When Wang Mo spoke, his voice was not soft.

The surrounding parents and children could hear it clearly.


Some children were dissatisfied: "Uncle, you are bragging!"

Even several parents raised their eyebrows.

No matter how many fans you have, it’s useless?

This young man is really good at blowing.

A grandfather who must have been a child said sincerely: "Young man, lying in front of your children is not a good way to educate them. Although you are trying to comfort her, she will be hurt later when she knows that what you told is a lie. It will be bigger.”

Wang Mo hasn't spoken yet.

Tongtong was no longer happy: "My brother won't lie."

The grandfather spread his hands: "Did you see that? She has completely believed what you said now. What will you do next?"

Wang Mo had no intention of explaining to these parents.

He showed a humbly accepting expression: "What you said is true, I will pay attention to it."

After all, you have to keep a low profile.

When Tongtong heard this, the tears that had just stopped burst out again: "Brother, are you really lying to me?"

Wang Mo quickly whispered in her ear: "Of course not, brother lied to them."

Tongtong immediately clapped his hands and said happily: "I knew, brother, you wouldn't lie to me."

have to!

Wang Mo secretly screamed that something was wrong.

My little ancestor, I keep a low profile, but don’t keep a high profile!


The expressions of several parents nearby suddenly changed subtly. When I heard Wang Mo's respectful attitude and answer just now, I thought that this young man was very obedient and had a good attitude.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually did one thing overtly and another secretly, and didn't take the old man's words seriously at all.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore.

"Are young people so arrogant now?"

"I didn't even prepare for the show in advance, but I still brazenly said that I wanted to win first place."

"Don't say I'm number one then, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get the show out."

"I'm going to let my daughter play the piano, and my daughter has hundreds of thousands of fans on Douyin. I can't even say she's guaranteed to win the first place."

"My son won the championship in the speech contest, but I don't dare to say he won the first place."

"The young man is quite handsome, why is he talking so out of tune?"

"There is an old saying: a hairless mouth means a weak workmanship."

"Oh, it's okay for him to brag. I'm worried about hurting the child."


Several parents were whispering at first, but later they simply gathered in a group and started whispering, looking at Wang Mo from time to time.

Wang Mo shook his head helplessly.

Simply look at your nose with your eyes, your nose with your heart, and ignore any external matters.


At 11 o'clock in the morning, the parent meeting ended.

Wang Mo quickly led Tongtong out of the kindergarten.

Kindergartens do not go to school in the afternoon, allowing children to rehearse their own programs at home.

That's just right.

After returning home, Tongtong didn't even eat, so she pestered Wang Mo and asked over and over again: "Brother, what song are you preparing for me? Teach it to Tongtong quickly, Tongtong wants to learn it."

"No rush, no rush."

Wang Mo smiled and said, "Let's finish the meal first. Only after you have eaten enough can you have the strength to sing, right?"

Tongtong nodded vigorously: "Yes."

Lunch consists of two dishes: a ham scrambled egg and a Coke chicken wing.

After following Yuan Xiong for so long, Wang Mo also learned a little bit of cooking skills. In addition, the preparation process of the two dishes is quite simple and basically does not require any cooking skills, so he can finish it quickly.

Wang Mo tasted it and it tasted good.

The reason why he made these two dishes is: It is written in the Heart Sutra of Taking Care of Children that these two dishes are the best choice for all children. Even if you make them into a mess, children will also love to eat them.

Sure enough, Tongtong was extremely happy with the meal. While eating, he kept praising: "Brother, the food you cooked is really... so delicious. It tastes better than what my mother and grandma cook. Brother, please come to my house from now on." Is it good to be a chef?”

"Ahem... Forget it, chef."

Wang Mo rubbed his eyebrows.

Tongtong: "Are you afraid that I can't afford the salary? I'll give you a hundred yuan a month!"

Wang Mo: "No."

Tongtong: "Are you afraid that you won't have a place to sleep? Brother, if you come to my house to be a chef, I can let dad sleep on the sofa in the future."

Wang Mo: "..."

Ancestor, I don’t want to say this.

Children's brain circuits are indeed extraordinary.

After dinner.

Let Tongtong take a nap.

While taking a nap, Wang Mo wrote the "unusual" song silently based on the memory in his mind.

Now he is a senior composer, so it is easy to write the score of a song silently.

This is also the first time that Wang Mo has written down the songs in his memory since time travel.

There are many places that I can’t remember clearly, but it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, it was just for Tongtong to participate in the performance, and the requirements were not high.

After writing the score, Wang Mo carefully recalled all the movements in the song, because this song is the most convincing when the lyrics and movements are expressed together.

At half past two in the afternoon, Tongtong woke up in a daze.

Wang Mo happened to be almost ready, so he said, "Tongtong, are you ready? If you are, we can start learning to sing. Do you want Tongtong to learn?"

Tongtong, who was still confused at first, got up from the bed with excitement, his eyes widened: "Brother, I want to learn! I want to learn!"


Wang Mo showed a gentle smile.

Tongtong saw that he was holding the song sheet in his hand, and came over to look at it while curiously asking: "Brother, what song is it?"

"This song...it's called "Growing Flowers in the Garden"."

