My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 114 The “digital song” challenge that is popular all over the Internet

After Wang Mo posted on Weibo, he stopped paying attention to the news on the Internet.

He left all this matter to Liu Zhengwen: "Mr. Liu, please keep an eye on the rest of the matter. If any singer can sing "Digital Life" well, please send me the audio of the singer, and I will do it. Review. But don’t miss anyone’s audition, even if that person is not famous.”

Wang Mo said this because he knew that many times, the masters are among the people.

Maybe one mistake or omission will miss a great master.

Liu Zhengwen smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I have organized special personnel to keep an eye on this matter to ensure that nothing is missed, otherwise you will only ask me."

At this time, Liu Zhengwen had no idea what kind of group he was facing.

In his opinion, there are only a thousand or eight hundred singers in China who can participate in the "Digital Life" challenge.

With this amount of people, I can find a few employees myself and the review will be completed in a few days.

What's so difficult?

When Liu Zhengwen was looking for employees to take charge of this matter.


A grand event gradually began.

The first is some of the singers who were the first to know about it.

They immediately downloaded the score of "Digital Life" and started trying to sing it.

This attempt.

Everyone's expression changed.

Because it wasn't until this moment that they discovered that the song didn't seem to be as simple as they had expected.

Although most of the entire lyrics only have some numbers and only a few sentences of text.

But even a few senior singers with profound singing skills can only sing the first few slow and simple numbers, but when they reach the climax of the text, they can't keep up.

As for the digital climax that follows after the text ends, they can only look forward to it and sigh.

This was the case for Fang Luo. He was originally full of confidence and became stupid after listening to the electronic demo of "Digital Life".


Next, he bravely tried to sing it once or twice, until he almost choked on his own saliva at the climax and had to stop.

He looked at the score of "Digital Life" with despair on his face.

At this moment, he finally understood why Wuyan said he couldn't find a suitable singer.

This song.

There is no way a human can sing it!

In a certain singer's group, it was also lively at the moment.

"I said, are any of you going to audition to sing the wordless "Digital Life"?"

"Why not? Our entire vocal club was in a sensation. No one had any thoughts to do other things. Everyone downloaded "Digital Life" immediately and vowed to win the song Wu Yan."

"The results of it?"

"As a result... these people are almost suffocating themselves to death now."

"Fuck, I just tried it. This song is the most difficult song I have ever seen. Anyway, I can't sing it at all."

"I'm the same way. I can only sing the slow part at the beginning. I can't control the climax of the text. I can only stare at the subsequent numbers."

"How did Wu Yan come up with such a perverted song?"

"I had already guessed that since Wu Yan searched for singers from all over the Internet, this song must be extremely difficult. But it wasn't until I tried it out in person that I realized that it was even more difficult than I imagined."


Major entertainment companies and many independent singer groups.

Many professional singers howled.

The singers who came to try singing were almost wiped out.

Even if one or two people with strong singing skills managed to finish "Digital Life", their momentum was completely lacking, and they couldn't even achieve the momentum of electronic vocals. It was obviously a failure.

At this moment, in a WeChat group called "Black League".

Hao Mingxing sent a message and sighed: "Brother Mo is too perverted. I tried "Digital Life" just now. To be honest, I can't even read it. Even though my Cantonese is very good, this song is definitely difficult." It’s off the charts. The Cantonese climax in the middle, and the high numbers in the back, I guess I’ll never be able to reach that level of singing skills in my life.”

Su Xueyao said: "I don't understand Cantonese, but I just listened to the electronic demo once and raised my hands to surrender. Brother Fu, you have a good treble. Your song "Heaven and Earth Dragon Scale" is also a famous treble series. Should you be able to do it?" "

Fu Zhuang smiled bitterly: "I have already tried it, and I can barely control it in the front, but I can't even react to the fast high-pitched part in the back. The difficulty of this song is not at the same level as "Dragon Scales of Heaven and Earth". And I speak Cantonese. It’s not good either, so it’s even more difficult to sing.”

Tang Qinyun: "Brother Fu is awesome enough. Anyway, I feel scared when I look at so many numbers."

After knowing that Tang Qinyun was favored by Wang Mo and sang "Sour and Sweet Is Me", Hao Mingxing drew her into the dark alliance.

The number of Black Alliance members increased to four.

Tang Qinyun's cuteness and simplicity soon won the love of the other three people and recognized her existence.

What they don't know is.

In some lounge.

Actress Xu Mengqi is also trying to sing "Digital Life" in less proficient Cantonese: "5 34202 13942..."

