My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 148: The Heart Sutra of Taking Care of a Baby, Dad Wang Mo!

When resting in the evening.

Wang Mo was sitting aside and chatting with Guo Chen about the filming and post-production issues of "Where Are We Going, Dad".


Then he heard a milky girl's voice: "Daddy, I want to drink grandma."

Everyone at the scene smiled when they heard it.

The speaker was Lu Zhengguo's daughter Lu Tiantian. The little girl was the youngest of the five children. She was not even four years old when the show was recorded, so she drank a little milk every time before eating.

Lu Zhengguo quickly got up and went to make milk for his daughter.

He walked to the table, opened a can of milk powder, scooped a few spoonfuls of milk powder into the bottle, poured some warm water from the thermos jug nearby, shook it, and prepared to hand it to Lu Tiantian.

Wang Mo's eyes happened to catch this scene.

Extremely weird.

A feeling of familiarity arose in his heart, and then he immediately frowned and said, "Brother Lu, do you usually make milk powder for Tiantian to drink like this?"

Lu Zhengguo nodded: "Yes."

"How does this work?"

Wang Mo stood up and walked over, stopped the milk bottle that Lu Zhengguo handed over, and said seriously: "Your milk powder preparation process is seriously wrong! If things go on like this, it will easily lead to indigestion or diarrhea in the child."

Lu Zhengguo was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

at the same time.

Everyone in the room looked at him.

Everyone's eyes are quite strange.

Because what Wang Mo said just now simply exceeded their imagination.

Wang Mo didn't pay attention to the other people's expressions at all. He poured out the milk from the bottle and walked to the table.


He said seriously: "When preparing milk powder, you cannot put milk powder in the first step. You must pour water first."

As he spoke, he poured the water from the thermos into the bottle. After looking at the scale, he continued:

"The second step is to test the water temperature."

"Adults must not judge the water temperature by feeling. The water temperature should not be too high or too low. It is best to keep it at 40-45 degrees. If you don't have a thermostatic pot to check the temperature, you can pour the water from the bottle into your At the wrist. If your wrist feels warm, neither hot nor cold, then the water temperature is just right."


Wang Mo poured a few drops of water from the bottle onto his wrist and nodded: "Yes, the water temperature is just right."

"The third step is to add milk powder."

"When adding milk powder, the spoon must be scooped out with a flat spoon, not half a spoonful, nor too full. The number of spoons to scoop is determined according to the instructions on the milk powder can. For example: Brother Lu, this milk powder you bought, It should be 200 ml of water with four scoops of milk powder. You just scooped up five scoops, which is obviously wrong."

After Wang Mo scooped up the milk powder.

Staring at Lu Zhengguo.

"The fourth step is to shake it well. When shaking it, be sure not to shake it like you just did, as that will produce a lot of bubbles. The correct way is to gently rub the bottle with both hands and slowly let it melt."

"Only the milk powder prepared in this way is qualified."

After finishing speaking.

Wang Mo handed the prepared milk powder to Lu Tiantian.

"Thank you, brother."

Lu Tiantian said something milky, then took the bottle from Wang Mo and drank it happily.

on site.

in the room.

After Wang Mo stopped talking, the whole place was silent except for the sound of Lu Tiantian drinking milk.

Even several children looked at Wang Mo in shock.

After a while, the children started talking.

"Brother Wang is so awesome."

"Is what he said right?"

"That's it, because my mother also told me that this process should be followed when preparing milk powder."

"Uncle Lu is so stupid."

"Oh, no wonder sister Tiantian said she had a stomachache during the last recording of the show. Could it be that the milk powder was not brewed, right?"


Listen to the children's voices.

Only then did Wang Mo feel agitated and come back to his senses from the previous state.

Damn it!

At this moment, he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and crawl in.

What was he doing just now?

What did he just do?

The expressions on the faces of several adults around him have become wonderful.


Lu Zhengguo swallowed and smiled awkwardly: "Wang...Mr. Wang, are you married?"

Wang Mo was hit by a sword in the chest: "No."

Lu Zhengguo: "Did Mr. Wang take an infant care training class before?"

Wang Mo was hit by another sword in the chest: "No."

Lu Zhengguo: "That's really incredible. Mr. Wang is so young yet has so much experience in raising children. It seems like he is really gifted..."

Wang Mo felt that a thousand arrows had penetrated his heart.

You are talented in raising children!

Your whole family is gifted!

He tried hard to smile and made up a lie at random: "This... that... I happened to see a mother preparing milk powder for her child before, so I wrote down the process."

Everyone is doubtful.

No one would believe that he could do it so skillfully just by watching it once.

But no one asked further questions.

Yuan Xiong, on the other hand, looked at Wang Mo again and again, his heart breaking: "Made, labor and management sleep with him every day. I know how many times this guy grinds his teeth at night. When did he learn how to raise children? "


This is not the point!

The point is: Yuan Xiong can't figure it out even if he thinks about it, why should Wang Mo study parenting?

It doesn't make sense.

Recalling the question Wang Mo asked himself yesterday, Yuan Xiong had an absurd thought in his mind for no reason: "Isn't it? Does this kid really have an illegitimate child outside?"


This matter needs to be investigated strictly!

Wang Mo finally revealed the matter.

Then continue to record the theme song of "Where Are We Going, Dad".

On the second day, the song was almost recorded.

