On this day, Yunhai Media headquarters was the same as before, no different.

Wang Mo sat in the composition department and greeted Duke Zhou almost the entire day.

I can't help it, I slept too late last night.

After Liu Zhengwen saw him, he asked if he wanted to go to his office to sleep, but Wang Mo refused. So Liu Zhengwen took a blanket from nowhere and covered Wang Mo: "Sleep well, don't catch a cold."

Wang Mo was moved: "Thank you, Mr. Liu."

Liu Zhengwen: "After all, if you get sick, it will affect your ability to make money for me."

Wang Mo: "..."

Wang Mo: "Mr. Liu, have you been very close to Brother Xiong recently?"

Liu Zhengwen: "Yes, what's wrong?"

During these days, because Wang Mo was taking orders and filming "Where Are We Going, Dad", Liu Zhengwen met with Yuan Xiong almost every day to discuss various tasks.

The relationship between the two skyrocketed.

Wang Mo: "Stay away from him!!!"


The good ones don't learn from each other, but everyone has learned Yuan Xiong's dirty tricks.

Such as yourself.

However, although Yunhai Media is quiet, the Internet is still abuzz.

Last night’s “Shanyin Cup” continues to ferment on the Internet today.

Open Douyin, and almost half of the videos are Xilou's performance in the live broadcast last night.

Two poems per person!

One person versus two guns!

One person weighed down the entire Shanshui Club, a dozen of poetry masters, unable to lift their heads.

And Xilou is just an Internet celebrity!

This kind of performance made every netizen excited.

"That's so awesome."

“The two poems are so beautiful that they explode!”

“The artistic conception of the first song is really amazing.”

"The heroics of the second song made my blood boil. I got out of bed in the middle of the night and went to the fields to plow ten acres of land!"

“It’s incredible that Douyin has such a talented anchor.”


On Weibo, there were several hot searches. Although it was ranked outside the top ten and could not overshadow the scandals of many top celebrities, it was still shocking enough.

[Douyin "Shanyin Cup" surprises talented anchors]

[Two "Happy Meetings" crush all poets]

[Double gun misfire]

[The identity of the West Building is revealed]

Hot searches also let more people know about "Shanyin Cup".

The biggest response was from Zhihu.

After all, on platforms like Weibo and Bilibili, most netizens are not too interested in poetry.

But Zhihu is different. The people on it are all educated young people.

When Xilou's two poems were moved to Zhihu, almost every netizen on the platform was almost shocked.

"Are these two poems really written by the famous Douyin anchor?"

"What the hell? Are you willing to lose even with two guns?"

"What a "Lonely Wutong Deep Courtyard Locking the Qingqiu", what a "Don't Have a Feeling in My Heart", the writing is really good."

"Isn't it just good? This wording and artistic conception are so awesome, okay?"

"It's incredible that Douyin anchor has such talent."

"I do not believe!"

"These two words are thrown in your face, you still don't believe it?!"

"That's right, this thing can't be faked or copied."

"I heard that there are two more games to follow in the Shanyin Cup. It seems I have to go and watch the games."

"I've never heard of a fight before. It seems I have to go to the next one. Let's go watch it tonight."

"Me too, Douyin has been downloaded just to watch the live broadcast tonight."

"Let's go together!"


There are also many netizens who do not understand poetry and dismiss the craze on the Internet, thinking that everything is Douyin's hype.

Are you kidding me?

A mere Internet celebrity anchor can be so powerful that they stand on their heads and eat shit.

However... soon, a shocking news came out.

It is reported that several top schools in China, including Qingbei University, Renmin University of China, University of Science and Technology, and Beijing Foreign Studies University, have issued announcements, hoping that everyone can watch the Douyin "Shanyin Cup" live broadcast at 8 o'clock tonight.

As for the students in the literature department, they were specially informed by their counselors to go to the lecture theater to watch the live broadcast in the evening.

"I prove that this news is true because I am a Qingbei student."

"I can also prove that I am a counselor."

"I can prove that I am that lecture theater."


This news really shocked many people, and also made many people re-evaluate the energy of the "Shanyin Cup".

Driven by all parties.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the second poetry exchange meeting of "Shanyin Cup" officially started.

In the Douyin live broadcast room, when the live broadcast was first launched, the number of people increased at an exaggerated speed, and it exceeded 100,000 in a few minutes.

