My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 117 I, Ye Yuanhang, will set sail again

Ye Yuanhang's lungs almost exploded with anger.

I was depressed to begin with, but my manager came to make fun of me.

What a bad agent!

No more!

However, the agent's expression became serious: "Yuanhang, I didn't mean to tease you."

Ye Yuanhang snorted: "Then what do you mean?"

The manager said: "Think about it, Wuyan released three songs at once in December, what does this mean?"

Ye Yuanhang thought about it seriously: "It means he is very powerful."

The manager shook his head: "No, there is an idiom involved in this: When things go to extremes, they must be reversed. Wu Yan's three songs have occupied the top three of the new song list this month, which is indeed unlimited. But a person's inspiration is limited, and so is his energy. Limited. Wuyan's dominance in December means that he has exhausted all his energy. If nothing else happens, he will no longer be able to write new songs in the near future."

Ye Yuanhang glanced at his manager: "What do you mean, you want me to release songs again in January?"

"That's right!"

The manager said: "Taking advantage of Wuyan's weakness, let's make a comeback. Just when you released a song last time, there was another good single that was not released. That single can be used to develop it in January. List."

Ye Yuanhang thought for a long time, raised his head and said, "What you said makes sense, but... I don't believe you."


The agent said: "I will go to Yunhai Media to inquire about the news. This time I must make sure everything is foolproof."

In the next few days, the agent spent almost all his contacts and got some valuable information:

First, Wuyan really has no idea of ​​writing songs recently.

Second, even Hao Mingxing will not sing a new song in the next game.

"Is the news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable. If there is a lie this time, I will twist my head off."

"you swear."

"I swear."

Seeing the agent's serious expression swearing a poisonous oath, Ye Yuanhang finally believed his words.


Ye Yuanhang began to cheer up: "It's about time I won the first place on the new song chart."

He worked hard and decided to hit the new song list again in the new year and new January.

This time.

do my best.

He didn't believe that people could continue to be unlucky.

I had been unlucky three times in a row before, so it was time for a change.

Canxing Culture also devoted a lot of energy to Ye Yuanhang's song release incident. After confirming again that Wuyan really has no intention to write songs next month, the meeting unanimously passed: Ye Yuanhang will release songs again in January!

The honor of the Quasi-Heavenly King must be maintained!

New song: "Countercurrent"!

Meaning: Go against the current, fight tenaciously, and fight against fate!

The information from Ye Yuanhang's manager is very accurate. Wang Mo indeed has no plans to write songs in the coming January.

After completing two orders, he decided to take it easy.

There was nothing he could do about it, these two orders put him in too much limelight.

Sometimes being too glamorous is not a good thing and can easily lead to some unforeseen troubles.

That's why Wang Mo decided to take a break and focus on live broadcasting.

By the way, Wang Mo's live broadcasts have stabilized their popularity in the recent period. Basically, the number of live broadcasts can reach more than 30,000 every time.

The number of fans has also reached 4 million.

Such data makes "Xilou" a proper anchor in Douyin.

According to Yuan Xiong, within a month at most, the company will let Wang Mo start making profits through his Douyin account. Maybe it’s to receive advertisements, maybe it’s to sell goods through live doesn’t matter.

Wang Mo seemed indifferent to this.

However, Yuan Xiong said that the company has been in a dilemma because the senior management did not want Wang Mo to go live to deliver goods. After all, live streaming is too low and can easily ruin your reputation. For Wang Mo to return to the entertainment industry, the most important thing is to accumulate a good reputation.

Yuan Xiong said: "What the senior management means is to see if there is a way to make money through live broadcast and establish a good image for you. But this method has never been found, so you have been putting off making money from live broadcast."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Brother Xiong, just take responsibility for this matter, and I will follow your opinion."

Yuan Xiong nodded: "Okay."


It's late December, and the weather in Shanghai is getting colder day by day.

On this day, Wang Mo wore a thick down jacket and stood waiting downstairs in the company.

Not long after, a Hummer drove over and parked next to him. Hao Mingxing stuck his head out and said, "Brother Mo, come up quickly."


Wang Mo quickly opened the car door and jumped into the car.

There was a rush of warmth inside, and he took off his down jacket and said, "Brother Xing, why is everyone free today?"


Hao Mingxing smiled and said: "Brother Mo, you were not free at the last dinner, everyone was waiting for you. We have a lot of free time during this period, but it will be New Year's Day soon, and then the Spring Festival, and everyone will be extremely busy by then. Therefore. This time is the best opportunity to get together with you, Brother Mo."

Not long after.

Hao Mingxing took Wang Mo to a quite secluded but elegant restaurant.

It's a hotpot restaurant.

After entering the box, the cold air outside was immediately cut off, and it was steaming inside.

There are three people in the room at this moment: Su Xueyao, Fu Zhuang, and Tang Qinyun.

Seeing Wang Mo come in, the three of them stood up quickly.

"Brother Mo."

"Brother Mo."

"Hello Brother Mo."

Wang Mo greeted several people one by one.


A few people started eating hot pot in full swing, and the atmosphere was great.

Especially Tang Qinyun, the little girl was very lively. She kept chattering during the dinner and was busy boiling vegetables and preparing seasonings.

Her cheerfulness and liveliness also made everyone enjoy the hot pot meal.

Eat for a while.

Wang Mo looked at Su Xueyao: "Xueyao, how are you doing lately?"

Su Xueyao put down her chopsticks and said: "I have been busy with the Spring Festival Gala recently. The official rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala has begun. Because the song "Invisible Wings" has had a wide social impact, I was arranged to sing solo."

