The next day.

Wang Mo and Guo Chen took a plane directly to Hong Kong City.

In a private room of a coffee shop, Wang Mo and Guo Chen met Lin Shaopeng, a front-line Hong Kong star. He was in his forties and his mature temperament made his handsome face even more charming.

It's a pity that Lin Shaopeng's face is a little cold at the moment.

If Guo Chen didn't hold the title of director of Mango Channel, he wouldn't even bother to meet these two people.

But even so, he did not invite the two of them to his home, but found a cafe to meet them.

Lin Shaopeng was even more surprised after seeing Wang Mo.

Is this the person in charge of "Where Are We Going, Dad" as Guo Chen said?

So young.

They look no different than freshly graduated college students.

No wonder that show is so unreliable.

However, Wang Mo seemed familiar, which made Lin Shaopeng look at him a few more times. However, in the past half year or so, Wang Mo's clothes, hairstyle and temperament have changed a lot. In addition, Lin Shaopeng was not familiar with Wang Mo in the first place. Therefore, Lin Shaopeng looked at Wang Mo several times and then looked away without going into details. Think everywhere.

Lin Shaopeng didn't talk nonsense. After a few polite words, he immediately explained his point of view: "Mr. Wang, Director Guo, I still say the same thing, thank you for the invitation, but I don't want my son to be on any program, so I can only apologize. ”


Guo Chen gave Wang Mo a look with a tone of rejection that didn't give anyone any hope.

Wang Mo didn't seem to see Guo Chen's eyes.

His face became serious and he said, "Brother Lin, I just want to ask you a few questions. Can you answer me?"

Lin Shaopeng nodded: "Okay."

Wang Mo: "Do you and your child spend a lot of time together?"

Lin Shaopeng shook his head: "Not much."

Wang Mo: "Do you usually care about your children's growth and education?"

Lin Shaopeng thought for a while: "Yes, but there is no contact care."

Wang Mo: "That means there is no more...will the child kiss you?"

Hearing this question, Lin Shaopeng was slightly absent-minded.

It's now!

Wang Mo said nothing and shouted in his heart: "System, use the trust fragment!"

System: [Received host request, the trust fragment has been used, the time lasts for half an hour, and the three opportunities have been used up. 】

The next second.

Wang Mo started the speech he had prepared: "The program we are doing this time, "Where Are We Going, Dad?" is actually about fulfilling the dream of a father like you, allowing you to have the opportunity to spend time with your children while working. Live together, play together, love each other together, and shorten the distance between each other.

I need to make it clear that "Where Are We Going, Dad" is not a pure variety show. It is just a trip to the countryside where you and several other dads go. We don’t have any compulsion, any contradictions and conflicts like other outdoor reality shows. Everything is the most primitive display, you just need to play with your children.

You don't want your child to appear in the spotlight, mainly because you are worried that the media reaction will be bad for your child's development. You can rest assured that our original intention of creating this show is to present the most real side of celebrity fathers and children to the audience.

After you and your son stand openly in front of the camera, another advantage is that you no longer have to go to great lengths to hide from the media in order to see your son. You can enjoy the happiness of father and son with your son at any time without any psychological burden..."

In fact, with these words, Wang Mo drew on Mango Channel's rhetoric to persuade Lin Zhiying.

He knew this because he happened to watch an interview on Mango Channel about "Where Are We Going, Dad" in which the director talked about how to persuade Lin Zhiying to participate in the show. The director's words impressed him deeply.

Unexpectedly, it comes in handy now.

Mango Taiwan, it took several months to convince Lin Zhiying.

And Wang Mo...

When he stopped talking, Lin Shaopeng on the other side fell completely silent.

Just when Guo Chen thought Lin Shaopeng was going to drive people away.

Lin Shaopeng raised his head with complicated emotions in his eyes: "Mr. Wang, how many times will you travel?"

Wang Mo blurted out: "Six times, each time was three days and two nights."

