Xu Mengqi's acting skills are definitely impeccable.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have become a movie queen.



Ye Yuanhang's manager sat next to Ye Yuanhang and said with a smile: "In fact, every top person in the entertainment industry wants to fully blossom in the music and film circles, and Xu Mengqi is the same. Since she became an actress, she has wanted to set foot in it several times. She also sang one or two songs in the music industry, but the response was mediocre, so Xu Mengqi later gave up the idea and concentrated on filming the TV series. This time, she probably took the job of the ending song to cooperate with the promotion of the TV series.

Of course, this also means that her idea of ​​entering the music scene has never really been eliminated.

If it were normal, Xu Mengqi's popularity as the actress would be coupled with the hype of "Eternal Destiny". In the absence of a top singer to release a song, Xu Mengqi's ending song has a high chance of sweeping the new song charts. It's a pity that I just met you...

So, sometimes luck is really hard to say. "

"What's the pity?"

Ye Yuanhang smiled slightly: "She is an outsider, but she can get the second place on the new song chart. Isn't she satisfied?"

The agent nodded: "That's right."

Ye Yuanhang said no more.

Because as the credits roll on TV, the credits roll has begun.

At the beginning, the orchestra played a melodious Chinese-style melody.

A soft prelude came from the TV, revealing a strong classical style.

"The intro is pretty good."

Ye Yuanhang chewed the sunshine rose and smiled.

The agent also nodded: "The classic ancient style prelude is very suitable for the TV series "Eternal Fate"."


At the end of the prelude, Xu Mengqi’s singing voice came out:

"The first meeting is like a lingering oath, the wind blows and the clouds roll away.

Time passes and I ask what year it is today

I hope my obsession will reincarnate over the years

How many times have flowers bloomed and fallen in the blink of an eye?”

Accompanied by the soft classical melody, Xu Mengqi's singing seems to be telling the soul-stirring ancient love in "Eternal Love", especially his originally cold voice now has a touch of softness and sadness, and the clear voice Xian's soothing singing revealed a hint of vague sadness.

As the poignant images on TV complement each other, the sad melody slowly penetrates the depths of people's souls, giving them a heart-wrenching feeling.


Ye Yuanhang's hand gradually stopped grabbing Sunshine Rose, and he sat up without knowing when he was lying on the sofa.

This song seems different from what he imagined?

The lyrics are beautiful.

Melody, soul-stirring.

In other words, in Ye Yuanhang's judgment, although he had only listened to a few lines, he could see that this song was of a very high level, at least several levels higher than the theme song.

However, what particularly shocked him was Xu Mengqi's singing.

"how so?"

In his impression, the actress who sang coldly and had no emotional expression was actually acting completely different from before. Her voice was soft and warm but extremely contagious and expressive, vividly displaying the emotions in the song.

"The entanglements of this life have touched my heartstrings

I don’t know if we can see each other again in the next life

Leave a piece of peach blossom to commemorate, but the fate is floating

There are still thoughts of me between the eyebrows.”

Xu Mengqi's singing still continues.




The song like poetry came out from Xu Mengqi's mouth, which seemed even more touching. People are touched by the music unconsciously, and their hearts rise and fall with the melody.

Ye Yuanhang's expression had not changed at all. He just sat there blankly, listening to the music melody that poured into his ears one after another.

That's when.

Xu Mengqi's voice began to rise:

"One inch of soil, one year of wood, one flower, one tree, one greed

Love is a kind of love that goes astray

Forget the road ahead, forget the old things, forget the heart, forget you, forget the beginning

Colored Spot stays on the road of loving you”

With strong appeal and emotional catharsis, this moment seemed to be all expressed in her singing.

It was a shock to the soul.

That is the sinking of consciousness.

The rich, powerful and progressive chorus adds a sense of power to this song.

Especially when the last fake high-pitched line "Piedarabian stays on the road of love" sounded, Ye Yuanhang even felt a tingling sensation in his scalp.


Absolutely impossible.

Ye Yuanhang shook his head in confusion. There was only one thought in his mind at the moment: Why did Xu Mengqi suddenly become so powerful? This... is simply not her level.

No, or rather... it was this extraordinary ending song that drove Xu Mengqi away, who was originally just a singer.

how so?

What went wrong?


His manager was also stunned. Even though the manager didn't understand music, he was still stunned by Xu Mengqi's singing at this moment.

He quietly glanced at Ye Yuanhang, swallowed, and then quickly took the sunshine rose away while the other party was not paying attention.

"Pious and long-cherished wish for the next life"

A thought of peach blossom leads to the transition of cause and effect

That thought is repeated several times

Listening to the Rain Book and Looking at the Sky Lake It’s hard to tell how many feelings there are in the world

Memories of Banban stay on the road of loving you."

The singing seems to be getting heavier and heavier, making people's hearts fluctuate more and more.

In fact, just from the melody point of view, this song is just a simple ancient song, and it does not have particularly complex arrangement and production techniques. However, the beautiful, desolate lyrics make all techniques redundant.

Xu Mengqi's graceful and rippling singing voice easily touches the hearts of the listeners, displaying the emotions and connotations contained in the songs in front of the audience.

