My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 112 No way to keep a low profile, Wang Mo’s shocking decision

The president's angry mood just now calmed down a little.

Because generally speaking, a spoof song score should not have an electronic sample.

Since the other party has even made an electronic sample, there is a high probability that he is using his heart.


The young man named Xiao Dong also thought of this possibility and stopped what he was doing.

In the conference room, other people's discussions also stopped.

After the prelude in the speakers ended, the singing officially began:

"3 0624700

3 0624770

5 34202 13942”

After just hearing a word or two, everyone started whispering again.

"Oh, it's really a song."

“Can numbers also become songs?”

"We were all wrong, and those numbers were not a spoof."

"It sounds quite interesting."

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"At least it's much better than the previous submissions."


Everyone nodded secretly.

Especially the president, as he listened, the expression on his face gradually became a little more exciting.

Fortunately, Xiaodong pressed the wrong button just now, otherwise he would have thrown the song away as trash, which would have made a big joke.

At first, everyone just thought the song was a bit novel.

After all, it was the first time for them all to see a purely digital song.

But it wasn’t until the middle that the electronic vocals suddenly began to rise in high pitch:

"Full life is filled with numbers

Who really knows what the intention is

Troubles in life are all numbers

Perfect mastery asks who can


When this section of singing appeared, the seemingly meaningless pure numbers in front were instantly given extraordinary and profound meanings, making the whole song begin to sublimate.

The president's eyes also began to shine brightly.



But the really interesting thing is at the back.

As the machine gun-like numbers began to pop out, the full high-pitched singing began:

"0434 0434 0232 0232 0646 0646 0878 0878 0515 0515 0242 0242 0696 0696 0272 0272..."

The powerful wave of sound rushed over, giving everyone goosebumps all over their bodies.

Such a fast high note.

Such a strong rhythm.

Such continuous singing.

They all made everyone feel a strong impact that they had never experienced in music.

"Oh, I'll go."

"Oh my God."

"Can a person sing this?"

"Can a series of numbers still produce such an effect?"

"Isn't that awesome?"

"Incredible, really incredible."

Many people were confused.

Until the singing ended, many people were still immersed in the strong throbbing that the singing had just given them.

Everyone looked at the music score on the projector, and their mood had changed drastically compared to just now.

Still numbers.

But now when they looked at these numbers, their eyes were full of shock.

Someone finally praised: "This kind of Cantonese song is one of a kind."

Another person said: "It's so awesome. I can't believe there is such a special song. It can be said that this song has almost completely subverted my understanding of music."

Until someone said: "Although this song sounds good, but... is it suitable as a promotional song for 'Cantonese culture'?"

at once.

Everyone was lost in thought.

Yes, they are not here to enjoy songs today.

I came here to select promotional songs for "Cantonese Culture".

No matter how good this song "Digital Life" is, everyone really can't see how it fits the characteristics of a promotional song.

After a while of silence, everyone spoke.

"The song is good, but it's not suitable for promoting a song."

"Yeah, that's a shame."

"It's a good Cantonese song, but it didn't meet our requirements."

"Yeah, using it as a promotional song is weird no matter how you look at it."


Only the president remained silent and seemed to be deep in thought.

Gradually, everyone stopped talking and focused on the president, waiting for him to make a decision.

The president's expression was complicated.

After a while, he suddenly said: "Can you tell me what songs are in line with the theme of 'Cantonese Culture' promotion?"

Everyone originally thought it was easy to answer.

But when the words came to his mouth, he found that he couldn't express the specific request at all.

At most, I can only say a few words such as: We must have a positive image, we must have a new trend, we must be generous...

Saying it means not saying it.

The president then said solemnly: "Even if you can't tell me the specific requirements, it would be extremely difficult for the composer to write a promotional song that fits your vague ideas. Now I finally understand why there are so few people Submitted to us. Because we couldn't grasp our needs. Our needs for the theme song seemed simple, but it was difficult to grasp the key points.

But in my opinion: as long as a song can make the general public interested in Cantonese and take the initiative to learn about Cantonese and get in touch with Cantonese, then this song can serve as a promotional song. "


"The president is right."

Everyone agreed.

The president continued: "As for the song "Digital Life", it doesn't seem to have any characteristics of a promotional song. But in my opinion, it is novel enough and interesting enough. So I think, when the song "Digital Life" After the song is released, it will definitely arouse the interest of enough people. As long as these people are interested in the song, it is a promotion of Cantonese culture. Even if... most of the song only has a few numbers, it is also a kind of promotion."

After hearing the president's words, many people fell into deep thought.


Someone said: "What the president said makes sense, I support it."

Then, more and more people raised their hands in agreement.

"I support it too."

"I agree with what the president said."


