My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 132 This is an exhibition match of

At this moment, the number of people in the West Tower live broadcast room has reached more than 50,000.

Seeing that Xilou didn't respond for a long time.

In the live broadcast room, netizens’ comments began to become extreme.


"Turns out he is really a coward, but I thought he was really talented."

"It has been identified that this anchor is a hype man and has no real talent or learning at all."

"Hahaha, do you really believe that an internet celebrity is literate?"

"Let's break up. It's boring."



In the world, the easiest people to sway are netizens.

When Xilou wrote "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms", many netizens praised him to the sky.

But now Xilou just didn't have time to sign up for the "Sanyin Cup" exchange meeting, and he was almost scolded.

Wang Mo has long been accustomed to the fickleness of netizens.

Seeing that if he doesn't agree again, his ancestors will be turned over for eighteen generations.

Wang Mo stopped delaying and clicked the "Agree" button at the bottom of the invitation letter.

Then, a small box pops up on the page: "Thank you 'Xi Lou', you have agreed to participate in the 'Shanyin Cup' Poetry and Culture Exchange Conference. Please start the live broadcast on time at 8pm on the 25th, and we will connect you to the live broadcast at that time On-site, participate in the exchange meeting with everyone.”

Without saying anything, Wang Mo took a screenshot of the boxed information and posted it on the public screen in the live broadcast room.

The content of the message was more effective than anything he said.

The next second.

The more than 50,000 netizens in the live broadcast room paused.


Even more messy.

"Hey, do you agree to participate?"

"Hahaha, I just said it's impossible for Xilou not to participate."

"Xi Lou! Xi Lou! I will always support you."

"Xilou slapped the troll in the face again."

"Hahaha, a slap in the face? I think Xilou participated because he had no choice, right?"

"That's right, I probably knew that if I didn't participate, my account would be invalidated. So I had no choice but to agree."

"It's useless to participate. I'll probably die on the 25th."


In the barrage, you can talk about anything.

Some yelled, "Come on."

Some are still spraying.

Wang Mo also knew that netizens would not be able to stay quiet no matter what content he broadcast live today, so he simply said a few words and then went off the air.

Just aired.

Yuan Xiong came up to him: "Ah Mo, are you really going to participate in this so-called 'Shanyin Cup'?"

Wang Mo nodded: "You have seen the content of the barrage in the comment area just now. In that case, it won't work if I don't participate."


Yuan Xiong frowned: "Shanshui Club is a real place where dragons and tigers are hidden. I just found someone to find out. The registration of this forum is divided into five levels.

They are: a fledgling, a rising star, a gifted scholar, a master of poetry, and a master of the literary world.

Ordinary people can't even enter the forum. Only old people in the forum send invitations to have the opportunity to register as a "newcomer" on the forum.

Even the lowest "freshman" is not inferior to the top students in 985 in terms of poetry.

Those who can make it to the second level of 'prominence' on the forum are usually somewhat famous in life, and are at least a high school Chinese teacher.

As for the third-level ‘talented scholar’, they are all well-known literati who have published poetry collections.

The fourth-level ‘Poetry Masters’ are all famous figures in today’s literary world. "

Wang Mo asked: "What about the fifth level?"

Yuan Xiong said: "The fifth-level 'Zongheng Literary Circle' are the big names in the literary world. Of course, in the entire Shanshui Society, there are only three people who have reached the fifth level. I heard that these three people were invited by the Shanshui Society. Basically never showed up on the forum.

This time in the ‘Shanyin Cup’, there is news that the Shanshui Club has two fourth-level ‘Poetry Masters’, five third-level ‘Fangcaizi’ and eleven second-level ‘up-and-coming’ talents.

Don't forget that there are no fifth-level bosses participating.

But even if the 'Poetry Master' doesn't take action, just a third-level 'Yifang Talent' is enough to sweep the Douyin District. "

Wang Mo secretly smacked his tongue: "So powerful?"

Yuan Xiong smiled and said: "There are specialties in the arts. These people have been immersed in poetry all year round. Basically, they can recite a good poem with just a painting or a photo. So it is normal for them to be so good. .”

Wang Mo thought so.

Yuan Xiong continued: "So, I think if you go to participate in the Shanyin Cup, like other Internet celebrity talents, you will most likely be just a foil on the day of the live broadcast. And those who can really shine on the live broadcast are probably all You are a member of the Shanshui Club. This is equivalent to the Shanyin Cup poetry and cultural exchange meeting on the 25th. You all have to stand aside because it will become an exhibition competition of the Shanshui Club."

Wang Mo smiled: "Since Internet celebrities are just foils, why does Douyin still hold such an event?"


Yuan Xiong snapped his fingers: "Douyin has grown too fast and has now become the world's largest unicorn company, but its foundation is not good. So in the past year or two, Douyin has been crazy about various activities. .

for example:

Automobile brand exhibition in the automotive industry.

A comic convention for the comic industry.

The fishing competition of the fishing world.

A conference for beauty bloggers in the beauty industry.

Plus the current ‘Shan Yin Cup’.

The reasons why Douyin does these activities: First, it is to deepen the stickiness of fans. Second, it is to enhance one’s own cultural heritage.

A company without culture can easily fall apart.

That’s why Douyin spent a lot of money to create the ‘Shanyin Cup’ this time.

