My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 142 The third game begins! On-the-spot proposition!

In fact, in today's era.

China's major official media releases a large amount of news about all walks of life every day. Therefore, it is no longer a new thing for ordinary people to be forwarded or commented on by official media.

Twenty or thirty years ago, if it could be commented on by state-run newspapers, it would be a sensational event.

But even so, both Wang Mo and Yuan Xiong were excited when they saw the official media naming and praising "Poem to Encourage Learning".

Because the meaning is different!

Yuan Xiong watched it over and over for a long time, then made a phone call and asked the other party to take screenshots of the official media's words and save them. After recording another video, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Ah Mo, this wave... you make money Numb."

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

It's really a good deal.

Even far exceeded his estimate.

Before taking out "Poem to Encourage Learning", he never thought that this poem would have such a big social response.

First: Let Duangqian take the initiative to admit defeat.

Second: Received praise from official media.

Third: West Tower has gained millions of fans.

From the end of the second game of "Sanyin Cup" to now, the number of fans in Xilou has skyrocketed to more than 8 million!

In just a few hours, it gained more than two million followers!

It surpassed the second place Douyin in terms of fans that day by more than ten times!

Wang Mo estimates that after the "Sanyin Cup" is over, Xilou's fans should exceed 10 million, making him the first talented anchor to reach 10 million fans on Douyin.

There was even a fourth point that Yuan Xiong didn't know: Wang Mo learned from the system panel that this night, his reputation had already exceeded one million, reaching 1.286 million.

For Wang Mo, the reputation he gained is his biggest gain!

This means that as long as the third game of the "Sanyin Cup" ends successfully tomorrow, he will almost definitely be in first place, and then successfully complete the system's tasks.

Thinking of the third poetry exchange meeting tomorrow.

Wang Mo's heart stirred slightly: "What kind of poetry should I come up with in the third scene?"

Unfortunately, the third game was named on the spot.

So there was no way he could prepare in advance.

But Wang Mo didn't panic at all, he still had a silver treasure chest.

If you encounter a weird or difficult question, just open the treasure chest!

I glanced at the time, and it was already past two in the morning.


The dog's life is at stake.

the next day.

Wang Mo didn't arrive at the company until after ten o'clock. No way, I went to bed too late last night.

His colleagues in the company turned a blind eye to his tardiness.

However, Wang Mo heard that many colleagues were actually talking about last night's "Shanyin Cup".

"Have you watched Douyin? That 'Shanyin Cup' was a blast last night."

"You're talking about the West Tower, right?"

"Yes, this anchor is simply incredible."

"I read it on the subway on my way to work in the morning. The poem "Poem to Encourage Study" is really awesome."

"Not only is he awesome, he's simply perverted."


Wang Mo was a little surprised. In just one night, even people in his own company heard about it?

When he turned on his phone, he discovered why people in his company knew about it.

Without him!

After a night of fermentation, the video of him reciting "Poem to Encourage Learning" in the live broadcast room spread all over the Internet.

Douyin, in particular, vigorously promoted "Poems to Encourage Learning" on his platform overnight.

Basically, the first video that everyone who opens Douyin sees is about "Poems to Encourage Learning."

Its publicity efforts are unprecedented.

How big is the traffic of Douyin today?

Conservative estimates put the daily active volume at more than 600 million!

In other words, after Douyin's group promotion, "Poem to Encourage Learning" will be known to hundreds of millions of people in China and even the world in just one day.

How terrifying!

The reason why Douyin strongly recommends "Poems to Encourage Learning" is very simple:

Originally, the reason why Douyin cooperated with Shanshui Society to launch the "Shanyin Cup" was to promote Chinese poetry culture and enhance netizens' positive impression of Douyin's live broadcast. After all, Douyin’s senior executives know that the anchors on their platform have become increasingly vulgar, younger, and ugly. If they don’t beautify the image of the anchors, God knows if one day they will take action against the anchor industry. If that day comes, Douyin will probably suffer immeasurable losses.

Now that these events have been held, even if the authorities one day rectify the live broadcast industry, Douyin still has room for maneuver.

Originally, Douyin organized the "Shanyin Cup" to pin all cultural displays on the members of the Shanshui Club, especially Shuangqiang.

