Yunhai Media headquarters occupies an entire building.

As the largest department of the company, the film and television department is several times larger than the music department.

The music section only occupies the 6th to 20th floors of the building.

The film and television department occupies the entire 50th floor of the building.

It can be said that the film and television department is the core department of the company.

Before Wang Mo's house collapsed, he was in charge of the film and television department, so he was already familiar with the film and television department.


The elevator took them to the 68th floor.

After getting out of the elevator, Wang Mo met many acquaintances along the way.

Everyone who saw Wang Mo had deep surprise on their faces.

Some artists are already whispering.

"Isn't that Wang Mo?"

"Ouch, I can't even remember his name if you don't tell me."

"I heard that he was hidden by the company. Why are you here today?"

"Yes, I've also heard that he was assigned to the music department by the company."

"Hey, he used to be top-notch."

"I haven't seen him for several months and I don't even recognize him."

"I almost didn't recognize him. Half a year ago, he was so popular. Now he's just a passerby."

"Things are different and people are different, alas..."


More and more people recognized Wang Mo's identity, and everyone's expressions were extremely exciting.

Due to the confidentiality agreement, except for the people in the composition department and vocal music department who knew Wang Mo's "Wuyan" identity, the entire Yunhai Media's ordinary employees and artists did not know what Wang Mo did this month.

In everyone's impression, Wang Mo has disappeared from their lives since the house collapsed.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared in the composition department again today.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Liu Zhengwen led Wang Mo to a conference room.

A middle-aged man in his forties walked towards him. When the man saw Liu Zhengwen, he smiled and said, "Here?"


Liu Zhengwen pointed at Wang Mo and said seriously: "I brought the person to you, but don't embarrass Xiao Wang in the meeting. Xiao Wang is the treasure of our music department. If you dare to embarrass him, we will all Most music departments dare to fight you."

"Hey, Mr. Liu, you still don't believe me?"

The man quickly said: "Don't worry, today we are asking Xiao Wang to listen to the meeting and see if he can give some constructive suggestions. It doesn't matter if he can't. We will never force him. As long as the meeting When it's over, I will immediately send him back to your composition department intact."

Liu Zhengwen nodded with satisfaction: "That's pretty much it... Xiao Wang, this is Manager Yang Huayang of the variety show department."

Yang Hua looked at Wang Mo and smiled slightly: "Mr. Liu does not need to introduce me, Xiao Wang and I have been acquaintances for a long time."

Wang Mo also nodded and said: "Hello, Mr. Yang."

He had indeed known Yang Hua for a long time. When he was at the top, he had participated in many variety shows on major TV stations. He had to interact with Yang Hua every time, and he became familiar with it after going back and forth.

It's just this meeting.

Both sides were in very different moods.

After Liu Zhengwen left.

Yang Hua took Wang Mo into the conference room.

After entering the door and looking around, Wang Mo felt a little suffocated after seeing the participants in the conference room clearly: the conference room was all filled with high-level executives of the company, and the lowest ones were at the supervisor level.


General person in charge of the variety show department: Tang Tao.

Program director of the variety show department: Ding Jian.

Deputy program director of the variety show department: Deng Zhiyong.

Chief planner: Fan Yuan.

Chief Editor: Hu Hongyi.

Even when Wang Mo was at the top, he had to treat these people with respect.

Seeing him entering, Tang Tao, who was presiding over the meeting, glanced over and showed a bright smile in the next second: "Xiao Wang is here, hurry up! Manager Yang takes him to sit down. It is my opinion to call you Xiao Wang here today. To be honest, before the explosion of the new lactobacillus lactic acid bacteria product, I didn’t know that our company had talents like you. Your integrated publicity plan was indeed full of creativity and impressed many of our colleagues. It just so happened that we We have encountered some troubles in the planning of a variety show, and I hope you can give us some advice."

Wang Mo quickly said: "Mr. Tang, you are overly complimentary. Gao Niu's success is mainly due to their excellent operation team. I just made a few suggestions."

Tang Tao smiled: "It doesn't matter, just listen first. If you have any ideas, you can put them forward."


He continued the meeting.

Wang Mo sat obediently in his seat, listening to the first highest-level meeting he had attended in his life.

About ten minutes later.

Based on the information on his desk and the content of the meeting, Wang Mo finally understood the content of the meeting and the problems the company encountered.

First, let’s introduce the variety show department.

This department of Yunhai Media mainly concentrates on studying the format of variety shows, planning various variety shows, and then selling them to domestic TV stations at appropriate prices.

In fact, whether in China or around the world, TV stations rarely produce a variety show from scratch because it consumes too much energy and time.

Basically, most of the variety shows on TV stations purchase copyrights from foreign countries or entertainment companies that specialize in variety shows, which saves worry and effort. The worst thing is to just come up with a planning idea and then leave the production to a professional company.

