Douyin, the number of netizens watching "Shanyin Cup" tonight has far exceeded one million.

If not tens of millions, there are probably millions.

At this moment, these netizens are all listening to Wang Mo's recitation, with different expressions.

"Huh? Is this Xilou's poem?"

"It sounds a bit impressive."

"Yeah, it looks pretty good. Especially the two sentences, 'Everything is low-grade, only reading is good', it sounds inexplicably passionate."

"But compared with yesterday's two poems, I think they are far behind."

"Yes, the words and the mood are not as good as yesterday's words."

Even many netizens could tell that the poem Wang Mo recited was not as good as yesterday's poem. The members of the Shanshui Club can even feel the difference between them.

Some people's faces already showed joy.

Some people shook their heads, seemingly sighing but secretly happy.

Someone's eyes started to shine.

Feng Qi looked at Zhu Han and said with a smile: "The quality is considered to be excellent, and the content of the poem also fits the title of "Poem to Encourage Learning"."

Zhu Han nodded and smiled as well: "Yes, but it's a little thin."

Between the words of the two people, two words were revealed everywhere: Stable!

However, at this time.

The two of them were suddenly stunned.


After Xilou finished reciting in the live broadcast room, he had no intention of stopping and actually continued reading:

"As a young man, you must be diligent in your studies, and your articles will help you stand up. All nobles and nobles in the dynasty are scholars."

The voice is sonorous and powerful.

There were ripples in the depths of everyone's heart.

Many netizens were shocked.

Why else?

Is this a five-melody song? !

If the first four lines of the poem sound a little thin to many people, then with the addition of these four lines, the meaning sounds quite different.

At this point, Xilou's "Poetry to Encourage Learning" has gained a certain depth.

Someone commented: "It's a bit interesting. It uses the ancient dynasty as the background to tell everyone that reading is the most important thing. It tells everyone that they must study seriously from the beginning in order to stand out. If this poem was placed in ancient times, it would probably be liked by many readers."

Someone thought to himself: "It's easy to understand, the poem is simple, and it does have some flavor. It's a pity that all the members of the Shanshui Club performed well today. It's not easy for Xilou's poem to win."

But there aren’t many barrages.

Because everyone was shocked to find out.

Xilou still hasn’t stopped, it’s still going on!

"Learning can be obtained through hard work, and thousands of books can be read through the window. Three winters are enough for this, who laughs with an empty stomach."

Hear this.

Many people's expressions finally changed.

Especially the members of the Shanshui Club, who were smiling and confident just now, gradually showed surprise on their faces.

What kind of poem is this?

With each additional paragraph, the ripples in their hearts become larger.


It's not over yet.

Wang Mo's voice became louder and louder.

With the blessing of the literati temperament, everyone felt in a trance that there was a talented man with fluttering clothes, graceful bearing, and upright spirit. His eyes were bright and his voice was like a bell. He was standing in front of everyone, reciting one sentence after another of poems.

At first, no one thought there was anything special about these poems.

But as time went by, in a daze, the voice of the talented man opposite became louder and more penetrating. It penetrated the screen, penetrated the eardrums, and went straight into the heart.

The ripples in many people's hearts were shaken into waves.

getting bigger.

"I have learned a lot since childhood and have high ambitions in my life. Others carry swords, but I have a pen like a knife."

"In the morning, I work as a farmer, and in the evening, I ascend to the emperor's palace. A general has no talent, but a man should strengthen himself."

"Learning is the treasure of the body, and Confucianism is the treasure of the table. When you are the prime minister, you must use scholars."


Every word is precious and every sentence is classic.

When Xilou read the sixth poem in "Poems to Encourage Learning".

In the live broadcast room, many netizens were already dumbfounded.

Everyone seemed to have stopped thinking, listening to Xilou's recitation, as if there was only one voice in the world.

The sound is getting louder and louder.

Roaring in the void.

Exploded in the back of my mind.

Vibrating deep in the soul.

And the Douyin official live broadcast room.

The dozen or so guests from the Shanshui Society all stood up at some point.

There was shock, confusion, and disbelief on his face.

Feng Qi no longer looked as confident as before. He looked at Xi Lou who was still reciting on the screen, and his whole body became numb.

Zhu Han was not much better. At this moment, he felt that his scalp was numb.


In a certain lecture theater, there are all top students from Qingbei College of Literature.

When Xilou first started reciting poems, many people looked at him with disdain.

"That's it?"

"It's okay, but it's not as good as it is touted on the Internet."


However, twenty seconds later, these sounds had disappeared.

Half a minute later, low exclamations began.

A minute later, everyone fell into silence again, just watching the live broadcast in confusion.

In the lecture theater.

He Zhixing, Tang Xuanyuan and others were also there.

Several people looked at each other and fell into a daze for a while.

I don’t know how long it took.

He Zhixing suddenly took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice: "Poems to encourage learning...poems to encourage's wrong, we all understood it wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

Tang Xuanyuan and several other old men asked.

