My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 121 A back figure caused madness

It seems that Xu Mengqi has been prepared for it. No wonder the other party is a movie queen and usually very busy, but she specially made time to come to the magic city to treat him to dinner.

Wang Mo took the document and took a look.

There are several main contents written above.

First, if both parties decide to cooperate, then Xu Mengqi must unconditionally support Wang Mo's comeback.

Second, within one year, Wang Mo needs to write at least 3 songs for Xu Mengqi.

Third, before Wang Mo came back, all the proceeds from the songs Wang Mo wrote for Xu Mengqi belonged to Wang Mo.

Fourth, if Xu Mengqi regrets, Wang Mo can take back all copyrights to the song at any time.

Just these four points are equivalent to putting Wang Mo in an invincible position in this cooperation.

This shows how much Xu Mengqi desires the music industry.

However, Wang Mo still did not agree easily. He read the document carefully and then said: "Sister Qi, from the bottom of my heart I am willing to cooperate with you, but I can't make the decision on this matter. The company has to decide."

Xu Mengqi smiled and said: "As long as you agree, then it's no problem."

Obviously, she has full confidence in this cooperation.

After dinner.

The two of them left the restaurant quietly.

After Wang Mo returned home, he immediately called Yuan Xiong and explained in detail what Xu Mengqi had told him about the cooperation tonight. At the same time, he took out the document and handed it to Yuan Xiong.

Yuan Xiong read it again, with surprise on his face: "There is no need to hesitate for this kind of cooperation, just agree."

Wang Mo said a little strangely: "With this kind of cooperation conditions, Xu Mengqi must be at a disadvantage, right? How could she give up such a huge benefit just to ask for three songs from me?"

Yuan Xiong looked at Wang Mo seriously for a few times, and then said in a deep voice: "You stand at different heights, and you look at the problem from different angles. Will Xu Mengqi really suffer? But from her perspective, she doesn't suffer at all. .”

Wang Mo was puzzled.

Yuan Xiong explained: "First of all, with Xu Mengqi's status, the income from two or three songs is nothing to her, and it doesn't hurt to give it all to you. As for helping Xu Mengqi come back, that's just a small effort. Because Your comeback does not violate ethics or morals, nor does it violate official regulations. So this matter is still no difficulty for her. It can be said that her real contribution is that if you get involved in the film and television industry in the future, she can provide you with resources.

So her contribution was not much.

But she can break into the music scene through your three songs of "Speechless". Even if these three songs are good enough, coupled with the later capital operation, she can quickly become a queen-level figure in the music industry.

The combination of the movie queen and the singing queen can make Xu Mengqi a true entertainment queen.

If Xu Mengqi can really do this, think about how much fame and benefit she will gain?

Do you still think she will lose money in this cooperation? "

Wang Mo didn't say anything for a while.

After a long time, he rubbed his head and said, "I'm still too young."

Yuan Xiong said: "So this is a win-win cooperation. Leave the rest to me. You only need to think about writing songs."

Wang Mo nodded.

Just three songs.

It's simple for him.

The cooperation between Wang Mo and Xu Mengqi was classified as top secret in Yunhai Media. Except for a few senior officials, no one knew the inside story.

At this moment, the outside world is still attracted by one thing.

That is, as time goes by, "Eternal Spiritual Destiny" becomes more and more popular, setting off a ratings frenzy across the entire network.

This TV series has also repeatedly broken its own ratings record this year, and its scenery is unparalleled.

The ending song "Peach Blossom" sung by Xu Mengqi is also going viral, and the melody of this song can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

Even the theme song "Nine Days Chasing Dreams", which received mediocre feedback, was brought up, and it threatened Ye Yuanhang's "Counter Current" several times on the new song charts. Fortunately, Canxing Culture increased its publicity efforts and was able to keep Ye Yuanhang's success. 's dick.

Otherwise, if Ye Yuanhang is embarrassed this time, he may really be thrown into his grandma's house.

This evening.

Countless fans of "Eternal Soul" were all waiting in front of the TV, and they were discussing enthusiastically in their own circles.

"Ahhhh, I have a big orgasm tonight."

"I can't wait, let's get started."

"Lu Qian's master will show up tonight, I'm really looking forward to it."

"It turns out that it's not that Lu Qian doesn't have a backstage, but that his backstage is too powerful."

"Luo Ling is finally saved."

"Lu Qian has such a powerful master, why didn't he tell him before? He actually watched Luo Ling being kidnapped."


The reason why the audience is so excited is that after half a month of broadcasting, the plot of "Eternal Love" finally reached its first big breaking point.

In the play, the female protagonist Luo Ling is kidnapped by the villain, but the male protagonist Lu Qian is powerless. In despair, he has no choice but to return to the Immortal Sect to seek help from his own sect. However, he could never find his way back to the Immortal Sect because the man went down the mountain privately and was expelled from the Immortal Sect. In desperation, the male protagonist knelt at the foot of Lei Xian Mountain for seven days and seven nights, until his orifices bled. Finally, his master couldn't bear it and prepared to see the male protagonist.