But no one expected that Xilou would appear out of nowhere!

Two lyrics, stunning the audience!

A "Poetry to Encourage Learning" shocked the entire Internet!

The top management of Douyin almost jumped up with excitement. Xilou is the anchor of their platform!

The anchor of their platform actually made such a big event and was named by the official media to perform. What an honor it is!

From now on, who will dare to say that the anchor is vulgar?

Who dares to say that the anchor is a cancer in society?

Who dares to say that the anchor is a social worm?


If you dare to say it, I will take out "Xi Lou"!

Because of this, Douyin has been publicizing this matter and must make "Xilou" the number one talented anchor on the platform to serve as the anchor image ambassador of the platform.

Not just online promotion.

Offline, Douyin is also trying to find ways to contact Xilou.

Not long after Wang Mo came to the company, he received a call from Yuan Xiong: "There is news from Douyin that they want to sign you to become their exclusive anchor, with a signing fee of 100 million. What do you think? Are you excited?"

Wang Mo: "Xinduo, as long as you can cancel my contract with the company, I will go over."

Yuan Xiong: "Get out of here!"

Wang Mo said: "I definitely can't go to Douyin, so what should I do?"

Yuan Xiong said: "After Douyin learned that you are a contracted artist of Yunhai Media, they are going to sign an agreement with the company. The general content is that you can only live broadcast on Douyin in the future and cannot go to other places. If it can be done, Douyin will I will give you the best resources for your future live broadcasts, and only take 30% of the share."

Wang Mo: "You agreed?"

Yuan Xiong: "You would be a fool not to agree. The company never wanted you to live broadcast on other platforms. So signing this contract will have no impact on you. What's more, Douyin actually lowered the future share to 30%. This is A huge benefit.”

Wang Mo: "Okay, Brother Xiong, you can make the decision on these matters."

Leave professional matters to professionals.

He believed that Yuan Xiong would definitely get the best benefits for him.

During the day on this day, the Internet was particularly busy.

In particular, netizens who follow Douyin have been discussing "Poem to Encourage Learning" for a whole day.

There are many classic sentences in it that have even been memorized by many netizens.

Of course, the question that netizens are most concerned about is: How will Xilou perform in the third poetry exchange meeting of the "Shanyin Cup" tonight?

The major comment sections have long been hotly debated.

“I look forward to the West Building bringing surprises again.”

"Ahhhh, I can't wait any longer."

"West Tower! West Tower!"

"I doubt Xilou will write lyrics tonight."

"I think I can still write poetry."

"Tonight is a live topic. I heard that netizens can also participate tomorrow. Then I will reluctantly ask Xilou to write a poem for me."

"On-site propositions are equivalent to improvisation. The difficulty is higher than the previous two games. I really don't know what kind of poetry Xilou will write."


The center of discussion among netizens all revolved around the "West Tower".

The "double-gun dispute" that had been a hot topic before had long been forgotten by everyone.


The time came to eight o'clock in the evening again.

This time, the number of people watching the "Shanyin Cup" surged by another level compared to last night.

Douyin's official live broadcast room has just started broadcasting, and the number of people has exceeded one million.

As for the live broadcast room in the West Building, its number of people is even greater than that of Douyin’s official live broadcast room. God knows how many people are watching this poetry exchange tonight.

Official live broadcast room.

The host has already entered the topic: "Dear viewers who are watching the live broadcast, guests of the Shanshui Society, and anchors participating in the exchange meeting, good evening. This is the third poetry exchange of the 'Shanyin Cup' It will be broadcast live. I have just received news from our technical staff that the total number of netizens watching this exchange meeting tonight has exceeded 10 million.

Here, on behalf of Douyin official, I would like to thank all the netizens who came to support us. I hope you can have a pleasant live broadcast experience tonight. "


Many people took a breath. It was incredible that the number of viewers of a small "Shanyin Cup" exceeded 10 million.

The host continued: "After the exchanges in the first two games, many people must have already known the rules of the third game. Yes, tonight's poetry exchange meeting is: live proposition!

Today, we invited several guests from Shanshui Club and several senior officials from Douyin Official. They are today's title officers.

