My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 153 Are you crazy? Where did this song come from?

In this era of the Internet.

Canvassing is a word that almost everyone is very familiar with.

Especially after becoming a parent, I will have an inseparable relationship with the word "canvassing".

A child participates in a singing competition and needs to canvass for votes.

The children are participating in a certain calligraphy competition and want to canvass votes.

When children participate in the selection of outstanding students, they need to canvass votes.

In short, all the competition activities that your children have participated in since childhood require going to the circle of friends to conduct various canvassing behaviors.

For example, this time there was a performance activity held by Class 3 of Qingbei Kindergarten.

Parents also launched a "massive" campaign to get votes in their respective circles of friends.

Just like Zhao Ziqian's father, he posted on WeChat Moments: "My little girl's results in the first semester, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, please appreciate them, and come to Douyin to give Qianqian a thumbs up~~~"

Below the circle of friends is a link to Douyin’s singing video forwarded by Zhao Ziqian’s father.

Click the link to jump directly to Douyin.

After posting it on Moments, I immediately received a large number of likes and comments.

At the same time, many friends clicked on the link to enter Douyin and liked Zhao Ziqian.

He Qiang is a friend of Zhao Ziqian's father. Although he usually hates canvassing, he will still help with some good canvassing.

Because I am also a father, I know the difficulties of being a parent.

After following the Moments link sent by Zhao Ziqian's father to Douyin, he gave the other party a like.

At the same time, seeing the performances of so many cute children, he couldn't help but stop and take a look.


He Qiang saw Tongtong’s video.


After just a few glances, he laughed out loud: "This child's performance is so interesting, hahaha, digging and digging, the movements are so vivid. It even led to the interaction of so many children in the audience."

After watching it several times, He Qiang directly saved the short video and planned to let his daughter learn this song when the time comes.

He liked the video and forwarded it to his work chat group: "Hahaha, everyone, look at this kid's performance, it's so cute."

Soon, there was movement in the group.

"Oh, the little girl is so cute."

"My son learned it instantly."

"Dig, dig, I've learned it all."


He Qiang smiled knowingly. Sure enough, some short videos can resonate.

Fu Li was also invited by the parents of Grade 3 to give likes to a certain child.

Although she was a little reluctant in her heart, she still did not refuse.

Coincidentally, after turning on Douyin, she also saw "Planting Flowers in the Garden" performed by Tongtong.

Click to take a look.

Fu Li's originally unhappy face suddenly trembled with laughter: "Digging and digging in small parks, digging and digging in big parks, digging and digging in extra-large parks, oh...why is this baby's performance so popular?"

After watching it several times, she even forgot her original intention of coming here and directly forwarded this short video to several of her best friends: "Look, isn't this baby cute?"

Not long after.

Several best friends responded one after another.

"You have three minutes to hand over the baby's information to me."

"Ahhh, so cute, so cute."

"I've always wanted a daughter, um... I want this."

This evening, because of the relationship between the parents of the primary (3) class, at least a thousand people of all kinds were brought in to give likes to the children.

And among these people, almost 30% have viewed other children’s performance videos.

However, only 10%, that is, almost a hundred people, saw Tongtong's short video "Dig, Dig."

Of these 100 people, a total of 73 people have finished watching the short video, 56 people have watched it more than twice, 48 people have commented, and 63 people have forwarded the video.

If you are not an operator, you may not think there is anything special about this data after seeing it.

But if some short video platform operators see this series of data, they may be stunned!


The retention rate is too high!

Ridiculously high level!

Generally speaking, for ordinary short videos, if 10 people out of 100 people can watch it, it is considered a good retention rate.

In other words, a short video with a retention rate of 10% reaches the average level.

If the retention rate can reach 20%, then this short video will have the foundation to become popular.

If the retention rate can reach more than 30%, then this short video is basically destined to explode.

Now, the retention rate of "Growing Flowers in the Garden" performed by Tongtong is as high as 73%, and even after the second play, the retention rate is still over 56%!

What does this mean?

No one dares to draw conclusions.

Because now this short video only has more than a hundred likes, which is much less than the number of likes for other children's short videos.

However, in the automatic calculation mechanism of Blue Star Douyin, there is such a program: if the retention rate of a short video is less than 20%, it will only automatically recommend it to Douyin fans and friends. But if the conversion rate reaches more than 20%, Douyin will introduce this short video into a new traffic pool.

The higher the retention rate, the greater the traffic in the traffic pool.

for example:

The first-level traffic pool has a traffic volume of 1,000 people.

The secondary traffic pool has a traffic of 10,000 people.

The third-level traffic pool has a traffic of 100,000 people.

The four-level traffic pool has a traffic volume of one million people.

And so on...and so on.

Therefore, with the promotion of these 100 people, "Garden Flowers" automatically entered the first-level traffic pool for precise delivery.

This level of traffic pool is open to Douyin users of the same type and style.

These users are basically kindergarten teachers or workers engaged in early childhood education.

Half an hour later.

Tongtong’s video has more than 600 likes!

The first-level traffic pool with a traffic of 1,000 people actually brought more than 500 likes to the short video!

So, it's logical.

The secondary traffic pool is open!

This time, it is aimed at parents with children and all kinds of Douyin users who like little friends.

Another half hour later.

Tongtong's video likes soared to more than 5,000.

At the same time, its forwarding volume reached more than 7,000. Retweets are higher than likes!

Looking at the comment area, there are already more than 3,000 comments.