However, what is even more exaggerated is the West Tower live broadcast room.

When Wang Mo started the live broadcast, the number of people exceeded 200,000 in just five minutes, even surpassing the popularity of Douyin's official live broadcast room to a certain extent.

The barrages are all check-ins from netizens from all sides.

“Come here on Weibo to worship the great god of poetry.”

"Come from Zhihu, the anchor is too bored."

"I came here from Xiaohongshu. The more I read the anchor's words, the more I like them."

"People from station B come to check in and wait for the anchor's performance tonight."


Seeing this scene, Wang Mo was also a little shocked.

Of course it's more fun.

The more people who come, the more prestige will be brought to him.


It started at 8pm.

In Douyin's official live broadcast room, the host smiled and said: "Today's live broadcast seems to be much more lively than yesterday. It seems that many of us are here for the duel between 'Xi Lou' and the Double Gun. Then we won't No more nonsense, let’s go straight to today’s game.”


When netizens heard that the supporter got straight into the topic, they immediately started to refresh their screens.

The host continued: "Last night, the opening poem exchange in the first session ended, and the voting ended at noon today. According to the voting results on the first day, Xilou ranked first with 8.56 million votes, and Teacher Feng Qi ranked first with 1.04 million Ranked second with 1.03 million votes, Teacher Zhu Han ranked third with 1.03 million votes. You can check the votes and rankings of other people on the relevant pages."

Before he finished speaking, netizens were agitated.

The number of votes for the West Tower was actually as high as over 8 million, beating the second place by more than eight times!

It's simply a miracle.

When everyone was still surprised.

The host has continued: "The exchange meeting on the first day is just an appetizer, and tonight's exchange will enter the real climax. I believe everyone already knows the rules of tonight, that is: this exchange is for free play , everyone can bring out their most proud works that have never been released, and then compete.”

Such rules can be said to be much looser.

So everyone can exert their strongest strength.

Unlike the opening poem on the first day, which restricted many people’s performance.

The host looked at the twin guns: "Teachers, which side should we start announcing today's poems?"

Zhu Han glanced at Feng Qi.

Feng Qi stood up and said: "Yesterday it was announced from Shanshui Club, so let's start from the anchor side today. But... I hope to keep Xilou until the end."


The host nodded and smiled: "Then today's communication will start with the anchors, the first one..."

On the big screen, the image rotated and soon stopped on a person's head: Qingquan.

The host immediately said: "Then I will ask the anchor Qingquan to take out your poem and recite it in the live broadcast room."

The second poem was not submitted in advance.

All members need to recite it themselves, which not only maintains a high degree of mystery, but also greatly increases the participation of members.

So the viewing point is much higher than yesterday.

What Qingquan took out was a seven-character quatrain.

This anchor is quite handsome and has a magnetic voice, so when he recited it, some female netizens went crazy.

Soon, he finished reciting.

Wang Mo let out a soft sigh: "Huh? Is it okay?"

In his opinion, although this seven-character quatrain is still heavily loaded with rhetoric, it has all the contrasts and artistic conception, so it can be regarded as a qualified work. It is much higher than the poem Qingquan produced yesterday.

The second anchor is: Baiyun Youyou.

It was a girl, and she brought a modern poem.

After the girl finished reciting, Wang Mo said something again.

Because this poem is also pretty good.


The poems produced by every anchor were basically above the passing line, and their standards were significantly higher than yesterday.

It seems that due to the free play, the performance of the anchor gate has improved a lot.

As for whether there was any use of other people's works to make up for the credit, Wang Mo didn't know.

Netizens were also a little excited.

"Eh? Are the anchors doing well today?"

"It's not like yesterday was all straw bags, today at least it's all sandbags."

"There are a few poems, and I feel that the level is already very high."




The anchors all finished reciting their works, and it was the Shanshui Club's turn.

This time, Wang Mo finally saw the true strength of the members of the Shanshui Club.

Even Douyin and other anchors have significantly improved their work today.

Not to mention the members of the Shanshui Club.

There is tenderness.

There is poignancy.

There is heroism.

There is sentimentality.

Modern poetry, ancient poetry, ancient lyrics... almost every poem can be regarded as a masterpiece.