A new singer performs solo for the first time on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

This kind of treatment cannot be said to be ignored.

But Wang Mo knew that these were all taken for granted.

Su Xueyao continued: "Brother Mo, don't you know there is good news?"

Wang Mo: "Oh? What's the good news?"

Su Xueyao looked at Fu Zhuang with a smile.

Fu Zhuang rubbed his head in embarrassment: "Xue Yao, you've told me this before I even mentioned it. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I wasn't selected?"

Su Xueyao chuckled: "I've been on the Spring Festival Gala program every day during this period. How can I not know the inside story? It's because I've confirmed you that I told you."

Wang Mo became even more curious: "Tell me, what is going on?"

Before Fu Zhuang could speak, Su Xueyao had already spoken out: "A few days ago, Brother Fu also received an invitation from the Spring Festival Gala to sing "Dragon Scales of Heaven and Earth". According to the news I got from the Spring Festival Gala program group, Brother Fu It has been confirmed that she will participate in the Spring Festival Gala, and she has a great chance of singing solo."

A few words.

Not only Wang Mo, but also Hao Mingxing and Tang Qinyun were shocked.

At this moment, Wang Mo felt quite emotional. Because of Wang Lihong's accident in his previous life, "Heaven and Earth Dragon Scale" missed the opportunity to appear on the Spring Festival Gala. Unexpectedly, in this life, Fu Zhuang would realize the regrets of his previous life.

Hao Mingxing and Tang Qinyun were shocked because:

It’s actually possible for Fu Zhuang to perform as a soloist in the Spring Festival Gala!

Doesn’t this mean that in this year’s Spring Festival Gala, Wang Mo will have two songs on stage? And the most important solo act?

Brother Mo!


Wang Mo's heart was up and down for a while, and then he looked at Hao Mingxing: "Brother Xing, what about you? How does it feel to be in "Singer Style"?"

Hao Mingxing said with a smile: "Since I sang "Empty City" last time, the attitude of the staff and singers towards me has changed a lot inside and outside the program group, so I feel pretty good in the program now. But I I made a decision: In the next round of competition, I decided not to sing the new song you gave me, Brother Mo, but to sing an adapted song."


Wang Mo asked in surprise: "Are you sure?"

Hao Mingxing nodded: "The song was carefully selected by the music teacher of the program team. After adapting it, I tried singing it several times and I felt pretty good. The next round is the top eight competition, and I feel that this song is enough. No There is no need to waste your new song, Brother Mo."

Wang Mo: "If you're not afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what might happen. What if you don't perform well and are eliminated?"

Hao Mingxing smiled and said: "I will not be eliminated because I have confidence in the adapted songs."

When he said this, he showed strong confidence in his eyes.


Hao Mingxing added: "Even if the song adaptation doesn't work, even if I sing like shit on stage, the director will not let me be eliminated. At least before the semi-finals, he will not eliminate me. After all, my existence, Only then can we bring enough heat and hype to the program team.”

Wang Mo gave Hao Mingxing a thumbs up: "Brother Xing, you have mastered the essence of variety shows!"

But this way.

Wang Mo calculated that if Hao Mingxing wants to sing "He Must Love You Very Much" on the "Singer Style" stage, he will probably have to wait until early February, which is the last one or two episodes of the show.

That’s fine too…

Because in Wang Mo's opinion, the quality and reputation of the song "He Must Love You Very Much" is especially higher than "It Doesn't Matter" and "Empty City", so letting Hao Mingxing put it as the finale will definitely create a greater response.

Think of this.

Then he looked at the four people talking and laughing happily with each other.

Wang Mo felt a little proud in his heart: his small black alliance group had already begun to take shape.

But then I thought: "Although I wrote three songs for Brother Xing, the other three only wrote one song, so whether it is Su Xueyao, Fu Zhuang, or Tang Qinyun, their foundations are still too weak. It seems that if I want to make the Black Alliance stronger, I will have to give each of them one or two more songs."

Think of this.

Another name came to Wang Mo's mind: actress Xu Mengqi.

He also gave Xu Mengqi a song, but the other person's identity and background made it unlikely that Xu Mengqi would join the Black Alliance.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Wang Mo's phone rang suddenly. He looked at the call and smiled knowingly.

It was Xu Mengqi calling.

After answering the phone, Wang Mo said with a smile: "Sister Qi, I just remembered you and you called me."

Xu Mengqi laughed and scolded: "I haven't seen you for a few days, you are so glib."

Wang Mo: "It's true."

Xu Mengqi said: "Okay, I won't talk to you so much. I'm calling you to tell you the news: "Eternal Soul" has been sold to Mango Channel and is scheduled to be officially broadcast on New Year's Day. As one of the actors, you , don’t miss the premiere date then.”

Wang Mo laughed and said: "I only appeared in it for a few seconds, so I'm not much of an actor."

Xu Mengqi: "Even for a second, I am still a participant."

Wang Mo: "Okay..."

Xu Mengqi: "One more thing, on the night of the broadcast of "Eternal Soul", the ending song "Peach Blossom Nuo" I sang will be simultaneously uploaded to major music platforms. This is the first time for my sister and me to sing such an important song. . If the response is good, I will treat you to a big dinner, sister!"

"Then you can order this feast."

Wang Mo laughed.

Not to mention the influence of actress Xu Mengqi, the song "Peach Blossom" is destined to sweep the charts as long as it appears on major music platforms.

If Xu Mengqi's fame is added to it, Wang Mo can't even imagine how popular "Peach Blossom" will be by then.


January’s new song chart will definitely be full of songs.

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