My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 128 Everyone was shocked, Mr. Wang cheated? !

On Mango Channel, more than 80% of variety shows are produced by the channel itself.

Only a few variety shows are produced by outside companies because they are too busy.

There is no way, Mango Channel is too powerful, it has its own variety show department and production company.

Unlike Tomato Channel and Blue Channel, most variety shows are delivered to outside production companies or cooperate with production companies. Because I don’t have the strength to undertake production independently.

Even if Mango Channel wants outside companies to participate in the production, it will only be a form of cooperation between the two parties.

For example: for several variety shows that Mango Channel cooperates with Yunhai Media, Yunhai Media only participates in stage design, production, location layout and other photography, lighting, modeling and other matters.

The core aspects of the program such as director, consultant, post-production, and content coordination are still tightly controlled by Mango Channel.

So this time, Yunhai Media will be fully responsible for "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Almost unprecedented.

However, when Xiao Jiangxu held a meeting to tell everyone about this decision, he was rarely opposed by a group of arrogant employees. Instead, they all expressed support.

"Mr. Xiao, this is a good decision."

"Support Mr. Xiao's decision."

"I believe Yunhai Media will definitely make this variety show a success."


Anyway, as long as they are not held responsible, anyone can be held responsible.

In their opinion, whoever takes this variety show will die.

Let Yunhai Media be responsible, which is exactly what everyone wants.

Seeing everyone's agreement, Xiao Jiangxu nodded and said: "Then it's decided, but all of you must still obey the instructions of the person in charge and make this variety show the most perfect."

Everyone: "Got it!"

Yunhai Media.

The senior executives of the variety show department were excited.

Because news came from Mango Station.

Mango Channel bought the rights to the first season of "Where Are We Going, Dad" for a copyright price of 2 million. At the same time, the station allocated 50 million in funds to film this show.

If these news weren't shocking enough.

So the most shocking thing is: Mango Channel has given Wang Mo full responsibility for the variety show filming of "Where Are We Going, Dad"!

The news came.

All the senior officials were shocked to the point where their brains were buzzing.

Especially Tang Tao, his original plan was that if Mango Channel handed over part of the production of "Where Are We Going, Dad" to Yunhai Media, then Wang Mo would be responsible for this part of the production.

But even so, he was still very uneasy inside.

Worried that Wang Mo could not control the situation.

But he could no longer take back what he said, so Tang Tao decided that if Wang Mo was really responsible, he would send a right-hand man to help him.

He never expected that Mango TV would be bolder than him!

He actually handed over the entire program to Wang Mo.

"What's going on at Mango Terrace? Did Wang Mo give Xiao Jiangxu some ecstasy soup?"

Tang Tao rubbed his eyebrows, feeling that he was getting more and more confused the more he thought about it.


Wang Mo was silently thinking about something in his heart:

The copyright fee for the first season is 2 million, which is still acceptable to him. After all, "Where Are We Going, Dad" has no reputation at all, and no one knows its potential.

So having 2 million in royalties is pretty good.

In a previous life, Mango Channel bought the rights to the first season of "Where Are We Going, Dad" from Bangzi for just a million dollars.


Starting from the second season, the copyright fee has soared to more than 10 million.

As for the 50 million production fee given by Mango Channel, it can only be regarded as low.

After all, the cost of filming a variety show nowadays can easily exceed 100 million. The production costs of some popular variety shows can reach hundreds of millions.

A mere 50 million is only enough to invite one or two guests in some variety shows.

It seems that in the minds of Mango Channel executives, "Where Are We Going, Dad" can only be regarded as a third-level variety show at best, and they do not attach much importance to it.

"Fifty million... is a little bit less. But if you save a little, it should be enough."

Wang Mo estimated in his mind.

There are three main production costs for the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad":

The first one: site selection and layout.

The second one: Ask the star for a fee.

Third: shooting costs.

If another person were to be in charge of this variety show, even if the production cost was 100 million, it would probably be impossible to produce anything.

But Wang Mo is different.

The first one: site selection and layout.

Wang Mo looked at the geography of Blue Star and found that it was almost exactly the same as in his previous life. So he only needed to follow the same pattern and copy a few addresses from the first season of his previous life, thus saving a lot of costs.

The second one: Ask the celebrity to pay.

There were five pairs of celebrity fathers and cute children in their previous lives. Except for Jimmy Lin who is very famous in terms of popularity, the other four are actually very average in popularity and their appearance fees are not high.

So as long as Wang Mo finds stars at this level, the appearance fee for five people will not even cost 10 million.

Third: shooting costs.

There is no way to save this.

In order to capture every scene of dad and cute babies, dozens of high-definition cameras must be used to capture all aspects of the scene, which is absolutely not a waste of money. But with the cases in his previous life in his mind for comparison, he was able to consciously arrange the shooting and avoid many useless shooting scenes.

Since the funds were quickly available.

So Wang Mo's movements were also very fast.

A week later.

Wang Mo officially approved the project for "Where Are We Going, Dad" and started the preliminary work.

The first thing is to build the team.

Although Wang Mo is the general person in charge, he still only holds the two positions of chief planner and director of production.

For the director, he was looking for a young director named Guo Chen from Mango Channel. He had directed more than five outdoor reality show variety shows on Mango Channel and had rich experience in directing outdoor variety shows.

When Guo Chen heard that Wang Mo asked him to be a director, his first reaction was to refuse.

But Wang Mo only said one thing: You are only responsible for directing, and I take responsibility.