There are even several works that, in the eyes of netizens who don’t understand poetry, are almost as good as Wang Mo’s yesterday’s “Meeting Happily: Jinling Alone on the West Tower”.

After listening to the poems of these Shanshui Club members, even Feng Qi and Zhu Han smiled.

In the live broadcast room, barrages flew up.

"Damn, it's so embarrassing!"

"Oh my god, yesterday I heard that one person from Xilou crushed all the members of the Shanshui Society, and even lost with both guns. I still despised them in my heart. When I saw it today, I realized that these people are actually so strong."

"Every piece of work can be selected into this year's poetry selection."

"I am from Qingbei. I originally thought that the teacher was making a fuss and asked us to watch an online poetry PK. Now I feel what it means to be awesome, and I worship you!"


Seeing the comments from netizens, the faces of Shanshui Club guests who peeked at the screen finally showed a long-lost smile.

Yesterday, they were crushed, and each one of them vowed to regain their position today.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

What's more, the most powerful double guns haven't been released yet!

Shooting with two guns is not necessarily worse than Xilou!

In today's exchange meeting, their Shanshui Club must come back, definitely!


When another Shanshui Club member finished reading his work.

In today's exchange meeting, only Wang Mo, Feng Qi, and Zhu Han did not show their works.

The host looked at the three of them and said, "Two teachers, Xilou, you three, who will come first?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "The two teachers are seniors and I don't dare to let them get up first. How about I come first? I wonder what the two teachers think?"

Feng Qi and Zhu Han thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

They also wanted to see what kind of work Wang Mo would produce today.

After the two went back last night, the two guns, who had always been enemies of each other, came together for a rare discussion and formed an alliance with each other. Be sure to show your strongest strength and defeat Xilou in the second game.

Even for today's exchange meeting, both of them prepared more than one piece of work.

In this way, they can choose the most suitable works to respond based on the poems brought out by Xilou.

In this way, although they cannot say that they are guaranteed to win, they should at least be in an invincible position.

The host's voice sounded: "Xilou, are you ready?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Ready."

Host: "Okay, let's get started."

this moment.

All eyes are on you.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Wang Mo, waiting for his poems.

Wang Mo took a deep breath and revealed a rare seriousness in his eyes: "What I bring to you today is a poem called "Poetry to Encourage Learning"."

Wang Mo did not say the original name of "Poems for Prodigy", but changed it to "Poems for Encouragement to Learn".

He is not prepared to publish all the original text of "Poems of a Prodigy".

Because "Poems of a Prodigy" is too long, it is divided into three parts. The first part is a poem to encourage learning. The second part is for passing the imperial examination. The third part is about the joy after high school.

Today, Wang Mo is only going to take out the part of the poem to encourage learning, so there is no problem in changing it to "Poem to Encourage Learning".

As for the netizens in the live broadcast room, they were all stunned after hearing Wang Mo's words.



The work that Xilou took out the next day was actually a poem?

Almost everyone believes that Xilou will continue to write lyrics. After all, the three works Xilou has written so far are all lyrics. Therefore, everyone naturally believes that Xilou is the most talented in terms of lyrics.

But no one expected that on the second day of the Shanyin Cup, at the most intense moment, Wang Mo would abandon his strengths and write poetry instead.

"Is this...the West Building okay?"

"Is he more accomplished in poetry than in words?"

"Impossible! Last night's poems are already considered the pinnacle. It is impossible for Xilou to write better poems than them."

"But why would he exploit his weaknesses and avoid his strengths?"

"I can't figure it out!"


Wang Mo didn't look at the barrage, his eyes became focused.

At the same time, he recited silently in his mind: "The system has become a literati temperament."

The next second.

Wang Mo's whole demeanor changed, his behavior was decent and his eyes were solemn.

Lang Lang's voice sounded: "Encouragement to learn poetry."

"The emperor values ​​heroes, and his articles teach you. All things are inferior, but reading is the only one that is superior."

The sound is like a loud bell, with a high-pitched momentum.

It penetrated the live broadcast room and rang in the ears of everyone watching the live broadcast.

In previous lives, it has been passed down for thousands of years and has always been used as a common textbook for ancient enlightenment education. The "ancient and modern wonder book" that can be as famous as the "Three Character Classic" has been published in Blue Star for the first time!

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