My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 131 Do you dare to accept it? ! New mission!

News came back that Wang Mo had secured the guests.

Whether it was Mango Channel or the variety show department of Yunhai Media, everyone was staring wildly.

"Did you get the guests?"

"That's it?"

"Did I hear that right?"

"It only took less than five days?"

"How did he do it?"

"It just blinded me."

"I seriously doubt that Mr. Wang is guilty."


Everyone's eyes almost bulged.

Especially in the variety show department of Yunhai Media, everyone’s eyes were filled with disbelief. At first, they felt that this variety show was not feasible. A large part of the reason was that they thought it was impossible for celebrities to agree to take their children to participate in a parent-child reality show.


This part that everyone thought was the most impossible was solved by Wang Mo in just a few days.

Even including first-line Hong Kong stars like Lin Shaopeng!

When Yuan Xiong received the news, he was shocked again.

When will this kid start a variety show?

During this period, I slept with Wang Mo every day, but I didn't realize that Wang Mo actually had a talent for making variety shows.

He was a little crazy.

What should he do to know Wang Mo's secret?

In fact, Wang Mo doesn't know how to film variety shows at all.

Although he had read several introductory books on variety shows these days, he still had no clue.

So after deciding on the location and guests for "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Wang Mo called Guo Chen over: "Director Guo, I will leave the rest of the filming to you. I am only responsible for the production."

Guo Chen immediately said seriously: "Mr. Wang, please rest assured that I will complete the filming of "Where Are We Going, Dad" with high quality and quantity?"

while talking.

He was a little surprised.

As a senior director, he can easily see that the difficulty of "Where Are We Going, Dad" lies in selecting the location and inviting guests, both of which have been taken care of by Mr. Wang.

Even the details of the subsequent filming in each location, including what games to play, how to interact with the local villagers, and how to arrange the plot of the show, were clearly written by Mr. Wang.

So he just needs to shoot according to the detailed script.

If he couldn't complete this job, then he might as well be killed with a piece of tofu.

But when he was stunned.

Wang Mo also showed a stunned expression: "Then it's all thanks to Director Guo. The main reason is that I don't know much about directing, so I need you to pay more attention to me, Director Guo."

Wang Mo said this sincerely.

He knew that leaving all the directing work to Guo Chen was the wisest choice.

Guo Chen is Mango Channel's senior variety show director, and the team he organizes is also Mango Channel's most professional team.

With the experience and level of Mango Channel, Wang Mo believes that Guo Chen, under the guidance of his detailed script, can definitely produce a film that is not inferior to the previous "Where Are We Going, Dad".

But when Guo Chen heard Wang Mo's words, he said awkwardly: "Mr. Wang, you are so humble."

Don’t you know how to direct?

As a three-year-old child?

Wang Mo smiled and did not explain.

Soon, the filming of "Where Are We Going, Dad" started in full swing.

Wang Mo led the program team and guests to the first filming location: Lingshui Village in the capital.

After observing for a day or two, Wang Mo found that Guo Chen was indeed experienced and had completely arranged the pictures and content he needed, and there were surprises from time to time.

He was completely relieved.

So, Wang Mo kept his word and passed all the work to Guo Chen. Even the work of his own production was spent three days fishing and two days drying the net.

Let Guo Chen take power.

In this way, Guo Chen felt the extreme trust and was moved in his heart: "Mr. Wang trusts me so much, and I will repay him."

After filming in Lingshui Village.

Wang Mo found Guo Chen: "Director Guo, I will not follow you for the rest of the filming. You will be fully responsible for it."

Because the filming span of "Where Are We Going, Dad" spanned several months. The filming will probably be completed in March or April next year.

As for the broadcast, it will have to be released after the year.

I don't have that much time to waste here.

There are many things waiting for me at Yunhai Media.

When Guo Chen heard this, he was once again moved by Wang Mo's deep trust: "Mr. Wang, please rest assured, I guarantee to shoot the best content, otherwise you will only ask me."

"Believe in you."

Wang Mo said with a smile.

when it is time to leave.

Guo Chen hesitated again and again, but finally asked a question that had been lingering in his mind for a long time: "Mr. Wang, I have a question I want to ask you, but this question may offend you, so..."

Wang Mo interrupted him: "Ask."

Guo Chen said: "When you contacted us, the name written on your business card was Wang Yan. But I have always felt that you are very similar to a celebrity. The more I look at you, the more I feel that you are similar to him in terms of appearance, height, and tone of voice. They all look very similar. What’s more, he is also from Yunhai Media. It’s just that something happened to the star and now his house has collapsed. I..."

Having said this, Guo Chen paused.

He hesitated whether to continue.

Wang Mo smiled: "The star you are talking about is called Wang Mo?"

Guo Chen nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, that's him. He also guest-starred in a variety show directed by me, so I am relatively familiar with him. He is just like Mr. Wang in every aspect as you can imagine, and he also has the surname Wang. , so I was curious.”

