My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 109 The song became a hit and product sales exploded!

Director Luo's office.

Manager He was holding a document, his forehead was covered with sweat, but at this moment he had no intention of wiping the sweat, but excitedly lowered the document in his hand.

Director Luo suddenly stood up, took the document and started reading it.

Just a quick glance.


Director Luo had an extremely shocked expression on his face, obviously shocked by the data above.

He was stunned for a while.

Then he asked: "Is the data accurate?"

Manager He nodded: "I have confirmed it with all major suppliers, and there is absolutely nothing wrong."

Director Luo nodded, read the documents in his hand a few more times, and murmured: "It's a bit outrageous..."

Data Display:

In just one day today, the first batch of 100,000 boxes of the new yogurt product they provided to 103 large supermarkets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has been sold out in 87 supermarkets, and only a few are left in the remaining 15 supermarkets. stock.

This result, let alone far exceeded Director Luo's estimate.

He hadn't even dreamed of it.

For Gao Rong, when a new product was launched on the first day, the products sold accounted for only 30% of the total inventory. Such results are already considered excellent.

So what does their score count?

At the same time, Gao Rong also saw the exact same sales data in Director Luo's hand.

She stared at the content above, and her mind went blank for a moment.

"How can it be?"

She has never seen such exaggerated data since she entered the industry.

However, things are not over yet.

The manager who came in said in a low voice: "Mr. Gao, there is another news. Today, in more than 100 supermarkets, our sales of the same product but different packaging of yogurt have plummeted by 70%. There is news that many young people Originally, they took the yogurt products packaged by us, but after seeing Director Luo’s packaging, they basically switched to their packaged products. Only a few elderly people didn’t switch because they found it troublesome.”

When Gao Rong heard this, his already pale face became even more bleak.

After a while.

She suddenly stood up and smiled: "Manager Tan, Mr. Luo shouldn't have gone home yet, right?"

Manager Tan nodded: "Yes."


Gao Rong straightened her hair and said, "Let's go congratulate Director Luo."

In some competitions, if the gap is not big, you can still find a way.

But in some competitions, once the gap is known, there is no need to continue.

But now, after Gao Rong saw the results created by Director Luo on the first day, she immediately knew that she had been completely crushed in this competition between the two sides, and that she would only be humiliating herself if she continued.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

Having been in the workplace for many years, she knows this truth well.

Therefore, she chose to congratulate Director Luo as soon as possible.

Only by being able to bend and stretch can you go further in the workplace.

Of course Director Luo is happy to see Gao Rong accept defeat and join.

However, whether it was Director Luo or Gao Rong, although they were shocked by the sales results of Tianyou Yogurt on the first day, they still did not expect that the subsequent development trend would be so violent.

Starting from the next day.

On the Internet, the song "Sour and Sweet Is Me" began to spread rapidly.

Many people even discussed it on some social platforms.

"There is a very sweet song recently. Have you listened to it?"

"What song?"

"I highly recommend giving it a listen, it's so sweet. The song is called "Sour, Sweet, and Sweet Is Me."

"Haha, I know this song. It has been playing in the supermarket downstairs for the past two days."

"My little shop here also plays it. Anyway, it sounds very comfortable."


If there is discussion, it means there is enthusiasm.

Popularity means more people will see the song.

When the time came to the third day, the playback volume of "Sour and Sweet Is Me" unknowingly exceeded 100,000, and it reached the top 100 of the new song list.

The exposure of the top 100 new songs is completely different from that of songs ranked after the top 100.

Then, more people joined the discussion.

"The song sounds sweet, and the girl who sings has grown up so sweetly."

"Much like my first love."

"Bah, it stinks and is shameless. When did my first love become your first love?"

the next day.

The third day.

It was not until the fourth day that countless netizens discovered that a song suddenly appeared in their lives.

Included on the network:

Douyin, Weibo, WeChat, and major music platforms... you can all see people listening to "Sour and Sweet Is Me" or commenting on this song.

Life includes:

From time to time, songs like "I like sour and sweet, this is the real me" can be heard in major supermarkets, small shops, and even on buses and subways.

Even the senior executives of Gaoniu Group were unexpected.

In less than a week, the playback volume of "Sour, Sweet and Sweet Is Me" has exceeded one million or ten million, and it has directly reached the top ten of the new song list.

It's a pity that Tang Qinyun has released several campus songs on music platforms before, so it has nothing to do with the newcomer list. Otherwise, this data can already sweep the newcomer list.

But that's okay……

for the rest of the time,

Even before Gaoniu Group had time to carry out large-scale publicity and promotion, this song swept the entire Internet like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

The fire made their hearts tremble.

The fire caught them off guard.

