My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 143 Wang Mo’s poem, “Nostalgia”!

The proposition officer's voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears.

on site.

Feng Qi was the first to stand up, his voice a little excited: "Okay! This is a good proposition!"

Zhu Han also praised: "Yes, such a topic is truly meaningful."

The other members of the Shanshui Club also nodded.

As for the live broadcast room, netizens immediately started a wave of enthusiasm after hearing the voice of the proposition officer.

The barrage was dense.

“This topic really appeals to me!”

"The title officer is mighty."

“It’s great to keep up with the times.”

"When I saw this photo, my heart was really tumbling, but I couldn't express it. So the title decided by the title officer was such a surprise to me."

"Ah ah ah, this is the true meaning of poetry that we need to learn."


The host took control of the situation at the right time and said with a smile: "Okay, since everyone has no objections, the title of our third poetry exchange meeting has been decided. It is: write a poem based on the photo on the big screen. . The time is limited to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, all guests participating in the exchange meeting will immediately stop creating, and then we will announce the works one by one."

while talking.

There are already on-site staff members who have projected the photos onto the screen.

Under the huge screen.

Everyone can even understand the tears in the eyes of the white-haired old man, which makes the impact of the photo even stronger.

Whether it was live or in the live broadcast room, everyone's heart was touched again.

The host took a deep breath and said: "Start!"

The next second, a countdown of one and a half hours appeared on the screen.

Whether it was the guests of Shanshui Club or the talented anchors of Douyin, they immediately entered the creative state.

Someone immediately started writing quickly, obviously full of inspiration.

Some people stared at the photos and murmured something.

Some people closed their thoughts and had serious expressions on their faces.

West building live broadcast room.

Wang Mo's expression was extremely complicated, because when he saw the photos recommended by netizens, he felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

There is no doubt that the emotions expressed in this photo are: expectation, longing, sustenance, longing...

What to expect?

What do you miss?

What do you hope for and long for?

it goes without saying.

After these emotions were condensed together, Wang Mo's mind naturally condensed into two words: homesickness!

That was "Nostalgia" that he learned in the textbook when he was a child!

The illustration in the textbook is almost exactly the same as this photo. It is also a gray-haired old man, looking across the sea, and there is also irreducible emotion in his eyes...

“So, what could be a more appropriate poem for this photo than ‘Nostalgia’?”

Wang Mo muttered to himself.

It seems that I can save a silver treasure chest.

Not to mention that this poem already exists in "100 Modern Poems". Even if he is not there, Wang Mo can easily recite that deep-rooted memory.

He closed his eyes, and the poem "Nostalgia" appeared clearly in his mind.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

Time passed by minute by minute.

When the half-hour countdown was almost over, most of Shanshui Club's guests and talented anchors had already put down their pens.

Only Wang Mo remained motionless with his eyes closed.

Barrage flew up.

"Oh my god, Xilou has been thinking for so long?"

"Are you out of inspiration?"

"It's impossible. If Xilou doesn't have inspiration, then no one will."

"Let me tell you, is Xilou sleeping?"

"Bah! How can Xilou sleep on such a serious occasion? He must be thinking about how to use the best words to express the emotions in the photos."

"Yes, yes, the longer he thinks about it, the more he attaches importance to the third poem."

"Wow, Xilou is so awesome and works so hard, I'm going to cry again."


But in fact.

Wang Mo was indeed sleeping.

What else?

Let him stay in front of the camera for half an hour?

Anyway, he was wearing a mask, so outsiders couldn't tell whether he was concentrating with his eyes closed or going to see Duke Zhou. There was nothing he could do. He had slept too late these past few days and had a serious lack of sleep time. Taking a rest now would help him be in a better state next time.

Until the end of time.

Yuan Xiongcai shouted into the headset: "Ah Mo, wake up!"

Others couldn't tell that Wang Mo was sleeping, how could Yuan Xiong?

There is no other person in the world who knows Wang Mo as well as Yuan Xiong. As soon as this guy sticks his butt out, Yuan Xiong knows whether he is going to poop or fart.


Wang Mo was shocked and opened his eyes.

I glanced at the countdown and saw that there were only two minutes left.

Without further ado.

Wang Mo picked up the pen on the table and started writing quickly.

Swish, brush, brush!

A few seconds before the countdown stopped, he put down his pen and let out a long sigh of relief.

This scene stunned many netizens.

"Damn it, are you stuck in creation?"

"Let me just say that Xilou is closing his eyes and thinking about inspiration, right?"

"Hahaha, someone actually said he was sleeping!"

"Oh my God, I opened my eyes at the last moment and wrote the poem at the last moment. It's so cool!"

"This is what you need to do to sharpen your sword and chop wood carefully. Only by thinking deeply can you have inspiration later on."

"What did you write?"

"can not see it!"


Wang Mo just put down his pen.

Wow~~~The countdown on the big screen has ended.

The host's voice immediately sounded: "The time is up, please stop creating. Now, let's take a look at what kind of good works everyone has created."

