My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 147 Dads’ shock, wordless song? !

What the hell?

His body froze in place, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

Wang Mo even asked in his heart: "System, did you make a mistake?"

The system now reads: [Host, please rest assured that the system is currently running stably without any problems. So no errors will occur. 】


Wang Mo looked ugly.

You didn't make a mistake, so there's something wrong with my head?

Then can you tell me, what the hell is the Heart Sutra of Taking Care of a Baby?

He can understand even the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

But Wang Mo really couldn't accept it.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he even checked the original body's memory again and again to see if the original body had left any descendants after messing around outside.

And this descendant will come to him soon.

"No? I want to be a daddy?"

"Boy or girl? How old are you? Who is his mother?"

"Going to participate in "Where Are We Going, Dad" next year?"

"do not scare me."


All kinds of messy thoughts are running through my mind.

Just when his expression was extremely complicated, Yuan Xiong had finished his meal and walked in from outside.

Seeing Wang Mo, Yuan Xiong was stunned: "Are you constipated?"

Wang Mo: "..."

Yuan Xiong: "Do you want to take medicine or take Sellu? I'll buy it!"

Wang Mo took a deep breath and said in a voice that only Yuan Xiong could hear: "Brother Xiong, let me ask you something. Have I... ever done that to others outside before?"

Yuan Xiong: "Which one is that?"

Wang Mo: "That's it."

Yuan Xiong frowned and thought for a while: "Probably not. During the years when you were in the top ranks, we all looked at you very seriously and did not allow you to have any scandals. So even though there are rumors that you have scandals with many people, but you The body should still be innocent.”

Wang Mo breathed a sigh of relief: "This means that I should not have an illegitimate child?"

Yuan Xiong looked at Wang Mo with extremely strange eyes.

Is this child too tired in the past few days and has something wrong with him?

Yuan Xiong muttered in his heart.

Wang Mo's heart dropped completely. He was only 22 years old, and he didn't want to be reduced to a baby daddy.

After a pause, he said: "Brother Xiong, do you have a problem with me?"

Yuan Xiong nodded: "Yes, because you have been busy with the Shanyin Cup these days, your phone has been turned off. I didn't let anyone else interfere with you. Now that the Shanyin Cup is over, there are some things I should tell you."

Wang Mo really listened.

Yuan Xiong said: "The first thing is that the "Singer Style" in which Hao Mingxing participated will have its finals this Saturday. Hao Mingxing broke into the semi-finals with his own strength."

Wang Mo said: "I already know this. I called Brother Xing just now."

Yuan Xiong said: "The second thing is that Director Guo Chen has called me several times, saying that the first and second stops of "Where Are We Going, Dad" have been filmed. The program team is currently starting intense post-production, striving to be able to It will be broadcast after the year. But the theme song of the show has not been determined yet. You said before that the songs for this show are up to you. So Director Guo said that I hope you can take the time to go to Beijing, and take advantage of the current situation between dad and The children were resting in Beijing and recording the show’s theme song.”


Wang Mo patted his forehead, this was indeed a big deal.

Because he knew that the theme song of "Where Are We Going, Dad" not only appeared at the beginning of the show, but even during the recording of the show, several children often sang this song, which is also one of the features of the show.

If you don’t record the songs yourself, the content of the program will be a lot less interesting.

He quickly said: "Okay, Brother Xiong will help me make arrangements. I will go to the capital tomorrow."


Yuan Xiong agreed and murmured again: "Are you my artist? You are busier than me, my manager."

On the other hand, his manager has almost become Wang Mo's assistant.

The next day.

Wang Mo met Guo Chen and five pairs of fathers and children at a high-end audio and video recording company in Beijing.

Guo Chen's eyebrows were filled with joy: "Mr. Wang, you are finally here."

Wang Mo coughed: "I've been a little busy lately."

As he spoke, he looked at the father and children next to him.

Perhaps because the two stations were filmed, the children are already familiar with each other. At this moment, several children are gathering together to play.

As for the five celebrities, after seeing Wang Mo, they all came up to say hello with bright smiles on their faces.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Dads, how was it like filming this show?"

Lin Shaopeng was the first to speak out. He said with some excitement: "To be honest, I am really glad that I agreed to film "Where Are We Going, Dad"? Because of the show, my son has had so many reunions with me for the first time in his life. Time. And after this period of contact, my son is much closer to me than before, and he is also much more sensible and cheerful."

Jiang Feng also praised: "Happy! There is only happiness during the filming of the show! This is really the most relaxing show among all the variety shows I have participated in."

Gao Yong: "Huh! No matter what, Mr. Wang, you deceived me so badly back then."