And this time, it is still popular online and offline at the same time.

And on the seventh day, "Sour and Sweet Is Me" surpassed the song "Empty City" sung by Hao Mingxing on "Singer Style" in one fell swoop and topped the new song list.

Until this time, the music world was finally shaken.

"Hao Mingxing's "Empty City" fell to second place?"

“Oh my god, is this song so scary?”

"Isn't that awesome?"

"Who is it? Even the wordless songs have been trampled underfoot."


Canxing Culture.

Ye Yuanhang, who was still depressed and drank every day, saw that "Sour and Sweet Is Me" surpassed "Empty City", his eyes instantly brightened, and the long-standing depression in his chest was almost wiped away.

Even to confirm that "Sour and Sweet Is Me" won the first place on the new song chart.

Ye Yuanhang also refreshed the new song list more than ten times in a row.

Until the news was confirmed.

He stood up and laughed: "Hahaha, hahaha, Wuyan, you too will have this day! Haha! Will you also have to be the second child one day?"

The agent next to him also smiled and said: "It's not painful now?


Ye Yuanhang laughed and said: "Not only is it not painful? Now I am even in a very comfortable mood. At this moment, what I want to call Wu Yan most is to ask him: Is it painful? Hahaha!"

He wanted to scream.

He wanted to yell.

Let me ask, who will God spare? !

Excited for a while.

Ye Yuanhang clicked on the detailed song information of "Sour, Sweet and Sweet Is Me" and said excitedly: "I must see who is the big shot in the composing world who defeated Wu Yan. I must worship him... …”

Click to open.

Take a closer look.

Ye Yuanhang's smile instantly froze on his face, and his whole person seemed to turn into a sculpture.

Seeing Ye Yuanhang's abnormality, the manager was surprised and said: "Which composer is it? You have such a big reaction?"

Ye Yuanhang suddenly jumped up and said ferociously: "It's your father!"

After the song "Sour and Sweet Is Me" became completely popular.

More and more people began to notice that this song turned out to be an advertising song for Gaoniu’s new brand Yoghurt.

In addition, Gaoniu Group finally came to its senses and launched a large-scale advertising campaign across the country.

Almost every large supermarket and shopping mall of some size has a poster of Tang Qinyun holding Yogurt, with the song "Sour, Sweet and Sweet Is Me" playing next to it.


The three advertising slogans Wang Mo gave Gao Niu before began to appear frequently in front of the public.

【Sour and sweet is me】

[Sour, sweet and sour, I decide.]

【I want my taste】

After countless young people flocked to supermarkets and canteens, when they heard the song and saw the Yogurt brand endorsed by Tang Qinyun and with a new advertising slogan, most of them would almost subconsciously buy it and give it a try.

"It looks delicious."

"Try this taste."

"Yes, let's see if it's really what I want."

"that's amazing."


When the image of a product becomes deeply rooted in people's hearts, what happens next will be terrifying.

sold out!

sold out!

Still sold out!

In just half a month, Gaoniu Yogurt's production capacity increased hundreds of times, even surpassing its flagship milk product to a certain extent. However, even so, Yogurt's products are still in short supply.

Every day I get calls from suppliers across the country.

At the same time, Gaoniu Group’s shares soared 25.6% due to the popularity of its new yogurt product.

The huge success has attracted the attention and analysis of countless people in the industry.

Everyone is analyzing: What is the reason for the success of Gaoniu Group’s product?


Someone came up with a more authoritative analysis report:

First, Gaoniu Group’s publicity this time has formed a publicity system that integrates advertising theme songs, singers, spokespersons, and advertising slogans, allowing consumers to virtually accept advertising without barriers.

Second, the advertising theme song is of high quality and can resonate with young people.

Third, although the singer is not well-known this time, his sweet image and voice perfectly fit Yogurt's products, which in turn produced an immeasurable chemical reaction and set off a wave of "sweet and sour" among young people. The topic of first love. In turn, it brought huge publicity effect to the product.

Fourth, Gao Niu’s three-sentence advertising slogan is a classic, simple and easy to remember and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A series of factors led to the explosion of Gao Niu You Yogurt products.

After analyzing the results.

Many people in the industry began to dig deeper. Who is the master in the industry who can plan such a publicity system and implement it perfectly step by step?

At first, everyone thought it was a marketing boss within Gaoniu.

Until the end, a Gaoniu insider accidentally revealed a piece of news.

Only then did everyone get an answer that shocked everyone: almost all of Gao Niu's publicity system was created by one person.

And this person is not from Gaoniu Group, he is Wuyan, the composer of Yunhai Media.


The composer is speechless?

Everyone was confused when they heard the news.

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