My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 145 Because I love this land deeply

Should have known.

Let Wang Mo keep a low profile.

When you have time, doing things in a high profile may not necessarily be a good thing.

However, what made Yuan Xiong slightly relieved was that Wang Mo's answers to the next few questions asked by state media reporters were quite satisfactory, and there was nothing that made him frightened.

At this time.

Seeing that the interview was almost complete, the official media reporter said: "Mr. Xilou, I saw that the works you wrote in the 'Shanyin Cup' exchange meeting yesterday and the day before yesterday were all of high quality. For example, " "Poem to Encourage Learning" is an exhortation to all the young generation in China. Today's "Nostalgia" has risen to the level of feelings about home and country. So may I ask, what is the reason that allows you to write such a thought-provoking good poem? Woolen cloth?"

Wang Mo glanced at Yuan Xiong subconsciously.

Because this answer can easily sound too official.

If it’s too official, it’s meaningless.

Seeing Wang Mo's eyes aimed at him, Yuan Xiong quickly stretched out his right hand and pointed hard towards the ground.

What he means is: be low-key, be sure to be low-key, and stop being high-profile!

Wang Mo was confused.

Point to the ground?

What's the meaning?

But soon, his eyes lit up and he felt he understood what Yuan Xiong meant.

Thinking of this, Wang Mo said seriously: "I can write these poems because I love this land."

Brother Xiong points to the ground. Doesn’t he mean that I want to say that I love the land of China?


He and Yuan Xiong have the same mind! .

At this moment, Yuan Xiong thought in his heart: I love your sister, I love you. What labor and management say is to keep a low profile, keep a low profile! The hands of labor and management are almost touching the ground. Don’t you understand the meaning?

Still love the land?

You love the land so much, why don’t you plow it?



When the official media reporter heard Wang Mo's words, his eyes brightened again: "Oh? Love this land? How do you say it?"

Wang Mo kept Yuan Xiong's teachings in mind: do things with a high profile.

When he realized that Yuan Xiong told him to love the land of China, a poem automatically appeared in his mind.

Brother Xiong is indeed his lucky star.

It gave him a perfect answer.

So after the reporter finished speaking, Wang Mozhen said: "Perhaps, I can use a poem to summarize this feeling."



Another poem?

The reporter was overjoyed.

Yuan Xiong was shocked.

The reporter immediately asked excitedly: "Then, would our netizens and I have the honor to listen to this poem by Mr. Xilou?"

Yuan Xiong waved his hand quickly.

It means: Don't listen to him, you are already high-profile enough, you can't be high-profile anymore.

At this point, it is enough to enjoy the benefits of "Nostalgia". What other poems should I read?

Isn’t this just taking off your pants and farting? Isn’t it unnecessary?

It may even cause side effects.

Even if the poem is very good, so what?

But if the poem is not well written, it is very easy to be criticized.

Wang Mo took a look: Haha, Brother Xiong is asking me to do it? Then we can't let Brother Xiong down!

He made an OK gesture to Yuan Xiong.

Indicate that you have understood it.


Wang Mo coughed lightly and cleared his throat.

Then he said in a deep voice: "This poem is called "I Love This Land"."

"If I were a bird,

I should also sing with my hoarse throat:

This land battered by storms,

This river of sorrow and indignation always surges with us,

This angry wind that blows endlessly,

And the extremely gentle dawn coming from the forest...

- and then I died,

Even the feathers rotted in the earth.

Why do I always have tears in my eyes?

Because I love this land deeply..."

until the recitation is completed.

Even Wang Mo felt a little sad in his heart.

The intensity of emotion contained in this poem almost made him sink.

Not far from him, Yuan Xiong was so anxious that he almost went crazy after seeing Wang Mo misunderstanding his meaning and starting to recite poems.

However... just a few seconds later, Yuan Xiong gradually froze on the spot, staring blankly at Wang Mo who was reciting poems, and his heart began to stir.

In fact, the waves in my heart grew bigger and bigger, until after listening to the last line of the poem, the waves almost formed a giant wave.

"This poem..."

Yuan Xiong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he stayed where he was.

The person on the other side of the phone interview fell into a long silence.

Until Wang Mo reminded: "I've finished reading."


There was an extremely unnatural tremor in his voice.

In the end, the reporter took several deep breaths before calming down and said: "Mr. Xilou, thank you for the interview. I think I gained a lot from this interview."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, the official media issued an announcement.

For the first time, the official media wrote: "It turns out that this is the complete version of "Nostalgia."

Below this sentence, an audio clip of the reporter interviewing Wang Mo was released.

Inside, everyone heard Xi Lou saying in a clear voice:

"And in the future,

Nostalgia is a long bridge,

Come here,

I'll go over there! "

The twenty-odd words that seemed so light actually sounded as heavy as a mountain in the ears of every netizen.

