My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 110 This order is difficult, but I took it!

Many groups in the industry have exploded.

"Isn't it? Wuyan?"

"An outsider planned this classic publicity event?"

"The key is that Wuyan is not from the Gao Niu Group."

"Are you going to be so exaggerated? Brother!"


Everyone showed incredible expressions after hearing the news.

Yunhai Media.

At this moment, Yuan Xiong and Liu Zhengwen's expressions were not much better.

The way the two of them looked at Wang Mo no longer looked like a human being, but just like looking at a monster.

Liu Zhengwen said solemnly: "Xiao Wang, what's wrong with you? You actually know how to advertise, and you even helped Gao Niu plan such a perfect new product promotion."

"That's not the point."

Yuan Xiong's tone was sour: "Wang Mo, did you know? Because this time Gao Niu You Yogurt's product was so successful, their stock price rose by more than 20%. In other words, you indirectly made Gao Niu's The market value increased by more than 10 billion. But we only received a mere 5 million in compensation from them."

When Liu Zhengwen heard this, he regretted: "Yes, I should have known that we should have taken over all their publicity and planning. It shouldn't be a problem to earn them tens of millions, but a few million. Alas... I missed it." "


Wang Mo looked at the two money fans and was speechless.

He had no choice but to say: "Two big brothers, we are an entertainment company. Can you please correct your positions? This time, the success of Gao Niu You Yogurt product is due to me. But without Gao Niu The group’s strong publicity capabilities, over 10 million yuan in advertising investment, and nationwide terminal sales channels are all in vain. So don’t daydream.”

After hearing Wang Mo's words, the two calmed down.

Wang Mo then said: "The top priority is not to lament our past achievements, but to select the next suitable list."

Liu Zhengwen: "Taking the next order so soon? Don't you want to take a break?"

Wang Mo: "Villa decoration waits for no one."

Just as Liu Zhengwen was about to speak, the phone rang.

When he answered the call, a strange look appeared on his face.

hang up the phone.

Liu Zhengwen stared at Wang Mo and said: "Wang Mo, the call just now was from Gao Niu's rival Mengli Group. They said they hope you can customize a promotional strategy for their new milk product, including: advertising One-stop service including songs, advertisements, spokespersons, etc. They quoted a total price of 10 million.”

Ten million!

Several people looked at each other, a little uneasy.

Yuan Xiong: "Take it!"

Wang Mo: "Take your pick!"

Mad, do you really think you are Doraemon and can get whatever you want?

In his memory, there were indeed many classic advertisements about milk in his previous life, but the corresponding songs seemed to be gone.

So if I take this order, I will definitely be dead.

Moreover, he had just completed an order for Gao Niu and then turned around to work for Gao Niu's rival. This was a taboo in the industry.

In fact, Yuan Xiong is just trying to talk quickly.

He rubbed his brows: "What a pity."

Before Liu Zhengwen could speak, the phone rang again.


His phone rang almost nonstop until it stopped ringing half an hour later.

Liu Zhengwen took a moment to slow down his breathing before speaking: "Wang Mo, the calls just now were almost all from China's top companies. There are mineral water brands, instant noodle brands, and various beverage brands. Their purposes are almost all. Unanimous: That is to ask you to come up with a publicity plan, including songs and advertising slogans. The highest bid reached 15 million, and the lowest bid was 8 million. Some people even offered a sky-high price of 5 million per year. Please You used to be a brand director...consider it?"

Yuan Xiong's face was full of shock: "Is there anyone else who offers fifteen million?"

Liu Zhengwen said: "That's right."

Yuan Xiong: "I'm so willing."

Wang Mo suddenly said: "These big companies can't really offer 15 million, right? I guess there are some conditions for cooperation."

"That's right."

Liu Zhengwen nodded: "The one who offered the price of 15 million is Nongfu Spring Group. The conditions they gave are: If Wang Mo, you can promote the packaging of one of their mineral water brands, and as long as it can reach the high lactic acid bacteria Half of the publicity effect, then the fifteen million is yours."

Nongfu Spring?

When Wang Mo heard the name, his mind became active.

Regarding the brand promotion of Nongfu Spring, there seems to be a particularly successful case in the past life.

However, Wang Mo only knows a few classic advertising slogans, and his impression of the brand is that there are not many good advertising songs and spokespersons that can form a linkage.

"In the previous life, those few advertising slogans of Nongfu Spring shocked the whole of China and made it one of the top mineral water brands in China. Well... I will find an opportunity in the future to sell these few advertising slogans to them at a high price."

Wang Mo thought to himself.

But now is not a good opportunity.

Suppressing his thoughts, Wang Mo shook his head: "Mr. Liu, help me reject all invitations from these companies. Now if the company has any suitable orders, can you send them to me? For the second order, I decided to keep a low profile."

