My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 127 No director dares to take it? I come!

At this moment, Tang Tao felt ridiculous in his heart.

Just now he clearly saw the disapproval on Xiao Jiangxu's face when he was browsing the "Where Are We Going, Dad" plan.

Especially what Xiao Jiangxu said later expressed an obvious rejection.



Why did Xiao Jiangxu's attitude suddenly turn 180 degrees after Wang Mo explained it?

Tang Tao was extremely puzzled.

After hesitating for a moment, he still asked: "Mr. Xiao, what do you think of this variety show planned by Xiao Wang..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Jiangxu gave a thumbs up and praised: "Excellent. In my opinion, this variety show is full of creativity and novelty. As Xiao Wang said, there are almost no similar parent-child variety shows in China. As long as When we film it, it will definitely become a beautiful scenery in the variety show industry."

Tang Tao opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Is this variety show really that good?

Is that because you are blind?

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain why.

Wang Mo, who was sitting next to him, witnessed with his own eyes the change in Xiao Jiangxu's attitude.

He was deeply shocked: "The effect of the fragment of trust is actually so powerful. It can completely change a person's mind and trust me in just a few minutes."

He knew that Xiao Jiangxu's attitude changed precisely because of the fragment of trust.

Otherwise, just rely on what you said just now to convince the other party?


Suddenly, a thought flashed through Wang Mo's mind, and he quickly asked in his mind: "System, if the trust fragment time passes, will the other party's attitude change again?"

It would be tragic if the trust fragment effect disappeared half an hour later and Xiao Jiangxu's attitude changed again.

System: [Host, please rest assured that the trust fragment changes the deep-rooted concepts in a person's heart. Its effect is permanent. Its effect on people will not disappear when the time of the trust fragment ends. 】

After Wang Mo heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This way he can feel completely at ease.

Half an hour later.

Wang Mo followed Tang Tao and left the Mango Terrace.

Although Xiao Jiangxu just said that he would hold an emergency meeting to finalize the program "Where Are We Going, Dad" as soon as possible.

But for a large department like Mango Channel, it takes more than a week to finalize a variety show, no matter how fast it is.

Therefore, Wang Mo and the others could only return to the Magic City first.

After returning to the hotel.

Tang Tao did not rush to the airport with Wang Mo, but started the video conference immediately in the hotel.

The meeting staff were the same as those Wang Mo attended last time.

Basically, the leadership of the entire variety show department is here.

on video conference.

Tang Tao elaborated on Mango Channel’s request this time and said: “According to Mango Channel’s intention, if we are unable to plan a hit program with a ratings of above 0.5 in the next few months, then Mango Channel The station is very likely to cooperate with Canxing Culture. So my suggestion is: Next, the variety show department must go all out and produce a high-quality variety show, otherwise the losses next year will be immeasurable."

There was silence in the conference room.

Obviously everyone was shocked by the news.

Finally, many people could not help but speak out.

"Is Mango Terrace too greedy?"

"Producing a variety show with a ratings of more than 0.5? Such ratings can be called a trump card. Variety shows like this are rare but not sought after."

"The ratings of "Idol Singer" in the first half of the year exceeded 0.3. This didn't satisfy them?"

"I think Mango Channel has long wanted to cooperate with Canxing Culture, so we made such a request that we will most likely not be able to fulfill."

"Haha! If Mango Channel dares to cooperate with Canxing Culture, we will dare to cooperate with Tomato Channel. Who is afraid of whom?"

"That's right, Tomato Station is still close, so you don't have to run to Star City every now and then."


The conference room was noisy.

But everyone knew in their hearts that this matter must be resolved, otherwise Yunhai Media would suffer the most.

After a long time.

I saw that everyone's faces were not very good.

Tang Tao clapped his hands and said, "Of course, this time I come to Mango Station, I also have two good news.

The first good news is that I have successfully signed a contract with Mango Channel for the variety show "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations". I think this variety show is still very promising. If the production is good and the publicity and promotion are in place, the ratings will be high. The rate may not be able to break 0.5. "

Everyone's faces looked better now.

"Yes, the content of this variety show is exactly what is popular right now."