It is full of emotions, weeping and complaining, which makes people moved when they hear it.

Ye Yuanhang still sat like this, motionless, as if he had turned into a stone sculpture.

Until the song ends.

Until, at the end, a line of words appeared on the TV.

This line reads:

Ending song: "Peach Blossom".

Lyrics: Speechless.

Composer: Speechless.

Singer: Xu Mengqi.

Ye Yuanhang's dull eyes suddenly paused when he saw the word "speechless".


His brain exploded.

On this New Year's Day evening.

Many people don’t actually have any holiday activities.

Many young people are lying in bed, either watching Bilibili, watching Douyin, or watching TV dramas.

And tonight, Mango Channel's newly aired "Eternal Love" has undoubtedly become the first choice for many young people to watch dramas.

Even before the first episode has been aired, there are already overwhelming comments about this fairy tale drama on the Internet.


“The first episode hooked me.”

"Xu Mengqi is so beautiful, and the style inside is simply stunning to me."

"Hahaha, I have a drama to follow in the next month."

The reviews are very good.

On Douban, after the ratings of "Eternal Soul" were opened, the number of reviews quickly exceeded 1,000, and the rating was as high as 9.7 points. Of course, as time goes by, this score will definitely decrease.

But the current score of 9.7 still proves that the quality of "Eternal Soul" is very good.


Everyone believes that tonight is the moment when the entire Internet discusses the plot of "Eternal Soul", and nothing else can cover up the enthusiasm of netizens to communicate about this drama.

Until...after the ending song played.

That moment.

In front of countless TV sets, countless viewers watching TV were attracted by the melodious and sad singing voice on the TV, and then gradually fell into despair.

Beautiful lyrics.

Sad melody.

A graceful singing voice.

All of them touched everyone's hearts.

It wasn't until the end of the credits and the commercial break on TV that many people came back to their senses, with still dazed looks on their faces.

"This song is so nice."

"Oh my gosh, it's so good, isn't it?"

"Especially when I heard the chorus, I was trembling all over."

"Just listening to the song, I have already become a part of the play."


Ordinary viewers just think this song is good.

But many fans noticed one thing: the singer of this song was Xu Mengqi. After knowing the singer, many fans' hearts skipped a beat.

"I just realized that Queen Xu sings so beautifully?"

"Is Xu Mengqi so talented in singing?"

"Just based on this song, Xu Mengqi's performance is not inferior to that of first-line singers."

"Maybe it's the work of millions of tuners."

"Don't be sour."

"Anyway, I didn't hear electronic music. This kind of quality, no matter how good the sound engineer is, still requires Xu Mengqi to have excellent singing skills."

"It's amazing. I've heard Xu Mengqi sing before, but it didn't sound so good at all. This time, "Peach Blossom" really surprised me."


However, what really shocked the industry was the industry.

This time "Eternal Destiny" is broadcast, many people in the industry in China are paying attention to its premiere. Seeing the remarkable results of the premiere of "Eternal Destiny", many people just think it is normal.

But when they heard the ending song sung by Xu Mengqi, these industry insiders were stunned.

The ending song of Xu Mengqi's record, they understand.


Why...sing so well?

Because from their professional perspective, Xu Mengqi's performance this time has far exceeded that of a film and television actor, and is even better than many professional singers.

If another actor had performed like this, they wouldn't be so shocked.


Xu Mengqi was originally a movie queen.

A movie queen suddenly showed singing skills that were comparable to or even better than those of a top-tier singer.

What does that mean?

Many people feel palpitations the more they think about it.

Until they saw Xu Mengqi's "Peach Blossom" this time, all the lyrics and music were written by Wu Yan. Many people finally understood why Xu Mengqi suddenly became so powerful.

"Speechless, speechless again."

"No wonder Xu Mengqi suddenly became so powerful. It turned out that she got the silent song."

"Isn't it? Wu Yan has collaborated with Xu Mengqi? Hasn't Wu Yan always only favored new singers? Fu Zhuang is a little famous. If he reaches a cooperation with the movie queen Xu Mengqi, then if Xu Mengqi enters the music world, it will be even more powerful!"


Many people in the industry are in ups and downs.

Of course, it is too early to say anything about Xu Mengqi's future development.

After the first episode of "Eternal Love" was played, major music platforms have simultaneously uploaded "Taohuanuo", which also caused people who like songs to flock to music platforms.

Wang Mo is also paying attention to the performance of "Peach Blossom Nuo" on the New Song Gang.

Although he had full confidence in "Peach Blossom" and was sure of Xu Mengqi's singing, he was still worried about an accident.

After all, the song "Taohua Nuo" sung by Deng Ziqi in his previous life did not become popular immediately, but it suddenly became popular five years later.

Look at the new song list.

Wang Mo's eyes suddenly froze slightly because he saw a familiar name:

Currently ranked number one on the new song list is: "Counter Current" by Ye Yuanhang.

? ? ?

Wang Mo rubbed his eyebrows, and a question mark appeared on his head: Is Ye Yuanhang releasing a song again?

Damn it!

Did he come here on purpose?

If you release a song, he will release a song?

If he doesn’t release songs, he won’t release songs?

Why is he so stubborn?

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