My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 115 Wang Mo was stunned, is this okay?

This evening.

After Wang Mo finished dinner, he sat on the sofa with Yuan Xiong and watched TV together.

This scene is warm and strange.

When watching a variety show, Wang Mo suddenly let out a sigh.

Because in the screen, the host asked a singer: "As a singer, have you participated in the recently popular Wuyan "Digital Life" song challenge?"

The singer said without hesitation: "I will definitely participate in this kind of opportunity, but my Cantonese is too poor and I can't sing well. Fortunately, most of the lyrics in "Digital Life" are numbers, which is very simple. .So I have been learning the Cantonese pronunciation of '0-9' these days. After I learn the Cantonese pronunciation of ten numbers and become proficient in it, I will definitely challenge "Digital Life" again."

The host raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Can you tell me the Cantonese pronunciation of 0-9?"

"no problem."

The singer paused for a moment and then said: "Duck, B, three, sei, um, leak, rub, eight, dog, scatter..."

The pronunciation is quite standard, I guess it took a lot of effort.

Wang Mo watched the variety show and smiled: "It's interesting. My song actually made a singer take the initiative to learn Cantonese."

Yuan Xiong also smiled and said: "If you don't learn Cantonese, how can you sing your Cantonese song "Digital Life"?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Yuan Xiong continued: "If it were an ordinary Cantonese song, I guess not many people would be willing to try it. After all, the lyrics are too complicated. But although your song "Digital Life" is a smashing performance, the lyrics are surprisingly simple. As long as you can remember it, By using the Cantonese pronunciation of the ten numbers from 0 to 9, you can sing 80% of the songs. This is why so many singers or netizens on the Internet are enthusiastically trying to sing "Digital Life"."

Wang Mo blinked: "There are now millions of people on the Internet participating in the "Digital Life" challenge. Even if more than 50% of the people here understand Cantonese, then there are still 50% who do not understand Cantonese, right? Then, right? Don’t they all have to take the initiative to learn Cantonese numerals? From this point of view, my song has also given a great impetus to the publicity and promotion of Cantonese..."

As he spoke, Wang Mo suddenly stopped talking.


Yuan Xiong seemed to have thought of something as well.

The two looked at each other and both thought of the same possibility.

“Go check it out on the internet!”

Yuan Xiong said something, and then quickly took out his mobile phone.

This look.

The two of them discovered that after just a few days, the trend on the Internet gradually changed.


The popularity of participating in the challenge of "Digital Life" is still the highest.

However, on the topic lists of major social platforms, an almost identical topic suddenly appeared, and the popularity was surprisingly high.

This topic is: [How to pronounce 0-9 in Cantonese? 】

On Weibo, the number of views on this topic has reached tens of millions, and the comments are enthusiastic.

"Finally you are here."

"That's great, my voiceover brothers and sisters, I love you."

"Hahaha, after learning them, I will try to sing "Digital Life" right away."

“Come and read with me: duck duck duck, one is duck.”

"Although I don't understand Cantonese, I can still learn a few numbers."

"For the wordless song, I rushed!"


On Douyin, the topic is [Teach you step by step how to pronounce Cantonese numbers]

Today, the traffic of Douyin has far exceeded that of Weibo, so the number of people participating is also a terrifying number.

Thousands of netizens have uploaded their learning results to Douyin.

"Come to Guangdong Province and let me know whether my studies are up to standard."

"My hen duck."

"Black pineapple."

"Don't talk about useless things, just learn Duck, B, Three..."

"Okay, now that I have conquered ten numbers, I will conquer "Number Life" next."


at the same time.

Various short videos about Cantonese have also appeared.

This is the time when major self-media and Internet celebrities have spotted the opportunity and began to take advantage of this wave of popularity to attract traffic.

Short video content includes:

[Cantonese is the second most spoken language in China]

[Cantonese could have become Chinese Mandarin]

[Cantonese has nine tones and six tones, which is far more complex than Mandarin]

[Why is Cantonese so popular? 】


Contents such as those introducing Cantonese culture began to appear widely on major social platforms following the craze for learning "Cantonese digital pronunciation".

And the traffic of each one is not low.

Look at the situation on the Internet.

Wang Mo felt his throat was dry: "Is this okay?"

"Is this okay?"

The distant province of Guangdong, the official source of "Cantonese culture".

The president and all the staff exclaimed in the same exclamation, and everyone could not suppress the look of surprise on their faces.

At first.

When Yunhai Media said they wanted "Digital Life" to search for singers from all over the Internet, they didn't think too much and just agreed with Liu Zhengwen's opinion in a procedural way.

When the people who later participated in the challenge of "Digital Life" became popular on the Internet and made the song famous, everyone at "Cantonese Culture" seemed a little excited, because the wider the song spread, the more people participated in the audition. The more people pay attention to this Cantonese song. This is also a kind of publicity and promotion.

At this time, the president and others were already somewhat willing to identify "Digital Life" as a promotional song.

But I didn't expect it.

The real surprise is yet to come.

They never dreamed that when the "digital song" challenge became popular on the Internet, it would unexpectedly trigger a craze among netizens to learn "Cantonese digital pronunciation".