Lin Shaopeng thought for a while, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face: "It has been a total of eighteen days. Zi Rui has grown so big, and I have never spent such a long time with him. This time, it seems that I will have all the fun. I hope I Dad, make him proud."

When Wang Mo heard this, he also had a smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand: "Brother Lin, welcome to join "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Lin Shaopeng said with emotion: "Mr. Wang, I didn't expect you to impress me before coming here. But what you said just now really touched my heart deeply. So, I am willing to give it a try."


Guo Chen has not yet come to his senses.


Do you agree?

How long has it been!

It took less than half an hour from the time they entered the coffee shop to the present. Lin Shaopeng, who originally thought he could not be persuaded, actually agreed to participate in "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Guo Chen looked at Wang Mo and then at Lin Shaopeng, his whole person was in a state of confusion.

That evening, Wang Mo returned to Star City.

On the way, Guo Chen was still confused. Until now, he didn't know why Wang Mo convinced Lin Shaopeng so easily.

I worked hard to contact Lin Shaopeng for ten days, but still failed to impress him at all.

And Wang Mo took action and it was done.

Why is the gap between people so big?

He didn't know that Wang Mo was also distressed at this moment: "All three opportunities for trust fragments have been used up. It seems that the next four guests can only use hard power."

Fortunately, I still have a silver treasure chest that I haven't opened yet.

Wang Mo was going to try his own method first to see if he could convince the remaining guests.

If he fails, he opens the silver chest.

after come back.

Wang Mo studied the information and found that Gao Yong and Lu Zhengguo had an excellent private relationship.

Guo Chen's words confirmed the authenticity of the information.

Guo Chen said: "When we contacted the two, Gao Yong once said: As long as you convince Lu Zhengguo to participate in the show, I will participate. Lu Zhengguo also said the same thing: As long as you convince Gao Yong to participate in the show, I will participate."

After hearing this, Wang Mo's mind immediately became active.

He immediately dialed Yuan Xiong's phone: "Brother Xiong, help me investigate Lu Zhengguo. Is he filming now?"


Yuan Xiong replied: "Lu Zhengguo is filming a movie in Hengdian, what's wrong?"

Wang Mo said: "Then do you have any way to prevent Lu Zhengguo from using his mobile phone for a day?"

Yuan Xiong smiled: "Isn't this simple? Lu Zhengguo was not allowed to use his mobile phone when filming, and the director of the movie he was filming was very familiar with me. When the time comes, I can just find any reason to ask the director to take away his mobile phone. Don't You can do it without letting Lu Zhengguo touch his cell phone for one day or three days!"

Wang Mo said in surprise: "That's great."

Yuan Xiong was a little surprised: "What are you doing this for?"

Wang Mo: "Keep it secret for the time being. Brother Xiong, just ask Lu Zhengguo to keep his phone turned off from 10 am to 10 pm tomorrow for twelve hours."

Yuan Xiong: "Leave it to me."

Hang up the phone.

Wang Mo looked at Guo Chen: "Gao Yong is in Star City now. You and I will prepare and go and deal with Gao Yong tomorrow morning."

Guo Chen nodded in confusion: "Okay."

The next day.

The two met Gao Yong at an event in Star City.

Wang Mo went straight to the topic: "Director Gao, we are here to invite you and your son to participate in "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Gao Yong was about to refuse.

Wang Mo spoke again: "But if Lu Zhengguo and Brother Lu have agreed to participate in this show, will you consider it?"

Gao Yong smiled: "Lao Lu will not agree."

Wang Mo: "But the fact is that Lu Zhengguo has confirmed to join "Where Are We Going, Dad" today."

The expression on Gao Yong's face suddenly became shocked, and he subconsciously said: "Impossible!"

Wang Mo smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, you can call and ask."

Gao Yong dialed Lu Zhengguo's number almost without thinking.

As expected.

It is in shutdown state.

Gao Yong made several calls but still couldn't get through. He called Lu Zhengguo's wife again. However, Lu Zhengguo's wife knew nothing about the matter: "I don't know. I'll ask Brother Zheng later."

