My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 111 What kind of weird song is this?

At this moment, Wang Mo stood in the middle of the office with a calm expression.

Liu Zhengwen tilted his head and looked at him from the left.

Yuan Xiong tilted his head and looked at him from the right.

The two crooked-necked men looked at Wang Mo with the same expression on their faces: "Did we hear wrongly? Wang Mo actually wants to take this order?"

The two people with crooked necks looked at each other to make sure they heard correctly.

Liu Zhengwen swallowed his saliva and finally said with difficulty: "Wang Mo, you... know Cantonese?"

Wang Mo smiled naively: "I understand a little."

But he understands a little bit.

Liu Zhengwen was frightened when he heard these two words now. It was difficult for him to distinguish the true meaning of these two words. Two days ago, a new person came to the composition department. I asked him about his composition skills, and he said he knew a little bit about it. At that time, Liu Zhengwen was so excited that he almost jumped up, thinking that he had recruited a big shot, but after an examination, he found that the other person really only knew a little bit.

Damn it...

But the one who was even more devastated was Yuan Xiong. He growled in a low voice: "I sleep with you every day, how come I don't know you can speak Cantonese?"

Wang Mo hasn't spoken yet.

Liu Zhengwen was already stunned: "You two...sleep...together...every day?"

Yuan Xiong frowned: "Is there a problem?"


Is there a problem?

Liu Zhengwen was confused by Yuan Xiong's rhetorical question.

In just such a moment, he had already made eighteen turns in his mind, and then he distanced himself from the two of them without leaving a trace: "No...problem."

Of course, I added two words in my heart: "...that's weird."

As the order is confirmed.

So Wang Mo quickly left Liu Zhengwen's office and prepared to go home.

On the way.

Yuan Xiong still asked reluctantly: "Tell me honestly, when did you learn Cantonese?"

Wang Mo does know Cantonese, but he learned it after spending three years in Yangcheng in his previous life, and it was only to the point where he could barely communicate with others, and was far from proficient.

Faced with Yuan Xiong's questioning, Wang Mo said casually: "I learned it from TV."

Did you learn it from TV?

Yuan Xiong was stunned for a moment, but then he quickly remembered that Wang Mo did like to watch Hong Kong movies with original sound last night, and he did not rule out the possibility. Although Yuan Xiong thought it was ridiculous to be able to learn Cantonese based on a few Hong Kong films, he could still accept it when he thought of Wang Mo's extraordinary talent that he had inadvertently displayed.

After all, geniuses cannot use common sense to judge.

I don't know when, in Yuan Xiong's mind, Wang Mo has been upgraded from a good-looking dog to a genius boy. If anything is unreasonable, he will comfort himself by thinking that the other person is a genius.

This actually saved Wang Mo a lot of trouble.

arrive home.

Yuan Xiong went to the kitchen immediately. Because Wang Mo completed Gao Niu's order, the meal tonight was very rich.

Four large crabs, two pounds of Pipi shrimps, a grouper, and other meats and vegetables, this is what Yuan Xiong bought tonight.

A luxurious dinner visible to the naked eye.

When Yuan Xiong was busy in the kitchen.

Wang Mo, who was sitting on the sofa, called up the system: "System, I want to customize a song."

Then, he mentally recited the requirement of "Cantonese culture".

System: [Generating the most suitable song for the host...generating...]

About a minute passed.

A line of words appeared on the system: [After deducting 500,000 yuan, congratulations to the host for winning the song "Digital Life". 】

"Digital life?"

When he saw the title of the song, Wang Mo was in a trance for a moment.

In his mind, he seemed to have never heard the name of this song.

"Listen to the song!"

He muttered silently.

The next second, the song "Digital Life" sounded in his mind, and at the same time, he could see the illusory lyrics in front of his eyes.

Very magical.

When he first saw the lyrics, Wang Mo's eyes went straight: "Is there such a song?"

Then the song covered his thoughts.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Wang Mo didn't recover from the shock until the song ended.

"Incredible, really incredible, there is such a song..."

After a long time.

He just shook his head and sighed, his eyes full of surprise and admiration.

But soon, Wang Mo was in trouble again.

First: Does this song meet the official requirements of "Cantonese culture"? Because he feels that although "Digital Life" is very amazing, he cannot see how this song promotes Cantonese culture.

