My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 126 I actually fell in love with it?

Chapter 126 Ju...actually fell in love?


While Yuan Xiong was eating, he kept looking at Wang Mo with strange eyes.

Wang Mo couldn't stand the bird: "Brother Xiong, what is going on?"

Yuan Xiong said: "Why didn't you tell me about the variety show planning plan you wrote for the variety show department?"

Wang Mo: "Isn't this not confirmed yet?"

Yuan Xiong: "What's the situation now?"

Wang Mo briefly talked about the situation of "Where Are We Going, Dad", and then said: "Mr. Tang is going to take me to Mango TV this Thursday. At that time, he will show my planning plan to the person in charge of the other party. I think there is a problem Not big."

Not a big problem?

Yuan Xiong glanced at Wang Mo with pity.

Big brother.

You are usually such a smart kid, why do you act so stupid this time?

Don't you see that everyone is coaxing you to play?

After thinking for a while, Yuan Xiong said in a cryptic tone: "How about not going?"

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows: "Do you think my plan will be difficult for Mango Station to adopt?"

Yuan Xiongxin said: It’s not difficult, it’s simply impossible.

But he still said: "Everything is possible, but I think you can give the plan to Mr. Tang and let him take charge. You can just stay in the company and wait for the news, right?"

"No, I must go."

Wang Mo shook his head.

He's not really stupid.

How could you not see the dissuasion and disapproval in Yuan Xiong's tone?

But Wang Mo knew that if he didn't go, then the plan of "Where Are We Going, Dad" would have 100% no hope of being picked up by Mango Channel. Only by going yourself can there be a glimmer of hope.

Yuan Xiong had no choice but to say: "But if Mango Channel doesn't pick "Where Are We Going, Dad", don't be discouraged."

Wang Mo smiled: "What's this setback? My heart has already been as hard as iron. No matter how much I give it back, if the Mango Store doesn't like it, I will sell it to the Tomato Store."

Of course, selling to Tomato Station is the worst option.

Because Mango Channel and Tomato Channel have always been in competition, and Yunhai Media has always had a good relationship with Mango Channel, and the two parties have been partners for many years.

Therefore, if I rashly sell "Where Are We Going, Dad" to Channel Tomato, it may cause a series of unpredictable events.

Sometimes, Wang Mo is very curious.

Yunhai Media is obviously headquartered in Shanghai, so why hasn't it established cooperation with Tomato Channel, but is inseparable from Mango Channel?

Could it be that the rabbit doesn't eat the grass beside the nest?


As expected, Tang Tao kept his promise and took Wang Mo on a plane to fly to Star City thousands of miles away.

It's two o'clock this afternoon.

Tang Tao then met Xiao Jiangxu, the variety show director of Mango Channel.

Since Xiao Jiangxu had already seen the detailed plan of "Youth and Maturity - The Collision of Two Generations" and passed the relevant review in Taiwan, the signing by both parties went smoothly.

In just over half an hour, Mango Channel completed the introduction of this variety show and handed over the production to Yunhai Media.

Wang Mo made a rough estimate. Yunhai Media planned and produced this variety show with an investment of over 200 million, and the profit it earned from it was at least tens of millions, and the maximum was almost unlimited.

Moreover, a variety show that becomes popular can continue to make money.

It’s not just a one-time profit.

This is also the reason why Yunhai Media plans "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations" so carefully, because if this variety show has a second and third season, the annual income from copyright fees alone will be as high as millions or even Ten million.

The two parties signed the contract.

Tang Tao looked at Wang Mo who was waiting impatiently next to him, smiled slightly, and was about to talk about "Where Are We Going, Dad".

I saw that Xiao Jiangxu had already spoken first.

Xiao Jiangxu's eyes showed solemnity: "Mr. Tang, there is something I need to tell you in advance."

"Mr. Xiao, please speak."

Tang Tao's heart skipped a beat because he heard something amiss from Xiao Jiangxu's solemn tone.