For example: This year, Yunhai Media has sold five variety shows to several major TV stations.

at present.

Yunhai Media is being commissioned by Mango Channel to produce an outdoor reality variety show.

Mango Channel made several requests:

First, this variety show must reflect family relationships, just to fill in the current Internet era where family relationships are becoming increasingly weak.

Second, it is best for parents and children to participate in variety shows together.

Third, the program must have enough realism.

Fourth, the program must be warm enough and split-minded enough.

Follow these requirements.

After more than a month of careful creation, the company designed a program called "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations".

The core contents of this program are:

Parents of the older generation take their children of the younger generation to participate in various life experiences.

For example: going to the countryside to plant rice seedlings and plowing fields, and going up to the mountains to dig soil and plant trees.

Young people take their parents to explore new things.

For example: go surfing in the sea, go skiing and skating, and feel all kinds of excitement.

In this different experience, I can feel the differences in the life outlook and values ​​of the two generations. At the same time, there will also be a collision of thoughts and actions between the two generations.

The whole idea looks good.

Have correct value orientation.

There are heartwarming images.

There was a violent collision.

All the elements needed for a variety show are gathered together.

But after studying the plan in detail, several senior executives, including Tang Tao, felt that the program seemed creative enough, but in fact it did not break away from the tacky routine.

Because in today’s outdoor reality shows, there are many variety shows in which old people take young people to experience, or young people take old people to experience new things.

As for the program "Youth and Maturity - Collision of Two Generations", it is just a fusion of the two forms.

Therefore, the general manager Tang Tao believes that some changes must be made to this program to make it look creative enough instead of falling into clichés.

A simple sentence put everyone in trouble.

"How to change it?"

"How about increasing the difficulty of the game?"

"You can't increase the difficulty, otherwise the risk will be too high."

"Then why don't parents and children have any contact with each other first, and run the program in two separate lines?"

"The theme of this variety show is family love. Wouldn't it violate the theme to separate the two parties? No!"


Many people put forward many suggestions, but they were quickly rejected one by one.


Tang Tao held another meeting on this matter.

In the end, the best way everyone came up with was to start with the fun of the game and make the game environment more interesting to increase the visibility.

According to the words of director Ding Jian: "Today's outdoor reality shows, all kinds of creativity have been stripped out, and they basically remain the same. We are not afraid of routines, as long as we play new tricks in the game, then It’s still a good variety show.”

Many people agree with Ding Jian's words.

Only Tang Tao still feels dissatisfied: "There is endless creativity in variety shows. We didn't expect it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If we only change the game tricks, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

Halfway through.

Tang Tao saw Wang Mo listening attentively.

He thought for a while and said, "Xiao Wang, do you have any ideas?"

Wang Mo hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said: "Mr. Tang, since we can't think of any better ideas, and we feel that just changing the game's tricks is not enough, why not start with the guests?"

Tang Tao was confused: "Start with the guests? What do you mean?"

Wang Mo said: "Mango Channel has determined the core of the program: a family-friendly outdoor reality show. The guests can only be a family. And just now, Mr. Tang, you said that there are already many outdoor reality shows for families. There are parents and their children experiencing life. , when children seek excitement with their parents, it is difficult to come up with new ideas.

So I was thinking, since similar variety show gameplay is no longer innovative, let’s make the participating guests unique. "


Tang Tao raised his eyebrows: "Continue."

Wang Mo: "In all other similar variety shows now, young people are around 20 years old, and even the youngest young people are over 15 years old. So we might as well be bolder and reduce the age of young people, so that they can be compared with other variety shows Make a fundamental difference.”

Tang Tao: "Shrink your age, how young can you shrink it to?"

Wang Mo became eloquent: "Shrink it down to 4-7 years old. Children of this age are just in the most adorable stage, and all kinds of children's words are very popular with everyone. Then you can let the fathers of cute children take them to Participating in various outdoor challenges, I think we will definitely be able to create different excitement.

As for such a program, I call it "Where Are We Going, Dad". "

In the conference room.

Everyone listened attentively to Wang Mo's words.

But as they listened, everyone's expressions became wonderful.

When Wang Mo finished speaking, everyone looked at each other.


"Ha ha ha ha."

"Hahaha, Xiao Wang, you are so funny."

"Hey, how old are you letting children participate in a reality show? Are you serious?"

"You are indeed a young man, your ideas have no limits."

"Xiao Wang, you haven't gotten married yet and have a baby. You don't even know what the age of the baby means."

"Hahaha, so humorous."

Even Tang Tao couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Wang, your idea, well, it's really... so special."

the entire conference room.

Only Wang Mo didn't laugh.

He was not surprised by everyone's reaction, because few people could understand this program produced by Mango Channel in his previous life, even before the program was broadcast.

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