My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 118 Movie Queen? Labor and management are targeting the movie queen! (asking for monthly tic

hang up the phone.

Wang Mo suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

Looking up, he found that Hao Mingxing and the other four people were all looking at him, with shock and confusion in their eyes.

Wang Mo coughed: "What's wrong with you?"

Immediately, everyone spoke out one after another.

"Brother Mo, was that the movie queen Xu Mengqi just now?"

"She just said that Brother Mo, you participated in a TV series?"



Wang Mo shook his head and laughed: "With my current situation, how can I participate in a TV series? I just accidentally went to the set of "Eternal Soul" last time, and then appeared in it for a few seconds for some reasons. Hmm... These few seconds are just an insubstantial back view, so it’s harmless. After all, you all know that if I really want to appear in the show, then this TV series will never be broadcast.”

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

Hao Mingxing, on the other hand, showed a slightly thoughtful expression. He always felt that if Wang Mo just played an insignificant role, Xu Mengqi would not have called specifically.

But Wang Mo is also right, Wang Mo really can't appear on camera now.

That would be strange.

Hao Mingxing thought for a while, but couldn't figure out the key.

As for Wang Mo writing songs for Xu Mengqi, because he didn't tell anyone, everyone still didn't know.

This evening.

Everyone stayed together until about two o'clock in the morning before leaving.


Whether it was Hao Mingxing, Su Xueyao, Tang Qinyun, or Fu Zhuang, their cell phones rang at least a dozen times.

But all four of them tacitly agreed not to answer the phone.

This night belongs only to them.

They didn't want any work matters to interfere with this rare gathering.

Wang Mo clearly felt that because of the dinner party, the four of them had become very familiar with him in just a few hours. Especially Fu Zhuang and Tang Qinyun, who lost their previous restraint when chatting and became much closer. .

"It seems that we will have more gatherings like this in the future."

Wang Mo thought to himself.

A circle can only maintain relationships through frequent contact and communication.

If there is no contact for a long time, no matter how deep the relationship is, it will fade away.

After the evening.

Hao Mingxing personally sent Wang Mo to the apartment before returning home.

On the way.

The phone rang again, for the thirtieth time that night.

Hao Mingxing took a look and then answered the phone: "Zheng Lai."

Zheng Lai's voice full of resentment came: "Brother Xing, can you please stop being so willful? Tomorrow morning... no, it's around five o'clock this morning. We will take a plane to Yangcheng to attend a very important press conference. As a result, you disappeared for me the day before? Why didn't you answer the phone? Now it's less than three hours before the plane takes off. If you don't answer the phone, I can only cancel the event and call the organizer to apologize."

Hao Mingxing: "I told you, I want to have a dinner."

Zheng Lai became even more angry: "Brother, you didn't even answer the phone just for a dinner party? Why is a dinner party so important? You..."

The words have not yet finished.

Hao Mingxing interrupted him: "Have dinner with Brother Mo."

Zheng Lai suddenly paused, and all the resentment in his belly suddenly disappeared. He coughed and forced a smile: "That's it, then you guys eat and drink well, and the activities are not important. By the way...send the restaurant and room number to me. Me, I'll pay the bill."

Hao Mingxing: "It's over."

Zheng Lai: "So soon? Do you want to sing K again? I will open a room for you."

The other side.

After Tang Qinyun returned, she saw her manager standing at the door waiting for her, and she suddenly felt guilty.

Because since her official debut, the company has assigned her a senior agent: Xia Li.

Xia Li is a very powerful agent. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for her to take charge of a newcomer like Tang Qinyun. It's just that Tang Qinyun got Wang Mo's song and became the spokesperson of Gao Niu You Yogurt. She has a bright future, so the company specially sent her to lead Tang Qinyun.

But Charlie was usually very nice to her.

But some principles are extremely strict. For example, Charlie once stipulated that she could go out to have dinner with friends, but she must be back before twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Sister Li, I..."

Tang Qinyun glanced at the time, it was already past three in the morning.

The expected violent storm did not come.

On the contrary, Charlie smiled and asked gently: "Did Wang Mo go?"

Tang Qinyun nodded: "Yeah, there are Brother Hao, Sister Yaoyao and Brother Fu."

Charlie: "Did you enjoy the chat?"

Tang Qinyun nodded again: "I'm very happy."

Charlie smiled and said: "If you have such an opportunity in the future, then hang out with them more and don't have to rush back. If it's too late, just call me and I'll pick you up."

Tang Qinyun nodded in confusion: "Okay, Sister Li."

Charlie asked again: "Who paid the bill?"

Tang Qinyun: "Brother Hao."

Charlie: "I will give you a special card from now on. Next time we have dinner together, you can pay the bill."

Tang Qinyun: "Okay."

After saying that, she quickly entered the bathroom and started washing up.

Behind her, Charlie stared at Tang Qinyun's back, shook her head and sighed: Little girl, you have no idea how lucky you are.

time flies.

December has passed in the blink of an eye.

January 1st, New Year's Day.

