My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 129 Desperate Guo Chen VS Confident Wang Mo

When Guo Chen was thinking about what clever plan Wang Mo could come up with.

Tang Tao found him.

Looking at Guo Chen with a tired look on his brows, Tang Tao frowned and asked aloud: "I heard that Xiao Wang took you all over the country in the past week? The air tickets cost millions. .”

Although Wang Mo used trust fragments on Tang Tao twice, it only made Tang Tao trust Wang Mo in the plan and person in charge of "Where Are We Going, Dad", and his judgment in other aspects has not changed.

So I heard what Wang Mo did recently.

Tang Tao became slightly worried.

Based on his experience, the most important thing in the early planning of a variety show is to determine the detailed plan through various large and small meetings, and then implement it in detail.

After all, the sharpening of the sword never wastes the time spent chopping wood.

How could Wang Mo be like this, who just led the team around every day after the team was established?

That's why he found Guo Chen and wanted to find out.

However, after listening to his words, Guo Chen shook his head and said, "Mr. Tang, Mr. Wang didn't lead us around."

"Isn't this running around?"

Tang Tao's eyes widened, "I heard that you fly to different places every day. Today is the capital, tomorrow you go to the desert, and then you go to the southwest. Every time you go to a place, you go to another place without feeling hot. . This is not running around, so what is running around? Don’t say that Xiao Wang is leading you to choose a location!"


What Tang Tao didn't expect was.

Guo Chen nodded seriously: "Yes, Mr. Wang is indeed choosing a location. And in the past few days, Mr. Wang has selected all six places planned to go in "Where Are We Going, Dad". He took When we go to these places, the first is to familiarize us with the addresses. The second is to tell us through on-site inspections how to modify them in the future to facilitate the filming of the program."


Tang Tao was stunned: "Have you chosen the address?"

Guo Chen nodded: "That's right."

Everyone in Tang Tao was numb: "Zundu is fake?"

Guo Chen said: "I didn't believe it at first, but these days Mr. Wang and his son took us to several places, and I became convinced that Mr. Wang was not joking. To be honest, I still don't know what Mr. Wang is doing. In such a short period of time, we found six locations that were so suitable for the filming of the show.

I have directed several outdoor reality shows before, and I know that location selection is not easy, especially for a reality show with children like "Where Are We Going, Dad"? Due to many factors, location selection is even more difficult. But Mr. Wang chose a place in a short period of time. I can only think:

I underestimated Mr. Wang before. "

Tang Tao was a little shocked.

Being able to let Guo Chen say these words shows that Guo Chen has admired Wang Mo in his heart.

He remembered very clearly that when Guo Chen was asked to be the director of "Where Are We Going, Dad" a few days ago, the senior variety show director of Mango Channel had a face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Unexpectedly, in just more than ten days, Guo Chen's attitude changed drastically.

"Xiao Wang, you are quite capable..."

Tang Tao muttered in his heart.

Sometimes, a vague thought would arise in his mind: He always felt that he had been a bit hasty in making Wang Mo the general manager of the "Where Are We Going, Dad" variety show.

But when he heard Guo Chen's words, he finally felt relieved: I just said, believe in yourself, I, Tang Tao, have never missed it!

When Guo Chen found Wang Mo.

Mr. Wang, whom he had just expressed his admiration for in front of Tang Tao, was reading "Fundamentals of Television Directors" carefully while holding it.

The corners of Guo Chen's mouth twitched.

He thought: "Mr. Wang has gone too far. He deceived me last time with a book "Basics of Variety Show Production". Do you still want to mislead me now? Huh! It's a pity that I have seen through your true ability. You can’t bluff me anymore.”

Come to Wang Mo.

He asked aloud: "Mr. Wang, where are you reading?"

Wang Mo quickly put away the books and said with some confusion: "I am not familiar with variety show shooting, so I learned some knowledge temporarily and made Mr. Guo laugh."

Guo Chen smiled slightly.

Do you think I believe you?

Alone, I was able to complete the site selection that everyone originally planned to take several months in a few days.

Are you not familiar with this?

He has never seen such a low-key and humble person like Mr. Wang, which is an eye-opener.

After Wang Mo put away the books, he took out a few documents from the desk next to him and handed them over.

At the same time, he said: "Mr. Guo, you are here just in time. This is a list of program guest candidates that I have sorted out. There are 20 pairs in total. Among them, I have highlighted 10 pairs of celebrity fathers and children. You can read the information first and get familiar with it. Let’s conduct a simple preliminary communication with these guests. In a few days, we will visit each other’s homes one by one and try to determine the guests as soon as possible.”


Guo Chen was secretly surprised.

He came to see Wang Mo today just because of the guests.

Unexpectedly, Wang Mo actually selected the guest candidates from the preliminary plan without saying a word.

After taking a look at the guest list, Guo Chen was even more shocked.

Because Wang Mo's list is extremely detailed, almost all of China's candidates who are eligible to participate in "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

not only.

The document also details the personality and characteristics of each guest, as well as the age, personality, and preferences of the cute baby.


Guo Chen's heart was churning, where did Mr. Wang get such detailed information?

It should be noted that in the entertainment industry, many celebrities cover their children tightly and do not reveal even the slightest information. So he really couldn't imagine how Wang Mo obtained this information in such a short period of time.

He didn't know.

This list was obtained by Wang Mo from Yuan Xiong.

In the entertainment industry, Yuan Xiong's connections far exceeded Wang Mo's imagination. In just half a day, he obtained the detailed data of this list for Wang Mo.

For a moment.

The way Guo Chen looked at Wang Mo changed a lot.

