My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 123 Generous rewards, open the treasure box, and then open the treasure box!

Wang Mo was surprised and happy.

He quickly called up the system panel:

[Name: Wang Mo]

【Age: 22】

[Height: 180m (strongly requested by the host, actual height is 179cm)]

[Appearance: 90]

[Reputation: -18,621,095]

[Props: None]

[Lottery: None]

[Mall: Not open yet]

[Task: None]

I saw that the reputation column had dropped from the original minus 20 million to minus 18 million.

"The reputation has increased so much."

Wang Mo's heart was boiling.

After thinking about it, it should be that he released several songs in succession in December, coupled with the response from "The Immortal is Coming to the Peak", which brought him several waves of huge fame.

"Sure enough, to gain a lot of reputation, you still have to be in the limelight."

Wang Mo said secretly.

If there are a few more waves of this kind of popularity, my reputation will turn from negative to positive.

As long as his reputation becomes positive, he can notify Yuan Xiong and immediately start his comeback plan.

Look towards the reward.

"I used to have a silver treasure box and a bronze treasure box that I didn't open. Now I got a special treasure box, a silver treasure box."

Get rich!

He clenched his fists and his eyes were full of excitement.

“There are so many treasure chests, I’ll take them all today!”

Suppress the excitement in my heart.

Wang Mo thought secretly: "System, open the bronze treasure chest."

Today, he is going to open a bronze treasure box, a silver treasure box, and a special treasure box. Only one silver treasure chest was left for emergency use.

【receive. 】

Exactly like before, a piece of text appeared in the system: [Based on the current situation of the host, the treasure box will automatically generate the items that the host needs most... The system is generating... The generation is complete...]

[Congratulations to the host for getting a good luck fruit (after eating it, the host's good luck can be randomly increased three times within 12 hours.)]

Good luck fruit?

Wang Mo looked at the illusory fruit, which was only the size of a kumquat and glowing red, with curiosity on his face.

He reached out and touched the fruit, and found that he could actually hold the fruit in his hand. The cold touch made him realize that this fruit was not an illusion, but a real thing.

But as soon as he thought about it, the fruit disappeared in the palm of his hand.


Wang Mo temporarily put away his good luck fruits.

Then he said silently in his mind: "Open a silver treasure chest."

【receive. 】

The system responds.

Soon, text was displayed: [Congratulations to the host, for winning the large-scale parent-child reality show "Where Are We Going, Dad (Season 1)". 】

When Wang Mo saw the reward, he was stunned for more than a minute.

variety show!

This silver treasure chest, he actually won a variety show!

And this variety show is extraordinary!

Wang Mo is not very familiar with "Where Are We Going, Dad"? As someone who doesn't really like watching variety shows, he was fascinated by the cute kids in the first season in his previous life.

Even now, when he recalls some of the performances of cute kids on the show, Wang Mo will smile like an aunt.


This is not the key.

The key is that after "Where Are We Going, Dad" being aired on Mango Channel, it officially launched a craze for parent-child reality shows in China, bringing domestic variety shows to a whole new level.

In short, this variety show has a revolutionary influence!

After carefully looking at the reward several times to make sure he was not dazzled, Wang Mo carefully put away the reward.


The main event is here!

Special treasure chest!

I still remember that last time, I opened several good things from the special treasure box.

"I wonder if this time I will be as lucky as last time?"

"Would you like to eat the good luck fruit to gain good luck?"

Wang Mo struggled for a long time, but still didn't use the good luck fruit.

Because the system has never let him down, if he eats the good luck fruit now, it may be a waste of a good prop.

"Open the special treasure chest!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Mo shouted in his heart.

Then, he stared nervously at the movement of the system.

half a minute.

One minute.

Finally, a few lines of text appeared in the system:

[Congratulations to the host: Gained singing skill +1. 】

[Congratulations to the host: you have obtained the trust fragment (which allows the host to trigger the trust mechanism of others with a certain probability when speaking, allowing others to convince themselves. It can be used three times, each time lasting half an hour)]

Last time there were three rewards.

This time there were only two.

But Wang Mo was not dissatisfied at all.

First, he once again offered a good thing: singing skill +1.

This means that my singing skills have successfully improved from 5 points to 6 points.

Don't underestimate this improvement.

Because 5 o'clock singing skills represent the level of ordinary people, while 6 o'clock singing skills represent the entry level of professional singers.

In other words, Wang Mo's singing skills have finally reached the level of a professional singer!

A major breakthrough!

As for the second reward.

"Fragments of trust?"

Wang Mo blinked, this thing is interesting.

But he still doesn't know where the trust fragments should be used.

After all, he is usually a sincere, kind, and loving child, and his words naturally make people trust him, so Wang Mo feels that it is difficult for "trust fragments" to be put to use.

Only one silver treasure chest remains.

Wang Mo has not turned it on.