Although netizens are only interested in a few numbers, the Cantonese propaganda generated behind it is immeasurable.

no way.

There are too many netizens participating this time.

It almost swept the entire Internet!

And because it is a spontaneous act by netizens, the participation rate is extremely high.

And because of this craze, self-media and Internet celebrities have begun to actively spread "Cantonese culture".

"Oh my God, it's incredible."

"That's it."

"I never dreamed of it."

"This kind of publicity is on a scale that we can't achieve no matter how much money we spend."


All "Cantonese culture" officials are suffocated.


The president was decisive. After he reacted, he immediately said in a deep voice: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Let's get involved immediately and add more fuel to the fire.

First, contact our members immediately and ask them to donate a fund to expand the influence of this event.

Second, immediately announce to the entire Internet that "Digital Life" is the promotional song for our "Cantonese Culture".

Third, cooperate with Douyin, Weibo, and major music platforms to launch corresponding "Cantonese Culture" promotional topics. The core is still the challenge of "Digital Life". And it was announced that anyone who can sing this song completely will receive a beautiful gift.

Fourth, invest 10 million to create a prize pool. As long as netizens participate in ‘Cantonese 0-9 Learning’, they can participate in the lottery. "

After a period of free development on the Internet.

Cantonese culture officials finally take action!

Cantonese culture has no money.

But many members of the Cantonese culture are filthy rich.

So after hearing what the president said, these members easily raised more than 20 million yuan for this cultural promotion.

The official action also made the Internet turmoil that originally seemed to be just a wordless song become traceable.

At the same time, the cooperation between the official and major platforms has also allowed all seemingly disorganized netizens to take spontaneous actions and get on track.

Everyone belatedly watched the strong insertion of "Cantonese culture".

Almost everyone was stunned.

"Damn it, Wuyan's use of a song to recruit singers is actually a hype?"

"With just one Weibo post, Wuyan triggered a storm about the promotion of 'Cantonese culture'?"

"I was dumbfounded. This was actually an official event."

"Okay, I admit, I really didn't see that it was planned in advance."

"It's incredible that all of us were pawns and were willing to enjoy it."


After seeing ‘Cantonese culture’ emerge and take the initiative.

Countless people "suddenly realized" that this incident had been premeditated.


How wonderful!

Usually, many netizens are not interested in official activities at all, especially official activities such as "Cantonese Culture". I am afraid they are not even interested in taking a look.

However, no one expected it.

This time, "Cantonese Culture" went in the opposite direction. First of all, it did not disclose its identity. Instead, it allowed Wuyan to start the incident, set off an Internet frenzy with a song, and then disclosed its identity at the best opportunity.

Such a publicity strategy.

Such a brilliant plan.

It's really breathtaking.

Many people in the industry were amazed.

"A promotion of Cantonese culture actually made me see the shadow of classics."

"Involving all netizens and even a group of professional singers, and letting them get involved step by step, this kind of planning is awesome."

"An official publicity is even more exciting than a business case."

"It's so amazing. Until the last moment, I really didn't know it was a "Cantonese Culture" library activity."

"Who would have thought?"

"Who came up with this awesome plan?"

“As far as I know, the ‘Cantonese Culture’ officialdom definitely doesn’t have such talent.”

"Who is that?"

While everyone was amazed, they admired the person who planned this even more.

But no one knows which god is leading all this.


Someone said: “Since no one at ‘Cantonese Culture’ has this ability, could it be a strategy thought up by ‘Wuyan’?”




Immediately, many people in the industry were buzzing, and the more they thought about it, the more likely it was.

"Most likely it's speechless."

"Yes, Wu Yan really has this ability. Have you forgotten Gao Niu's integrated publicity?"

Speaking of Gao Niu, there were some weird people out there, and their scalp started to feel numb.

"That's right, Wu Yan."

"Wu Yan single-handedly planned the promotion plan for Gao Niu's new products, which raised Gao Niu's stock price by more than 10 billion. Only he has the ability to make the unpopular department of 'Cantonese Culture' set off a wave of enthusiasm on the entire Internet. .”

"Yes, only Wu Yan has such uncanny talent."

"The more I think about it, the more frightened I feel. Who is Wu Yan? Isn't he too powerful?"


Suspicions within the industry began to spread widely.

And it soon spread to the ears of people in "Guangdong Culture".

Everyone was confused when they heard the news.

The president rubbed his brows in confusion: "Could it be that... Wu Yan is really leading all this behind the scenes?"

Another person said firmly: "It's very possible that Wu Yan has this ability."

President: "But, why did Wuyan hide it from us?"

The person who spoke just now said: "Maybe he was worried that one of us would leak the plan, so he did this."

The president thought blankly for a while, and could only nod, agreeing with the man's guess.

And at the same time.

In Yunhai Media.

Liu Zhengwen and Yuan Xiong also looked at Wang Mo with shocked faces.

After a while, Liu Zhengwen spoke: "Wang Mo, tell me honestly, are the rumors on the Internet true? Is it really you who planned all this behind the scenes?"

Wang Mo said blankly: "My hen."

At this moment, his heart was full of absurdity,

Is this okay?

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