My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 144 This poem has a fifth paragraph!

Wang Mo's reciting voice was very soft, not as passionate and high-pitched as when he recited "Poem to Encourage Learning" yesterday.

But it was this soft voice that had an extraordinarily powerful impact in everyone's ears.

Reciting is also a science.

If you recite it well, the listener's emotions will follow you, and your body and mind will be conquered unconsciously.

And with the blessing of his scholarly temperament, when Wang Mo recited "Nostalgia", his emotional expression was almost ready to come out.

When I was a kid...

When I grow up……


And now...

After each line of the poem comes out of Wang Mo's mouth, everyone's inner feelings will change, rising and falling with Wang Mo's recitation.

By the time Wang Mo finished reciting, various expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Elderly people like Feng Qi and Zhu Han felt the most intensely, and some even had red eyes, as if they were thinking of some unforgettable past event.

Although it is difficult for young people like Wang Mo to empathize with him, under Wang Mo's influence, he felt as if there was a stone blocked in his heart, and there was an urge not to be vented without pain.

This is nostalgia!

What is good poetry?

Some say it is rhetorically gorgeous.

Some people say the words are stunning.

Some say it is profound.

But in fact, truly good poetry does not require these piles of rhetoric and stunning sentences. As long as it can easily touch people's hearts and resonate with readers, no matter how popular it is, it is still a rare good poem.

"Nostalgia" is such a poem. It is so popular that primary school students can easily understand it, but it can touch the deepest chord in the hearts of all Chinese people and make people unable to calm down for a long time.

As Wang Mo's voice fell.

Many people remain silent.


Suddenly, thunderous applause sounded, instantly flooding the entire live broadcast room.

"It's so well written."

"My face was full of melancholy when I heard it."

"Did you cry when I heard it?"

"Who caused this kind of longing? Kill him!"

"Ahhh! After listening to Nostalgia, I really want to beat up the beautiful country."


Feng Qi let out a long sigh, looked at the poem he had just written in his hand, and suddenly tore it into pieces with a tear.

The host exclaimed: "Teacher Feng!"

Feng Qi shook his head: "For this photo, the song "Nostalgia" is enough to accompany it. In my opinion, the other poems are all superfluous and have in vain lowered the artistic conception of the photo."

Zhu Han then crumpled the poems in his hand into a ball, and said with emotion: "Teacher Feng is right, with "Nostalgia", the other poems are all imitations, so it is better to destroy them. And, in my opinion: this poem The most exquisite thing about "Nostalgia" is that it not only expresses the lingering nostalgia of a wanderer who is unable to go home, but also has another layer of profound meaning."


When everyone heard this, their ears pricked up.

Even Wang Mo was slightly startled. Is there another deeper meaning? Why didn't he know?

Zhu Han's voice was full of melancholy, and he said softly: "Actually, Wanwan is also a wanderer living outside. He has been away from home for a long time. People have homesickness, and so does he... He also thinks, One day I can openly return to the current embrace of my motherland. Therefore, "Nostalgia" seems to be writing about one person's longing, but it is actually writing about the expectations and desires of an island, and the feelings of a big country!"

Some explanation.

Everyone was shocked.

"Oh my God, this explains it perfectly."

"I have goosebumps all over my body. So "Nostalgia" has such a profound meaning?"

"On the surface, it's about people, but deep down, it's about both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Oh my's really incredible."

"This is the strength of Xilou!"

"I was originally shocked by the artistic conception of "Nostalgia". After Teacher Zhu Han's explanation, I knelt down directly."

"No wonder the two guns tore apart their own works."

"Xi Lou's level of poetry is really outrageous."

"If it weren't for Teacher Zhu Han's interpretation, I, a fool like me, would never have thought of going to the national level."


After Zhu Han finished explaining, he looked at Wang Mo and said with a smile: "Mr. Xilou, I must have guessed correctly what you want to express in this poem, right?"


Wang Mo forced a smile, you ask me, who should I ask?

Unless I can go down and ask Mr. Yu Guangzhong in person.

But now facing Zhu Han's words.

After he composed himself, he smiled slightly and said nothing.

At this time, too much words lead to mistakes, and staying silent is more important than anything else.

By this time, this exchange had actually come to an end.

But that's it.

The barrage once again caused exclamations of exclamation.

"What the hell?"

"what's the situation?"

"my God!"

"Quick, watch the official media!"


Just when Wang Mo and other anchors were confused, some netizens had already posted a picture in the comment area.

Wang Mo took a closer look.

The pupils shrank sharply.

It’s the official media again!

After his "Poem to Encourage Studying" was published in the official media yesterday, he actually scored twice today!

The screenshot shows that just now, the official media reposted his "Nostalgia" with a sentence: Wanderers abroad will eventually go home!

The entire network has been rocked.

Because this behavior of the official media went far beyond many people's expectations.

In the past, when faced with certain provocations, the most the official could do was sternly protest and never take any other action.

But this time, although the official only forwarded "Nostalgia" and wrote a sentence. But everyone can see it: this time, the official is very happy! ! !

The wanderers abroad will eventually go home!

Even a blind person can understand the meaning behind it.

"Ahhh, I'm so excited."

“Oh my god, long live the officialdom!”

“When I saw this Weibo, my heart suddenly lit up!”

"The wish of hundreds of millions of Chinese descendants: Wanderers will eventually return home."


Everyone originally thought that this was the final result.

But some things can never be predicted.

That night, everything was normal until Wang Mo went back to sleep.

The difference is that countless young people on the Internet have begun to repost and forward the content released by the state media tonight, and everyone seems to be excited.

Under this circumstance, "Nostalgia" swept the entire Internet faster than "Poem to Encourage Learning".

See this situation.