Gao Yong had no choice but to hang up the phone, but he still didn't believe it: "It's impossible for Lao Lu to agree. He loves that girl Tiantian so much, how could he let her participate in a variety show."

Wang Mo smiled slightly and then said: "Then let me ask Director Gao, do you think Lin Shaopeng might participate in "Where Are We Going, Dad"?"

Gao Yong shook his head and laughed: "How is that possible?! Lin Shaopeng will never participate!"

Wang Mo handed over his mobile phone: "Director Gao, I guess Brother Lu is currently filming, so you can't contact him. But now you can contact Brother Peng. Brother Peng has officially joined "Where Are We Going, Dad"? You can Ask him personally if I lied."

Gao Yong did not answer Wang Mo's cell phone.

He said: "I have Lin Shaopeng's phone number, I will ask myself."


Gao Yong dialed Lin Shaopeng's phone number.

After just one minute, Gao Yong's expression became dull. He hung up the phone and looked at Wang Mo: "Really... joining?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Of course."

Then, he repeated what he had said yesterday to persuade Lin Shaopeng, and then said sincerely: "Director Gao, please rest assured that this program we are doing will only be good for you and your son. Otherwise we will not Do you think it’s okay to invest one to two billion to make a bad show?”


Guo Chen thought to himself: It's obviously 50 million, how come it's 100 or 200 million?

At this moment, Gao Yong had gradually believed Wang Mo's words.

There is no way, even Lin Shaopeng has joined this show, so it is normal for Lu Zhengguo to join.

Wang Mo said: "We came to see Director Gao because Brother Lu said that you are his good friend, Director Gao, and he hopes that you can participate in this show together and make progress and retreat together. Of course, if Director Gao still doesn't believe us, then we can make a plan." A contract. Now, Director Gao, you will join the show first. After you can contact Brother Lu, if he does not join the show, you can withdraw at any time, how about it? "

In fact, as a director, Gao Yong did not particularly object to his son appearing in the film.

Now I see that Lin Shaopeng and Lu Zhengguo have participated in "Where Are We Going, Dad".

I listened to Wang Mo's words again.

He thought for a while and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll join."

Second person.


Guo Chen was already dumbfounded and could only stare from the side.

After signing the contract.

Wang Mo went straight to Hengdian with Guo Chen without stopping.

Then the contracts for Lin Shaopeng and Gao Yong to join "Where Are We Going, Dad" were placed in front of Lu Zhengguo.

Lu Zhengguo's heart was filled with panic.

Especially the idiot Gao Yong who secretly joined this variety show behind his back. The day before yesterday, he had vowed that it would be impossible to participate in such a parent-child show, but then he changed his mind.

Wang Mo smiled and said, "What did Brother Lu say?"

Lu Zhengguo took a deep breath: "Since Brother Peng is willing to participate, then I have nothing to worry about. And I told your staff that as long as Gao Yong joins the show, I will agree. In this case, I am willing to join."


Guo Chen was already stunned.

Is this... okay?

On the way back.

Guo Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Mr. Wang, what will happen if Gao Yong and Lu Zhengguo find out that you lied to them?"

Wang Mo looked at Guo Chen and chuckled: "Liar? Director Guo, none of what I said today is a lie."

! ! !

Guo Chen recalled the sentence carefully in his mind and found that it was really like this.

For a while.

He felt like a fool.

With the joining of Lin Shaopeng, Gao Yong and Lu Zhengguo.

The remaining two are much easier to handle.

Because Yu Hui and Jiang Feng are not celebrities in the entertainment industry, they are not too reluctant to have their children appear on camera. I didn't agree to join the show before because I had some concerns in my heart.

Now that they saw that even front-line Hong Kong stars like Lin Shaopeng had joined the show, the two basically no longer had any worries. They only hesitated for two or three days before agreeing one after another.


When all five celebrity dads were finished, Guo Chen only had one thought in his heart: Mr. Wang, he is God!

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