Wait, they will participate in the proposition.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that we have also opened a channel for netizens to make propositions. All netizens can also participate in today's proposition. The way to participate is: please click the ‘I want to participate in the proposition’ button in the lower right corner and leave your thoughts. The idea with the most likes will have a chance to be selected by the proposition officer. "

The words have not yet fallen.

Thousands of netizens clicked the "I want to participate in the proposition" button and left messages one after another.

"I want Xilou to write me a poem."

“Let’s write a poem about eating chicken.”

“I wanted to have a piece about playing basketball.”


The proposition lasted for more than ten minutes.

At this moment, after discussion, the proposition officers have come up with three questions.

Question 1: Write a poem based on the atmosphere of today's "Shanyin Cup".

Question 2: Use a poem to describe the current situation of the Internet environment.

Question 3: Write a poem to send to today’s young generation.

As for netizens, they submitted more than three million messages in more than ten minutes, but they were all messy content without focus.

The host smiled and said: "Fifteen minutes have passed since the proposition time, and the total proposition time is half an hour. After half an hour, the proposition will officially end.

If none of netizens’ comments reaches more than 100,000 likes, it will be automatically invalidated. In the end, the three questions from the proposition officer will be used as a template, and the question with the highest votes will be selected as the final question. "


Netizens are still making a fuss and are in a mess, everyone has their own opinions.

Whether it is the members of the Shanshui Club or the talented anchors, everyone's attention has been focused on the three questions of the proposition officer.

The same was true for Wang Mo. He thought to himself: "The questions given by netizens must be unreliable, so the final question must be one of these three questions. However, these three questions are a bit difficult to write poems, right?"

I searched through the poems I knew in my mind, but none of them seemed suitable.

"What a bad question!"

Wang Mo cursed secretly in his heart.

It seems that after a while, I can only open the silver treasure chest.

Just when the time came to about twenty minutes.


Some netizens commented in the comment area: "Damn beautiful country!"

Then, such barrage became more and more frequent.



"Fight back! We can't let them run wild."

"Made, China today is no longer the China it was a hundred years ago."



Wang Mo was curious, what happened to make these netizens excited?

He looked at the content of the barrage again and understood the reason: just tonight, a certain country's aircraft carrier fleet once again sailed into our strait. This behavior is tantamount to a serious provocation to us.

So after the news was announced, netizens immediately became angry and cursed one after another.

Many people even had no intention of watching the "Shanyin Cup" and began to swipe the screen in the comment area.

"This kind of hegemony will be destroyed!"

"If it weren't for the beautiful country, Wanwan would have returned to the embrace of the motherland long ago."

"Damn shit stirrer."

"can not stand!"


Almost every Chinese person has a special emotion for Wanwan. It is an inseparable part of our China, and it will always be a part of the motherland.

However, it is because of the beautiful country that he has been unable to return to the embrace of his motherland.

Let every descendant of China always have a regret in their heart.

It is unbearable!

Netizens have already scolded the comment section.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a person uploaded a photo in the "I want to participate in the proposition" area.

In the photo, an old man with white hair is standing on the land of Wanwan, looking at the motherland in the distance. His eyes contain emotions and tears.

This person didn't say a word after uploading the photo.

However, all netizens seemed to understand the meaning and spontaneously liked the photo.

No words are needed.

No explanation needed.

There is only a tacit understanding buried deep in the bones.

Just a few minutes.

A seemingly simple photo has soared to more than one million likes!

When half an hour is up.

This photo has received over 10 million likes, ranking at the top of the list.

Everyone, including the title officers, the members of the Shanshui Club, the talent live broadcast, and the host, all looked at the photo in a daze, with extremely complicated expressions on their faces.


Among the proposition officers, someone said: "Is it God's will?"

Another person said: "No, it's not God's will, it's public opinion. It's the Chinese soul that is indelible in each of us that chose this photo."

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw the meaning in each other's eyes.


One of the title officers stood up and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, at this special moment, I think there is no need for us to formulate other topics. Because no topic is worth the chance of this photo. Therefore, we All the examiners unanimously approved: Please use this photo as the title and write a poem!"

I guess everyone knows which poem it is, right? ^_^.

Also: That’s it for today, because I have to go to the hospital for a review today. I hope everything goes well.

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