And tonight is the day when the male protagonist’s master meets the male protagonist.

At this time, many people knew that the male protagonist had such a powerful disciple, and they all looked forward to it.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, "Eternal Spiritual Fate" is officially broadcast.

"here we go."

"I'm coming."

"so excited."

On TV.

In the dark night, there was a violent storm.

Lu Qian was still kneeling at the foot of Lei Xian Mountain. The towering Lei Xian Mountain looked awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.

On the top of the mountain shrouded in mist, huge streaks of thunder can be vaguely seen, carrying terrifying power from heaven. I am afraid that any mortal who touches it will be chopped into ashes.

At this moment, Lu Qian was under tremendous pressure, and his whole body was already covered in blood.

But there was still firmness and determination in his eyes.

Kneeling down again and again: "Please Master, please save Ling'er's life. I am willing to sacrifice my life in exchange."


When Lu Qian was getting desperate, a loud and helpless voice sounded in his ears: "Since you went down the mountain privately, you have already stopped your path to immortality. What are you going to do today? No matter what, you are my disciple after all. Today I will meet with you and completely end our master-disciple relationship."


Lu Qian's eyes showed surprise and he kowtowed repeatedly.

The next second.

The stormy weather suddenly stopped, and the dark clouds in the dark sky quickly dissipated, revealing a sky full of stars.

In the middle of the stars is a huge bright moon.

Under the bright moon, a huge mountain peak was reflected, which was ethereal but overwhelming.

Many people watching this scene were shaken.

"What a nice view."

"It's really like a fairyland."

"That's why I love this show, every detail surprises me."


While many people were still amazed by the beauty of the scenes in the play.

I saw it above the nine heavens.

A figure floated down gently, standing proudly on the top of the mountain with the bright moon on its back.

Immortal comes to the peak!

In just an instant, the tens of millions of viewers watching TV were all stunned.

Almost everyone's eyes showed strong shock.

Because in their opinion, the figure on the TV at this moment seems not to be played by a human being at all, but a real immortal coming to the peak!

It was just a figure from behind, but everyone felt the urge to worship him.




Beyond the mundane.

The back is standing on the top of the mountain, even though it is motionless, even though it seems so small and far away. But in the hearts of everyone, the other party seemed unattainable and otherworldly, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in their hearts.

In their opinion, that figure is not an actor, he is a real immortal.

The momentum that one person invisibly exudes is even greater than the pressure on them from the entire mountain.

permeated the whole place.

He just stood there, as if the whole world was there.

The powerful aura and coercion even penetrated the screen, making everyone's heart tremble.


"This, is this true?"

"Mom, come out and see the immortals!"

"Oh my God, facing this figure, I actually have the urge to kneel down."

"Me too, I feel that there is some inexplicable pressure from the other party, which makes me afraid to look directly."

"I've never had such a weird feeling."

"Oh my God, it's incredible."

"I was dumbfounded."

"What's happening here?"

"I know it's fake, but why is this figure from behind so scary?"

"For the first time, I felt strong pressure from a figure from behind."

"Illusions, all hallucinations."


On TV, after seeing the immortal coming to the peak, Lu Qian's eyes showed excitement. He knelt down in front of the immortal's back, kowtowed over and over again with tears streaming down his face: "Master, please save Ling'er, I am willing to accept anything." Punishment.”

The actor who plays Lu Qian also broke out in acting at this moment.

With sincerity, with despair, with determination.


Almost everyone watching TV at this moment subconsciously ignored Lu Qian's performance, and everyone's eyes were just fixed on that back figure.





The back remained motionless, but all the viewers felt that their hearts were still suffocating.

In the void.

A voice rang in Lu Qian's ears: "Leave, there is no need to come back again."


I saw the figures on the mountain gradually disappearing.

Then, the bright moon and stars in the sky were quickly shrouded by dark clouds, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and heavy rain started again.

Lu Qian, who was kneeling on the ground, stared blankly at the disappearing mountain peak and his master, then at his recovered injuries and the sudden flash of starlight deep in his heart. He was at a loss for a long time, and then he knocked hard on the ground three times. He stood up and left.

It wasn't until this moment that the viewers watching the TV felt the inexplicable pressure in their hearts dissipate.

Recall the back view of the Immortal Lin Feng just now.

It's like a dream.

Many people were in a daze in front of the TV, and their minds were almost always occupied by that back figure, and it was difficult to come back to their senses for a long time.

Some people no longer cared about watching TV and quickly posted their feelings on their respective social platforms.

But they didn’t discover it until they got on the social platform.

social platform at the moment.


Bilibili, Weibo, Douyin, WeChat...all places have already fallen into madness.

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