Wang Mo named a song.

This is also the children's song he remembers most clearly after time travel.

Even now, when he thought of this song in his mind, he couldn't help but shiver.

Without him!

Wang Mo remembers this song, not because he likes children's songs, but because the storm this song caused in his previous life was so terrible that even now he feels numb when he thinks about it.

Because of the brainwashing day after day, in life and on the Internet, he passively accepted this song, and it became an almost indelible memory in his heart.

"Yeah, yeah."

Tongtong clapped her hands: "Tongtong likes gardens and growing flowers."

At this moment, the little girl didn't know what kind of song Wang Mo would teach her, and she looked at Wang Mo with stars in her eyes.

Wang Mo smiled slightly: "Wait a minute, you can sing along with me and do the moves with me, okay?"

Tongtong: "Yeah!"

Wang Mo took a few deep breaths and began to teach: "Okay, let's start. Dig, dig, dig in the small garden~~~"

while singing.

He began to make various movements with his hands in accordance with the lyrics.

Although Tongtong is less than four years old, she is extremely smart and her learning speed far exceeds Wang Mo's expectations.

Wang Mo only taught her three or four times, and she was basically able to sing along, but some of the movements were still unfamiliar.

But after almost half an hour, Tongtong memorized the entire set of actions.

In fact, her movements are even more standard and cute than Wang Mo's.

"Fun, fun."

"Dig, dig, dig."

“Digging and digging and digging in the garden.”

Tongtong happily learned the song almost the whole time, especially after learning it, she repeated it over and over again.

It seems I'll never get tired of it.

In a trance.

Wang Mo seemed to have returned to the days when he was enveloped by the demonic sound for a month or two in his previous life.

It wasn't until around five o'clock in the afternoon that after He Zhixing came back, Tongtong immediately rushed up: "Grandpa, grandpa, my brother taught me songs. I can perform the show the day after tomorrow."

"Song? Program?"

He Zhixing was at a loss for a moment.

Wang Mo explained a few words.

He Zhixing slapped his head hard: "Oh, look at my memory. Fortunately, Xiao Wang, you are here, otherwise if I forget this, Tongtong will be sad for a long time."


He Zhixing suddenly felt excited: "You are a well-known Wuyan in the singing world. You write songs for your children?"

Wang Mo smiled: "I just wrote it casually for fun."

With that said, he asked Tongtong to sing it to his grandfather.

Tongtong couldn't wait and immediately performed the song.

He Zhixing looked at it and nodded secretly.

In his opinion, there is nothing special about this song. It seems that Wang Mo really didn't put much thought into it this time. In this way, he felt relieved, because he was worried that the songs written by Wang Mo were too good and would be easily unbearable. According to his current judgment, this song is just a simple recitation, not even a song. It can only be used to entertain Tongtong.

"It seems that Xiao Wang is very measured in his actions."

He Zhixing showed a satisfied expression.

the next day.

Wang Mo sent Tongtong to school as usual.

On this day, Tongtong had already practiced "Growing Flowers in the Garden" to perfection. After all, she sang it even in her sleep.

And Wang Mo also started to hear that his head almost exploded.

Even He Zhixing sighed: I really don’t know why Tongtong likes this song so much. Fortunately, the child just performed it on the show. If I sing like this every day, my old bones won’t be able to bear it.

Wang Mo opened his mouth, but in the end it wasn't much.

But he had already decided in his heart: "As long as Tongtong's show is over, he will flee the capital immediately."

The third day.

Finally came the day of the kindergarten final class performance.

Tongtong got up almost early in the morning, wearing her beautiful red dress, eager to go to school.

Come to school.

Almost every child is dressed up and ready for today's performance.

Come to the small (3) class.

Almost all the parents have arrived.

When they saw Wang Mo, many people immediately recognized the boy who uttered arrogant words the day before yesterday.

Someone raised his eyebrows and stood up to say hello: "Hey, brother He Xintong is here?"

Wang Mo smiled: "Hello."

The man blinked and said, "How is it? What kind of program have you prepared for the children? You said you wanted to win first place last time."


Many people smiled.

Although they themselves firmly believe that their children will take first place. But the nature is different when you say it, and it will appear that you are too arrogant.

Wang Mo was not angry: "Well, the program was handed over to the teacher yesterday. Everyone will know later."

The man didn't ask further questions and quickly continued chatting with others.

nine in the morning.

The class performance officially began, and each child was drawn to perform.

One by one, handsome and cute children got on the podium and started their performances.

Some children tell stories.

Some children sing.

Some children performed martial arts.

When each child performs, the head teacher, Mr. Chen, will take a video, save it, and prepare to post it to Douyin later, and then start voting to determine the ranking.

Wang Mo took a look and found that the children's performance could not be said to be good or bad.

Although it has a childlike innocence, it makes him lack interest.

Until around ten o'clock in the morning, when Wang Mo's upper eyelids and lower eyelids were fighting.

He finally heard the voice he had been waiting for.

Teacher Chen: "Next, I would like to invite the child He Xintong to present her singing program "Growing Flowers in the Garden". Please welcome the child He Xintong to the stage with applause!"


Wang Mo sat up straight and looked towards the stage.

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