My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 113 Whoever succeeds in the challenge will get this song!

After confirming his idea, Wang Mo immediately called Yuan Xiong and told him the plan.

Yuan Xiong thought about it seriously: "I think it's feasible."

Since we can't find a suitable singer, Wang Mo's method is the most suitable.

Everyone is an activist.

Just do it.

Divided into two sides.

First side:

Liu Zhengwen gave the "Cantonese Culture" side some encouragement, saying that they couldn't find a suitable singer for the time being, so they would be recruiting singers for "Digital Life" from across the Internet.

The reason for communicating with the "Cantonese Culture" officials is that some officials are not willing to promote their songs to be exposed in advance. If the other party objects, then they can only find another way. Fortunately, this did not happen. "Cantonese Culture" readily agreed and fully supported Yunhai Media's decision.

Second side:

Yuan Xiong quickly communicated with several major music platforms and asked Wang Mo to upload "Digital Life" to the music platform as "Wuyan", becoming the first special song on the music platform that does not have real people singing, only electronic voices. .

After doing all this.

Wang Mo then posted the "Wuyan" account on Weibo.

There are not many people following the Wuyan account, only about 300,000. After all, no matter how good a songwriter is, most ordinary people will not follow him.

However, although there are few fans, the more than 300,000 fans are basically people from the composing or singing circles.

After Wang Mo logged into his account, he found that the background private message showed 99+.

After a few glances, I found that they were basically all from the industry looking for songs.

"Mr. Silent, do you want to write a love song? The remuneration is negotiable."

"Master Wuyan, please give me a song, any genre is fine."

"Mr. Wuyan, can you customize a song for my company XX? The reward is five million."


Shaking his head, he ignored the information.

Then, he quickly wrote a Weibo message: "I wrote a song "Digital Life", but I haven't found a suitable singer yet. The electronic vocals of this song have been uploaded to major music platforms, and I will Attached is the sheet music of this song under my Weibo. Here I announce one thing: Anyone who is interested in this song can try to sing it. If anyone can succeed in the challenge and master this song, at the same time If his singing is approved by me, I will give "Digital Life" to him and let him sing it."

At the bottom of Weibo, the high-definition score of "Digital Life" is attached.

After the release was completed, Wang Mo logged in.

It can be said that on today's Internet, the reputation of "Wuyan" is still as strong as ever.

Especially after the broadcast of "Singer Style", Hao Mingxing's song "Empty City" brought Wu Yan to a peak of popularity.

In the music world, almost everywhere you can see people discussing the miracle of silent creation.


As time went by, the heat of Wuyan finally dissipated a little.

But no one expected that in recent days, Wuyan would dominate everyone's attention with the song "Sour and Sweet Is Me" and create the myth that Gaoniu's stock price increased by more than 10 billion.

This also allowed Wuyan's status in the music world, especially in the composing world, to rise again.

"Too perverted."

"Wuyan's composing ability is simply incomprehensible."

"A song actually boosted Gao Niu's stock price. Can you believe it?"

"It's a pity that Wu Yan writes songs as he pleases. He never seems to take orders from individuals."

"Yes, there have been many first-tier, super first-tier, and even king and queen-level singers who have asked Wuyan for songs, but Wuyan has never responded."

"Hey, when can I ask Wuyan to write a song for me..."


Silent success.

Achievements created without words.

There are no words to describe the miracle of every song.

It also makes more and more singers hope to collaborate with this legendary songwriter.

But Wuyan never seems to write songs for outside individuals, no matter how high the price is, it's useless. Over time, outside singers became more and more coveted for wordless songs.

The more you can't get it, the more you want it.

The more unobtainable it is, the more precious it is.

Fang Luo is such a second-tier singer, and his dream is to become a first-tier singer. However, he is not talented enough, so in the eyes of outsiders, he will be stuck in the second tier for the rest of his life.

Originally, Fang Luo was already lying flat.

But Wu Yan's appearance rekindled hope in his heart.

Since silence can make the "waste man" Hao Mingxing famous, let the abandoned singer Su Xueyao become a god with a song. Then if he writes a song for himself, wouldn't he be able to break into the front line?

The more I think about it, the more excited I become.

Fang Luo began to find Wuyan to make an appointment through various channels, but all ended in failure. However, Fang Luo did not give up. He always stayed under Wuyan's Weibo account, looking forward to a miracle.

this day.

As always, Fang Luo sent a private message to Wuyan asking for a song and was about to log out of Weibo.


Ding dong~~~

A message popped up: “The blogger ‘Wuyan’ you are particularly following has posted a new Weibo, come and watch.”

When Fang Luo saw it, his heart jumped inexplicably.

Wuyan posted a new Weibo?

He knew very well that since he followed Wu Yan, he had never seen Wu Yan post a new Weibo.

Today Wuyan actually posted a new Weibo message for the first time.

What exactly is it?

Fang Luo clicked on Wuyan's Weibo page almost instantly.

The next second, the Weibo message Wuyan had just posted came into view.