Of course, Gao Yong was not really angry. There was also joy in his brows, and he was obviously very satisfied with the mechanism of the show.

Chatted for a while.

Lu Zhengguo asked: "Mr. Wang, although a few of us feel that the program satisfies our reunion with the children, will anyone really like to watch such a program after it is broadcast?"

Others also looked puzzled.

Because through the recording of the two stations, they discovered that this program is about playing, eating, drinking, and playing small games with the children. It is completely different from other outdoor reality shows that are full of excitement and contradictions.

Wang Mo blinked: "The ratings must break 1, right?"


Everyone laughed.

But no one took Wang Mo's words to heart, thinking that Wang Mo was just talking casually.

The ratings broke 1?

In this era, any show with a ratings of over 0.5 can be considered a top program.

If it can break 1, it will definitely be the hit show of the year!

But in the hearts of the five celebrity dads, although they like the program format of "Where Are We Going, Dad", they are not optimistic about its effect after it is broadcast.

However, they are all variety show guests, and they only need to film the show according to the requirements of the program team.

Ratings are what TV stations need to worry about.

We chatted for a while.

Wang Mo took out a document from the backpack he was carrying and handed it to Guo Chen: "Director Guo, go and print a few copies of this, one copy each for the father and the children. This is the score of the theme song we are going to record this time. .”


Guo Chen took the document and quickly printed out the music score and distributed it to every father. The children also had a copy.

Lin Shaopeng looked at the music sheet and asked curiously: "Do the children also want to sing?"

Others also expressed doubts.

Because in previous variety shows, there has never been a precedent for guests to sing the theme song. Let alone a group of four or five-year-old children singing.

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Lin Shaopeng: "But I can't sing."

Gao Yong: "I can't sing either, and the children probably can't sing even more."

Several other people said the same thing.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, the melody of this song is very simple, I believe you can easily get started. And it doesn't matter even if you can't sing well, because this song is not about how well you can sing, but how warm and warm it is. Sing the emotions that dads and children only see. Because in my opinion, this theme song is not as simple as a theme song, it is a melody that runs through the entire show, and it is also the core of our production of this show."

In the previous life, "Where Are We Going, Dad" was able to become a phenomenal variety show. In addition to the popularity of the show, this song actually also contributed a lot.

It can be said that almost everyone can't help but smile warmly after hearing this song.

And will hum a few words subconsciously.

It's just that many people who don't read the lyrics can't figure out why the song says: Baby, baby, I am your uncle?

Not dad?

How did you become an uncle?

After hearing Wang Mo's words, everyone began to record songs with doubts.

At first, everyone was very restrained.

Afraid of not singing well.

I am afraid that the children will not cooperate.

But soon, surprise appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Hey, the melody of this song is really simple."

"sounds so good."

"Haha, baby, come and cooperate with daddy."

After just a few cooperations, everyone was able to sing the song in unison, and the singing was quite smooth and smooth. At this time, several celebrity fathers learned that they could record songs even though they could not sing.

What surprised them even more was that the children were obviously happier singing with their father.

The whole recording process went quite smoothly.

Halfway through the recording, Lin Shaopeng finally couldn't help it anymore: "Mr. Wang, I want to ask one thing, who wrote this song?"

Yu Hui also said excitedly: "It's such a warm and friendly song, such an easy-to-understand song. I really fell in love with it right away. I never thought that a tone-deaf person like me would be able to sing one day. So I really I’m particularly curious about who the songwriter of this song is, and how he could write such a song, which even my children and I can sing without any difficulty, and it’s also very nice.”

Wang Mo is a silent matter, and several celebrity dads have no idea about it.

Several celebrities even didn't know Wang Mo's identity, because the name written on the business card Wang Mo handed them was: Wang Yan.

Wang Mo hasn't spoken yet.

Next to him, Yuan Xiong spoke first and said, "To be honest with you, this song was written without words."

Speechless! ! !

Lin Shaopeng, Gao Yong, and Lu Zhengguo jumped up in shock.

Even Guo Chen exclaimed in surprise.

After a while.

Lin Shaopeng then murmured: "No wonder, no wonder, it turned out to be a song composed by Wu Yan."

However, Yu Hui and Jiang Feng were a little confused. They didn't know much about the music industry, so they had never heard of Wu Yan's name. But after hearing other people's explanations, I secretly sighed.

It turns out the songwriter of this song is so awesome.


Several dads worked even harder to record songs.

This is a wordless song!

Many popular singers in the outside world can't find wordless songs. And a few of them actually had the opportunity to sing wordless songs because of a variety show. What an honor it was!

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