China has a three-day holiday...emmmm, it's actually one day, but the holiday office has added Saturday and Sunday into it.

this day.

It was just after midnight.

Ye Yuanhang released his new song "Countercurrent".

However, at this moment, Ye Yuanhang still looked tense and kept refreshing the list.

The previous failures made him frightened, fearing that a certain king, queen, or wordless song would suddenly appear on the list.


Until about two o'clock in the morning, the list was still calm.

On the contrary, his new song "Counter Current" has been recognized and praised by many fans.

"Wow, Brother Hang has released a new song?"

"After listening to it, this song is really good."

"Yes, this song is passionate, inspiring, and has a nice melody. It is worthy of being a quasi-king."

"Ye Yuanhang is fighting and losing again and again. He is fighting after repeated defeats."

"But the song does have a level to it."


The praise from the fans also made Ye Yuanhang feel comfortable and boosted his confidence.

When the time came to the morning of the 1st, his new song "Counter Current" firmly occupied the first place on the new song list, and its various statistics were more than double that of the second place.

This is the best result Ye Yuanhang has achieved in several months of releasing songs.

"I... finally got my honor back."

There was light in Ye Yuanhang's eyes.

He looked at his agent and raised his fingers: "Go, I want to eat Sunshine Rose!"

This time, he could finally eat grapes comfortably.

After all, he still likes Sunshine Rose.

The agent heard this and entered the kitchen with a smile.

A few minutes later.

The agent finally came out with the sunshine rose, but his expression was a little solemn.

Ye Yuanhang picked a sunshine rose and threw it into his mouth, enjoying its sweetness, and then said: "What's wrong?"

The agent said solemnly: "Do you know the TV series "Eternal Soul"?"

Ye Yuanhang nodded: "Of course I know, this is a large-scale fairy tale drama with an investment of over 200 million yuan. The actors are all big names in the entertainment industry, and the actress Xu Mengqi is the heroine in it. And the latest one The movie is getting a lot of hype. All kinds of news are flying around. If nothing else, it may be broadcast."

"You're right."

The agent said: "At ten o'clock in the morning, the official Weibo of "Eternal Love" and Mango Channel jointly released the news, announcing that at eight o'clock tonight, "Eternal Love" will be officially broadcast on Mango Channel."

Ye Yuanhang disagreed: "Just broadcast it, what does it have to do with us?"

The agent said: "The broadcast of this TV series has nothing to do with you, but another thing is related to you. Because the official crew of "Eternal Soul" announced that the theme song and ending song of the TV series will be broadcast on tonight's TV Later, it will be released on the music platform simultaneously with the TV series.

The theme song is not that big of a deal, it was sung by a young kid.

Mainly the ending song. I just read the news and found out: this time the ending song of "Eternal Love" was actually sung by actress Xu Mengqi herself. "

Hear this.

Ye Yuanhang just sat upright: "Is the ending song sung by actress Xu Mengqi?"

The manager nodded: "Yes...that's why I'm a little worried. Because then, your new song may collide with Xu Mengqi's song."


When Ye Yuanhang heard this, his face did not look solemn as an agent's, but instead he raised his eyebrows.

After a while.

He burst out laughing.

The agent was stunned: "Aren't you worried?"

Ye Yuanhang laughed loudly: "What are you worried about? Are you still worried that she will steal my first place? Let me ask you, how is Xu Mengqi's singing skills?"

The agent thought for a while: "It seems normal, right?"

Ye Yuanhang smiled brightly: "Isn't that enough? Xu Mengqi is an actor. She really beat me in acting, but in singing, can I still lose to her? Hahaha, my luck has indeed come. After that After a few months of trough, I am about to have my highlight moment. Originally, I thought that I would only stand out on the new song charts this time. But now, there is a movie queen to act as my foil."

Speaking of which.

There was a blazing light in Ye Yuanhang's eyes: "The best actress? Labor and management are targeting the best actress!"

Originally, he thought that winning the championship in January would be no fun, but now that he has a movie queen as a stepping stone, it would be much more meaningful.

This evening.

Ye Yuanhang sat in front of the sofa with great interest, watching "Eternal Fate" with relish.

The first is the theme song, which is indeed sung by a young guy. It's called "Nine Heavens Chasing Dreams". It sounds pretty good and has a fairy-tale feel to it, but compared with "Counter Current", it's still a notch behind. .

"Some redeeming qualities, but nothing to worry about."

After listening to it, Ye Yuanhang gave his evaluation.

As for the TV series "Eternal Love", it was indeed well filmed.

Even Ye Yuanhang, who rarely watches dramas, watched it with gusto.

Until nine o'clock, when the first episode ends.

The ending song finally sounded.

Ye Yuanhang lay lazily on the sofa and said with a smile to his manager: "Come and enjoy the singing of actress Xu Mengqi."

I am asking for some monthly passes at the beginning of the month, and I hope you can give me a guaranteed monthly pass. Otherwise, the monthly ticket column would be too embarrassing~~~

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