My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 146: Skyrocketing reputation, lottery! ! !

Wang Mo didn't even expect it.

Because of the emotional contagion of "Nostalgia" in the previous poem, the second poem will cause such a huge response after it is officially released.

Even in addition to ordinary netizens, many celebrities have retweeted articles from official media.

Looking around, what was originally a peaceful day on the entire Internet was turned into a Patriotic Day by Wang Mo's two poems.

Watch this scene.

Wang Mo was speechless: "Am I being too high-profile?"

Yuan Xiong said angrily: "You just know?"

But he immediately added: "But this kind of high-profile, the more the merrier."


The more high-profile like this, the better!

This was the first time that Yuan Xiong saw the official media promote a person's affairs or works in a four-shot format.

In the past, it was not easy for celebrities to appear on official media.

Except for celebrities whose houses have collapsed, under normal circumstances, only celebrities who have made special contributions to China or gained a major positive image will be named and praised by the official media.

And in less than two days, Wang Mo hit it four times!

The first time: because of "Poems to Encourage Learning".

The second time: because of "Nostalgia".

The third time: the fifth future chapter of "Nostalgia".

The fourth time: Because of "I Love This Land".

four times.

It's all full of positive energy.

Yuan Xiong was dumbfounded. He sighed for a while and then sighed: "What a pity... What a pity. If you hadn't collapsed. Just by your miracle of connecting with the official media four times in two days, you could have been in the entertainment industry." The circle went sideways. But now, because Xilou cannot show up, many benefits can only be watched as it slips away, but cannot be grasped."

Wang Mo smiled and said, "I am always happy when I am content."

Yuan Xiong gave a thumbs up: "Your mentality is getting better and better."

Wang Mo: “Because of your ‘careful’ cultivation, Brother Xiong!”

When he mentioned the word "carefully", he deliberately emphasized his tone.

Yuan Xiong didn't seem to hear it and raised his head: "Thank you, thank you."

The wave on the Internet continues.

The number of fans of Xilou's Douyin account has soared like a rocket from more than 6 million yesterday. After the official media released two consecutive news this morning, it quickly exceeded 10 million!

In other words, Xilou has become a big anchor with tens of millions of fans on Douyin!

The real deal!

But Wang Mo had no intention of looking at these results. At noon, he hurriedly finished lunch and immediately returned to the composition department.

Just sitting in my seat.


The system voice sounded in his mind: [Congratulations to the host, for winning first place in this "Shanyin Cup" poetry exchange meeting, and gaining more than one million reputations, successfully completing the task. 】

[Reward: Silver Treasure Chest*1, Bronze Treasure Chest*2]


Wang Mo secretly clenched his fist.

I have worked so hard in the past few days just for the reward of this moment.

He did not open the treasure chest immediately, but said silently in his mind: "System, open the properties panel."

The next second, a transparent blue panel appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name: Wang Mo]

【Age: 22】

[Height: 180m (strongly requested by the host, actual height is 179cm)]

[Appearance: 90]

[Reputation: -15, 321, 149]

[Props: None]

[Lottery: None]

[Mall: Not open yet]

[Task: There is a task in progress... (click here to view)]

See the panel content.

Wang Mo felt a little hot in his heart.

The reputation is only minus 15 million.

He clearly remembered that before the "Sanyin Cup" was held, his reputation was still worth more than 18 million.

In other words, this time the "Shanyin Cup" brought him more than 3 million yuan in reputation!

Three days!

More than three million!

Excitement flashed in Wang Mo's eyes: "Sure enough, Brother Xiong is right. You can be a low-key person, but you must do things in a high-profile way. Only by doing things in a high-profile way can I gain more reputation."

Just seeing the height column, Wang Mo cursed as usual: "Can you please delete the text in the brackets? It looks really annoying."

System: [Okay. 】

The next second, the height column changed to: [Height: 179cm]


Wang Mo opened his mouth, and in line with his title of being a good student, he resisted the urge to swear.

But I saw the task column.

Wang Mo was stunned: "I still have a mission that I haven't completed? What mission is it?"

He nodded quickly.

Entered the mission space.

[Unfinished task: Ask the host to help Hao Mingxing break into the top three of the overall ranking in "Singer Style", and let him get at least one brand advertising endorsement worth tens of millions after winning the ranking. 】

[Task reward: Silver treasure chest*1, Bronze treasure chest*2]

"Oh, it's actually this mission!"

Wang Mo patted his head. He had been so busy recently that he had forgotten that Hao Mingxing was still participating in "Singer Style".

He quickly took out his cell phone and checked the relevant news.

Soon, news about "Singer Style" was displayed in front of him.

After such a long competition, the top four of "Singer Style" have now been determined, leaving only the last final and the battle for third and fourth place that have not yet begun.

And the finals are about to begin.

As for the top four in "Singer Style", they are: Luo Ning, Jiang Shihan, Fu Zichen, and Hao Mingxing.

Luo Ning and Jiang Shihan are both first-line singers. It is no surprise that they broke into the top four of the competition.

As a second-tier popular singer, it is normal for Fu Zichen to enter the semi-finals.

The fourth person was Hao Mingxing.

"Isn't it?"

Wang Mo's eyes widened.

Not only was he shocked, but all the fans who watched the show "Singer Style" were also shocked by Hao Mingxing's performance.


Because Hao Mingxing has relied on Wuyan's "Empty City" to successfully break into the second round. In the following quarter-finals and semi-finals, everyone thought that Hao Mingxing would continue to sing wordless songs.

