On this evening, Wang Mo was also watching "Eternal Fate".

It was Xu Mengqi who called specifically to remind him to read it.

Of course, Wang Mo is also a little curious about how he will perform in the TV series. After all, when he played the role of an immortal, he didn't know how he would perform.

That's why he and Yuan Xiong were lying on the sofa together this evening, watching a drama.

After watching the "Immortal Coming to the Peak" clip in "Eternal Spiritual Destiny".

Wang Mo and Yuan Xiong looked at each other.

Even though Yuan Xiong had seen Wang Mo's filming scenes before, he was still extremely shocked when he saw his back in the TV series.

Wang Mo, on the other hand, was even more shocked and thought to himself: "This temperament change is a bit scary."

no way.

So realistic.

Sometimes, being too true is not a good thing.

In the future, if I play roles such as "drug lord", "murderer", "scammer", etc., won't it alert the police to come to my door? Will it even cause unnecessary panic and trouble?

After all, no matter how good others act, they are still fake.

And if you star in it yourself, that’s true!

After thinking about it, Wang Mo said to himself: "System, can I control the conversion ratio of my temperament? For example, if I convert to an immortal temperament, only 60% of the immortal temperament is enough."

System response: [The host can purchase the "Temperament Control" props in the store, each prop sells for 100,000 reputation points. 】

Wang Mo: "But I haven't opened the mall yet."

System: [Please host to work hard. 】

Wang Mo: "..."


At least I know that I have a way to control my temperament transformation in the future.

Otherwise, the ability of temperament conversion cannot be used easily.


It's really scary, because at this time, all the major social platforms are in a boiling state.

on Weibo.

In less than half an hour, several hot searches have popped up.

【The Immortal Visits the Peak】

【This back view is so amazing】

[A back view makes me kneel down and worship]

【Real Immortal】

Several hot searches suppressed all other topics of "Eternal Spiritual Fate". Even the main character Lu Qian who was supposed to be a hot topic tonight became deserted when he got the "Source of Stars".

Almost all viewers who watch this TV series can't discuss the topic without "The Immortal Comes to the Peak".

"Oh my god, the moment that figure appeared, my scalp went numb."

"Me too, I thought I saw a real immortal."

"I didn't lie to you, I already knelt down and kowtowed at home."

"That temperament is so magical."

"There is also a vague coercion, which is exactly the same as the immortal in my impression."

"How on earth did he do it?"

"Now this back view still lingers in my mind."


In the comment area, netizens were more and more shocked.

There is something incredible in everyone's words.

Many netizens who have never watched the show feel ridiculous when they see these hot searches.

"Isn't the hype for "Eternal Soul" a bit too much?"

"It's just that today's trending search really irritated my eyes."

"Can a back figure be worthy of such praise?"

"Hahaha, you're laughing so hard. How far can a figure from behind make you immortal?"


However, when these uninformed netizens ridiculed.

In the comment areas of several topics, someone quickly posted a video clip of "The Immortal Coming to the Peak" and a classic picture of his back.

Someone saw the back view.

Someone finished watching the video.

Then...all these uninformed netizens were also shocked.

"Can a human perform this?"



"It gave me goosebumps all over my body."

On Weibo, it was just netizens discussing it enthusiastically.

At this moment, on Bilibili and Douyin, especially on Douyin, the video clip about "The Immortal Coming to the Peak" has been released by several marketing accounts and quickly became popular on Douyin.

In a short period of time, the number of shares of this video has exceeded 10 million!

After the initial shock and admiration.

Many professionals and some people in the film industry began to analyze it seriously.

The first reaction of these people is: Are there any actors with this kind of acting skills in domestic entertainment?

I don’t blame everyone for thinking so.

In fact, the actor's acting skills in the video have exceeded everyone's imagination.

A "drama star" with tens of millions of fans who specializes in reviewing film and television dramas published a video saying: "To be honest, if I hadn't seen this figure with my own eyes, I couldn't imagine that an actor could play an immortal to this extent.

In my opinion, the back figure in the play is no longer an actor. Standing there, he is a fairy!

His aura.

His coercion.

The aura he exudes invisibly tells us that he is an immortal from the Nine Heavens.

This kind of acting is no longer perfect, it is the pinnacle of excellence.

Especially from the back, we can vaguely judge that this person is not old, and most likely will not be more than 30 years old. Just now, I have written down all the artists under the age of 30 in domestic entertainment on paper, trying to analyze who this person is. However, after excluding all the artists, we still have no clue.

