My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 149 Don’t cry, brother will teach you a song

"Does the system have the ability to predict the future?"

Wang Mo doubted this very much, otherwise why would he buy out the items he needed most in advance every time?

For example, this time's "Heart Sutra of Taking Care of a Baby".

This gave him ample reason to suspect that the system had known that he would take Tongtong with him.

However, when he asked the system in his heart.

A sentence appeared in the system: [Sorry, this system does not have the ability to know the future. This system can give the host the most suitable prize, which is the result of accurate simulation analysis based on the host's current situation, what is happening to the people around him, etc. 】


Wang Mo thought about it and realized it was really possible.

For example, this time: the system knew in advance that Guo Chen called him, so it could infer that he was going to the capital. He also knew that when he went to the capital, he would most likely call Mr. He. Mr. He just needed someone to take care of Tongtong. With powerful data analysis, you will indeed deduce what you need to "bring up a child's heart".

"It seems that the system is an intelligent machine that is so powerful that I can't even imagine it yet."

Wang Mo said secretly.

After suppressing the distracting thoughts in my mind.

He took the time to call Yuan Xiong: "Brother Xiong, I won't go back tonight. I may have to stay with Mr. He for two or three days."

After that, he explained the reason.

Yuan Xiong was happy to see the result: "Okay! The closer your relationship with Mr. He is, the better it will be for you. It doesn't matter if you stay for a few more days. I will watch the outside affairs for you."

First night.

With the help of the "Heart Sutra of Taking Care of a Baby".

On how to play with Tongtong, how to coax her to eat, how to let her wash herself, and even how to make milk for her, make her bed, and put her to sleep... Wang Mo did a series of things like water.

He Zhixing was stunned for a while.

It's incredible. My daughter-in-law doesn't do as well as Wang Mo.

He Zhixing finally couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Wang, have you really never taken care of a baby before? Are you really not from a parenting training center? Are you really not...?"

A series of questions came out loudly.


here we go again.

So annoying!

In fact, Wang Mo himself wanted to behave badly on purpose, but when he did something to take care of a baby, he would naturally become very skillful.

After hearing He Zhixing's question, Wang Mo simply remained silent.

Some things become more unclear the more you explain them.

The next day, He Zhixing went out early in the morning to attend the meeting.

Wang Mo took Tongtong to the kindergarten at half past eight.

Tongtong's kindergarten is Qingbei Kindergarten, which only takes more than ten minutes to walk.

Under Tongtong's guidance, Wang Mo quickly found the address of the kindergarten.

Qingbei Kindergarten!

The name sounds lofty, and of course it is not accessible to ordinary people.

Looking at the kindergarten in front of him, and then at the cute Tongtong he was holding, Wang Mo fantasized: "One day in the future, it seems good if my child can study here... Hmm... Huh? Bah bah. Pooh!"


What evildoer could harm his Taoist heart?

Damn it, I actually thought of my future child for no reason!

At his age, is he the age to think about this? !



There are two kindergarten teachers greeting the children.

The two kindergarten teachers glanced at Wang Mo and immediately turned red.

The kindergarten teacher on the left almost stuttered when he spoke: "Tongtong, who is this?"

Tongtong said happily: "Teacher Fu, this is my brother."

Teacher Fu asked: "Didn't your parents come?"

Tongtong: "Mom and dad have something to do, so my brother came with me."

Teacher Fu said: "Well, since mom and dad are not here, my brother can do it... let your brother accompany you to the meeting."

Tongtong: "Okay, thank you, Teacher Fu."

With that said, he took Wang Mo's hand and walked into the kindergarten.

Wang Mo was stunned for a moment.

He quickly asked: "Tongtong, couldn't I just send you to the kindergarten? Why do you have to go in for a meeting?"

Although Tongtong is a young student, he thinks clearly: "Yes, there is still a meeting. The teacher said a few days ago that the children will bring their parents to the meeting today. Tongtong's parents are not free, so they brought their brother. "


Wang Mo swallowed: "What is it?"

Tongtong: "It's just a meeting."

Wang Mo did not continue to ask Tongtong. He found out after asking a parent next to him.

It turns out that the end of the semester is approaching, and the kindergarten will be on vacation soon. Before the holiday, the kindergarten teacher assigned a task to the children, asking each child to come up with a show to perform on the last day as a successful end to the semester.

Parents are invited to a meeting today to determine the program for their children.

After Wang Mo understood it, he suddenly realized.

So that's what happened.

He lowered his head and asked: "Tongtong, what program are you preparing for?"

Tongtong blinked with big eyes and said, "Brother, what show is it?"

have to!

Seeing Tongtong's expression, he knew that Mr. He was probably very busy these days and had forgotten this matter.

Wang Mo was a little worried. What should he do during the meeting?

He only got the "Heart Sutra of Bringing Up a Baby", but he doesn't understand the programs for kindergarten children?

never mind.

Let's take one step first.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

All the children and parents in the class are here.