That moment.

Many people were inspired with enthusiasm.

"Is there a fifth paragraph in "Nostalgia"?"

"This fifth paragraph is the dream of hundreds of millions of our Chinese descendants."

"The first four paragraphs are full of sorrow, but the fifth paragraph is full of longing."

"Ah! When will the fifth paragraph become a reality?"

"That's great. In the future, we will definitely come and go with each other on a bridge."

"I want to take the high-speed rail to Wanwan."

Shanshui Society.

When Feng Qi and Zhu Han saw the blog post published by the official media, they were stunned again.

Feng Qifu listened to the last verse that Xi Lou read several times before shaking his head and saying bitterly: "It turns out yesterday's "Nostalgia" was not the complete version. Xi Lou... what a Xi Lou!"

Zhu Han sighed: "I have always heard that a literati's pen is more powerful than a gun. As a poet, I have been called one of the two guns, but I have never experienced such power. Before, I thought it was an exaggeration by the ancients. . Now it seems that our level is just not enough. Xilou provoked the unwillingness of millions of Chinese descendants with yesterday's song "Nostalgia", but today he inspired the passion of millions of people with a future "Nostalgia" .Isn’t this method more powerful than guns and cannons?!”

Feng Qidao: "Moreover, have you ever thought about it? What's the difference between Xilou's works in the 'Shanyin Cup' in the past three days?"


Zhu Han frowned subconsciously, thinking on his face.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly widened and his face was filled with shock.

Feng Qi smiled bitterly: "Have you thought of it?"

Zhu Han sighed: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Three days, three days for the 'Shanyin Cup'. On the first day in the West Tower, I took out Ci poems, on the second day I took out ancient poems, and on the third day I took out Modern poetry. In the past three days, he has composed all ancient poetry and modern poetry. He is telling everyone that he can crush us in any poetry. How can we expect to surpass such a genius? .”

Until this moment.

The two of them had completely given up on competing with Xilou.

On the Internet, the fifth paragraph of "Nostalgia" swept the entire Internet at lightning speed due to the official media's publication.

Almost every social platform is discussing this matter.

"Call over and greet our compatriots."

"Build bridges to connect people!"

"Let the fifth paragraph of "Nostalgia" become a reality quickly!"

"If a high-speed rail is built, I will donate 10,000 yuan as a proof."

"If a high-speed rail is built, I will donate half of my wealth. If I break my oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth."


The enthusiasm of the younger generation even exceeds that of the older generation.


Hot blooded.

That is the indelible national soul.

At this time, any celebrity scandals have to be put aside, and only the younger generation is running rampant on the Internet with passion.

Some people lamented: "This is the style that the younger generation should have. This is why I love this country, because it is really worthy of my love!"

Many people praised this sentence.


At this time, the official media published another article! ! !

In the second post, the official media wrote: "Why do I always have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land deeply."

in the text.

It is the audio of Wang Mo reciting "I Love This Land" with great affection.

"If I were a bird, I should also sing with a hoarse throat:

Why do I always have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land deeply..."

The official media release came extremely unexpectedly.

All netizens were caught off guard by this poem.

However, after a brief period of confusion, everyone was pulled into the artistic conception of this poem.

Listen to the poetry in the audio and feel the surging power and emotion contained in it.

There is no knowing what to do.

There is confusion.

There is shock.

There is a touch that makes the soul be shocked and torn apart at the same time.

"This poem?"

"I'm a little confused."

"Why is it that my face is full of tears when I listen to it?"

"Me too, suddenly burst into tears."

"When I heard "Nostalgia", I only felt melancholy and excitement. But when I heard this poem, I was deeply touched in my heart, and tears flowed down unconsciously."


Listening to Wang Mo's recitation, many people felt their eyes blurred with tears for no reason.

Not sentimental.

Not bleak.

Instead, I felt that the softness in my heart was severely touched.

Many times, as a member of China, we don’t understand.

Why do many people, even though their lives are very unsatisfactory, still rush forward when others encounter difficulties?

Why is it that although I am living a sad life, I still feel a surge of passion flowing in my heart after listening to "Nostalgia"?

Why do some people act like jerks on a daily basis but cannot tolerate others humiliating their homeland?

Why is it that even those who are hopeless game fans in the eyes of their parents can unite to defeat all foreigners in the game?

Why do many fans like a celebrity, but when that celebrity reaches their bottom line, they can immediately block him without hesitation?

Why do so many people, knowing clearly that it is a matter of death, still rush forward and rush forward at all costs?

No reason!



If you have to give me a reason.

That is: because we love this land deeply! ! !

My motherland, let's continue to prosper...

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