At night, Wang Mo went to bed with sweet dreams.

Because the voting for the third round does not end until noon tomorrow, so even though Wang Mo had already secured the victory, the system still did not give a prompt that the task was completed.

So, Wang Mo thought about sleeping until noon tomorrow, then opening his eyes and waiting for the prompt that the task was completed, and then...a lottery!


At eight o'clock the next morning, Wang Mo was woken up by Yuan Xiong's urgent voice: "Get up quickly, something big is happening!"

Wang Mo opened his eyes drowsily: "What big thing is more important than sleeping?"

"I'm not kidding you."

Yuan Xiong threw the phone over: "See for yourself."

Wang Mo rubbed his eyes and glanced a few times.

Then, he was so excited that he jumped up from the bed and exclaimed: "Isn't it right? This is okay?"

Yuan Xiong nodded seriously: "You didn't expect it, right? I didn't expect it either."

Not only Yuan Xiong did not expect, but also most people in mainland China did not expect that after a night of fermentation, the poem "Nostalgia" would spread to the other side of the Taiwan Strait!

Regarding the homesickness described in "Nostalgia", most mainlanders just express emotion.

However, in Wanwan, they feel the same way!

Because "Nostalgia" is written about themselves!

Especially some elderly people, all of them burst into tears after watching "Nostalgia". Once the long-standing longing for the motherland is aroused, it is difficult to stop it.

Coupled with seeing what a certain country did, these old people suddenly became emotional.

The team that should not be messed with the most in the world is: the elderly army!

Once this legion shows its power, it will be a storm!

So, just one night.

These elderly troops have aroused international public opinion.

This time.

Beautiful country was dumbfounded for a moment.

They couldn't figure out how a modern poem could have such great power and inspire so many people's passion.

They may not care about the comments of the official media or the anger of Chinese netizens.

But when it comes to international public opinion, we have to care.

Yuan Xiong said: "The latest news is that due to public opinion, a certain country has left in despair. Now many people on the Internet are almost crazy, saying that you forced a certain country to retreat with your song "Nostalgia"."

Wang Mo smiled bitterly: "This is too outrageous."

Yuan Xiong: "Whether we are divorced or not, it is a good thing for you. And... there is also good news. The official media just sent word that they hope to conduct a brief interview with you about "Nostalgia"."


Wang Mo was stunned: "The official media is interviewing me? Is this feasible?"

Yuan Xiong smiled: "What's wrong? It's just a phone interview, and interviews with state media will only be released on online platforms, so it's no big deal. The key is that this interview is of vital importance to you, and you You have to seize the opportunity.”

Wang Mo said: "Does the official media know my true identity?"

Yuan Xiong said: "If they ask, they will tell. If they don't ask, they won't tell."

Wang Mo said: "Okay."

After a pause, Wang Mo asked again: "Brother Xiong, should I keep a low profile or a high profile when it comes to interviews with state media?"

Yuan Xiong thought for a while: "Be low-key in life and high-key in work."

Wang Mo snapped his fingers: "Got it!"

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Wang Mo received a call from a official media reporter in his live broadcast room.

After the pleasantries in front.

The reporter asked: "Mr. Xilou, what inspiration did you use to create the poem "Nostalgia"?"

Wang Mo: "This is not inspiration. This is the unwillingness and desire that I have always buried in my heart. In other words, this is the inner emotional vent of every descendant of China."


Next to him, Yuan Xiong secretly gave a thumbs up when he heard Wang Mo's answer.

The reporter was obviously very satisfied with Wang Mo's words.

The official media likes to interview such enlightened people.

He then asked: "Then what can you say about "Nostalgia" sweeping across the Taiwan Straits?"

Wang Mo said: "I feel very proud, which shows that the blood of Chinese descendants is still boiling."

Reporter: "6!"

Wang Mo continued: "Actually, the "Nostalgia" I'm writing now is only the first part, and there's another section that I haven't written yet."

When the reporter heard this, his eyes lit up: "Mr. Xilou, do you mean that "Nostalgia" has not been finished yet?"

Wang Mo: "Yes."

Damn it!

Big news!

Nowadays, "Nostalgia" has caused such a big stir in the whole of China, but its creator actually said that it is just an unfinished poem. If this interview is released, it will definitely explode.

The reporter's voice was trembling: "Then... can you tell me what's behind it?"

Wang Mo: "Of course."


He recited "Nostalgia" again, and at the end added the fifth paragraph of the poem:

"And in the future,

Nostalgia is a long bridge,

Come here,

I'll go over there! "

The fifth paragraph of "Nostalgia" here is not a fabrication by Wang Mo himself, but is actually written by Mr. Yu Guangzhong.

The "Nostalgia" we study in books usually only has the first four paragraphs, but it also leaves deep regrets in many people's hearts, and they can only look forward to it and sigh.

Therefore, in 2011, Mr. Yu Guangzhong added the "future segment" of "Nostalgia" in order to satisfy the expectations of all Chinese people for the reunification of the motherland.

As soon as this paragraph comes out, the whole poem finally becomes complete.

And at this moment.

Reporters from the state media were stunned for a moment when they heard Wang Mo's recitation.

After a while, he murmured: "The future... a good future... so good."

He couldn't wait to post this interview, and he even saw how enthusiastic netizens were when they saw the fifth paragraph of "Nostalgia".

But his professionalism still allowed him to resist his inner impulse.

Anyway, let’s finish this interview first.

There are still several important questions that have not yet been asked.

But Yuan Xiong next to him was already churning in his heart: "Brother, I asked you to do things in a high-profile manner, are you too high-profile?"

This is equivalent to: I let you go, but you flew up.

It’s really terrible!

Yuan Xiong was a little nervous. God knows what high-profile things Wang Mo will do in the following interview.

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