This treasure chest is for emergencies.

Early the next morning.

After washing up, Wang Mo stood in front of the window and began to shout outside.



Lifting one's voice is actually a kind of vocal practice and exercise for the vocal cords. It is an essential basic skill exercise for singers.

Wang Mo hasn't exercised for a minute yet.

Yuan Xiong had already walked up to him and looked at him with a very strange look: "What are you doing?"

Wang Mo: "Dear your throat."

Yuan Xiong touched Wang Mo's head: "You don't have a fever, what are you doing?"

Yuan Xiong had already learned about Wang Mo's singing skills, which were definitely at the level of a car accident.

In Yuan Xiong's view, no matter how hard Wang Mo practiced, his singing skills could not improve much. Therefore, he expressed great incomprehension about Wang Mo's behavior today.

Wang Mo said matter-of-factly: "Don't look down on me. I know that my singing skills are poor, so I need to train. Have you ever heard of a saying? The stupid bird flies first! As long as I work hard enough, I will be able to stand out one day."

Yuan Xiong: "Your ideal is quite great."

Wang Mo: "If a person has no ideals, what is the difference between him and a salted fish?"


Wang Mo didn't really want to practice his singing skills, but because he knew that if he rashly showed off his professional singing skills, Yuan Xiong would probably be scared to death.

So he thought of a way: from now on, he would raise his voice every morning and practice his singing skills.

It gave Yuan Xiong a psychological hint: He had worked hard.

In this way, if after a period of time, he demonstrates professional-level singing skills, even if Yuan Xiong is shocked, he will only think that he is a genius and will not think too much about it.

Finish lifting your throat.

Wang Mo originally wanted to sing two lines to test the voice of a professional singer.

But when he saw Yuan Xiong watching him eagerly, he gave up.

Yuan Xiong: "Sing!"

Wang Mo: "I'm afraid of scaring you."

Yuan Xiong: "You also know?"

Wang Mo: "Of course."

What Wang Mo means by being scared is fundamentally different from what Yuan Xiong understands by being scared.

finish breakfast.

On the way to work, Wang Mo thought about it, and when Yuan Xiong wasn't paying attention, he ate the good luck fruit from the virtual space.

There is no use keeping this kind of prop.

It's better to use it up sooner.

As soon as the good luck fruit entered his mouth, it turned into a stream of sweet juice and entered his throat.


Wang Moba smacked his lips, really wanting to have a few more.

Yuan Xiong, who was driving, glanced at Wang Mo: "What are you eating?"

Wang Mo: "Saliva."

Yuan Xiong: "..."

Mud, what kind of artist have you trained?

What a sin.

After eating the good luck fruit, Wang Mo paid close attention to all the changes around him, waiting for the arrival of good luck.

What is good luck?


Good luck?

He was thinking wildly, but nothing happened until the two of them arrived at the company.

Wang Mo knew he couldn't be in a hurry, so he had no choice but to put aside the messy thoughts in his mind and sit quietly in his seat to wait.

This wait lasted until the afternoon.

Still calm.

"This good luck fruit...isn't it effective?"

Wang Mo felt depressed.

Until three o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Zhengwen hurried over and said to Wang Mo: "Xiao Wang, hurry up, I will take you to a meeting."

"What meeting?"

Wang Mo followed Liu Zhengwen and said in surprise.

Liu Zhengwen said: "Do you remember what I told you last time? The senior management said that they appreciate your talents in operations and planning, so they are planning to let you participate in a meeting in this area this time. Because the company is planning a meeting recently. It’s a reality show, but we encountered a lot of difficulties in planning, and everyone is now at an impasse, so someone suggested that you go over to attend the meeting to see if you can provide some opinions.”


Wang Mo was stunned when he heard this.

Reality TV show?

Having trouble planning?

Let him attend such a meeting and give advice?

Wang Mo thought for a while and asked: "Mr. Liu, what kind of reality show is it?"

Liu Zhengwen said: "I'm not sure, because the variety show is the responsibility of the Film and Television Department and has nothing to do with me. But I vaguely heard that it is an outdoor reality show. You can think about this aspect in your mind in advance, Wait and see what happens next. Again, you don’t have to be nervous. If you have an idea later, you can say a few words. If you don’t have an idea, it’s okay to stay silent. Anyway, remember one sentence: Keep a low profile at any time, it’s always right.”


Wang Mo agreed.

But Liu Zhengwen didn't notice that Wang Mo's eyes had changed at this moment, and ripples appeared in his heart.

Outdoor reality show!

Variety show!

The first thing that came to his mind was the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad" that he got last night.

"Is this a coincidence? Or did the good luck fruit play a role?"

Wang Mo thought to himself.

If it's a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence.

Since there is a high probability that it is not a coincidence, it should be the fruit of good luck that played a role.


Let’s take a look at what this meeting is about, and then act accordingly.

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