My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 120 I am dead and I will burn paper if I have something to do.

Next to Wang Mo.

Yuan Xiong also showed a surprised expression and asked in confusion: "This Ye Yuanhang, what does he want to do?"

Yuan Xiong couldn't help but think too much.

In the past six months, Wang Mo, as "Wuyan", only did not release a song in November.

As for Ye Yuanhang, it was only in November that he did not release any new songs.

Just a coincidence.

Can there be so many coincidences?

There is a saying: everything that seems too coincidental is due to careful planning behind it.

So both Wang Mo and Yuan Xiong felt: Ye Yuanhang did it on purpose!

Wang Mo rubbed his eyebrows: "But... what is the purpose of Ye Yuanhang doing this?"

Yuan Xiong couldn't figure it out either.

After pondering for a while, he spoke: "Perhaps...Ye Yuanhang has a masochistic personality? He is naturally willing to be abused? That's why he deliberately bumps into you every time he releases a song?"

Okay... Although this possibility is a bit absurd, Wang Mo still nodded in approval.

Because only this explanation can explain Ye Yuanhang's behavior.


At this moment, Ye Yuanhang didn't know about the conversation between Wang Mo and Yuan Xiong, otherwise he would have pinched Wang Mo's neck with one hand and Yuan Xiong's neck with the other and roared viciously: "Fuck your sister's masochistic personality, I don't want to talk to you either. We bumped into each other, do you think I would like it? Do you think I like it?"

He doesn't want to!


Music circle.

Many people are also paying close attention to Xu Mengqi's new song.

Many people have keenly felt that if Xu Mengqi's new song performs well this time, then the actress is very likely to strike while the iron is hot and get involved in the music industry.

After all, many people in the industry know that Xu Mengqi has always planned to enter the music industry.

And this time, it is an excellent opportunity.

However, after seeing the new song list, everyone had the same expression as Wang Mo, they were all confused.

"Why is there Ye Yuanhang again?"

"Ouch, Ye Yuanhang is here again."

"What does he want to do?"

"Fuck it, I can't believe my eyes."

"Ye Yuanhang likes to sing songs with Wu Yan so much. Does he really like to be the second child? Well, definitely yes."


Many singers who have friendships with Ye Yuanhang also don't understand his behavior.

They all chatted privately with Ye Yuanhang.

"Brother Hang, do you like to compete with Wu Yan?"

"Brother Hang, are you arguing with Wu Yan?"

"Brother Hang, you can accurately compete with Wu Yan every time you sing. Did you specifically investigate Wu Yan before you sing?"

"Brother Hang, other singers keep a distance from Wu Yan, for fear of confronting him. Only you have confronted Wu Yan head-on time and time again. So my admiration for you is like an endless river."

"Brother Hang..."

On the sofa in the villa.

Ye Yuanhang still maintains the state of sculpture.

The messages on his cell phone kept ringing, allowing him to regain some of his vitality.

But after he read the message content, this vitality disappeared without a trace in an instant.

And all the singers or acquaintances who cared about Ye Yuanhang discovered that Ye Yuanhang's signature had been changed to: I am dead, and I will burn the paper if I have something to do.

The following days.

With the popularity of "Eternal Love" on Mango Channel, its ratings have begun to hit new highs. It brought many TV fans into a mysterious world of immortals, and also started an unforgettable love affair between the male and female protagonists.

The ending song "Peach Blossom" sung by Deng Mengqi, driven by the TV series, began to become popular all over the Internet.

Especially in Douyin, "Peach Blossom Nuo" was used as background music by many Internet celebrities and became very popular.

It can be said that its popularity even surpassed the time when "Peach Blossom" in Wang Mo's memory was a big hit on the Internet.

Wang Mo was shocked at first.

But it soon felt natural.

There are several reasons why "Tao Huan Nuo" has generated such a huge response:

First: "Eternal Link" became a big hit, making the ending song widely spread. Even the theme song rushed to third place on the new song list, once posing a threat to Ye Yuanhang's second place status.

Second: As a movie queen, Xu Mengqi has a huge fan base. Her fans also brought great support to "Taohua Nuo".

Third: This song is his "wordless" work. Just the word "wordless" can attract many fans.

For these reasons.

Everyone knows that ranking on the new song chart is not the end of "Taohua Nuo" at all, but just the starting point.

In time, this song will definitely enter the hot song list or even the classic list.

After "Taohua Nuo" became popular.

Xu Mengqi dialed Wang Mo's phone number again.

On the phone, Xu Mengqi's voice was filled with surprise and coquettishness: "Teacher Wuyan, Master Wuyan, please accept this little lady's admiration and worship."

Wang Mo was helpless: "Sister Qi, you are a movie queen after all, don't let others laugh at you."

"Tch, last time you said you missed me, but in the blink of an eye it was serious."

Xu Mengqi snorted, but then said with a smile: "In the past, I have always listened to several friends in the music industry saying how powerful Wu Yan is and how magical Wu Yan is. Every singer who collaborates with Wu Yan can be impressed by him. Take me flying with you. At that time, I thought my friends were exaggerating. No matter how great Wu Yan is, he is just a songwriter. How amazing can it be? But it wasn’t until today that I personally experienced the feeling of being taken by you. "

Wang Mo coughed: "The main thing is that you sing well, Sister Qi."