In fact, I didn't recommend you to participate, because in this event, you will only be a foil and basically gain nothing.

But since you have to attend the exchange meeting, take advantage of the opportunity and see if you can make friends with a few people from the Shanshui Club. In the future, you can invite them to your live broadcast room to live broadcast together. It should be considered a very good interaction and win-win situation. "

Based on Yuan Xiong’s understanding.

Even though Wang Mo's cultural background is good, compared with the people from Shanshui Society, he is still at least one level behind him.

Even if Wang Mo has written a modern poem that has received good response, it is still not enough for members of the Shanshui Society who make a living from poetry.


Wang Mo responded.

But he thought in his heart: Make friends with people from the Shanshui Society? it's out of the question.

Because the task given to him by the system was to kill the people from the Shanshui Club, and kill them all without leaving any trace behind.

Shanshui Society.

The forum is extremely lively at the moment.

There are more than 3,000 people online.

Shanshui Club, which usually has only a few hundred people online, has exploded in popularity these days.

Obviously, everyone came here for the "Sanyin Cup" held by Douyin.

The forum was abuzz.

"Douyin is very wealthy. The first prize is a million."

"Indeed, the scale is quite large."

"Let's get to the bottom of it, who is going to attend this exchange meeting?"

"Isn't the list already listed? Pin it to the top of the forum and see for yourself."

"Hey, there are a total of eighteen people participating? There are even two 'poetry experts'? This lineup is incredible."

"There are less than five active 'poetry experts' in the entire forum, but two people actually participated this time!"

"It's Teacher Feng Qi and Teacher Zhu Han. These two big guys are the dual-gun messengers on the forum. It seems that the first place this time will definitely be a dual-gun duel."

"That's necessary. Who else can be stronger than the two of them?"

"Looking forward to it, looking forward to it strongly."


at the same time.

The person in charge of the Shanshui Society Forum has gathered together eighteen people who participated in the "Shanyin Cup".

Everyone was in a spacious lounge, chatting freely with each other.

Duan Ping, editor-in-chief of the forum, smiled and said: "This time you are going to participate in the Shanyin Cup jointly organized by Douyin and us. I hope that everyone can perform well, show their own style, and win the grand prize."

Feng Qi, who is in his forties and has a mustache, frowned: "I looked at the list. Why are there more than twenty Internet celebrities participating?"

Next to him, Zhu Han, who is also in his forties and slightly bald, answered: "For us to participate in the competition with Internet celebrities, it is indeed a bit downgraded. Editor Duan, what do you think?"

Duan Ping said with a smile: "Teacher Feng, Teacher Zhu, and other teachers, please be patient. This event is organized by Douyin after all, so there is nothing wrong with allowing some Internet celebrities to participate. But don't worry, those Internet celebrities are just leaving. It's just a formality, can they still compete with you?"

"Hahaha, that's right."

“Just pretend these internet celebrities don’t exist.”

"I'm kind of looking forward to the internet celebrities reciting poems against us."

"Then you can only be disappointed, Old Zhou."


Amid laughter.

Duan Ping continued: "Of course, having these Internet celebrities participate is another benefit for us. Because the more than 20 Internet celebrities invited by Douyin this time are all big anchors with more than one million fans. With their live broadcasts, we can Let our exchange competition be spread more widely. It will also let more people know about our Shanshui Society."

Hear this.

Feng Qi and Zhu Han looked at each other, their faces looking much better.

With their status and reputation in the poetry world, if they were allowed to compete with Internet celebrities, no one would be able to lose face.

At this time, deputy editor-in-chief Wen Qian stood up and said: "Of course, we should not underestimate Internet celebrities. There are also some real people among Internet celebrities. The modern poem "Facing the Sea, Facing the Sea," was widely circulated on the Internet a while ago. "Spring Blossoms" was written by an Internet celebrity. I heard that this person also participated in this exchange meeting."

Everyone in the lounge smiled at each other.

"I've read this poem, and it's pretty good."

"It's too idealistic."

"It's barely qualified. It's so popular. It's obviously a result of hype."

"It's just the idle moaning of an idealist."


Feng Qi also said: "This poem is eye-catching, but among the eighteen of us, I believe that any one of us is capable of writing this poem, so there is no need to care. In fact, what really moved me was that a while ago An 'untitled' poem circulated on the campus in northern Qing Dynasty. The poem only has one sentence: 'The night gave me black eyes, but I used them to find light.' In my opinion, this poem is of the highest quality. Excellent, if a person who writes poetry joins the forum, he is at least a 'talented person'. It's a pity that I haven't heard any news about this person after asking many questions..."

"Old Feng, I'm off topic."

Zhu Han said: "What we need to pay attention to now is the Shanyin Cup. The first prize is one million. I haven't seen such a high prize for a long time. I will have to weigh it carefully by then. Portion.”

Feng Qi's eyes locked on Zhu Han instantly: "Oh? Listen to what you mean, Lao Zhu, you are bound to win the first prize?"

Zhu Han's eyes also revealed a sharp look: "Of course!"

Feng Qi smiled: "I'm afraid it won't be that easy for you to get."


The eyes of all the people showed a blazing light.

Unexpectedly, before the "Sanyin Cup" started, the duel between the two guns had already started in advance.

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