My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 116 There is no singer, but it reaches the top of the list

Wang Mo was speechless inside.

Are these industry insiders too imaginative?

He admitted that Gao Niu’s publicity strategy last time was indeed his own. But I only made a rough plan, and it was not as magical as what was advertised on the Internet.

As for this "Cantonese Culture" promotional event, I just posted on Weibo from beginning to end, okay?

The following ones include:

The entire network challenges the "Digital Song" campaign.

Tens of millions of netizens are learning Cantonese digital craze.

Marketing accounts and internet celebrities popularize Cantonese culture.

All kinds of things have nothing to do with me.

Therefore, seeing Yuan Xiong and Liu Zhengwen staring at him closely, Wang Mo shook his head firmly: "It has nothing to do with me."

Yuan Xiong: "Are you sure?"

Now he has seriously lost trust in Wang Mo.

Wang Mo spread his hands and said: "I hope that I take the lead in so many things. That means that I can single-handedly control the behavior of netizens on the Internet. How capable is this?"

Yuan Xiong thought for a while and agreed with Wang Mo's statement: "Well, it shouldn't be you. If you have the ability to control netizens and public opinion, you won't collapse."

Wang Mo: "..."

Yuan was merciless and his last-ditch skills were still very sharp. He felt that it would be more appropriate to call him Yuan Yida from now on.

Although Yuan Xiong and Liu Zhengwen believed Wang Mo's words.

But on the Internet.

However, marketing accounts, like cats that smelled something fishy, ​​began to talk nonsense about this matter to gain attention.

[Wuyan, a marketing genius]

[Wuyan’s real talent is not composition, but business]

[A Weibo stirs up the Internet, Wuyan is called the god of the Internet]

[Following the Gao Niu incident, Wu Yan stirred up the storm again]

[Some people are composers on the surface, but they are operational wizards secretly]

Various articles flooded the Internet, leaving netizens stunned.

Of course, the most important thing is that at this critical moment, the official side of "Cantonese Culture" just gave another powerful assist:

When a reporter went to interview, he asked: "Is this Cantonese learning activity that is popular across the Internet planned by you?" The president replied: "We do intend to do an activity to promote 'Cantonese culture'. But we didn’t have time to do anything in the early stage, everything was done in silence, and we didn’t take over until the end.”

Everything is done by Wu Yan...

This sentence immediately confirmed the marketing account's praise.

It can be said.

After this promotion by the marketing account, Wu Yan has completely turned into an operations genius in the minds of many people.

This also made Wang Mo dumbfounded.

He knows shit about operations and doesn’t even know what operations are.


The vast majority of ordinary netizens dismiss the news from these marketing accounts. Everyone is still immersed in the fun of "Duck, B, San, and SEI learning and auditioning to sing "Digital Life"."

In the past few days, most people uploaded water-stroke works, and few of them were listenable.

But a week later.

Perhaps because of the hard training in private, the quality of the audition works uploaded by everyone began to rise sharply.

Especially the singing by several professional singers, even Wang Mo nodded secretly. Of course, there is still a long way to go before he remembers the performance of the Great Demon King Lin Zixiang.

As for the netizens, there are also several folk gods with good voices and solid skills, and their performance is not even worse than that of professional singers.

After listening to the works of these outstanding netizens, Wang Mo suddenly had a thought in his mind: "Mr. Liu, although the "Digital Life" sung by these netizens did not meet my expectations. But in my opinion, their basic skills are quite good. It has great development potential. I think you can make a suggestion to the company and sign these netizens to Yunhai Media."

Liu Zhengwen's eyes lit up when he heard this: "What a great idea!"

The few netizens mentioned by Wang Mo all stood out from millions of netizens. Such a talent is definitely outstanding in music.

Yunhai Media recruits many new singers every year. Instead of going out of society to select talents, it would be better to choose these outstanding talents who have been screened out by netizens.

Think of this.

He immediately called Qian Lun and conveyed Wang Mo's words and his thoughts.

After Qian Lun heard this, he was even more excited than Liu Zhengwen.

His vocal club is short of people!

Everyone was abducted by Wang Mo, and he was about to become a bare commander, so Liu Zhengwen's words were like giving him timely help: "Mr. Liu, you have a good idea. Hahaha, you can learn from millions of people Netizens who emerge from the Internet and are on the ranking list must have higher musical talent than ordinary people. Such a talent can debut with a little polishing! Okay, great. Usually I have to kill a lot of brain cells when recruiting people. This time, we can easily recruit a group of good seedlings. I have to say that you did a great job in this event. I will have to thank you very much after it is completed."

Liu Zhengwen: "It has nothing to do with me, so there is no need to thank me. In fact, it was all because of Wang Mo. If you want to thank him, thank him."

