My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 252 Let us listen to your country’s masterpiece

The film and television industry is abuzz.

In other words, the entire entertainment industry is boiling.

Because no one expected that everyone was pessimizing before, thinking that the movie "The Warm Embrace of That Year" would suffer a heavy blow due to the collapse of Jiang Yiyun's house.

Even after the box office data of the first premiere came out, the industry confirmed this judgment.

But no one expected it.

Just half an hour later, news came out: The ratings of "The Warm Embrace of That Year" exploded!

8.1 points!

It became the first Chinese movie this year to have a rating of over 8 on Douban.

The reputation is even more explosive!

A piano piece in a movie was hailed as a masterpiece by fans who watched the movie, and everyone praised it.

At first, some people in the industry thought it was Yunhai Media’s hype.

But as I looked, something was wrong.

Because more and more people are praising the movie.

And those who badmouth and slander it can hardly be seen. At most, they can say that the plot is mediocre.

If this is hype, then the effect of the hype is too good.

And they have never heard of hyping a movie starting with a piano piece.

"What a ghost."

"Can piano music also become the core selling point of a movie?"

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"


Everyone in the industry has straight eyes.

They couldn't understand why a piano music could be so effective. Many fans even said that the piano music elevated the movie to several levels. Some fans said that the piano music alone was worth a second viewing.

Too outrageous.

As a result, many people immediately began to investigate this piano music.

News soon came.

The piano piece is called "Memorial of Love" and it is a wordless work!


Everyone is even more surprised. I have never heard of Wu Yan and he can compose piano music?

If they heard that Wu Yan saved the movie with a song, they might not be so shocked.

Wuyan is a trump card in composing, this is true.

Everyone also admires Wuyan's composition talent.

But piano music and songs are two different things, right?

Looking at China today, no one has ever heard of a composer who is good at composing piano music. In the eyes of these professionals, the creation of piano music is several levels higher than that of songs, and is not on the same level at all.

Everyone is ready to hear it for themselves.

Make another judgment.

But Yunhai Media went too far and did not upload "Memorial of Love" on any music platform.

There is currently no audio about it on the Internet.

So to hear piano music, everyone has to buy a ticket and enter the cinema.

"Just buy it, what else can I do?"

"Let's go and listen to whether this piano music is really so outrageous."

"Quan should contribute to the box office."

Just as many people in the industry were making dissatisfaction while buying movie tickets and entering the cinema.

The second batch of viewers who watched the movie have already walked out of the cinema.

Then...on Douban, Weibo, and Moments, a second wave of comments about the movie came.

Many marketing accounts and media are paying close attention to these evaluation contents. Because the credibility of this wave of evaluations is basically much higher than that of the first wave.



The first wave of viewers to watch the premiere were mostly fans of movie stars.

In the second wave, there were many more real movie fans.

Reviews popped up quickly.

"Ahhhh, I'm so touched."

"The piano music is really great."

"When I saw everyone's comments about the movie at the beginning, I thought they were all trolls. Only when I actually heard the piano music did I realize that no words of praise could describe its beauty."

"I can't believe I heard such beautiful music in a movie."

"This movie was carried away by a piece of piano music."

"It's so soft and warm. I'm a teacher and I decided to use it as a school bell in the future!"


When everyone saw these comments, they were stunned again.

Because almost all of them are exaggerated piano music.

The first wave of audiences praised it, but maybe everyone still had doubts.

But the second wave of audiences still fully praised it, which means that this piano music is definitely outstanding.

Many people can no longer keep their composure.

They all walked into the cinema.

So...three days before the release of "The Warm Embrace of That Year", a strange thing happened.

On the first day, its total box office was 24.5 million.

The next day, it actually bucked the trend and rose by 36.01 million.

On the third day, it is a working day. Logically speaking, the box office on this day is less than one-third of the weekend. But when the day was over, "The Warm Embrace of That Year" still earned 20.9 million at the box office.

The momentum of the box office data made everyone dumbfounded.

On Maoyan, the final box office estimate for this movie has risen from 192 million on the first day to 409 million!

This is a miracle!

Who would have thought that a movie whose theme song was temporarily cut due to a star's collapse would actually have a box office of hundreds of millions higher than originally expected?

Even as things unfold, the estimated box office of 400 million may continue to rise.

But everyone knows that the reason for this miracle comes from a piano piece!

In just these three days, due to the strong praise of the audience, "Memorial of Love" has spread rapidly on the Internet, and almost everyone who has watched the movie is addicted to it.

Yunhai Media.

It was already boiling.

In the film and television department.

Everyone was even more excited, especially the crew of "The Warm Embrace of That Year", who felt like they were in a dream.

"Turn over from desperate situation!"

"It's an absolute miracle."

"Who would have thought that changing the theme song would result in better results?"

"Hahaha, Jiang Yiyun collapsed so well!"


As for President Qian Mao, he is accepting congratulations from various departments in the company.

"Mr. Qian, your film and television department has made a comeback from a desperate situation this time. It's so beautiful."

"Mr. Qian, he is not afraid of danger and solves problems. He is so awesome."

"Mr. Qian, if you change the theme song on the spot this time, you will definitely become a model in the industry and be regarded as a classic business operation."

Qian Mao smiled broadly and accepted the congratulations from all parties.

At this time, the assistant also brought good news: "Mr. Qian, the general manager of the company said congratulations on overcoming this difficulty and turning the situation around, making huge profits for the company. Wait until the final box office of the movie is released. , the headquarters will personally hold a celebration party for you."