Wang Mo listened to the original soundtrack and showed a satisfied expression: "That's it."

Although the singing of some celebrity fathers is not very good, the most important thing is that the emotions are real, and there is a tuner in the later stage.

As for the children's performance, it was beyond Wang Mo's expectations and was exceptionally good!

The song is recorded.

Wang Mo pulled Guo Chen aside and warned: "In the next recording of the program, we must let fathers and children sing this song more on various occasions, especially the children..."

Guo Chen understood: "Does the song interact with the program?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Guo Chen thought about it and his eyes shone: "What a good idea. No wonder Mr. Wang gave the theme song to the guests to sing, so that the song can be integrated into the show. Mr. Wang, you are on the variety show Your understanding is really superb. Just listening to a few words from you has benefited me a lot.”

"'s okay, okay."

Wang Mo looked at Guo Chen who admired him more and more day by day, and felt a little ashamed.

If this continues, it is estimated that he will soon have a little fan of a variety show director.

No, not an estimate.

When "Where Are We Going, Dad" is aired, I'm afraid Guo Chen will kneel on the ground and worship himself.

After finishing the recording of the theme song of "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Several celebrity fathers took their children and left immediately because each of them had a very busy schedule.

Guo Chen also immediately returned to Star City to continue work related to the follow-up of the variety show.

Only Wang Mo had nothing to do.

Yuan Xiong: "When will you return to the Magic City? You make your own decision. It's okay to stay here for a few days. There's no rush anyway. Well... by the way, tell me why you know how to raise children."


Wang Mo was too lazy to talk to Yuan Xiong.

He thought about it.

Suddenly he said: "Let me call Mr. He. He is in the capital. I should contact him."


Wang Mo took out his cell phone and dialed He Zhixing's number: "Mr. He, are you busy?"

There was surprise in He Zhixing's voice: "I'm not busy. You rarely call me. The sun rises from the west today?"

Wang Mo chuckled: "Aren't you afraid of disturbing your mother?"

He Zhixing hummed: "I am an old man, what do I need to disturb you?"

Wang Mo: "Then I will call you more often to say hello."

He Zhixing said with satisfaction: "That's right... Well, tell me, is there anything you need to call me? I think you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing."

Wang Mo: "It's okay, because I am in Beijing now and just wanted to give you a call."


He Zhixing said quickly: "Are you in the capital?"

Wang Mo said: "Well, I came here yesterday to do some small things. Now that the things have been done, I thought that if it is convenient for you, Mr. He, I would go to your house to sit."

He Zhixing exclaimed: "Aren't you busy?"

Wang Mo: "Well, I'm fine these days."

He Zhixing suddenly became excited: "Is everything okay? That's great, come on, come on! Oh, what a coincidence, I just need your help with something."

When Wang Mo heard this, he thought He Zhixing was in trouble.

He immediately hung up the phone and said to Yuan Xiong: "Brother Xiong, go to He's hometown."

More than an hour later.

Wang Mo came to He Zhixing's home again.

open the door.

Then I saw a little cutie rushing towards me: "Brother, brother, you are finally here!"

It's Kiritong.

When the three-year-old girl saw Wang Mo, her eyes shone and she immediately threw herself into Wang Mo's arms.

Although they haven't seen each other for more than a month, this girl doesn't seem to have forgotten Wang Mo at all, and is even more enthusiastic than last time.

Wang Mo picked up Tongtong and kissed her cute face. Then he looked around the room and said in surprise: "Mr. He, why don't you see Grandma Cai?"

He Zhixing sighed: "That's why I'm looking for you. Your grandma Cai needs to go out for a while for something, and Tongtong's parents also happened to have something to go back to their hometown, and they won't be able to come back until two days later. So now I can only Take Tongtong with me. But I happened to have an important meeting that I couldn't leave in the past two days. I was worried about what to do with Tongtong, but you called me."

Wang Mo's heart skipped a beat.

He asked cautiously: "Mr. He... when you say help, you don't mean to ask me to help take care of Tongtong, right?"

"so smart!"

He Zhixing patted him on the shoulder: "That's right! It's Dai Tongtong."


Wang Mo's brain was buzzing.

He finally understood why the system gave him the "Heart Sutra of Bringing a Baby". It turned out to be for this moment.

At this time, He Zhixing had already smiled at Tongtong and said: "Tongtong, you play with your brother and let him take you to school and pick you up home, okay?"

Tongtong, who was being held by Wang Mo, clapped her hands and said happily: "Okay, okay. My brother takes Tongtong to play, and Tongtong is very obedient."

He Zhixing thought that his granddaughter would refuse a little bit, but she agreed so happily that he forced a smile, but he felt unhappy in his heart.

After calming down, he said: "How is it? Can you bring it?"

Wang Mo took a deep breath: "It should be fine."

He Zhixing: "Well, actually you don't need to do anything. Just send Tongtong to kindergarten at nine in the morning and pick her up at four in the afternoon."

Wang Mo: "As for other matters, do you have any special instructions?"

He Zhixing didn't know much about raising children: "What do you think?"

Wang Mo thought for a while: "Being low-key, doing things high-profile?"

He Zhixing slapped his thigh: "Yes, that's it! From now until the evening of the day after tomorrow, I will leave Tongtong to you in these two days. Remember: be a low-key person and do things high-key!"


Wang Mo agreed wholeheartedly.

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