"I wrote a song "Digital Life"..."

"I didn't find a suitable singer..."

"If anyone can master this song..."

"I will sing "Digital Life" to him..."

As he watched, Fang Luo felt a fire burning in his chest, making his whole body become hot.

His body was shaking: "Oh my God."

People in Fangluo are all stupid.

He immediately felt that Wuyan's account had been stolen and someone was joking.

After all, it’s so unbelievable that a suitable singer can’t be found for a song written by Wuyan? To Fang Luo, this was simply a fantasy.

But soon, he discovered that it was only a few minutes.

Hao Mingxing has retweeted Wu Yan’s Weibo post and wrote: “Brothers and sisters, I’m going to challenge you. I wish me success!”

Su Xueyao also forwarded: "Woo~~~ I don't understand Cantonese, so I can't challenge it."

Fu Zhuang forwarded it and said: "Let's all challenge together!"

Even Tang Qinyun retweeted this post on Weibo: " @Su Xueyao, sister Yaoyao, we are in the same boat. I don't understand Cantonese either."

If Wuyan's account was stolen, that's possible.

However, the accounts of Hao Mingxing, Su Xueyao, Fu Zhuang, and Tang Qinyun were also stolen at the same time, so the probability is almost zero.

Look at the reposts of several people.

Fang Luo swallowed and felt his body trembling: "Could it be that Wu Yan's Weibo post is true?"



Fang Luo screamed and jumped up in surprise: "Hahaha, this must be an opportunity given to me by God. This song belongs to me! I must win it!!!"

At this moment, Fang Luo felt that every cell in his body was burning.


A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Normally, let alone asking for a song date with Wu Yan, I never even get a chance to meet Wu Yan.

And now, as long as I can sing the silent song "Digital Life" well, then it belongs to me!

I get excited just thinking about it.

When Fang Luo was excited.

The silent comment section has exploded.

After all, he is not the only one paying attention to Wu Yan. Many songwriters, singers and even some self-media in the industry are keeping an eye on Wu Yan's news every day.

Therefore, when Wuyan posted on Weibo, everyone immediately became agitated.

"What the hell?"

"Me Cao? Me Minato?!"

"Let me tell you, is it true or not?"

"Mom, Wuyan, what are you doing?"

"I was dumbfounded."

"What? Wu Yan took out his own songs and recruited singers?"

"Ahh! Am I dreaming?"

"Big news! Super big news!"

"I have long said that Wu Yan is the best composer, just because he used our acne powder. If you sisters believe me, you can poke my avatar to enter the homepage, it is guaranteed to be effective~~~"


It can be said that Wuyan's Weibo has shocked everyone's soul like never before.

Many singers who have been eager to collaborate with Wuyan seem to have seen hope.

Even many independent singers who were originally unknown but felt that they were quite capable secretly clenched their fists. This time they must take advantage of this opportunity to soar into the sky!


The next second, everyone was stunned after seeing the score.

Everyone looked at the lyrics, which were almost entirely composed of numbers, and almost doubted their own eyes.

" Wuyan's "Digital Life"?"

"Can a series of numbers also become a song?"

"Wuyan is always so unexpected."

"No, Cantonese singing? I can't!"

“This is the first time I’ve seen such a weird song.”

"Looking at the music world, there is no one who can write such an alternative song."


But shock is still shock, and dumbfounded is still dumbfounded.

Everyone still quickly downloaded the song sheet of "Digital Life", and more people opened major music platforms and began to listen to electronic demos, preparing to challenge this song. I want to see what kind of song it is that actually makes Wuyan so embarrassed that he wants to ask suitable singers all over the Internet.

At this time, everyone is full of confidence and feels that they can definitely control "Digital Life".

Isn't it just a song?

How difficult could it be?

In particular, some singers from Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan feel that they have a chance to win. It's just a Cantonese song. Isn't it easy to win?

When some singers began to try to sing "Digital Life".

More and more people have learned about this news.

Half an hour later.

[Wuyan New Song Searching for Singer on the Whole Network]

[Silent propaganda: As long as anyone can sing his new song, he will give this song to anyone]

【"Digital Life"】

[The weirdest song, it’s hard to find a singer for a new wordless song]

【Want to cooperate with Wuyan? The opportunity has come! 】


Several hot searches appeared on Weibo's hot search list, causing the matter to explode in popularity.

In particular, the reposts by singers such as Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao attracted many ordinary netizens to get involved.

Take a look at these ordinary water friends.


Wuyan is recruiting singers with absolutely no conditions. Can't I try it too? What if my talent is picked up by Wu Yan?

As a result, countless ordinary netizens who thought they had good singing skills also joined this challenge.

Netizens joined in, instantly increasing the popularity.

Moreover, many netizens began to forward the news to other social platforms. Immediately, it radiated throughout the entire network at an indescribable speed.

At this moment, Wang Mo had no idea that a serious matter that he thought would only involve professional singers would gradually escape his control and turn into a major event that swept the entire Internet.

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