"Thank you to whom?"

"Wang Mo."


"Wang Mo."

"Who is it? I can't hear you clearly, maybe the signal is not good... Oops, hung up, hung up, I'll talk to you next time."


Liu Zhengwen frowned slightly as he listened to the busy tone on the phone. Is there any place in the company where the signal is not good?

Shake his head.

He looked at Wang Mo and said, "I'm a little doubtful now that you really have talent in operations or planning. With just a few words you just said, it's possible to recruit a group of outstanding new singers to the company, whose future value will be immeasurable."


Wang Mo thought for a while and found that he couldn't explain it.

Liu Zhengwen still continued: "The company's senior management has also noticed your recent achievements. The senior management is shocked that you have such strong capabilities in operations and planning. I heard that several senior executives were at the senior management meeting. After mentioning you, they may ask you to participate in some subsequent company projects and listen to your opinions. For example: the promotion of a certain movie, the planning of a variety show, the establishment of a certain TV series... …etc."


Mention him?

Wang Mo's face was full of absurdity when he heard this: "Mr. Liu, but you know, I don't understand operations or planning at all."

"If you say you don't understand, no one will believe you."

Liu Zhengwen laughed out loud, but quickly said seriously: "Don't worry, the senior management just said that, and you may not be allowed to participate in the meeting. Even if you are really allowed to go, you just need to quietly listen to other people's meetings. That’s fine. If I really want you to give me an opinion, just say it casually, or simply say you don’t know, and no one will blame you.”

Wang Mo also felt that there was nothing to worry about.

Turn around and forget everything.

Because, he was attracted by another thing.

This thing is: "Digital Life" is popular!

Well, in fact, "Digital Life" swept the entire Internet in a short period of time from the moment Wang Mo posted it on Weibo. So it has actually become quite popular.

But this time the fire.

It's not an ordinary fire.

But a very mysterious thing: on the music platform, within a week, the number of plays of this song exceeded 10 million, and the number of downloads and reposts reached millions.

Such data allowed "Digital Life" to quickly surpass "Empty City" and "Sour and Sweet Is Me" at an astonishing speed, reaching the top of the new song list!

If you look at the popularity across the Internet, there is nothing wrong with this song reaching the top of the new song chart.


The problem is: this song has no singer!

It's just an electronic demo!

An electronic demo has topped the new song chart.


As a result, the music world was once again shaken due to this situation.

"Is this okay?"

“It’s simply unreasonable that an electronic demo topped the new song chart.”

"Oh my God, it shocked my whole family."

"Is this Wu Yan's strength?"

"I admire you. Apart from admiration, I can't say any other words."

"Wu Yan is too fierce."

"This pervert."


Many singers fainted from crying in the toilet.

Ninety-nine percent of them have worked hard all their lives and have never won the first place on the new song chart. But Wuyan’s electronic demo reached the top of the charts. How does this make sense?

There are even some jealous people who complained to the music platform and demanded that the number one ranking of "Digital Life" be removed.

The reason is:

The original meaning of the new song list is: a list of brand-new songs sung by singers, and "Digital Life" does not have a singer, so of course it is not eligible to enter the new song list.

Complaints against these people.

Whether it is Yunwang, Penguin Music Platform, or Kumao Music, they all tacitly ignored it.

Music platforms also need traffic to make money.

Wuyan's song "Digital Life" has brought tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of views to each of their platforms during this period. Its invisible value to the platform is quite objective, so unless the staff of these platforms are Stupid, otherwise it would be impossible to remove "Digital Life" from the rankings.

But this way.

On the new song list in December, something breathtaking happened:

No. 1 on the new song list: "Digital Life".

No. 2 on the new song list: "Sour, Sweet, and Sweet Is Me".

No. 3 on the new song list: "Empty City".

In other words, the top three new songs this month are all wordless songs.

Another unprecedented thing.

Anyway, since the new song chart appeared, no one’s song can occupy the top three at once.

Moreover, another unprecedented thing happened.

That is: for the first time in history, a new song by a would-be king has not entered the top three. Because Ye Yuanhang's new song has dropped to fourth place!

Canxing Culture.

The manager looked at the lifeless Ye Yuanhang lying on the sofa and said cautiously: "Yuanhang, the company said that your new song has created a record."

Ye Yuanhang was shocked and said with hope: "Did my new song break out? Rush to the top of the list?"

"Uh, no..."

The manager said: "It was you who created the record of being the first time a would-be king released a song and didn't even make it into the top three."

? ? ?

Ye Yuanhang stared at his agent and his voice came out from between his teeth: "Do you think you are humorous?"

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