Second: Wang Mo racked his brains and didn’t expect anyone in the company to sing this song. Even though he expanded his scope to the entire music scene, he still couldn't find a suitable singer to sing "Digital Life".

Regarding these two doubts, Wang Mo didn't worry too much about the first point, because he believed that since the system gave him this song, it must be the most suitable, but he didn't think of the reason now.

The second question...

After thinking for a long time, Wang Mo still couldn't figure out who in today's music world could be qualified for "Digital Life".

"No, no one can sing this song?"

This is embarrassing.

He rubbed his brows, what if no one can sing it well?

"It's time to eat."

Yuan Xiong's greeting pulled Wang Mo out of his thoughts.

Steamed crab, steamed prawns with garlic vermicelli, braised grouper, the ever-changing chili fried pork, plus a lettuce.

After eating five dishes, Wang Mo's mouth was filled with grease.

Yuan Xiong took a crab and gnawed it once: "I saw you were deep in thought just now, were you thinking about Cantonese singing?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Yuan Xiong said: "Don't tell me, you have already solved it again."

For Gao Niu's last order, Wang Mo produced "Sour, Sweet and Sweet Is Me" in one meal, which shocked Yuan Xiong. That's why he asked this now.


Wang Mo didn't dare to say that he had indeed secured the order, otherwise Yuan Xiong would probably be scared to death.

He just said: "I have some clues, but not much..."

Yuan Xiong nodded and felt inexplicably relieved. This was considered normal.

Otherwise, every time it takes just one meal to finish a song, a genius wouldn’t be able to do this.

After nibbling the crab in his hand, Yuan Xiong took advantage of the situation and went to get the second one.

But he didn't expect that Wang Mo would snatch the last crab from the plate.

Yuan Xiong said angrily: "There are four crabs, two for each person. How does it make sense for you to eat three by yourself?"

Wang Mo happily gnawed on the crab roe and said: "If you eat too much of this stuff, uric acid will rise. If you are older, eat less, otherwise you will be prone to gout. I am young and can bear it, and this kind of pain is too much for me to bear. So I am doing this for you. For your own sake, you know?”


Yuan Xiong took a deep breath and was speechless.

Three days later, when Liu Zhengwen asked Wang Mo again about the progress of the "Cantonese Culture" order.

Wang Mo felt that it was almost done, so he said: "I have already written the song, and I will send it to Mr. Liu's email address."

"Has it really been written?"

Liu Zhengwen felt a little upset when he saw that Wang Mo actually got an order for a Cantonese song.

Then, he received a new email in his mailbox.

When I opened it, I saw that it was indeed a song file sent by Wang Mo.

As usual, including: song sheet and electronic demo.

"The song is called "Digital Life"?"

After Liu Zhengwen downloaded the file, he was about to click on the electronic sample to listen to the song, but his eyes glanced at the music score.

The next second, his eyes widened.

Damn it.

What the hell?



534202 13942?

Why are they all numbers?

Is your mailbox poisoned? All the lyrics have been parsed into irregular numbers?

Rubbing his eyes, he immediately called Wang Mo: "Wang Mo, are you sure the lyrics are correct?"

Wang Mo: "No."

Liu Zhengwen: "But...why are they all numbers?"

Wang Mo: "The title of the song is "Digital Life", so of course it only has numbers."


Liu Zhengwen paused for a while and then said: "Brother, are you kidding me? How can any song be all digital? What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't think too much, just listen to the song first."

After Wang Mo finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Liu Zhengwen clicked on the electronic sample with a puzzled look on his face.

When I heard it, I was stunned.

Unexpectedly, those seemingly irregular numbers were actually lyrics.

And it seems to sound pretty good?

Of course, what surprised Liu Zhengwen in particular was that these numbers were sung in Cantonese, so although it looked very strange, it was indeed a Cantonese song.

Listened all the way.

Until the climax begins.


The speed of the electronic voice seemed to turn into a violent storm, and the numbers sprayed out like dense raindrops:

"0434 0434 0232 0232 0646 0646 0878 0878 0515 0515 0242 0242 0696 0696 0272 0272..."

Strong rhythm.

Shocking rhythm.

Like a machine gun, it pierced Liu Zhengwen's body and soul in an instant, leaving him standing there as if he had been struck by lightning. He did not recover from the numb feeling for a long time.

Until the song ends.