The head teacher, Teacher Chen, said: "In three days, we will usher in the final exhibition competition of Class 3. Are you happy, children?"


Children aged three or four are all very fragile.

Teacher Chen continued: "Now, Teacher Chen, let's see what programs everyone has prepared? Children, please write the programs you want to perform on the cards on the table with your parents. Wait for the teacher to come later. Accept it. Remember, it must be the most exciting show, because the first place in the performance this time will have a little white rabbit gift bought by Teacher Chen himself."

at once.

The children were all excited.

There was talk of performing a recitation.

Someone said they wanted to tell a joke.

Someone said they wanted to sing.

Tongtong was the only one who looked blankly at the excitement of the other children. It took him a while to realize what happened.

Then, the little girl flattened her mouth and tears began to well up in her eyes.

Wang Mo quickly coaxed: "Tongtong, don't cry, it's okay, we have a show."

Tongtong wiped her tears and said expectantly: "Brother, what is Tongtong's program?"

"Uh, this."

Wang Mo couldn't figure it out for a while.

Although Tongtong is small, he is very smart, and he understood immediately after seeing this.

Just a moment ago, there were only tears in his eyes, but now the tears suddenly fell down like broken pearls.

"Oh, my little ancestor."

Wang Mo was also anxious, and his mind was spinning, thinking about what program to get.

At this moment, the Heart Sutra has lost its effect when raising a baby.

Even more depressing.

After seeing Tongtong crying, the other children all started to chirp.

"He Xintong, didn't you prepare a show?"


"Teacher, He Xintong has no program."

"Shame on you, you're going to be in last place."

"He Xintong, how about you sing with me?"


When Tongtong heard this, he became even more sad.

Wang Mo had no choice but to comfort her over and over again, with a bunch of thoughts in his mind: "What should I do? What should I do? Are there any good fairy tales or nursery rhymes to deal with the emergency?"

He racked his brain and searched for memories.

In his past life, he had never had any contact with children, so even though he knew some classic fairy tales such as "Little Rabbit" or "Snow White", he only knew a little bit about it, so he had to tell the whole story. It simply can't be done.

As for children's songs, he didn't understand them even more.

"How about using a silver treasure chest?"

A thought flashed through Wang Mo's mind.

But he was hesitant. The silver treasure chest was too precious. To use it just for Tongtong's show was like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes - overkill and underutilization.

time flies.

After more than ten minutes, the children all filled out the cards.

Teacher Chen put away the cards one by one. When she saw that Tongtong had not filled out the card, she didn't say anything. She just comforted: "Tongtong, don't cry. You can just hand in the program tomorrow."

Come to the podium.

Teacher Chen raised the card in his hand: "The children's programs are all here with the teacher, so we will see your wonderful performance in three days..."

Wang Mo frowned and asked a parent next to him: "The children will go home after performing the show, right? How will the first place be selected? Will there be on-site voting, or will the teacher designate which child will win the prize?"

The parent glanced at Wang Mo unexpectedly: "You are a parent, you don't know?"

Wang Mo coughed: "I'm her brother, so I don't know much about her."

The parent nodded: "Now is the Internet society, so the on-site voting method has long been eliminated. And the teacher appoints the children to win the prize, which is even more unconvincing. So this time the children will perform, the teacher will Each child's performance is recorded and then posted to the online platform for netizens to vote. The voting period is three days. After three days, the child with the most likes will be ranked first."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Wang Mo's eyes widened, "Then where did the teacher post the children's performances?"

The parent said: "Of course it's Douyin."

After hearing what this parent said, several children started talking again.

"My dad said that his Douyin has hundreds of fans, so this time I must have the most likes."

"Hmph, my aunt has so many fans, tens of thousands of them."

"Anyway, I will definitely come first in this vote. My dad knows many beautiful sisters on Douyin. He can find those beautiful sisters to vote for me."

"Huang Zichen, tell me again, what happened to your dad?"


Wang Mo shook his head after hearing the words of these three or four-year-old children.

It turns out that today’s children have been involuted since kindergarten.

A mere children's program was actually involved in voting on an online platform.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, Wang Mo's whole body was filled with excitement.




Wang Mo's mind exploded, his heart beat violently, he hugged Tongtong and shouted: "Tongtong, brother has thought of a program."

Tongtonglihua was sobbing and asked: "Is it true?"

Wang Mo: "Really!"

Tongtong: "What kind of program is that?"

Wang Mo: "Brother, can I teach you a song?"

Tongtong: "Is it difficult?"

Wang Mo: "It's very simple."

Tongtong: "Can I win first place?"

Wang Mo: "Must be first."

Tongtong: "But the other children's fathers have many fans, and their aunts help, and there are also beautiful girls who help. Tongtong has nothing, how can he get first place?"

Wang Mo smiled: "Believe me, brother, it's useless no matter how many fans they have."

What did you say?

Low-key life, high-profile work.

If you want to be high-profile, be high-profile enough!

Just based on the song he thought of, let alone the parents in the kindergarten, he believed that I, the King of Heaven, would not be able to win even if he came!

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