My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 125 Let him play, no one wants this show anyway

meeting room.

All the executives looked very happy, obviously amused by what Wang Mo just said.

Next to Wang Mo, Yang Hua almost choked to death on his own saliva. He glanced at Wang Mo with a complicated expression and said to himself: "Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. If I come up with such an idea, Mr. Tang will probably let him know immediately. Get out of here. Wang Mo really dares to say that. Let a four- or five-year-old kid participate in a variety show...ahem."

After thinking about it, Yang Hua shook his head helplessly.

How did Wang Mo come up with this idea?

But then I thought about it, maybe it was Wang Mo's unconstrained ideas that made Gao Niu's publicity strategy successful.


After Tang Tao laughed briefly, he still praised: "Although Xiao Wang's idea is a bit unrealistic, it does create a new way of thinking. This performance is worthy of recognition. When our thinking is stuck in a dead end, what we want is Unique ideas like Xiao Wang's can arouse everyone's brainstorming. Perhaps it is in this kind of brainstorming that a really good idea will emerge inadvertently."

The smiles on everyone's faces faded and they looked thoughtful.

"That's what Mr. Tang said."

"Although Xiao Wang's idea is different, it did trigger some inspiration in me."

"I'm superficial."

"But regardless, it's ridiculous to have kids participate in an outdoor reality show."


Tang Tao looked at Wang Mo: "Xiao Wang, thank you for your suggestion. Please sit down first and we will continue the meeting."

However, Wang Mo did not sit down. He looked at Tang Tao with bright eyes: "Mr. Tang, I am serious."

Tang Tao said gently: "I know you are serious, but this suggestion simply won't work."

Wang Mo: “But I think it’s feasible.”


Cold sweat broke out on Yang Hua's back. He winked hard at Wang Mo and even reached out to secretly tug Wang Mo under the table, hoping that Wang Mo would stop.


What are you doing?

It's obvious that Mr. Tang has given you a step down, but you still don't appreciate it.

Are you trying to get into trouble with Mr. Tang?

Fortunately, Tang Tao was not angry after hearing what Wang Mo said. He still smiled and said, "Oh? Why do you think it's feasible?"

Wang Mo said: "Based on its novelty, there is currently no such parent-child reality show either domestically or abroad, so I think if it can be filmed, it should be very marketable."

Tang Tao still smiled and said: "I don't deny your creativity, but you still take it for granted. It doesn't matter how old the children are in the show, whether they can produce enough variety effects to attract the audience. Based on the age of these children, it is estimated that China Not many celebrities are willing to participate in this show.

Because in the current China, celebrities are very protective of their children. They are not even willing to put frontal photos on the Internet and do not allow their children to leave the country. Do you still want them to bring their children to film the show? It's simply impossible. "

Wang Mo knew that Tang Tao was telling the truth.

In the previous life, after Mango Channel purchased the copyright of "Where Are We Going, Dad", it took a full eight months to find five pairs of celebrity children. It took a lot of talking and energy to convince them to come. Attend the show.

But Wang Mo definitely couldn't agree with Tang Tao's words at this moment.

He just said seriously: "It is precisely because everyone thinks it is impossible, so if it is filmed, it will have the most amazing effect, right?"

A few words.

Tang Tao was stunned.

Originally, he subconsciously wanted to reject Wang Mo's fantasy.

But suddenly.

But he changed his mind inexplicably and said with a slight smile: "Xiao Wang, since you are so confident in your idea. Then I will give you one million funds and let you plan this show. Who do you want?" , whatever resources you want, the company will give you the right to support it. Half a month later, you submit to me a detailed planning plan for "Where Are We Going, Dad". If the plan works, then this program will be handed over to you. How about taking full responsibility?”

Those words shocked everyone's hearts.

Many people looked at Tang Tao with wide eyes, as if they heard something incredible.

Even Wang Mo was shocked.

Before entering the conference room, he was just thinking about how to produce "Where Are We Going, Dad" to gain the company's attention. But he never dreamed that Tang Tao would give him full responsibility for this program.

Originally, he thought that the most he could do was play a planning role in the show.

But now.

He became the overall person in charge of the program.

Others were unclear about the potential of Where Are We Going, Dad?

Don’t you know it yet?

By then, I am afraid that as the general person in charge, I will be more important than Liu Zhengwen.


Wang Mo quickly agreed.

At the same time, my heart beat wildly: it must be, it must be the good luck fruit that plays a role.

Half an hour later, today's meeting ended.

The issue about "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations" has still not been resolved, but inspired by Wang Mo's opinion, many people have already had inspiration, and it is estimated that this matter will be resolved soon.


What shocked everyone the most in this meeting was Tang Tao's attitude towards Wang Mo.

After the meeting.

Several people, including program director Ding Jian and deputy director Deng Zhiyong, stayed on.