The president smiled slightly: "Of course, the ideal promotional song in my mind is not "Digital Life", and I feel that even if it can bring some publicity to Cantonese after its release, the effect is estimated to be limited. But for now Look, we don't have a more suitable song. So... let's list this song as tentative. If there is a better song in the future, we will replace it. If there is no better song, then we will decide "Digital Life" Of course, when the time comes, it would be best to change the song title to: "Digital Life in Cantonese" or "Digital Life in Cantonese Culture", and add a Cantonese logo to it so that everyone can see it intuitively and clearly."

There was a pause.

The president said to Xiao Dong: "Let me tell Yunhai Media about our decision. In addition, it is best to ask them to provide a suitable singer and record the song as soon as possible. With the official version of the song, it may sound more convincing."

The electronic demo of a song and the finished product sound almost completely different.

That's why the president hopes to hear the finished product of "Digital Life". With the finished product, it will be easier to make comparisons.


Xiaodong agreed.

Yunhai Media.

Liu Zhengwen soon received news from "Cantonese Culture".

He immediately called Wang Mo: "Two pieces of news:

First, your "Digital Life" has not been confirmed as a promotional song by Cantonese Culture. It is currently only listed as tentative.

Secondly, the other party hopes that we can record this song as soon as possible. With a recorded version, they can better determine the quality of the song. "

When Wang Mo heard the news, he was not surprised at all.

Even now, he doesn't know why the system gave him this song.

Anyway, Wang Mo couldn't see how the song "Digital Life" could promote Cantonese culture. Therefore, he is very satisfied that "Cantonese Culture" can be officially listed as a tentative song.

As for the second point.

Wang Mo frowned and said helplessly: "Mr. Liu, who do you think is best for singing this song?"

Liu Zhengwen was stunned: "You don't have anyone in mind?"

This really surprised him. In the past, every song written by Wang Mo would appoint the most suitable candidate. He originally thought that the same would be true for "Digital Life", and Wang Mo already had a singer in mind. But now it seems that is not the case.

Wang Mo shook his head: "This song is too difficult. I have thought about the singers in the company and even the famous singers in China, but I can't find anyone who can master this song."


Liu Zhengwen recalled his experience of almost failing when he tried to sing "Digital Life", and nodded with great approval: "Singing is indeed very high, and you also need to be proficient in Cantonese. The only singers who meet the requirements...maybe only a few kings from Hong Kong and Taiwan. ”

Wang Mo said: "I have considered several kings from Hong Kong and Taiwan. However, in my opinion, they are barely qualified and cannot achieve the perfect effect in my mind. Moreover, these kings are basically in a semi-retired state. We will definitely be able to invite them.”

He was not bragging.

The song "Digital Life" written by Lin Zixiang in his previous life can be regarded as the most difficult song in China. Not to mention the effect of rapping, there are only a few people who can sing it smoothly.

Only Lin Zixiang, a figure at the level of the great devil in the music industry, could control it.

Hear Wang Mo's words.

Liu Zhengwen was speechless.

Even the kings of Hong Kong and Taiwan did not catch Wang Mo's fancy.

Who else can do it?

He smiled bitterly and said: "If you say this, I think no one can sing this song. What should I do?"

Wang Mo was also extremely distressed.

The novelty and excellence of "Digital Life" are obvious, but if no one can control it, then no matter how excellent the song is, it will lose its meaning.

Is it possible to find a singer who can barely sing the song and give the song to him?

Wang Mo was a little confused.

He is a person with a perfect complex. If he handed "Digital Life" to a random person, he would feel uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time.

I only heard Liu Zhengwen say: "Unfortunately, our company only has a database of singers signed by ourselves. If we can check the data of all singers in the country, we will definitely be able to find suitable singers. After all, there are thousands of Chinese singers, and there must be There are many geniuses who have excellent singing skills but have not been discovered by others. Just like you, you discovered geniuses like Hao Mingxing..."

Wang Mo listened on the side, his eyes suddenly brightened.

He slapped his thigh: "That's right! I can't find a suitable singer, so let the singer take the initiative to find me!"

Liu Zhengwen's eyes widened: "Let the singer take the initiative to find you?"


Wang Mo said excitedly: "I may have thought of a way to find a suitable singer for "Digital Life"."

An idea emerged from his mind and became clearer and clearer.


If this idea is put into practice, then there is no way for him to keep a low profile, he can only do it in a high profile.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Mo determined his inner thoughts: In order to find a singer who can control "Digital Life", it doesn't matter if he makes a high profile once.

Liu Zhengwen quickly asked: "What can we do?"

Wang Mo expressed his thoughts: "I am going to upload the electronic sample of "Digital Life" to the music platform and announce the score of this song. Then I announced to the entire Internet: Let everyone challenge this song, as long as there is someone If the singing can meet my standards, then I will give this song to whomever!”

Liu Zhengwen's mouth opened wide.

Release the score?

Recruiting singers from all over the Internet?

This approach simply subverted his thinking. He swallowed: "Is this... okay?"

Wang Mo said: "Try it."

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