Sung a few lines.

Xu Mengqi shook her head helplessly: "How did Wang Mo come up with such a song? It's not something that ordinary singers can control. Forget it, it's better not to learn it, it will easily damage your self-confidence. I'd better practice "Peach Blossom Nuo" more. ". According to the time set by the crew, this song will be broadcast on the TV station early next month along with "Eternal Fate". I have to hurry up."

Even professional singers find it so difficult to audition.

Then netizens are even worse.

All major social platforms and comment sections are discussing this matter enthusiastically.

"Hahaha, I just auditioned to sing "Digital Life" and almost died at the age of 26."

"I tried, but I can't even pronounce it, stop rapping."

"It's too difficult, it's really difficult."

"No, I must conquer this song."


Anyway, everyone was extremely frustrated.

Of course, there are also some netizens who overestimate their capabilities and say on the forum:

"Everyone, I just finished singing "Digital Life" and it felt pretty good. Can anyone comment on it?"

"Is this song difficult? I sang it once and it doesn't feel difficult."

"Hahaha, I have conquered this song."

"Wuyan, does my singing suit you?"


Of course, after these netizens uploaded their singing versions, they were instantly ridiculed mercilessly by others.

When did a toad start to think he had a swan voice?


The curiosity of netizens is endless, and so is the energy they inspire.

The more impossible something is, the more it can arouse the interest of netizens.

over time.

Not only has the public's enthusiasm for the challenge of "Digital Life" not weakened, but it has become increasingly intense.

The operators of major social platforms have keenly sensed the opportunity to absorb this wave of traffic.

Douyin was the first to take action.

On Douyin, a special challenge area has been opened, allowing all netizens to upload their own version of "Digital Life" and create a ranking list.

The rankings in the rankings are arranged according to the weight of netizens' views, likes, comments and other data.

Just a ranking list has attracted countless netizens.

Thousands of netizens began to play their own trial version of "Digital Life" in the challenge area and solicit votes for themselves.

Even many professional singers and even some first- and second-tier singers couldn't help but participate in the challenge.

Because their professional skills far exceed those of ordinary people, coupled with the support of fans, the top twenty spots on the list are all occupied by professional singers.

Then, Weibo and several major music platforms followed suit and created a challenge topic and ranking list.

With the participation of several major platforms, a Weibo message by Wang Mo evolved into a "digital song" challenge across the entire Internet.

It was just three days.

On Douyin, more than three million people have uploaded their audition videos.

On Weibo, more than one million people participated.

The number of participants on several major music platforms also exceeded one million.

Just a rough estimate shows that the number of people participating in this challenge across the entire network has exceeded five million, and is increasing rapidly as time goes by.

Yunhai Media.

Liu Zhengwen was depressed as he was making waves on the Internet.

Millions of people?

How do you want him to review it?

The key thing is that he had vowed before that he would not miss anyone's audition video.


This is a simple math question. If it takes one minute to review one video on average, then he alone needs to review five million videos for five million minutes.

How long is five million minutes?

That’s almost 3472 days.

In other words, if he keeps reviewing without eating, drinking or sleeping, he can complete the review in almost ten years.

But if the eight-hour work day is followed, then he will have to review it for thirty years.

However, there is still a problem: five million is not the final number of videos. According to the current trend, it will not be a problem for the total number of videos to exceed tens of millions.

"go to hell."

He can't do this job.

Wang Mo was also a little confused. He also didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

Think about it.

He said: "Mr. Liu, you don't have to worry about the review. Since Douyin, Weibo and other platforms have launched rankings, the majority of netizens are our best reviewers. If someone sings well, under the dazzling eyes of countless netizens The probability of being buried is extremely low. Therefore, I think we only need to review the top 100 audition videos on the rankings of major platforms.

Of course, if you are worried about omissions, expand the scope to the top two hundred.

Calculating this, you only need to review a few hundred song videos to achieve your goal. "

Liu Zhengwen thought for a while: "Let's expand the review target to the top 300, because the videos in the top 100 or 200 are basically occupied by professional singers. Although these professional singers have high rankings, their fans account for a lot. So. In order to prevent some great folk figures from being buried, it is safer to review the top 300."

"Okay, it's up to you."

Wang Mo nodded in agreement.

At the same time, I thought: It’s a good thing that this thing is popular all over the Internet. In this way, except for some top singers who did not participate, we can basically catch all professional and non-professional singers in China.

If you can't find a suitable singer through this method, you can only express regret.


When Wang Mo was still thinking about how to choose a suitable singer, something unexpected happened to him...

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