"Its ratings will definitely break 0.5."

"This show is still produced by us. Colleagues in the production department, it's up to you!"

"What's another piece of good news?"

Tang Tao said: "The second good news is: the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad" planned by Xiao Wang has been chosen by the person in charge of the variety show at Mango Channel. If nothing else, in a few days, Mango Channel will put it on Bought the rights to this variety show."

? ? ?

! ! !

The conference room fell into an eerie silence for a moment.

Everyone looked at each other with extremely wonderful expressions.

At the last meeting, everyone had heard with their own ears the extremely unrealistic variety show proposed by Wang Mo. They also knew that Tang Tao specially allocated two million to make the other party happy.

Even this time, Tang Tao specially asked Wang Mo to bring his plan to Mango Terrace.

Everyone thought this was a farce.

Yang Hua even thought about how to comfort Wang Mo when he went to pick him up at the airport, and how to get him to drink away his sorrows.




"Mr. Tang, what did you say?"


"real or fake?"

"Are you sure you were photographed by Mango Station?"


When Tang Tao heard these comments, he frowned and said: "Xiao Wang's variety show was selected by Mango TV. It is a good thing worth celebrating. Everyone should not talk about what is available and what is not."

"But I don't think it's necessarily a good thing."

A manager stood up with a serious expression: "If in the past, Xiao Wang's variety show could be favored by Mango Channel, of course I would congratulate him. But now, Mango Channel has made a request: Let us keep improving. , we must pursue good variety shows with higher ratings, otherwise Canxing Culture will take advantage of it.

As for Xiao Wang's variety show, everyone has seen it, so I won't say much about what kind of variety show it is.

Mango Channel is able to take a fancy to it, presumably because of its novel creativity, but to put it bluntly, the probability of success of this variety show is too small. Mango Channel launches almost 50 variety shows a year. Among them, there are only one or two hits at most, and about ten ordinary ones. More than 70% of the others are blockbuster variety shows.

Mango Channel has deep pockets and can withstand hardships, so they dared to sign Xiao Wang's "Where Are We Going, Dad" because even if this variety show fails, they can gain some experience from failure.

But we can't afford to lose!

If "Where Are We Going, Dad" is ultimately a hit, it will cost Yunhai Media's already shaky reputation. It may even be the straw that breaks the camel's back, making Mango Channel determined to cooperate with Canxing Culture. suggestion is: Even if Mango Channel likes "Where Are We Going, Dad", we cannot sell the copyright.

We can't afford the gamble!

We can't afford to lose!

Mr. Tang, please think twice! "

Wang Mo glanced at the guy who spoke expressionlessly, and a great power surged out of his heart.


I was working hard to save the company behind my back, but this man stabbed me mercilessly.

In the conference room, this man's words had already caused a lot of reactions.

Many people nodded secretly.

"What Manager He said makes sense."

"Indeed, "Where Are We Going, Dad" may be held back at critical moments."

"We really can't afford the gamble."

But some frowned.

"Mango Channel really wants to cooperate with Canxing Culture. Xiao Wang's variety show cannot change their views."

"That's right! The variety show that Xiao Wang worked so hard to plan was sold to Mango Channel. It is definitely worthy of praise. How can you say that he is holding back?"

"What we want now is to plan better programs instead of letting "Where Are We Going, Dad" to take the blame?"

"That's right. If we can plan a hit show with a ratings of over 1 in the next month or two, will you watch Mango Channel gossip?"


Everyone's eyes were focused on Tang Tao, waiting for his decision.

Tang Tao looked at Wang Mo and smiled slightly: "Xiao Wang, what do you think in your heart?"

Wang Mo's expression was calm: "Mr. Tang makes all the decisions."

He had already decided in his heart: If Tang Tao also agreed to withdraw "Where Are We Going, Dad", then he would contact Tomato Channel and he would no longer care about the company's troubles.

Tang Tao looked at Wang Mo's expression seriously, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "We at Yunhai Media have been able to achieve what we have today, not because we are timid and cautious, but because we have the courage to break through and the courage to fight. .Your program was favored by Mango Channel, that’s what you are capable of. If we want to withdraw your program to maintain the company’s honor, it would be harming our own interests to please others. This kind of behavior is not advisable!"

a few words.