Liu Zhengwen just touched his forehead, and a dense layer of sweat broke out.

Listening to a song, he could actually feel sweat. This was an unprecedented experience for him.

"This kind of song...this kind of song...Wang Mo is not a pervert, he is simply crazy."

Liu Zhengwen wanted to comment on the song, but found that he was short of words and couldn't think of the right words to describe it.

Listened to it again.

The more I listen to it, the more I feel that this song seems to have a lot of charm. Although it is just composed of simple numbers, it is far from being comparable to the saliva songs on the market today.

Liu Zhengwen even tried to sing along with a few lines, but he almost died on the spot... This song sounded very rhythmic, but he didn't expect it to be so explosive when he sang it, which scared him so much that he never dared to try it again.

But soon.

Another doubt arose in his mind: Does this kind of song meet the requirements of "Cantonese culture"? Anyway, from Liu Zhengwen's point of view, this song "Digital Life" does not appear to promote Cantonese culture.

"No matter, send the song over there first."

For Wang Mo, Liu Zhengwen gradually gained a blind confidence in his heart.

He believes that since Wang Mo wrote "Digital Life", it must have deep meaning. I can’t see how it promotes Cantonese culture. It’s definitely not that the song is not good, but that I am not good at it.

Guangdong Province, Yangcheng.

In a certain conference room at the official headquarters of "Cantonese Culture".

Several men in suits and ties were having a meeting, and each of them had deep sorrow on their faces.

The man in the gray suit who was leading the team sighed: "Is our bid too low?"

A man in a black suit shook his head: "I have inquired about the composing industry, and the price quoted for a song is 2.8 million. This is already the top price."

The man in the gray suit frowned: "Then why are only a few people taking our orders? Until now, only a dozen composers have submitted works, and the quality of each work is unsatisfactory?"


The others looked troubled.

Indeed, after they solicited promotional songs for "Cantonese culture" from across the country, they have only received submissions for thirteen songs so far.

And the quality of these submissions is really indescribable.

Anyway, none of the songs caught their eye.

What are they?

Nothing more than:

"Cantonese is good, Cantonese is wonderful, and I can make a sound after learning Cantonese."

"Let the whole world learn Cantonese."

“If you don’t learn Cantonese, you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

Lyrics like this are so vulgar and eye-catching.

The man in the gray suit sighed: "We are collecting promotional songs for 'Cantonese culture' from the whole society. The purpose is actually to let the Chinese people become interested in Cantonese after listening to the promotional songs, and then take the initiative to understand Cantonese culture and get in touch with it. The mystery of Cantonese... But I didn’t expect that dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel. Now I can’t even collect songs.”

While talking.

A young man in charge of collecting songs suddenly lit up his eyes: "President, someone has submitted another song."

The man in the gray suit also became more energetic: "Is it reliable?"

The young man said: "The contributor is Yunhai Media."


When the president heard this, his expression became a little excited: "Yunhai Media is one of the three giants of China Entertainment Company. Their submissions should be of high quality. Hurry! Connect the projector and let us see the songs they submitted."


The young man quickly connected his computer to the projector, then opened his mailbox and clicked on the music score.


A series of dense numbers appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone in the conference room looked at the numbers on the score and were all dumbfounded.


"What the hell!"

"Are you kidding us?"

"Isn't that too insulting?"

"Is this a song written by the songwriter from Yunhai Media?"

"what the hell!"

Everyone looked at each other with absurd expressions on their faces.

After the initial shock, the president's lungs almost exploded: "It's so outrageous. Do some people think we are official and bully us because we don't understand music, so cats and dogs dare to submit articles? Do they think we are Kaizi? ?Turn it off!”


The young man nodded repeatedly.

While he hurriedly closed the music score, he secretly thought that this was really the work of the composer of Yunhai Media?

How could it be so unreliable!

Could it be that someone is pretending to be a composer from Yunhai Media and trying to fool us?

Well, that’s definitely the case!

Due to excessive tension.

When the young man closed his mailbox, he accidentally clicked on the electronic demo of the song.

Suddenly, the singing voice floated out.

The young man's palms were sweating and he wanted to forcefully shut down the phone.

But the next second, the president stopped him, with a strange look on his face: "There are still electronic samples? Xiao Dong, don't turn it off, listen to it first before talking."

You will definitely not be able to guess why I chose this song...haha.

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