When Wang Mo looked towards the stage.

In the audience, several parents heard Teacher Chen calling Tongtong's name and subconsciously looked at him with a slightly strange look in their eyes.

Obviously, everyone is thinking that this arrogant guy will soon reveal his true colors.

A few people were muttering.

"What? "Growing Flowers in the Garden"? What kind of children's song is this?"

"Yeah, I've never heard a song like this."

"You can't make it up, right?"

"I checked the information and there is no record of this song."

"Oh? That would be interesting."


Many parents' expressions became wonderful when they heard that no record of this song could be found.

Is it really a fabrication?

Soon, everyone's eyes were focused on Tongtong, who had just taken the stage.

Tongtong, who was wearing a red skirt, didn't have any stage fright when she stood on the stage.

She wore a cute little white rabbit eyepatch on her face, covering most of her round face.

Many people think that Tongtong wears an eye patch just to be cute.

Only Wang Mo knows...that's not the case.

Tongtong is Mr. He's granddaughter, so Wang Mo doesn't want her to be exposed to the camera too much.

After all, the current Internet is terrible.


Tongtong was already on the stage and her childish voice came out: "Hello everyone, the program I brought today is "Growing Flowers in the Garden". Children, please sing along with me~~~"


Tongtong stretched out her hand and drew the shape of a garden, while singing in a young and clear voice: "In the small garden, dig, dig, dig."

When talking about digging and digging, Tongtong stretched out his two chubby little hands and made digging and digging movements in the air, which looked very cute.

Several parents couldn't help laughing.

As for the children, many of them followed Tongtong's actions.

When Tongtong saw a child doing what she was doing, she became energetic and her voice became louder: "Plant tiny seeds and bloom tiny flowers."

Every word is accompanied by a cute action.

When Tongtong read: "In the big garden, dig, dig, dig."

Many children are already self-taught without any teachers and follow along to "dig, dig, dig...".

Saw this scene.

Wang Mo held his forehead.

here we go.

Sure enough it started.

Even though we are separated by time, space and a world, this song is still so magical.

Some parents, after seeing Tongtong's performance, also smiled.

"This kid's performance is quite cute."

"Hahaha, dig, dig, dig, it's so interesting."

"But our son is the best."

"for sure."

on the stage.

Tongtong is still digging and digging:

"In a very large garden, dig, dig, dig."

“Plant extra-large seeds and get extra-large flowers.”

When I read this, most of the children started shouting.

Especially the words "dig, dig..." simply stuck to every child's heart, making them all happily stretch out their hands and follow Tongtong in making digging shapes in the void.

This song was played only once in the original version of the previous life, and it lasted just over a minute.

Because the time was too short, Wang Mo asked Tongtong to sing it twice, or rather... read it twice.

When the second time starts.

All the children in the audience began to become excited.

"Dig and dig."

"Dig and dig."

"Little flowers."

Of course, in addition to the children, many parents also smiled and stretched out their hands, digging and digging along with the children.

At this moment, all the parents just thought the song was interesting, and at the same time they thought the children's movements were cute, so they followed them.

Off the stage, Mr. Zhao, the deputy class teacher, was filming.

Next to him, Teacher Chen, the head teacher in charge of maintaining order, saw this scene and his eyelids jumped sharply. Because she had never seen a children's song resonate with children in such a short period of time, and even...not just children, but also parents.

Even she couldn't help but want to dig and dig along.

Of course, what surprised her even more was that she had been engaged in early childhood education for nearly ten years and had taught almost all children's songs to children, but she had never heard of this children's song.

When she got the name of the program reported by Tongtong yesterday, she didn't think much about it.

At this moment, she felt a little regretful. She had known that she should have looked up where the children's song "Growing Flowers in the Garden" came from yesterday.

She was a kindergarten teacher, and she had never heard the songs sung by the children in her class, so it was embarrassing to tell her.

on the stage.

Even though Tongtong sang the song twice, it only lasted just three minutes.

Soon, Tongtong's performance ended.

Along with warm applause, parents began to whisper.

"This kid's performance is really good."

"Haha, this song is kind of interesting."

"But my Zixuan's story is the best one to tell."

"My Zixuan's singing is even better."

"My Zixuan's martial arts feels more attractive."


When the parents were discussing, they didn't notice that even though Tongtong's performance had ended, there were still many children digging and digging excitedly under the stage.

This is already a bit abnormal.

But parents simply think that children like to play.

After Tongtong stepped off the stage, she trotted all the way to Wang Mo's side, her little face flushed red.

Before she could sit firmly, she couldn't wait to ask: "Brother, can Tongtong sing well?"

Wang Mo gave a thumbs up: "You sang so well, my Tongtong is the best."

Tongtong: "Can I win first place?"

Wang Mo: "It must be done."

Hearing Wang Mo's words, Tongtong almost jumped up with joy.

Only the corners of the mouths of a few parents nearby twitched: Another lie? Is this interesting?

Although Tongtong's performance seems good, it is only good. In the eyes of many parents, this song is not a song at all, it is just a recitation of a few sentences, and the movements are childish.