Because none of these young actors in the entertainment industry can achieve the level of acting skills from behind. "


A well-known director in the industry also expressed his opinion: "As far as I know, no actor I have come into contact with can reach this height.

Now I even suspect that the back figure in the play was synthesized by AI, because no matter how good the actor's acting skills are, it is difficult to perform the superb fairy temperament without moving and without body language.

But just now, I asked an AI expert, and the other person said that AI can indeed draw a vivid virtual character, but to create the otherworldly temperament of the back, AI cannot do it.

So, now I'm a little confused.

Who played this back view?

I can put my words here, the person who can play a character from the back to such perfection is definitely not an unknown person. This person's acting skills are even better than those of today's new generation of movie kings and movie queens. "

If the video of "The Man in the Play" is not very convincing.

What this director said is truly shocking.

"Who is this person?"

"Could it be my brother?"

"Bah! You're so embarrassed to say that."

"I can't think of it anyway."

"This acting is breathtaking."

"Anyway, I'm sure that among the younger generation of domestic entertainers, no one has such acting skills."

"It's not like this person just popped out of the cracks in the rocks, right?"


What makes everyone particularly puzzled is that in the end credits of "Eternal Love", the actor who plays Master Lu Qian is written: Anonymous.

Anonymous means that you don’t want to reveal your name.

This also caused an uproar among many people.

A person with such great acting skills actually refuses to reveal his name?

What is the reason?

Many netizens began to use their imagination again.

"This man must be a great folk god."

"I think so too."

"In China's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the director probably happened to meet a hermit with a fairy spirit, so he cast him in this role."

"It's very possible."

"Yes, this is the only way to explain why the other party has such acting skills, because the other party is acting like himself. It can also explain why the other party is unwilling to appear on camera, because the other party is a hermit..."

"Let me tell you XDJM, is it possible that this back figure is played by a real immortal?"

"Are you obsessed with watching the show?"


When netizens are thinking wildly.

As the director of "Eternal Love", Guo Wei's phone has been buzzing with calls.

Directors, screenwriters, actors, and countless other people in the industry all called and asked who the actor in the back was.

"Director Guo, do we still want to hide something from each other?"

"Director Guo, I want this actor."

"Director Guo, please tell me who this talented actor is."

"Director Guo, I'm filming a fairy tale drama here. I'll reward you heavily for the information you tell this person."


However, in the face of everyone's inquiries, Guo Wei could only refuse with a wry smile: "Sorry, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that I really can't."

this moment.

He felt a little regretful about letting Wang Mo play the role of "The Immortal Comes to the Peak".

At first, he was just shocked by Wang Mo's acting skills, so he desperately let Wang Mo play this role.

But now after the TV series aired, Guo Wei found that he couldn't control the scene.

First, Wang Mo's performance in the play has already dominated the show. That night, almost everyone ignored the protagonist's role and focused on the back view.

Secondly, many of the people who called tonight to inquire about the identities of the people behind them are top directors and screenwriters in the industry. To refuse them is to offend these big bosses to a certain extent.

"The gain outweighs the loss."

Guo Wei shook his head and sighed.

But at the same time, I am looking forward to thinking in my heart: "I wonder if the company can overcome all difficulties and let Wang Mo come back and reappear in front of the public one day in the future. If there is such a day, I will make another fairy tale drama, and then invite him As the protagonist, with his extraordinary temperament, the role he plays is simply unimaginable, and he will definitely become one of the most classic characters in the history of fairy tale dramas."

the following few days.

Speculations on the identity of the person behind "The Immortal at the Peak" have been hot on the Internet.

It can be said that the powerful netizens have turned actors in the entire entertainment industry upside down.

But the true identity of the "back figure" is still not found.

And as time went on, various rumors emerged.

Some people say: The figure in the back does not exist at all, it is a work of love.

Some people say: The figure in the back is definitely an expert hidden in the famous mountains of China.

Some people say: The figures in the background are the real images of immortals shot by the director.

Some people even say that the figure in the back is very similar to Wang Mo, the popular young starlet in the collapse of the house, because the body shape, age and height of the back figure all match.

The first three rumors have many supporters.

Only the fourth rumor publisher was scolded by netizens.


What bad luck!

Everyone is looking for the immortal, but this person is actually looking for scolding!

And at this moment.

The real owner of the back figure, Wang Mo, was trying to sleep after browsing the hot discussions about himself on the Internet for a few days.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

[Congratulations to the host for gaining a reputation of over 5 million. 】

[Reward special treasure box*1. 】

[Reward Silver Treasure Box*1. 】

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