Xiao Jiangxu said in a deep voice: "Our Mango Channel and Yunhai Media are old partners. Excluding the variety show we just signed today, the channel has already cooperated with you on three variety shows this year. However, although the response to these three variety shows is not bad, There was no hit. The highest ratings among the three programs was only 0.31.

In response to this matter, Taili recently held a meeting and made a decision: If the variety show we cooperate with your company this year cannot produce a show with a ratings of more than 0.5, then next year Taili will consider cooperating with Canxing Culture at the same time. Because in the past year or two, Canxing Culture has been looking for opportunities to cooperate with Taili. The cooperation conditions and prices they proposed are very favorable, and the quality of the variety shows they plan is also good, so Taili has such considerations. I hope Mr. Tang knows. "

Tang Tao's expression suddenly became solemn.

Canxing Culture!

This sworn enemy of Yunhai Media unexpectedly intervened in their variety show cooperation with Mango Channel.

If you let the other party succeed.

Then Yunhai Media's annual losses will be in the tens of millions!

This matter must be stopped.

However, Tang Tao had no idea how to stop it.

Because of what Xiao Jiangxu just said: if the ratings of the variety shows planned by Yunhai Media cannot exceed 0.5, then Yunhai Media will not be able to prevent Mango Channel from cooperating with Canxing Culture.

But how easy is it for a variety show to reach a ratings rating of over 0.5?

In today's era when variety shows are in full bloom, a variety show with a ratings of 0.1 is considered very good. A variety show with a ratings of 0.5 or above can definitely be regarded as a top program.

what to do?

what to do?

Tang Tao was a little anxious. He had to pass the news back as soon as possible and let the company's senior management meet to make a decision.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for the information. I believe that no matter what, Yunhai Media will be your best partner."

Tang Tao said politely, then stood up and prepared to leave.

Wang Mo was anxious: "Mr. Tang."

Brother, you haven’t said anything about me yet.

Tang Tao held his forehead, sat down again, pointed at Wang Mo and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, this is Xiao Wang of our company. He planned a variety show. This program model is quite novel. I don't know what Mr. Xiao has." Not interested in taking a look?"

When meeting Wang Mo for the first time.

Xiao Jiangxu felt that the other person's appearance was a bit familiar, but he didn't think much about it.

Because he meets so many people at work, it is normal to meet one or two people who look familiar.

Hearing Tang Tao's words, he smiled: "Of course, no problem."

Tang Tao looked at Wang Mo.

Wang Mo quickly handed over the "Where Are We Going, Dad" that he had already prepared.

Since it was Tang Tao who introduced it, Xiao Jiangxu looked at it very seriously.

But after just watching for a few minutes, he frowned slightly, and the closer he got to the end, the faster he looked.

Xiao Jiangxu actually finished reading the thick stack of planning drafts in just ten minutes.

When Wang Mo saw the other party's expression and actions, he knew clearly: Obviously, the other party was not interested at all.

This result was completely within his expectation.

In the previous life, Mango Channel was able to film "Where Are We Going, Dad" because it had the Korean version as a comparison and knew what the mature format of this program would look like, so it was confident.

But even then, after Mango Channel bought the rights, no director dared to take on this variety show because no one was optimistic about it.

And now.

Xiao Jiangxu only saw the planning plan for "Where Are We Going, Dad", so he must be even less optimistic about it.


Xiao Jiangxu raised his head, looked at Wang Mo, and then said: "The idea of ​​this variety show is indeed good, but the adventurous element is too great, so I'm afraid the station won't dare to accept it."

These words can be regarded as a clear rejection.

Wang Mo took a deep breath. It seemed that he could only use a trick.

His original idea was: If Mango Channel didn't like "Where Are We Going, Dad", he would sell the program to Tomato Channel. If Tomato Channel didn't like it, he would sell it to Blue Channel.

There are so many TV stations in China, and he doesn't believe that all of them look down on it.