Xu Mengqi: "Don't flatter me. How could I not know how capable I am? And to be honest, I had already guessed that this song would be popular, but I didn't expect it to be so popular. Last time you said let I’ll treat you to a big dinner. You dare to say, what do you want to eat? Sister, please!”

Wang Mo said in surprise: "Sister Qi, are you in the Magic City?"

Xu Mengqi smiled and said: "That's right, how about it? Come out to hang out?"

Wang Mo thought for a while and agreed.

A movie queen invited me to dinner in person, and I had no reason not to agree.

After one hour.

In a private chef's box in Shanghai, Wang Mo met Xu Mengqi, who was wrapped like a rice dumpling.

Xu Mengqi took off her hat, sunglasses, scarf, mask, and thick down jacket. After revealing her attractive figure, she sat on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

Glancing at Wang Mo who was dressed as a normal person, Xu Mengqi's eyes showed envy: "You are walking outside like this and you won't be recognized?"


Wang Mo smiled: "Not many people pay attention to me. Even if one or two people think that I am like that former top person, they just show doubts, but before they can react, I have already left."

"very nice."

Xu Mengqi's delicate and pretty face showed envy, "I have always dreamed of one day walking and shopping on the streets without restraint, walking through various alleys, eating snacks there, and visiting various specialty shops. "

Wang Mo snapped his fingers: "It's simple, as long as you completely collapse your house like me. After a year and a half, I guarantee that no one will pay attention to you again."


Xu Mengqi stared at Wang Mo with beautiful eyes, and suddenly smiled: "You, your mentality is really good."

Wang Mo smiled slightly: "If you give me a prize, please give me a prize."

What I ate was Hunan cuisine.

Xu Mengqi must have found out that Wang Mo was from Hunan Province, so she specially ordered a meal here.

The chef was probably a master chef, and the taste of the food was extremely pure, which made Wang Mo rave about it.

Xu Mengqi couldn't eat spicy food at all, but she had her own way. She prepared a large bowl filled with cold water nearby. Every time she picked up a dish, she would rinse it several times in the large bowl before putting it in her mouth to chew.

But despite this, Xu Mengqi's face was still flushed, giving her originally cold face a hint of charm.

Wang Mo laughed: "Sister Qi, don't order Hunan cuisine next time. I'm not picky about food."

"I told you earlier, I will take you to eat Cantonese food next time."

Xu Mengqi stuck out her tongue and fanned the air with her hands to drive away the spicy taste.

Wang Mo shook his head helplessly and called the chef to add some less spicy dishes.

In fact, many people have a misunderstanding, thinking that Hunan cuisine must be very spicy.

But Hunan cuisine also has many non-spicy classic dishes, such as: steamed pork with vermicelli, Mao's braised pork, meatballs, steamed cured meat...etc. are all classic Hunan dishes that are not spicy.

Seeing that he was almost done eating, Xu Mengqi suddenly said: "I asked people in our company to do a detailed analysis and came to a conclusion: If you want to come back, you have a great chance."

Wang Mo remained calm: "Sister Qi, why do you suddenly talk about this?"

Xu Mengqi said: "If you really want to come back one day, you can tell me in advance and I should be able to help."

After hearing this, Wang Mo finally felt a little moved.

With Xu Mengqi's current status in the entertainment industry, can she be more than a little help?

Especially now that Xu Mengqi has already broken away from the control of capital and established a studio. It has even signed contracts with many well-known entertainers in the entertainment industry.

It can be said that, to a certain extent, she is capital.

Therefore, if he can get help from Xu Mengqi, the troubles he will encounter during his comeback will be greatly reduced.

His expression became serious: "Why do you want Sister Qi to help me?"

Xu Mengqi smiled slightly: "I help you because you helped me this time. And I have one more request."

Wang Mo had already vaguely guessed something.

But he still said: "Please speak."

Xu Mengqi said: "You should have guessed, right? Because I want to break into the music scene. So, I want to ask you to help me write another song. Of course, I won't be too greedy, as long as you help me write two or three more songs." If you agree, then I will fully stand by your side from today on to help you come back.

At the same time, if you intend to enter the film and television industry after your comeback, I will also mobilize my resources to help you.

You help me break into the music industry, and I pave the way for you in the film and television industry. The two of them help each other, what do you think? "

After saying this.

Xu Mengqi stared closely into Wang Mo's eyes.

Wang Mo fell into deep thought.

In fact, although Xu Mengqi was talking about helping each other, in Wang Mo's opinion, he took advantage because it was not difficult for him to come up with two or three songs.

But the benefits he received were too great.

Especially Xu Mengqi's promise to give her resources and help in the film and television industry, which means that her future development in the film and television industry will basically be smooth sailing.

He pondered, thinking about how credible Xu Mengqi's words were.

After all, I am not very involved in the world.

And Xu Mengqi has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years.

Their knowledge and experience are not on the same level at all.

Seeing Wang Mo's delay in responding, Xu Mengqi blinked: "Are you worried that I will regret it?"

Wang Mo simply nodded: "That's right."

Xu Mengqi snapped her fingers: "This is simple, I'll show you something."

With that said, she opened the small bag, took out a document and handed it to Wang Mo.

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