Not to mention getting first place, even top ten is difficult!

Of course, the more important thing is: this time the online voting is not only about who has the best performance, but also about who has the most fans on Douyin!

And Wang Mo, this young man, doesn’t understand the Internet at first glance.

When the little girl's video is posted online, if her parents don't canvass for votes, there is a high chance that no one will care about it.

After Tongtong's performance, Wang Mo completely lost interest in the kindergarten final performance.

If he wasn't worried about others saying he was disrespectful, he would have gone on a date with Zhou Jie.

The performance lasted until 12 noon.

More than 20 children all completed their performances.

Teacher Chen smiled on the stage and said: "Dear children and parents, the final performance of our primary class (3) is now over. Every child's performance is quite wonderful. Of course, we will also select The best-performing and outstanding children. Parents should already know the selection method, which is Douyin voting.

Before six o'clock this evening, I will upload all the children's performances to the class Douyin account one by one. After three days, the top three children with the highest number of votes will receive gifts prepared by the teacher.

Kids, do you want a gift? "


"Dig and dig."

Most of the children shouted in unison.

Accompanied by several slow-reacting children, they were still digging and digging under the table.

Teacher Chen said: "Then it depends on your program to see who gets the highest votes. The voting time this time is three days. After three days, Teacher Chen will send gifts to the three best children. Now, I announce : The first half-year study of Class 3 has ended, and it’s officially a holiday!”

Amidst the cheers of the children.

Parents began to leave one after another.

However, when each parent leaves, the parents with good relationships will say a few words to each other.

"Lao Liu, how about you canvassing votes for my son and I'll canvass votes for your daughter?"

"Of course, it's a mutually beneficial thing."

"Brother Zhao, you are very popular in your circle of friends. Can you help me canvass votes tonight?"

"Haha, of course. There are many people in your company, so give me a hand."

"To each other."

Only Wang Mo was the first to pull Tongtong out of the kindergarten.

When leaving, he found Teacher Chen: "Teacher Chen, when you upload the video, can you not publish Tongtong's name?"

Teacher Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, in the videos we upload on the Internet, we will hide the name of the kindergarten, class, and children's names, and will not reveal the children's privacy. Each child's video has only one alias to represent it. .For example, in He Xintong’s video, I can only write the word ‘Tongtong’.”

Wang Mo nodded with relief and turned to leave.

Just relying on the two characters "Tongtong", no matter how powerful netizens are, they can't find Tongtong.

When leaving the kindergarten, Tongtong looked at the parents who were still communicating enthusiastically, and said confusedly: "Brother, what are they doing? Why don't they go home?"

Wang Mo: "They are canvassing for votes."

Tongtong: "What is canvassing?"

Wang Mo: "I just want their children to have higher votes for their performances and make it easier for them to get good rankings."

Mengmeng blinked: "Brother, why don't you canvass for votes?"

Wang Mo: "No need."

Canvassing votes?

Not to mention the small class (3), all the children in the entire kindergarten combined are not enough to "dig and dig" with one finger.

Back home.

In the afternoon, He Zhixing had finished the meeting. He smiled and said: "Xiao Wang, I originally thought that you would only take care of Tongtong for two days, but I didn't expect that I will be free today. By the way, how about today's final performance?"

Tongtong jumped to his feet and shouted: "Brother said that Tongtong's performance is the best and he can win first place."

"Oh, is it so?"

He Zhixing picked up Tongtong and said, "Xiao Wang, it just so happens that your grandma Cai will be back in the afternoon. How about staying here for two more days before going back?"

Wang Mo subconsciously wanted to agree.

But soon, he remembered something, his heart suddenly tightened, and he said without hesitation: "Mr. He, no. I have to go back now. I have important things..."


Wang Mo didn't hesitate and rushed out of the door.

Connoisseur He Zhi also has no door.

Wang Mo counted the time while running: "Well, Teacher Chen probably hasn't uploaded the video yet, or at most has just uploaded the video. I still have time to run now. If I wait until night, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape. .”

The wind is blowing~~~

In a residential area in Beijing.

After Tongtong's class teacher, Teacher Chen, returned home, she began editing short videos.

Edit the videos of the children one by one and post them on the Douyin account called "Interesting Stories from Class 3".

When editing to Tongtong's performance clip.

Teacher Chen's heart moved slightly, and she quickly searched the Internet for information about children's songs about "Growing Flowers in the Garden."


What surprised her was that she didn't find any information about the children's song "Growing Flowers in the Garden", and all the content that came out was irrelevant.


Teacher Chen swallowed and was at a loss for a moment.

how so?

Since there is no information about this children's song on the Internet, where did it come from?

This isn't right.

After thinking about it for a while, I had no clue.

Teacher Chen rubbed his eyebrows and did not continue to think more. Instead, he uploaded "Growing Flowers in the Garden" sung by Tongtong to the Internet.

She never dreamed of it.

The moment she uploaded the video, a Pandora's box opened...

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