Wang Mo returned to the Magic City immediately after leaving He Zhihangjia.

Since I was going in such a hurry, I didn’t have a plane ticket and took the high-speed rail directly.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Yuan Xiong asked doubtfully.

He remembered that Wang Mo had nothing important to do.

Wang Mo didn't blink and said, "Tonight is the finals of "Singer Style". I rushed back to watch TV. Cheer for Brother Xing."


Yuan Xiong frowned, "It's different in the capital and you can watch TV?"

Wang Mo said righteously: "Brother Xiong, what you said is wrong. We are disrespecting Brother Xing by watching the finals outside casually. Only when we return home, put aside all other things, and devote ourselves wholeheartedly to watching the finals Only by doing things can we express our importance. This is an attitude, you know?"


Yuan Xiong felt that Wang Mo was talking nonsense, but he could not give a reason to refute.

This night is indeed the last finals of "Singer Style".

The final will be broadcast live at the Magic City Stadium.

As a popular variety show with an average ratings of 1.6 in the past few episodes, its finals attracted the attention of almost half of the entertainment industry.

Especially netizens who like to watch variety shows were almost crazy with excitement.

"Ahhh, the final is finally here!"

"Long awaited."

"The strongest dark horse: Hao Mingxing!"

"I heard that Hao Mingxing will sing a wordless song tonight."

"Luo Ning is the favorite to win the championship. No matter how good Hao Mingxing is, he can't be compared to him."

"I still think Jiang Shihan is the most powerful."

"Anyway, tonight is a battle between dragons and tigers."

In tonight's finals, four people made it to the semi-finals.

They are: Luo Ning, Jiang Shihan, Fu Zichen, and Hao Mingxing.

If you look at it just from the perspective of status, Hao Mingxing is very different from the other three. However, at this moment, Hao Mingxing was not inferior to the other three in the heated discussion on the Internet, and even faintly suppressed it.


Just because there is a rumor: Hao Mingxing will continue to sing wordless songs tonight!

Hao Mingxing successfully broke into the top eight and the top four with just two cover songs. How strong would he be if Wu Yan was added to the list?


While the Internet was abuzz, Wang Mo and Yuan Xiong had returned to their small apartment in Shanghai.

Before, Wang Mo considered whether to go to the scene to support Hao Mingxing, but in the end he gave up the idea.

Although he has been out of the industry for half a year, his attire and demeanor have changed a lot from before. If he goes to watch the game live, there is a high probability that no one will recognize him.

But Wang Mo didn't dare to gamble.

This is because the people who go to watch this finals are basically young people who like to read news about the entertainment industry. These guys all have sharp eyes. Many celebrities are tightly wrapped when they go out, with only one pair of eyes exposed, and they will be recognized by them.

So if Wang Mo goes to watch a game, it would be terrible if a fan recognizes his identity.

There were tens of thousands of people at the scene, and even if they were killed, it would be light.

He couldn't afford to gamble.

I ordered a barbecue table, a few bottles of beer, and some fruit snacks.

The two of them sat on the sofa and prepared to watch the show.

Just in time, the finals of "Singer Style" begin!

While eating mutton skewers, Yuan Xiong asked: "Who do you think will win the championship tonight?"

Wang Mo shook his head: "I'm not sure, everyone has a chance."

Yuan Xiong exclaimed: "Didn't you give Hao Mingxing a song? Why don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Wang Mo disagreed: "You don't really think that I am invincible in composing, do you? The few songs I wrote before were able to do well on the new song charts, that's because I didn't meet any strong opponents at all. And This time in the finals of "Singer Style", Luo Ning and Jiang Shihan are as famous and singing skills as Hao Mingxing. And there are rumors that the two of them specially invited ace songwriters to write songs for them. That is, He said, there is a high probability that the two of them will also sing a new song tonight. And it is very likely that it will be a new song of high quality and mine."

When Yuan Xiong heard this, he laughed: "It turns out that 'Speechless', which is so popular all over the Internet, sometimes lacks confidence."


Wang Mo was about to speak.



A familiar voice sounded in the back of my mind.

System: [Because the host's ability has been questioned, a new task is triggered: ask the host to select a representative from the "Black Alliance" and train him to become a singer/song queen within half a year to prove himself. position in composition. 】

[Task requirement: Cultivate a singer/singer. 】

[Task time: within half a year. 】

[Task reward: gold treasure chest*1, silver treasure chest*2]

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows.

At this time, the mission actually came!

And it is such a heavyweight task.

His mood became a little hot.

Because since I got the system, the series of songs I got from the system, except for "Invisible Wings", other songs are not actually the top songs.

So if I sing these songs to Hao Mingxing and others, I can make them become the second-tier top performers at most, but it will be difficult to reach the first-tier.

You need to cultivate a singer or a singer.

The quality of the songs must be top-notch, not even one is enough, at least several!

"The system has given me a big task."

Wang Mo thought to himself.

In fact, it can be seen from the mission rewards: one gold treasure chest, two silver treasure chests, unprecedented rich rewards, and there is a gold treasure chest that has never appeared in the rewards!


Wang Mo shouted in his heart.

At the same time, he thought: "Now there are four people in the Black Alliance: Hao Mingxing, Su Xueyao, Fu Zhuang, and Tang Qinyun. Tang Qinyun is not suitable, so there are only three people left. Hao Mingxing has just participated in "Singer Style" and is in the limelight. He does not need my strength again. Praise him, and his voice also makes him a top-notch singer at most. It is difficult to become a singer at the level of a singing king. Then only Su Xueyao and Fu Zhuang are left. Between these two, who should I choose?"