Wang Mo smiled brightly: "It's normal for Director Guo to be curious. Because that Wang Mo... is me."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Behind him, Guo Chen swallowed his saliva, and swallowed hard again. His heart was already submerged by the invisible giant wave.

Because he was busy with variety shows, Wang Mo didn't live broadcast for a while.

Originally, he thought that his popularity would drop significantly after he restarted live broadcasting.

But this night.

Wang Mo just started the live broadcast.

Then we saw that the number of people in the live broadcast room quickly increased to more than 30,000.

Moreover, I don’t know how many netizens swiped the screen in the live broadcast room.

"Xilou, are you scared?"

"I must be afraid, so I haven't dared to broadcast live recently."

"Hahaha, there are so many talented anchors, but you are the only one in Xilou who didn't sign up."

"Xilou, don't be a coward!"

"Internet celebrities are indeed not trustworthy. It seems that Xilou's so-called talent is all hype."

"Nonsense, which big Internet celebrity is not launched by big capital?"

"Die in the light."

"If Xilou doesn't dare to sign up this time, it means he is just a hype man and has no real talent."


Looking at these barrages, Wang Mo looked confused.

He looked up at Yuan Xiong standing behind him, only to find that Yuan Xiong also had a blank look in his eyes.

However, Yuan Xiong immediately ordered the staff to find the reason.

One minute later.

The staff wrote a few words: Check the background news.

Wang Mo quickly opened the backend and saw an invitation letter from Douyin official in the most prominent position on the message.

The invitation letter read:

Dear "Xi Lou":

In order to promote cultural exchanges and increase Douyin netizens' interest in literature, Douyin teamed up with "Shanshui Club" to hold a "Shanyin Cup" poetry and cultural exchange meeting, which is planned to be broadcast live on Douyin on January 25. As a talented anchor on Douyin, Douyin officials sincerely invite you to participate in this exchange meeting.

If you agree, please click the Agree button below.

Thank you for your attention.


When Wang Mo saw the email, he immediately understood why the netizens in the live broadcast room were so excited.

The email was sent ten days ago.

Today is January 22nd, and there are only three days left before this "poetry" exchange meeting.

After reading the news, he browsed the comments in the live broadcast room for a while.

It gradually became clear in my heart.

The "Shanyin Cup" poetry and cultural exchange meeting held by Douyin this time was quite large in scale.

It even offers generous bonuses.

First prize: 1 million.

Second prize: 500,000.

Third prize: 200,000.

Five Excellence Awards: 100,000.

At the same time, Douyin invited almost all the talented anchors on the platform.

There are more than 20 anchors including: Talking about Mo Xiaoyu, Writer, Holding the Wind and Cloud, Floating Clouds, Flowing Clouds, etc.

In the past ten days, these anchors have all agreed to participate in the exchange meeting.

Only he, the "Xilou" anchor with the most fans and the highest voice, and was praised by netizens as the most talented Douyin anchor, did not agree.

As a result, netizens must be full of rumors and dissatisfaction.

After Wang Mo understood the outline of the matter, his eyes focused on the three words "Landscape Society".

After Baidu.

He learned that "Shanshui Society" is the largest forum for poetry experts in China, and almost most of China's poetry experts are active on the forum.

Even some contemporary poetry masters and famous poets haunt it.

Many people on the forum are quite famous in real life. They are either the president of the local literary society or a well-known figure in the circle.

It can be said that "Landscape Society" represents the current development status of Chinese poetry to a certain extent.

The purpose of Douyin's cooperation with "Shanshui Society" this time is to let netizens know more about the development of Chinese poetry culture, and to improve the live broadcast B grid of the website to a certain extent.


On the surface, this event is hosted by Douyin.

But in fact, it is mainly based on "Shanshui Society".

The real purpose of Douyin is to invite a group of poetry experts from the "Shanshui Society" to open the eyes of netizens.

As for the more than 20 anchors invited by Douyin, in the eyes of everyone, they are just joining in the fun at most.

No one thinks that the Internet celebrities on Douyin can compete with the real poetry masters on the "Shanshui Society" forum.

Internet celebrities are Internet celebrities.

Even if Xilou is praised to the sky by netizens and wrote "Facing the Sea, Spring Flowers Bloom", a modern poem widely praised by many people, he is still just an Internet celebrity.

There is no way to compare with real masters of traditional poetry.

Wang Mo understood.

I was about to say something to the live broadcast room.


The system sounds:

【New mission released】

[Task content: Ask the host to win first place in this "Shanyin Cup" poetry exchange meeting. And gained more than 1 million reputation. 】

[Task reward: Silver treasure chest*1, bronze treasure chest*2. 】

Wang Mo looked at the new task thoughtfully.

First place... This is the first time that I have been given such an important task by the system since I won "100 Modern Poems".

At any time, first place is a dazzling ranking.

But at the same time, it is also a ranking that makes people fight for blood.

in any field.

To get the first place, you can only rely on one word: fight!

It seems that the system feels that my progress in poetry is too slow and needs to push myself.


In this case, I will express myself well in poetry this time.

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