Sonorous and powerful.

Many people remained silent.

Only the corner of Wang Mo's mouth curled up slightly. It seemed that... he had done the right thing.

at the same time.

Star City, Mango Building.

Xiao Jiangxu was also hosting a meeting, and the theme of the meeting was clearly the review of "Where Are We Going, Dad".

In the conference room, more than 20 management members gathered together, all in suits and leather shoes, with serious expressions. In front of everyone was a planning plan for "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

After a long time, everyone had read the plan.

Everyone has complex expressions.

"Mr. Xiao, this variety show is indeed full of creativity, but it is a bit too idealistic."

"Yes, it's very novel, but it also takes it for granted."

"hard to accomplish."

"With the five groups of celebrity fathers and sons in it, I'm afraid it would be difficult to invite suitable guests."

"Children aged four or five are the least controllable and lack safety and a sense of variety."

"Too unreliable and undesirable."


Xiao Jiangxu felt very strange at the moment.

He felt that what everyone said was reasonable, but deep down he felt that what Wang Mo said was more reasonable.

In the end, his inner trust in Wang Mo prevailed.

He coughed and said, "What everyone said makes sense, but I found that everyone agreed on one point: that the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad" is very creative. I think, just by the word 'creative' Three words are enough. Our Mango Channel has never lacked variety shows. Dozens of variety shows are launched every year. What creative ideas have you not seen?

Therefore, it is rare to find a variety show that can still make our eyes shine.

Now, "Where Are We Going, Dad" does just that.

As for the various difficulties involved in it, aren’t they what we have to overcome? Mango Terrace is afraid of not being creative, but it is never afraid of challenges. "

The boss has said this, so why do they object?

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other.




Soon, everyone passed the review of "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Anyway, Mango Channel has dozens of variety shows every year, and we have seen many weirder variety shows than "Where Are We Going, Dad", so everyone didn't find it very out of the ordinary.

It’s just that everyone feels in their hearts: This variety show is most likely to be a hit!

Because although they think the show has some creativity, it is not interesting, okay?

A few fathers take a few children to experience life. What is there to see?

No conflict!

No contradiction!

Not even a game to watch!

It's boring just thinking about it.

Of course, if the boss likes it, they have nothing to say.


Next, Xiao Jiangxu asked: "Who is willing to take over this variety show? Who is willing to be the director?"


In an instant, everyone lowered their heads.

Don't call me, don't call me, don't call me.

Xiao Jiangxu waited for a long time, but no one volunteered. He frowned: "Is there no one? Is this variety show so difficult to shoot?"

Everyone remained silent.

Xiao Jiangxu was helpless because he himself knew that filming this variety show was extremely difficult.

There are only a few celebrity father and son pairs, so it is estimated that the program team will have difficulty recruiting suitable guests.

But there was always a voice in his heart reminding him: Xiao Wang is very credible, and this program has a great future.

A few days later.

Mango Channel has officially passed the final review of "Where Are We Going, Dad", but the director is still pending.

With full trust in Wang Mo.

Xiao Jiangxu dialed Wang Mo's phone: "Xiao Wang, "Where Are We Going, Dad" has passed the review of our station, but now there is a problem. There seems to be no suitable director to take over this show. Look at this How to solve?"

No director picked up?

Wang Mo thought for a moment and then said: "Mr. Xiao, if you are at ease, how about leaving the program to me?"

Xiao Jiangxu was stunned.

Leave it to Wang Mo?

"can you?"

There is no way, Wang Mo is too young.

And Xiao Jiangxu knew in his heart that Wang Mo had never been the person in charge of a variety show. So when he was asked to hand Wang Mo a variety show with a production cost of tens of millions or even over 100 million, his first reaction was ridiculous.

Wang Mo quickly shouted in his heart: "System, use the trust fragment!"

System: [Received host request, trust fragment has been used, lasts for half an hour, and can be used twice in the future. 】

Wang Mo: "I can take charge for a while. If Mr. Xiao is not satisfied, you can replace him at any time."

The next second.

Xiao Jiangxu said: "Okay!"

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