"Oh my God, this kid's performance is so interesting, isn't it?"

"I fell in love with it at first sight."

"My child became obsessed with this short video after hearing Dig Dig."

"My child is the same. He has already looped this short video endlessly."

"A bit magical? I can't even take my eyes away."


When the third-level traffic pool is opened, thousands of new users will be added to the forwarding volume. The data of this short video finally began to explode.


Just over an hour later, after Douyin’s automatic analysis, it began to enter the largest traffic pool.

Open to Douyin users nationwide!

This time, there is no targeted promotion and no restrictions.

But all users who are watching Douyin will have a high probability of seeing this short video.

Various professions.

Men, women, old and young.

All are within push range.

Pandora's box is completely opened!


The time has come to around 11 o'clock in the evening, and the finals of "Singer Style" have just stayed overnight.

All major social platforms were occupied by the news that Luo Ning won the championship, Hao Mingxing finished second, and the Wuyan myth was shattered. Almost no media noticed such a small short video.

Only in the WeChat group of Class 3 of Qingbei Kindergarten, although it is almost late at night, the hard-working parents are still chatting enthusiastically.

“Congratulations to @Cai Kai’s dad, your baby’s vote has exceeded 1,000 likes, that’s amazing.”

"Hahaha, okay, okay, mainly because of the support of my friends."

"Whose baby has the most likes now?"

"It seems to be @Zhao Linyuan's mother's baby. I just saw that her baby has more than 2,000 likes."


"It's not surprising. Zhao Linyuan's mother already has more than 30,000 fans on Douyin. She naturally has a huge advantage in getting fans to like her baby."


Everyone was talking about it.


In the WeChat group, a mother sent a voice message, her voice almost screaming: "Is there something wrong with Douyin?"

"What's wrong?"

“ @He Xinmei’s mother, what happened?”

Everyone asked.

He Xinmei's mother's voice was trembling: "Go watch that short video of the kid singing 'Dig, Dig'. Oh my god, how is this possible? Two hundred and fifty thousand likes?"


Two hundred and fifty thousand likes?

Every parent feels ridiculous after hearing the voice.

Then, everyone clicked on Douyin and immediately found Tongtong's "Growing Flowers in the Garden" short video.

Seeing this, everyone felt numb.

"What's going on? Is there really a bug?"

"I saw 280,000 likes here."

"What I saw was 320,000 likes."

"There must be something wrong. I saw it had 380,000 likes... Huh? No, I refreshed it and the likes became 410,000. Isn't this just a joke? Even if I'm on a rocket, I won't get likes. It’s rising so fast.”



The entire WeChat group was turned upside down.

Someone asked: "Is this child's parent trying to increase the number of likes?"

Someone said: "It's impossible. Who can increase the number of likes by hundreds of thousands at a time? It's completely meaningless."

Another person said: "So there is something wrong with Douyin?"

But soon, a parent said: "There is no problem with Douyin, it is normal. Because this short video not only has hundreds of thousands of likes, but also has more than 100,000 comments, and it has been forwarded to almost a million. I just clicked on the comment area, and it’s basically all real netizens.”

When everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded.


How is this possible?

Everyone's heart is filled with absurdity.

While they were still working hard to get a few or dozens of likes, a short video that they didn't pay attention to at all, and even the parents were missing, suddenly received hundreds of thousands of likes?


Another parent exclaimed in the group.

"Oh my God, I was just scrolling through Douyin and came across this video of "Growing Flowers in the Garden"."

Then, a series of exclamations sounded.

"Me too, turn on Douyin and that's it."

"It's the same here."

"Me, too."

"Did you get them all? Is this Douyin fully promoting this short video?"

"how so?"

The entire WeChat parent group was suffocated.

Meanwhile, late at night.

Luo Ning's team also didn't sleep.

I can't help it, I'm too excited.

"Brother Ning, congratulations on winning the championship."

"Brother Ning, it's a treat."

"Brother Ning, tomorrow your news and songs will sweep all the charts."

"Haha, actually I'm starting to dominate the rankings now."

Indeed, after staying at the "Singer Style" finals, Luo Ning has already dominated the charts on all major platforms.

No. 1 hot search on Weibo: Luo Ning wins the championship.

Home page of station B: "Singer Style" stayed overnight in the finals, and Luo Ning won the first place.

On major music platforms, because the song has just been released, the ranking cannot be seen for the time being, but everyone can guess that it will only take a day or two at most for Luo Ning's song to top the new song list.

After reading Weibo, Bilibili... and other platforms, the manager opened Douyin: "Now Douyin is the largest streaming media platform in China and even the world. In the past, at least hundreds of Douyin anchors were forwarding Luo Ning. News of winning the championship. It is estimated that you and your song "Electricity in the Water" have now reached the top of the Douyin hot search list."

"It's not an estimate, it's a certainty."

"Hahaha, it must be."

In the laughter of everyone.

The agent opened Douyin and quickly clicked on the hot search list.

The next second.

The smile on the agent's face froze, and he looked shocked.

The most popular search: the children's song "Growing Flowers in the Garden".

The second most popular search: dig, dig.

The second most popular search: Luo Ning's "Singer Style" won the championship.

The agent was stunned for a long time and did not come back to his senses.

The number one hot search topic is not the news of Luo Ning winning the championship?

It’s not even the second most searched one.


Where did the song "Growing Flowers in the Garden" come from?

The point is, is it a children's song?

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