Keep a low profile?

Liu Zhengwen and Yuan Xiong looked at each other and shook their heads.

In their impression, Wang Mo was very well-behaved before his house collapsed.

But since Wang Mo's house collapsed, nothing he did was low-key.

So when they heard him talk about keeping a low profile, both of them couldn't help but curl their lips.

There was a pause.

Liu Zhengwen took out a stack of documents from the drawer: "I have already sorted them out for you. Here are six orders with relatively high prices."

When talking about "price", Liu Zhengwen deliberately emphasized his tone.

"These six orders include the film and television drama and game songs I told you about last time. The other four are: two are for songs in film and television dramas, one is the theme song for a variety show, and one is the opening song for a movie. Take a look."


Wang Mo took the document from Liu Zhengwen.

I glanced through it briefly and shook my head secretly.

The prices of these orders are pretty good, with the lowest price being 1 million, and the highest even being 2.6 million.

But in Wang Mo's view, these orders are not considered low-key. As long as he writes his own songs, he is destined to be high-profile. There is even a high probability that demand parties will use his name to promote their products.

"Are there any other orders?"

Wang Mo asked.

When Liu Zhengwen heard this, he knew that Wang Mo had not taken a fancy to these six orders.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is a list that I carefully selected for you. If you don't like them, then you won't like the other lists even more."

Wang Mo felt a little depressed when he heard this.

Can we only get one from these six orders?

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Are there any orders that are reasonably priced but not popular?"


Liu Zhengwen answered subconsciously.

If the price can meet Wang Mo's requirements, it must be a high-end order. How can such an order be unpopular?

Just when Wang Mo was feeling depressed.


Liu Zhengwen thought of an order that he had ignored a few days ago, and he quickly said: "There seems to be such an order, but you probably won't be able to take it."

Wang Mo: "Oh? What kind of order is it?"

He still doesn't believe it. There are still orders that he can't take?

In other words, are there still orders that the system cannot accept?

Liu Zhengwen said seriously: "This order was issued by the officials from Guangdong Province a while ago. Party A seems to be an official organization called 'Cantonese Culture', and the other party is looking for a song that can promote and promote Cantonese. Let Chinese people have a deeper impression of Cantonese.

Since it was official and sponsored by many big bosses in Guangdong Province, their offer was very generous, with the price of one song reaching 2.8 million.

However, until now, it seems that no composer has taken up this list. "


Wang Mo raised his eyebrows: "Let me see."

Liu Zhengwen said in surprise: "This is a list of Cantonese songs. Are you sure you want to read it?"

He remembered that Wang Mo was from Hunan Province, but for this kind of Cantonese song list, unless it was a local composer from Guangdong Province, it was basically impossible for outsiders to accept the order.

Wang Mo: “Let’s look at the demand first.”


Liu Zhengwen knew that Wang Mo never played according to the routine, so he didn't think much about it and started rummaging in the drawer.

After searching for a while, I finally found a document.

He handed it to Wang Mo: "That's it."

Wang Mo took it and began to read it carefully.

As Liu Zhengwen said, this order was indeed issued by the official organization of "Cantonese Culture" because today's society is developing too fast. As a major language like Cantonese, it has been severely impacted by Mandarin. The proportion of the younger generation, especially children, speaking Cantonese is increasing. The smaller. Therefore, in order to enhance the influence of Cantonese and increase the promotion of Cantonese, "Cantonese Culture" is preparing to collect a song to promote the declining Cantonese culture.

But even though a song was priced at more than two million, there were only a few songwriters who accepted the order.

Wang Mo thought about it for a few reasons:

First, if you want to write a Cantonese song, basically only locals from Guangdong Province can take orders. This alone eliminates 90% of the composers.

Second, according to official requirements, this song must have the effect of promoting and promoting Cantonese. It is too difficult to do this. If the composer writes a Cantonese song, people in other provinces cannot understand it, so how can it be promoted? If Cantonese songs are not written, the role of promoting Cantonese will be even less achieved. This is equivalent to entering an infinite loop, which puts the composer in a dilemma.

Third, this kind of officialdom is already very unpopular, and it is basically difficult for outsiders to pay attention to its existence. Therefore, even if a composer writes a song, it will be difficult for the public to pay attention to it. Therefore, some local songwriters from Guangdong Province also gave up.

There are three reasons why this high-priced order is still pending.

"It's really difficult."

After Wang Mo read it, he closed the document.

Liu Zhengwen nodded and said with a smile: "That's why I didn't give you this list just now, because it was too unpopular, the conditions were too harsh, and you had to understand Cantonese, so you couldn't possibly..."

The words have not yet finished.

Wang Mo spoke again: "Although this order is difficult, it suits me very well, so... I took it."


Liu Zhengwen tilted his head and looked at Wang Mo.

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