Qian Mao's expression froze as he listened.

He coughed: "Please respond to the general manager and forget about the celebration. This movie may not be profitable yet."

The assistant was stunned: "According to the current trend, the final box office of the movie will definitely be more than 400 million, and the profit will be at least more than 50 million. How can it not be profitable?"


Qian Mao felt heartbroken and said angrily: "If I let you respond, just go and do it quickly. Movie box office is complicated, how can profit be so simple? If I say no, there won't be!"

The assistant was startled.

He could only nod, touch his head and walk out in a daze.

At the same time, he kept muttering: The investment is only 60 million, and the box office of 400 million is still not profitable? Is it so evil?

But looking at what the president just said, it seems to be true.

So which link is the problem?

When "The Warm Embrace of That Year" was fermenting on the Internet.

Magic City.

In an official reception center, the Fuso Music Troupe is visiting China and having an exchange with the Chinese music troupe.


At the moment, the atmosphere in the living room doesn't seem too friendly.

With a solemn breath.

On the Chinese side, several men looked a little ugly and said nothing.

Looking at the Fuso Kingdom, several representatives who came to visit were full of arrogance and had a condescending look in their eyes.

A representative of Fuso Kingdom stood up and smiled slightly: "Mr. Zhao, can't your country produce better piano music? If our music exchange this time, your country only produces piano music of this level, I think I would be very disappointed."

A representative from the Fuso Kingdom stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, since our two countries are having a music exchange meeting, they must bring out music to communicate at the same level. Just now we have taken We have produced two high-quality piano pieces for your enjoyment. However, the quality of the piano music produced by your country seems a bit perfunctory. Is it because your country looks down on us, or is it because it cannot produce better quality piano music?

If you look down on us, then please come up with your best piano music and let us compete.

If the piano music just now was your highest level, then this music exchange meeting should not be called an exchange meeting. It would be better to ask for advice or guidance instead. Of course, you ask us for advice and we give you guidance. Mr. Zhao, what do you think? "



On the Huaxia side, several people stood up suddenly, their faces turning red.

The leader, Zhao Shu, was breathing rapidly, but he still endured it.

no way.

This music exchange meeting will focus on piano exchanges.

However, Huaxia has always been weak in piano creation. If we talk about pianists, China has produced one or two world-class masters in recent years. But for piano composers, China cannot even break out of Asia.

On the other hand, Fuso Country is at the top of the world in both piano performance and composition.

Many world-class classic piano music come from Fuso Country.

This time, I heard that the Fuso Music Troupe was coming to visit Huaxia, and that they would have exchanges with Huaxia as a piano composer. Of course, Huaxia was happy to see it happen.

After all, being able to communicate with top international music groups has nothing to lose.

But no one expected it.

The music troupe of Fuso Kingdom had no intention of communicating at all this time. They were aggressive throughout the whole process and constantly humiliated the representatives of the music troupe led by Zhao Shu.

But the skills are inferior to others, so Zhao Shu and others can only endure it.

But who would have thought that the more tolerant they were, the more arrogant Fusang would become.

Zhao Shu took a deep breath, tried to keep himself calm, and then said in a deep voice: "Mr. Miyata, I have always admired your country's achievements in piano. The piano music we produced this time is indeed not as good as your country's." . But it does not represent the highest piano level in China."

Miyata smiled: "Then show your highest piano level in China, so I can see you!"

Zhao Shu was speechless.

The highest level pianist in China today is himself.

The two piano pieces just now are his works, but these two works are still not enough to watch in front of Fuso Kingdom's works.

So where else can he find higher-level works?

Zhao Shu looked embarrassed when he saw him.

A man with a mustache next to Miyata stood up and raised a smile: "Could it be that the highest piano level in China, as Mr. Zhao said, is on the Internet? I have been paying attention to your country's Internet in the past two days and found that your country's There is a piano piece that is very popular on the Internet and is regarded as a masterpiece by many people. It seems that this piano piece is the work of a master from your country. After all, the piano piece we just presented is not qualified to be called A masterpiece."


"Definitely yes."


Immediately, several Fuso Kingdom representatives laughed out loud.

Miyata raised his eyebrows: "Since it is a masterpiece, why don't Mr. Zhao arrange it for us and let us see it?"

Including Zhao Shu, the faces of the Chinese delegation changed slightly.

Even a fool can tell that Fusang Kingdom has bad intentions.

How high-level can the piano music circulated on the Internet be?

In the eyes of pianists like them.

All are inferior works.

The so-called masterpieces on the Internet are basically just random touts by a group of netizens who don’t understand piano. If these guys from Fuso Country listen to that piano music, they will become a complete joke to Fuso Country.


These guys must not be allowed to listen.

However, Zhao Shu has not yet figured out a way.

Mustache said again: "Mr. Zhao, I have checked that there is no audio of this piano piece on the Internet. It is the theme song in a movie. So my music group and I have decided that today Go watch this movie tonight and listen to the piano music that is regarded as a masterpiece by your country."


Zhao Shu was shocked. It seemed that the other party was determined to see his side of the joke.


Mustache continued: "Mr. Zhao, we are not familiar with the cinemas in your country. Can you and your companion accompany us tonight? Of course, if you don't want to, we can go by ourselves."

When Zhao Shu heard these words, he knew that he could not escape.

He could only grit his teeth and nod: "Okay! I will definitely accompany you tonight."

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