After hearing this, Guo Chen nodded in agreement, but he still had strong doubts about Wang Mo.

It is true that Wang Mo is too young.

Moreover, when Guo Chen met Wang Mo just now, he saw that this young man was holding a book "Basics of Variety Show Production" and reading it.

At that moment, Guo Chen's eyesight went dark.

Once the director was confirmed, Wang Mo was relieved of most of his worries.

Other candidates such as: general counsel, executive director, lighting, director team, screenwriter team, camera team... etc., he handed over all to Guo Chen.

Guo Chen was dumbfounded: "Mr. Wang, aren't you the person in charge? You leave everything to me, so what are you doing?"

Wang Mo: "I am responsible for selecting you."

Guo Chen: "..."

At this moment, Guo Chen felt like he was on a pirate ship and couldn't get off.

If I had known this earlier, I would have accepted this variety show.

As a result, now, I am still the director, and at the same time, I am still subject to the constraints and management of Wang Mo.

He is truly a great villain.

But soon, Guo Chen changed his view.

Three days later, Guo Chen completed the team formation.

He found Wang Mo again: "Mr. Wang, the team has been built. Now that our program is going on, there are two most important, most difficult, most time-consuming, and most vulnerable to frustration links.

The first one is site selection. Mr. Wang, you said in your planning that the show needs to go to six places in total. The location selection of these six places is very critical. I suggest sending out one or two teams immediately to pick out suitable addresses across the country. But it would take at least three months to select the six most suitable shooting locations.

Second, guests. The choice of five groups of guests is what troubles me the most. Anyway, now I really can’t imagine how to persuade those celebrities to agree to film variety shows with their children. And it’s hard for us to find five pairs of cute babies with their own characteristics. This process is conservatively estimated to take more than half a year, and it may even take a year to find a suitable candidate. "

Seeing Guo Chen, his face was full of embarrassment.

Wang Mo smiled.

He threw out a piece of paper from his pocket: "Director Guo, I have already chosen the address."


Guo Chen's eyes almost bulged.

He subconsciously took the paper handed over by Wang Mo and saw six places written on it:

The first stop is Lingshui Village, MTG District, Beijing.

The second stop was Tengri-la Desert, Shapotou District, ZW City, Ning Province.

The third stop, Yun Province WSZZMZ governs the state and everyone is black.

The fourth stop...

The fifth stop...

The sixth stop...

Guo Chen was stunned for a moment: "This..."

Is it really not random writing?

Wang Mo snapped his fingers: "Director Guo, book a ticket and go to Lingshui Village in the capital tomorrow. I will take you to see the environment and tell you how to set up and shoot."

Guo Chen swallowed, feeling his brain buzzing.

But what was even more shocking was yet to come.

The next day, Wang Mo took a group of them straight to Lingshui Village in the capital.

When he arrived here, Guo Chen was shocked to find that this place was indeed suitable for the filming of "Where Are We Going, Dad".

The location is not far from the airport.

The environment is just not too harsh and not too comfortable.

Of course, what stunned Guo Chen was that the unreliable Mr. Wang in front of him seemed to be extremely familiar with this place. Walking all the way, he pointed casually: "Director Guo, we can set this as room one, and here as room two, five rooms must be rehearsed from worst to best. We can even give Every room is labeled.

For example: Spider Room, Juren Room, Village Chief's Room...etc.

Put some sheep in here and let the cute kids herd them.

Put some ingredients here so the cute kids can look for them.



With Wang Mo's guidance, Guo Chen has formed a complete shooting plan in his mind, and can even vaguely imagine some interesting and heartwarming scenes of cute kids herding sheep and looking for ingredients.

Guo Chen felt his scalp numb.

He originally thought that choosing a location would be particularly difficult, but Mr. Wang found a place easily.

"Is Mr. Wang originally from here?"

He thought to himself.

Otherwise, how did Mr. Wang find this place? It's too mysterious, okay?


On the third day, Wang Mo took them to the Tengger Desert without stopping.

"Although the desert is very barren, it seems like there is nothing interesting. But the children's favorite thing is to play in the sand. We can camp here and let the fathers set up tents.

You can ride a camel.

You can find treasures in the desert at night.

It can help desert control workers bury wheat straw squares.

You can go fishing in the lake area.

There's so much to do...and it's safe and free of distractions. "

After seeing the environment of the Tengger Desert and listening to Wang Mo's introduction, Guo Chen was completely convinced.

Wang Mo can think of it as luck when he was able to find a shooting location.

But being able to find two locations means strength, not luck.

At this moment, Guo Chen seemed to understand why Mr. Tang wanted this young man to be the general manager.

the following few days.

Guo Chen has been in shock and dumbfounded.

On the third day, everything becomes dark.

The fourth day, Jiming Island.

The fifth day, Baisi Village.

The sixth day, Xuexiang.

The site selection that Guo Chen originally thought would take several months or half a year was completed by Wang Mo in just one week.

Until everyone returned to Star City, everyone was still in a dream.

Everyone looked shocked.

Is Mr. Wang cheating?

Otherwise, how on earth could it be done?

Until this moment, Guo Chen's originally worried heart finally dropped by half.

But he was still mostly concerned, because although it was difficult to choose an address, he could still find it if he spent enough time.

The really difficult thing is inviting guests.

Guo Chen found Wang Mo: "Mr. Wang, I have no problem with the address. But how can I solve the problem for the guests?"

The guests are the core part of this show, and they are also the most difficult part for Guo Chen to handle.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Don't panic, the mountain man has a clever plan."

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