Ding Jian frowned and said, "Mr. Tang, the variety show idea proposed by Wang Mo is obviously his unrealistic idea. Why did you give him funding and allow him to do this?"

Tang Tao asked: "When Wang Mo was talking, did you pay attention to his eyes?"

Ding Jian shook his head. He was too far away from Wang Mo, and he was short-sighted. He couldn't see clearly what Wang Mo's eyes looked like.

Instead, the chief planner Fan Yuan said: "I saw it, a very firm look in his eyes. It seemed to say that all his ideas are right and perfect."

"That's right!"

Tang Tao clapped his hands: "That's the look. So, if I belittle his ideas as useless, it will have a serious impact on his confidence, which is not a good thing."

Everyone's eyes were filled with strange looks.

Have you given us less blows than usual?

Why can't Wang Mo be attacked?

Tang Tao seemed to have anticipated what everyone was thinking, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone must know that Wang Mo is the treasure of the music department. His talent in composing is far beyond ordinary people. In the past few months, he has He has successively made four singers in the company famous, and the direct and indirect profits he has created for the company have reached tens of millions. If I undermine the confidence of such a person and let him take advantage of the market in future compositions, I estimate that most music directors will Zhao Hui will tear me apart in the next life."


Ding Jian somewhat understood.

Tang Tao nodded: "The young man is young, energetic and arrogant. But it is also very likely that he will be unable to recover after being hit. So in order to avoid such consequences, I simply followed Wang Mo's wishes and gave him one million. Let him play. With the value he creates for the company, a mere million is nothing."

Everyone was stunned.

I see.

Ding Jian coughed awkwardly: "I just saw Mr. Tang that you support Wang Mo. I thought you were very optimistic about the variety show he mentioned."

Tang Tao smiled: "If I really value this show, I won't leave it to Wang Mo."


Ding Jian patted his forehead. He didn't expect this.

Since Tang Tao promised to hand over a variety show to Wang Mo, who knew nothing about it, he obviously had no interest in the show at all.

let's play.

Give Wang Mo one million and play enough.

If you have fun and write a few good songs, the value created by then will be much greater than one million.


Time flies and it is ten days later.

In the past ten days, the variety show department finally finalized the plan for "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations", added some creative content, and passed the review of Mango Channel, and is about to enter the formal production stage.

Big deal done.

Everyone was relieved.

Even Tang Tao was smiling and in a good mood all day long.

On this day, when Tang Tao was in the office thinking about whether to treat department employees to a celebration banquet, he saw a knock on the office door.

"Please come in."

Soon, he saw Wang Mo walking in with a thick folder.

Tang Tao exclaimed: "Xiao Wang, what's the matter?"

Wang Mo handed over the folder and said, "Mr. Tang, I have written out the detailed planning plan for "Where Are We Going, Dad?" Please take a look."


Tang Tao didn't react for a while. He had already forgotten about Wang Mo's planning of the variety show.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he came back to his senses and showed a bright smile: "You wrote it out so quickly? Okay, show me."

At the same time, I felt a little funny.

Their entire variety show department involved dozens of people and held no less than a hundred meetings, large and small, and it took them a month and a half to finalize the planning plan for "Youth and Maturity - The Collision of Two Generations."

And Wang Mo actually wrote the so-called "Where Are We Going, Dad" in just ten days by himself? How much better can the quality be?


Tang Tao still pretended to be serious on the surface.

However, when he saw the planning content, Tang Tao still sighed inwardly:

The guests are five all-star pairs of father and son or father and daughter?

Are they all being taken care of by fathers who don’t know much about housework?

Isolate the child’s mother from visits throughout the whole process?

Let star children who grew up in fairy tale houses live in the shabbiest house and participate in dirty and tiring games?

No toys or snacks allowed during the whole process?

Mainly the most original and authentic parent-child variety show?

Even if one of these hard conditions could be met, Tang Tao would find it unthinkable.

Put it all together and this show is just a joke.

Suppress your thoughts.

Tang Tao looked at Wang Mo and said with a smile: "Is this the "Where Are We Going, Dad" you are talking about?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Tang Tao still smiled and said: "Well, the idea is indeed very good. But the idea of ​​the variety show must be able to sell and make the TV station willing to shoot it, so that it can generate value. In this way... I will go to Mango Channel to discuss it in a few days The signing of "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations". When the time comes, you can come with me with your plan. After meeting the person in charge of the other party, I will recommend you to submit your plan to Give it to the other person and see if they can take it, what do you think?"

When Wang Mo heard this, he was pleasantly surprised and said, "That would be great."

Tang Tao said: "Okay, it's settled."

After Wang Mo left.

He just sighed quietly: Mango Station definitely looks down on this plan. When Mango TV rejects Wang Mo, what reason should I come up with to make him happy?

Alas, I am the head of a variety show department, but I still have to make a young man happy.

So tired.

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