But just after listening to Xiao Jiangxu's words, Wang Mo changed his mind.

According to Wang Mo's judgment, the probability that the program "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations" will exceed 0.5 in ratings after its release is too small.

So no surprise, Yunhai Media cannot stop the cooperation between Mango Channel and Canxing Culture.

By then, Yunhai Media's invisible losses may be astronomical.

The company treats you badly, so you can't just sit back and watch.

"Forget it, for the sake of the company, this program should be given to Mango Channel. Moreover, Mango Channel has the strongest comprehensive strength. If it is given to them, the program will be produced with the most exquisite effects. It is a win-win cooperation."

Wang Mo made a decision in his heart.


He thought silently: "System, use trust fragments."

System: [Received host request, trust fragment has been used, lasts for half an hour, and can be used twice in the future. 】

The next second.

Wang Mo stared at Xiao Jiangxu's face and began to talk: "Mr. Xiao, since you said that the program "Where Are We Going, Dad" is creative, it means that it still has a future. As for the adventure element you mentioned, where is it? Isn't a variety show making a huge gamble before it is broadcast?

So you choose a creative program to gamble? Or choose a show with no creativity and take a big gamble?

The reason why I plan this parent-child program:

First, it is because today’s fast-paced urban life makes it difficult for parents and children to enjoy family happiness. This program can satisfy everyone's ideas.

Secondly, the purpose of the program is not to show the life between the 'Star Dad' and the 'Star Second Generation', but to show all parents an encyclopedia of life education.



When Wang Mo first started speaking.

Although Xiao Jiangxu had a smile on his face, he was full of disapproval in his heart. If it wasn't for Tang Tao's sake, he might have lost his patience long ago.


As he listened, Xiao Jiangxu had a strange thought in his heart: "Does what this young man said seem to make some sense?"

after awhile.

Xiao Jiangxu's inner thoughts changed again: "Well, after hearing what Xiao Wang said, I suddenly felt that "Where Are We Going, Dad" is indeed very creative."

After a while.

Xiao Jiangxu gradually became excited: "What Xiao Wang said makes so much sense. Our Mango Channel must win a creative and novel variety show like "Where Are We Going, Dad"? So what about taking risks? Wealth can be found in danger! "

Listening to Wang Mo's words, Xiao Jiangxu found that he felt more and more that what the young man across the street said was reasonable and well-informed, and that every word he said was deeply rooted in his heart. At the same time, he recognized more and more the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad" in his heart.

And Tang Tao was on the side.

At this moment, I was so embarrassed that I wanted to dig a hole and crawl in.

Wang Mo, Brother Wang, Brother Wang, Uncle Wang... Didn't you see Mr. Xiao's obvious refusal to speak just now? Why are you still introducing your variety show?

Why bother?

Why bother?

At this moment, he regretted letting Wang Mo follow him. He didn't expect this young man to be so stubborn.

I don’t know if I will be severely shocked if I get a hard rejection later.

Alas, it seems that I have to comfort this child later.

Just when he had mixed feelings in his heart.

I heard that Wang Mo had finished the introduction and asked Xiao Jiangxu: "Mr. Xiao, do you think what I said makes sense?"

The next second.

Xiao Jiangxu had already stood up and said with emotion: "Xiao Wang, I was superficial just now and didn't see the advantages of the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad". I have to go through your explanation to realize how excellent it is. Okay. I almost missed a good show that could potentially become an excellent variety show.

Anyway, I think "Where Are We Going, Dad" is quite good in terms of creativity and mode. It can be said that it is the best outdoor reality show variety show idea I have seen in recent years.

If you have time, please wait a moment. I will go immediately to communicate with other colleagues in the station, try my best to pass the review as quickly as possible, and then sign this variety show. "

When Xiao Jiangxu was halfway through speaking.

Tang Tao was stunned.


Did he hear it correctly?

Xiao Jiangxu actually fell in love with this variety show?

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