The first one is a member of the Shanshui Club.

This man wrote a seven-character quatrain called "Longing."

The short four-line poem vividly expresses the longing of the old man in the photo to go home.

"Well written."

"Longing to go home, yes, the mainland is home."

"Not bad."


The second one is a talented anchor.

He wrote a modern poem called "Love on the Other Side".

To be honest, the quality of this modern poem is still worrying. These talented anchors are not good enough to begin with, and because they are improvising, the poems they write have almost no connotation.

However, even so, everyone still applauded warmly.

The barrage is still full of praise.

Without him!

Having this heart is enough!


the third.

fourth place.

This exchange meeting did not have the confrontation and hostility of the previous two exchange meetings, nor was there any tense situation. There is only passion and blood in everyone's heart.

Everyone expressed the meaning shown in the photos in their own words.

In the barrage, many people had tears in their eyes.

"Perhaps this is the real meaning of the poetry exchange meeting?"


"One photo reveals so many different emotions. There is sentimentality, passion, passion, melancholy... every emotion is so real."



Feng Qi and Zhu Han also showed their works.

Feng Qi wrote a five-character quatrain called "Gaze".

Zhu Han wrote a poem called "The Road Home".

The two are worthy of being paired with each other, and the quality of their two works far exceeds that of the others. In particular, Zhu Han's "The Road Home" moved many netizens.

Apart from being moved, everyone was also shocked inside.

No one thought that just a simple photo could produce so many poems.

But soon.

Everyone's eyes are focused on one person: Xilou!

The host's voice sounded: "Next, West Tower."

All eyes are on you!

Even Feng Qi and Zhu Han subconsciously held their breath.

In the first performance, two poems stunned the audience.

In the second session, "Poems to Encourage Learning" swept the entire Internet.

What about the third game today?

In the third show, what kind of works will Xilou bring?

Especially after dozens of poems have been written on one photo, and all kinds of feelings have been written, can Xilou still write new ideas on this basis?

No one knows.

The host continued: "Xilou, are you ready?"

Wang Mo nodded.

Moderator: "Okay, then please show your work."


Wang Mo stared at the camera. At this moment, he no longer felt as lazy and sleepy as before.

There was only calmness and solemnity in his eyes.

His temperament has changed into a bookish one.

Because only under this temperament, Wang Mo felt that he could recite the emotions contained in this poem.

There was a pause.

Wang Mo said: "I wrote a modern poem called "Nostalgia"."


Nostalgia! ! !

With just a poem title, many people became short of breath. Even in Douyin's official live broadcast room, several members of the Shanshui Society almost applauded.

Nostalgia, only with hometown can there be sorrow.

What is hometown? This means that in Xilou's poem, the motherland is automatically transformed into the hometown of the gray-haired old man.

What is sorrow? If you have a home and can’t go back, of course you will be sad!

The other side of the strait is my hometown! That's my hometown! That’s where my ancestors have lived for generations!

But now, I have a home but can't go back, and I am separated on the other side of the distant strait.

Who understands that kind of longing?

Therefore, the word "nostalgia" surpasses all the poems written by others before!

It's all in these two words.

Is there any other word that can better express cross-strait relations than this word? Can it better express the emotions of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait?

For fear of affecting the reading in the West Building, the guests of the Shanshui Society suppressed their excitement.

But the live broadcast room.

Barrage has been popping up like crazy.

"What a nostalgia!"

"The title of this poem is so appropriate!"

"Two words express the inseparable relationship between us."

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Is this the strength of Xilou?"

"It's just a poem title, a judgment call."

"When I saw the title of the poem, I felt inexplicably sentimental."

"Yes, after reading the title of the poem and looking at this photo, I suddenly felt tears blurring my eyes."


Wang Mo didn't read the barrage.

After he finished saying the title of the poem, he continued:

"When I was a child, nostalgia was like a small stamp. I was on this side and my mother was on the other side.

When I grow up, nostalgia is like a narrow boat ticket. I am on this end and the bride is on the other end.

Later, homesickness was like a short grave. I was outside and my mother was inside.

But now, homesickness is like a shallow strait, with me at this end and the mainland at the other end."

Wang Mo's voice carried an indescribable emotion, rippling through the live broadcast room.

Into the depths of everyone's heart.

Yesterday, I had a review at the hospital. The good news is: the doctor said the bones are growing well.

The bad news is: the doctor said it will be three months before I can go to bed.

In the past month or so, I have been tortured to the point of life and death. It seems that the future is still a long process of suffering.

By the way, let me tell you about my injuries so that everyone knows how serious they are:

There was a comminuted fracture of the right tibial plateau and bone marrow edema, accompanied by liparthremia of the right knee and surrounding soft tissue swelling. Degeneration and loss of the anterior and posterior angles of the medial meniscus (grade II), abnormal morphology and signal disorder of the lateral meniscus, and meniscal tear is considered. Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament, patellar ligament, and medial and lateral collateral ligaments.


The pain is still unbearable every day and I can't sleep at night. I hope to get better soon...

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