However, Hao Mingxing did not.

In these competitions, all Hao Mingxing sang were adapted songs.

Under the astonishing gaze of all the audience, Hao Mingxing made it all the way to the top eight and the top four with his two adapted songs, defeating a number of third- and second-tier singers.

See here.

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows, and he immediately logged onto the cloud network and quickly found two adapted songs sung by Hao Mingxing.

I put on my headphones and listened again.

Wang Mo's face showed deep surprise.

It can be said that the arrangement of these two songs is actually average.

However, under Hao Mingxing's unique singing, they have a special charm, making the originally ordinary songs much more classic. This is also the reason why Hao Mingxing can break into the top four.

To put it simply, Hao Mingxing's singing skills cover up the flaws in the song.

"Could it be?"

Wang Mo quickly dialed Hao Mingxing's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Hao Mingxing's voice came over: "Brother Mo."

Wang Mo went straight to the topic: "Brother Xing, have you entered the semi-finals?"

Hao Mingxing smiled and said, "Yes."

Wang Mo said: "I just listened to the two adapted songs you sang. Did your singing skills break through?"

Hao Mingxing was a little happy: "It seems so. When I was singing in the past, except for the songs you gave me, Brother Mo, I was always a little uninterested when I sang other songs. But recently, I found that even if I sang other songs, I would not be interested. I can control it. No matter how bad the song is, I still have a sense of transparency when I sing it.

For this reason, I took a gamble and used adapted songs in the quarterfinals and semifinals. In the finals, I will sing the song you gave me, Brother Mo. "

Sure enough!

Wang Mo confirmed his inner guess.

An ordinary singer can only sing songs that suit his own style.

But a top singer can control a variety of styles. As for the style that I am good at, I can play it better.

In other words, Hao Mingxing is now qualified to become a top singer.

Wang Mo said sincerely: "Brother Xing, congratulations!"

Hao Mingxing chuckled: "Actually, it was Brother Mo who gave me "Empty City", which allowed me to see through many things and make some small breakthroughs. So in the final analysis, I still have to thank you, Brother Mo."

Wang Mo was used to Hao Mingxing's attitude, so he asked: "When is the final?"

Hao Mingxing: "This Saturday, it will be broadcast live."

Wang Mo: "Are you sure?"

Hao Mingxing: "I'm sure of the top three, but not the championship. Because even if I have a breakthrough in singing, Luo Ning and Jiang Shihan are both top-notch. Their singing skills are already better than mine, and I also heard that the two of them won the finals." It is very likely that I will also sing new songs. The new songs are written by ace songwriters in the industry. Based on the above analysis, the probability that I will beat the two of them is less than 30%."

Wang Mo nodded.

Because Hao Mingxing was very rational in his analysis, it was not because Wang Mo gave him a song that he felt invincible.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "It's enough to be in the top three. By the way, one more thing. After "Singer Style" is over, your popularity in the industry should reach the top of the second tier, and even be as popular as the first tier." At that time, you can see if you can get the company to find you an advertising endorsement as soon as possible. The endorsement fee must be a brand with more than 10 million yuan."


Hao Mingxing didn't expect that Wang Mo's mind would change so quickly, and he would suddenly turn to endorsements, and he would be asked to endorse a brand worth tens of millions of dollars.

Although he didn't understand why Wang Mo asked him to do this, Hao Mingxing still said seriously: "Okay, I will ask my agent to arrange this matter soon. If it succeeds, I will tell Brother Mo as soon as possible."

Brother Mo’s affairs will always be the first priority.

Whether you want to understand it or not, just do it!

This is the rule Hao Mingxing set for himself.


Wang Mo responded.

After hanging up the phone, he brought his thoughts back and looked at the system panel again.

This time, because I completed the task of "Shanyin Cup", I got a silver treasure box and two bronze treasure boxes.

"Come on, come on, draw the prize!"

Wang Mo's favorite thing is the lottery.

The lottery is fun for a while, and the lottery continues to be fun.

"System, open the silver treasure chest."

The system voice sounded: [The silver treasure chest has been opened. 】

[Congratulations to the host, he has grown 1cm taller and has successfully grown from a 179cm tall man to a 1.8 meter tall man. 】

? ? ?

! ! !

When Wang Mo saw the contents of this treasure box, he felt that his mind almost exploded.


Should you be happy? Or should I be depressed?

He never dreamed that this thing would be found in the treasure chest.

But after thinking about it, every time the system comes out, it is what I need or desire most. Maybe it was because he always complained that he was not 1.79 meters tall, so the system gave him this reward.

Well, at least he will be a real 1.8 meter man from now on.

This treasure chest is worth it!

But then, Wang Mo felt a little anxious in his heart: The system can actually make me grow one centimeter taller. Does that mean it can also make some part of my body grow one centimeter longer?


Well... don't think too much, Wang Mo is talking about fingers.

Because when your fingers become longer, they will be more suitable for playing the piano.

He tried to calm his inner turmoil.

Wang Mo: "Open the other two bronze treasure chests."

[Congratulations to the host for winning the song "Legend". 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a copy of the Heart Sutra of Taking Care of a Baby. 】

The first reward is a song.

This reward is pretty normal.

Wang Mo shouldn't be too familiar with the song "Legend". He recalled the familiar melody in his mind and nodded secretly.

The version the system gave him was the female version.

After listening to it, Wang Mo was filled with emotion: "This song is really good."

Putting the song aside for now.

Wang Mo's eyes were fixed on the prize opened in the last treasure box for a long time, and his thinking was a little slow.

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