When he was first selected by Wang Mo as the director of "Where Are We Going, Dad?", Guo Chen was just trying to muddle along and had no interest in variety shows at all.

But after seeing Wang Mo's incredible method of selecting the site, Guo Chen already recognized Wang Mo in his heart.

At this moment, after seeing the list, Guo Chen finally felt excited. He quickly made a decision: Mr. Wang is so good at doing things, he should also show his ability in front of the other party, and should not let Mr. Wang look down on him.

Think of this.

Guo Chen said seriously: "Mr. Wang, why don't you leave it to me to invite the guests? This is the director's business."

Although he knows about this show, inviting guests is the most difficult part.

But his fighting spirit has been inspired by Wang Mo.

He wants to challenge himself!

He didn't believe it. He, who had been a director of outdoor reality shows and variety shows for many years, was not as good as Wang Mo.

Wang Mo thought for a while and agreed.

In the following days, Guo Chen took the list and started inviting guests.

one day.

Two days.

When a week passed, Guo Chen's initial high morale had turned into disgrace.

He had long expected that it would be difficult to invite guests, but he didn't expect it to be this difficult.

Although all the stars were openly enthusiastic about him, when it came to the variety show, every star refused the program team's invitation without hesitation.

Even if Guo Chen said that he had dried his saliva or that his throat was filled with smoke, it was useless.

Work progress has almost stalled.

In Guo Chen’s words: It seems that I have finished speaking for this life.

But it still didn't convince even a single star.

Because celebrity dads have surprisingly the same idea: they all want their children to grow up in a relatively simple environment, and they don't want to go on a show to let their children be exposed.

The program team members who followed Guo Chen to communicate were all dejected.

"too difficult."

"There is no way to convince the other party."

"The impossible."

"Actually, if it were me, I wouldn't want my child to appear on the scene."

"This is how to do?"

"Without the participation of guests, the program cannot be carried out at all."

On the tenth day, Guo Chen finally gave up all efforts and found Wang Mo again.

There was a deep sense of frustration on his face: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I failed to complete your task."

When he said this, Guo Chen was desperate.

He felt that no one could succeed.

Regarding Guo Chen's failure, Wang Mo was not surprised at all.

It's only been ten days, what can we talk about?

In his previous life, the director of Mango Channel spent more than eight months with celebrity dads in order to invite celebrity guests. Only then did he convince the celebrity dads.

So it’s only been ten days, where has it come from?

Wang Mo smiled and said: "I don't blame you, this matter is inherently difficult. Let me ask you, have you gained anything?"

Guo Chen thought for a while and said: "There are indeed some gains. After communication, based on your planning plan, Mr. Wang, I selected five pairs of celebrity fathers and cute babies that are most suitable for our program."

"Oh? Show me."

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows.

Soon, he got the list given by Guo Chen.

The first one: Lin Shaopeng, a first-line Hong Kong star who is quite famous in the mainland. Son Lin Zirui, 4 years old, cute and cute.

The second one, Gao Yong, is a domestic director. Son Gao Yuxuan is 6 years old and very strong.

The third one, Lu Zhengguo, is a domestic actor. Daughter Lu Tiantian is 4 years old, has a high emotional intelligence and a sweet mouth.

The fourth one, Yuhui, is an international model. My son, Yu Xichen, is 5 years old. He is handsome and has a lively and outgoing personality.

Fifth, Jiang Feng, sports star and table tennis world champion. Daughter Jiang Xintong is 5 years old, with a delicate appearance and a womanly heart.

At the end of the list, Guo Chen also explained in detail why these five pairs of celebrity fathers and cute babies are suitable for the show.

for example:

Dads have different professions, cute babies have different personalities, dads have their own specialties...etc., this combination can create wonderful sparks in the show.

Wang Mo nodded secretly.

The five pairs of candidates selected by Guo Chen have a high degree of information overlap with the candidates for Mango Channel's "Where Are We Going, Dad" in the previous life, both in terms of career and cuteness.

"It seems that Director Guo is indeed outstanding in variety shows."

Wang Mo was somewhat impressed.

Guo Chen is quite remarkable for being able to keenly realize that this combination is most suitable for the show.

Looking at Guo Chen who was still frustrated.

Wang Mo smiled: "Director Guo, you don't have to be discouraged. In my opinion, if you can give me this list, the ten days of work will be considered overfulfilled."

Guo Chen smiled bitterly: "Mr. Wang, please stop laughing at me."

Wang Mo said: "I'm not lying to you, this list is really important to me. Since you think these five pairs of celebrity dads and adorable babies are the most suitable for the show, then let's go get them."

Guo Chen smiled bitterly again: "These five stars, I have made no less than 20 calls to communicate with each family these days, but every time they refused completely. I think it is impossible for them to participate in the show, or even There is no will at all.”

"It doesn't matter."

Wang Mo said: "Now you just need to tell me, among these five celebrities, which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with?"

"Lin Shaopeng!"

Guo Chen blurted out: "Lin Shaopeng's son has never appeared in front of the media since he was born. According to what he said, it is impossible for him to let his son be on camera. There is no room for maneuver."

Wang Mo snapped his fingers.

Then he said with a smile: "Very good, in that case, you make an appointment with Lin Shaopeng today. Buy the tickets tomorrow, and we will go to Hong Kong City to convince Lin Shaopeng!"


Go to Hong Kong City tomorrow to convince Lin Shaopeng?

Do you want to be so confident?

Brother, what do you use to convince me?

Passionate? !

Guo Chen went numb after hearing Wang Mo's words.

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