He knows that as long as he chooses someone, that person's destiny will change dramatically.

But both of them had their own advantages, making it difficult for him to make a decision.

Just when he was troubled in his heart.

Yuan Xiong patted him on the shoulder: "The finals have begun!"

Wang Mo calmed down, suppressed the matter in his heart for the time being, and looked at the TV seriously.

Tonight, all four singers will sing two songs.

Sing in two rounds.

For the first song, first, second, third and fourth place will be decided.

The second song determines the final ranking.

In the first round, Hao Mingxing was paired with Jiang Shihan.

He still sang an adapted song called "Harbor Night". The vicissitudes of his voice and melancholy mood made the whole scene boil.

When the first round is over.

When the voting results came out, Wang Mo suddenly stood up.

Because Hao Mingxing actually defeated Jiang Shihan.

What does this mean?

Representing Hao Mingxing in the finals!

Yuan Xiong was equally shocked: "I didn't expect Jiang Shihan to lose."

Wang Mo nodded: "I didn't expect it either, but the result is pretty normal. Because Jiang Shihan made a mistake when singing just now, maybe because he was too nervous. On the contrary, Brother Xing's stage condition is very good."

Yuan Xiong nodded: "Perhaps due to his previous experience, Hao Mingxing's psychological quality is indeed the strongest star I have ever seen, so he naturally has an advantage in the competition."

Wang Mo thought so.

When the finals begin.

Hao Mingxing finally came up with the long-prepared song "He Must Love You Very Much".

In the finals of "Singer Style", Hao Mingxing sang Adu's famous song to a new level.

Even Yuan Xiong, who didn't understand appreciation, gave a thumbs up and praised: "The singing is really good."

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it really well written?"

"The writing is also good."

This time, Yuan Xiong did not challenge Wang Mo, but thought for a while and said doubtfully: "I have a question, why are the lyrics you wrote so strange? Should I be under the car, not in the car?"

Wang Mo glanced at Yuan Xiong without answering.


It's Luo Ning's singing.

Wang Mo guessed correctly. The song Luo Ning sang was indeed a new song, and it was also a rock song. The name was: "Electricity in the Water".

In this kind of live final, rock is the song that can best inspire the audience's passion.

And from Wang Mo's point of view, the song "Electricity in the Water" sung by Luo Ning is of extremely high standard. Even if it is not as good as "He Must Love You Very Much", it will not lose much.

But Luo Ning is much more famous than Hao Mingxing.

Rock music is more shocking live than pop songs.

Therefore, when the final results came out, Hao Mingxing lost to Luo Ning.

There is even a slight gap between the two sides.

runner up!

In fact, this result has exceeded Wang Mo's expectations.

But from the perspective of the outside world, this is not what they think.

Because: This is the first time, Wu Yan lost!

In the past six months, almost every song of Wuyan has swept the song charts, and no one can win him.

But this time, Wu Yan was finally defeated by Luo Ning's song "Electricity in the Water".


A mere vote in the finals cannot prove a silent defeat.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for the next new song list.

But in the eyes of most people, even if it is a new song list, Hao Mingxing will most likely not get the first place.

"It seems that this time, Wuyan's golden body will finally be broken."

"I thought Wu Yan was invincible."

"After such a long time, Wuyan is finally going to win a new song list that is not number one."

"Luo Ning is awesome!"

"Yes, not only won the championship of "Singer Style", but I also want to break the myth of Wuyan's invincibility."

at the same time.

Luo Ning, who won the finals championship, was also very happy.

Backstage, the manager came up with a smile and said: "Double happiness. Winning the championship is the first happiness, defeating Wu Yan is the second happiness. Especially the second happiness, you are the first to defeat Wu Yan." One person. This means so much.”

Luo Ning said modestly: "Don't worry, the new song chart rankings haven't been released yet, what if something happens?"

The manager laughed: "Change? How is it possible? No matter how good Hao Mingxing is, he can't get the first place on the new song list. After all, when we voted just now, you had hundreds of thousands more votes than Hao Mingxing. Therefore, in tomorrow's new song list, you First place is decided!”

As he spoke, the agent was a little excited.

Because this first is unusual!

Ye Yuanhang, the former would-be king, was defeated by Wu Yan several times.

So if Luo Ning defeats Wu Yan on the new song list and crushes this legendary songwriter who has never failed, it will definitely be big news worth hyping.

Same time, same night.

In the WeChat group of Class 3 of Qingbei Kindergarten, no one talked about "Singer Style" at all.


There was a lot of excitement in the group.

Jiang Haohua’s mother: “Please help support Jiang Haohua’s speech, thank you!”

Xia Xiaoqi’s mother: “I’ve already liked it, please help me like my daughter’s singing.”

Jiang Haohua’s mother: “ @Xia Xiaoqi’s mother, has already liked it.”

Zhao Ziqian’s father: “Please, everyone, Zhao Ziqian needs your thumbs up.”

Zhu Lulu’s mother: “I have given everyone likes, please help support Zhu Lulu.”

The rate of messages is soaring, almost several per second.

It’s 99+ in an instant.

Ever since the head teacher, Mr. Chen, uploaded short videos of all the children's performances to Douyin, the parents in the group became lively.

Even the activities in this group are just one of many groups for every parent.

Of course, some people are indifferent.

That's because Tongtong's parents are not online, so the program "Garden Planting Flowers" performed by Tongtong has never been mentioned before.

It seems to have been forgotten.

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