction and poetry skills.

The three-day exchange meeting was each exciting in its own way.

And at this moment.

Jiang Liang has received the opening poems from most of the participants in advance.

As a top student who graduated from the Literature Department of the Northern Qing Dynasty, although Jiang Liang's attainments in poetry are not as good as those of Feng Qi, Zhu Han and other big names, if he joins the Shanshui Society, he will at least be at the "up-and-coming" level.

At this moment, he was looking through the opening poems of dozens of people on the computer.

I was filled with emotion.

"As expected of a member of the Shanshui Society, every poem is written extremely delicately. Some are soul-stirring, some are tactful and plaintive, some are upright, and some are low-key and restrained."

What impressed him even more was the poetry of Feng Qi and Zhu Han.

Feng Qi's pen name is "Jiao Xia Ke".

In a five-character quatrain, he wrote about the atmosphere of the banana tree and the ancient image of himself floating out of the dust.

Zhu Han's pen name is "Conservation".

This pen name is obviously based on his own name. In a poem, Zhu Han wrote about what "cultivation" means and the deeper meaning contained in the two words.

A five-character quatrain.

An ancient poem.

Jiang Liang was so impressed by the works of the two that he repeatedly praised them: "Double Guns is well-deserved. These two poems can easily be included in this year's excellent poetry anthology."

But when he focused on the works of a number of Internet celebrity anchors.

A silent sigh.

The difference is too obvious.

Most of the works of more than 20 anchors are just a pile of rhetoric.

If you are someone who doesn’t understand poetry, it seems to be pretty good.

But friends who know a little bit about poetry will be able to see that not to mention the connotation and artistic conception of these works, many of them cannot even follow the basic rules of rhythm and rhyme.

There are only two or three poems, which are barely qualified.

But Jiang Liang can also understand. After all, they are Internet celebrity anchors. Are they really allowed to compete with the masters of Shanshui Club?

But despite thinking this way, deep down in his heart, Jiang Liang still hopes that there will be an anchor on the Douyin platform who can compete head-on with the members of the Shanshui Club.

Even if it is against the lowest-ranking member of the Shanshui Club this time, it will be enough.

After all, this is an event organized by Douyin. If all the talented anchors perform too poorly, then Douyin's official reputation will be somewhat unsatisfactory.

But now it seems.

It's because I think too much.

Rubbed his eyes.

Jiang Liang asked his subordinates again: "Have the works of the remaining five people been sent over?"

Subordinate: "Four people have already sent it, and only Xilou said to wait."

After speaking, his subordinates forwarded the works of the four people to Jiang Liang.

All four are anchors.

Jiang Liang quickly finished browsing, with a look of disappointment still on his face. None of the four works were up to standard.

Just when he was about to turn off the computer and close his eyes to rest for a while, he remembered what his subordinates said, and his heart moved slightly: "West Tower? Which one says about the West Tower with spring flowers blooming?"

Staff: "Yes."

When Jiang Liang heard this, his eyes lit up.

As for the anchor Xilou, he has followed him before, because there are too few people on Douyin who can reach millions of fans through live broadcasts purely by relying on talent, and Xilou is the only exception.

In addition, the poem "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms" was widely circulated on the Internet, so Jiang Liang knew that this anchor was indeed somewhat talented.

Not like some people who are just trying to gain fame.

The last bit of expectation ignited in his heart: "I hope Xilou can be more impressive and save some face for the Douyin anchor. It doesn't need to be that the poems he writes are amazing, as long as the level is comparable to the 'up-and-coming' members of the Shanshui Club." "

Think of this.

Jiang Liang said to his subordinates: "If you urge Xilou again, give me his poems as soon as possible."


The men agreed.

When Wang Mo was urged by Douyin official staff, he learned that participating in the "Shanyin Cup" actually required him to write an opening poem in advance.

"Write a poem under your own pen name or online name?"

He chewed on the words.


This question didn't seem to be difficult for him.

Even though the system did not give him ancient poems, Wang Mo knew that several classic poems contained the word "西楼" based on the accumulated knowledge he had learned in his previous life.

for example:

Who in the clouds sent brocade books? When Yan Zi returns, the moon is full on the west tower.

Mo Yun dragged the rain across the west tower. The water flows eastward and the smoke collects in the evening.

From then on, I had no intention of loving the good night and let him go down to the west tower under the bright moon.


In Wang Mo's opinion, any one of these classic poems is enough to make a difference.

But which one is best to take out?

But he still couldn't make a decision.

After struggling for a while, Wang Mo suddenly blinked: "What am I struggling with? The task given to me by the system is to get first place, so of course I have to go all out."

How to go all out, of course, is to come up with the most classic.

"In this case, my friends from the Shanshui Society... I'm sorry."

Wang Mo muttered something silently in his mind, then opened the mailbox and started typing on the keyboard.

""Happy Meeting·Speechlessly Going to the West Tower Alone""

"Speechless, I went up to the west tower alone, the moon was like a hook. The lonely phoenix tree locked the autumn in the deep courtyard."

"Continuous cutting and confusion are the symptoms of separation and divorce, and not the ordinary feeling in my heart."


knock off.

Click Send.

Sent successfully.


Jiang Liang just wanted to close his eyes and rest.

Then he heard his subordinates shout in surprise: "Brother Jiang, Xilou's poems have been sent over."


When Jiang Liang heard this, he immediately lost all sleepiness.

He immediately said: "Quick, send it to me!"

At the same time, Jiang Liang became extremely uneasy and silently said: Try to be more angry, don’t be too bad, don’t be too bad...

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