He Zhixing swallowed, his voice trembling slightly because he was too excited: "Originally, we thought that Xiao Wang's "Poetry to Encourage Study" was only superficial, just for the second game of today's "Shanyin Cup" But now I feel that his poem was not written for the competition at all, he wrote it for the entire live broadcast! No, it should be said, he wrote it for all the netizens who are watching the live broadcast, and even the young people on the entire Internet! "

"Hahaha, I understand, I finally understand."

"Good! What a "Poetry to Encourage Learning"! What a "Everything is inferior, only reading is high"!"

He Zhixing laughed, pretending to be crazy.

But soon he continued:

"In today's Internet society, countless young people have ruined their studies because they are addicted to short videos and games, and countless boys and girls have been misled by false information on the Internet and gone astray. This is a big problem in society."

"But we can't change all this, because this is the wheel of history, and we can't stop it at all. We can only watch many young people fall on the Internet, waste their studies, and ruin their lives."

“There’s nothing we can do about this kind of culture.”

He Zhixing waved his hand and shouted excitedly.

"I asked Xiao Wang why he did the live broadcast. He said he just wanted to use his talent to tell the netizens watching the live broadcast that talented people can do anything. His ambitions are very high, and I always thought he was just talking."

"But I didn't expect that he said this and did this. Today's "Poetry to Encourage Learning" is to warn all our young people to put learning first! Tell us that the younger generation must learn to be successful! "

"Others are using poetry to show off their talents. Only Xiao Wang is taking advantage of this rare opportunity and wants to use a "Poetry to Encourage Learning" to borrow ancient metaphors from the present to shake the young generation who are now addicted to the Internet. I hope they Realize the importance of learning!”

"This kind of thinking! This kind of pattern! I saw the right person!"

A few words.

Like thunder.

The explosion caused Tang Xuanyuan and several other old men's brains to buzz.

Even though these people are all big figures in the contemporary literary world, they couldn't believe it for a while.

Wang Mo's reciting voice is still vibrating in the air:

"Don't be wrong about Taoism and Confucianism. Poems and books are worthy of others. If you are talented, you can help the world, but if you are poor, you can be good at yourself."

"The surviving son is full of gold, how can I teach him a lesson? His name is written on a brocade scroll, and the nobles serve the court.

"There are thousands of meanings in ancient texts, which need to be understood and understood. Sages and sages come from time to time to enlighten children."


Listening to the soul-stirring verses and recalling He Zhixing's words, Tang Xuanyuan and others finally nodded slowly and recognized He Zhixing's guess.

But the more this happens, the more they cannot calm down.


As time went by, Xilou's reciting voice became clearer and louder.

In the live broadcast room, many psychic people also realized this.

Someone commented on the barrage: "He is not reciting a poem! He is encouraging students to study! Oh my God, he is using this "Poetry to Encourage Studies" to tell us all that we must cherish the opportunity to study. Only by reading well , to stand out!"

One word awakens the dreamer.

Saw this barrage.

More and more people are waking up.

"God! This poem!"

"Ahhh, that's what it means."

"Use a "Poetry to Encourage Study" to warn the younger generation to cherish their time studying? Oh my god, what a pattern!"

"Damn it, I was just mocking this poem for being easy to understand!"

"It has to be easy to understand so that people who don't like learning can listen to it! Only then can it have a deafening and enlightening effect!"

"Is this Xilou's second piece?"

"We always thought he was playing, but he has already transcended the level of the game."

"I was mocking him in front of the screen just now, but now, he has painstakingly written a "Poetry to Encourage Study" to persuade me to study."

"I kind of want to cry."



More and more people understand.

Why did Xilou write in his poem "Everything is of inferior quality, only reading is of high quality".

Why does Xilou write "all nobles and nobles in the dynasty are scholars".

Why does Xilou write "Others carry swords, but I have a pen like a knife."

And why is it written "If you regard him as prime minister, you must use scholars."

It turns out that everything is to tell them how useful reading is! Let them pay attention to reading and no longer neglect their studies because of the temptation of the Internet.

All the guests from Shanshui Club also understood.

The confidence they had just now had been wiped away, and there was deep bitterness in their hearts.

Originally they thought that they were guaranteed to win tonight.

Because they stayed up almost all night last night to discuss countermeasures for the second game.

In particular, Feng Qi and Zhu Han united together for the first time to fight against Xilou.


Their eyes are still focused on the outcome of the game.

A "Poetry to Encouragement to Study" written by Xilou raised the pattern to the level of the entire younger generation in China, using this poem to warn the younger generation of the importance of studying.

Compared to what?

What else can be compared?

The structure and ideological level of both parties are no longer on the same level.

In front of Xilou's "Poetry to Encourage Learning", no matter how good the poem is, it has lost its meaning!

Their Shanshui Club is about winning or losing.

And West Tower is for the younger generation!

No comparison.

"When I was young and ascended to the throne for the first time, the emperor returned to the capital proudly. There were three waves in Yumen, and there was a thunder on the ground."

"On the day when you are admitted to the imperial examination, when your parents are still young. When you return to your hometown in rich clothes, you will be carrying a man."

Finally, Xilou stopped reciting.


on site.

There was almost dead silence at this moment. Everyone was almost speechless as they looked at the astonishing Xi Lou on the screen.

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