My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 253 It is a piano piece composed by Wang Mo

There is indeed no audio of "Memorial of Love" on major music platforms.

Even short video platforms such as Douyin do not have any clips of this piano music.

In fact, normally, the theme song of a movie will be released to the entire Internet one day or a few days before the movie is released.

Never hide it.

After all, the theme song is for the box office of the movie. If it is not released to the public, it will not be effective.

But this time, Yunhai Media is covering "Memorial of Love" very tightly.

Not to mention the audio of it wasn't released.

Anyone on the entire Internet who dares to leak even the slightest bit of information about this piano piece will be immediately banned.

Yunhai Media did this because they knew one thing: "The Warm Embrace of That Year" was able to counterattack this time because of the explosive reputation of "Memorial of Love", which made countless movie fans enter the theater with curiosity.

If the audio source of "In Memory of Love" is leaked, it will definitely dampen fans' enthusiasm for watching the movie.

It's a bit shameful to do this, but for the sake of box office, it's not surprising.

Of course, this won't work in the long term.

But if you can cover it up one day at a time.

According to Yuan Xiong: "The senior management is planning to block this piano music for a week. After a week, the popularity will probably subside. By then, if it is put on major music platforms, it will gain another wave of popularity."

Wang Mo nodded secretly after hearing this.

In this way, the company has maximized the value of "Memorial of Love". At that time, the movie box office will be higher, and then you will get more shares.

very nice!

When Wang Mo was calculating how much money he could make this time.

The other side.

Zhao Shu ended today's exchange meeting with Fusang Country, feeling haggard and exhausted.

Thinking about going to watch a movie with Fusang Guo at night, he felt very blocked in his heart.

Obviously, he knew that the real purpose of Fuso Kingdom going to the movie was to mock the piano piece in the movie in front of him, which was hyped as a divine song by netizens.

Then he used a condescending attitude to belittle China's piano level.


He sighed deeply, feeling powerless.

Fusang Guo's accomplishments in piano composition have always been at the top of the world. Although he wanted to fight against the other party's contempt and ridicule, he did not have the slightest confidence.

If you are not as skilled as others, you can only endure it.

After returning to the hotel where he was staying, Zhao Shu, as the person in charge of this music exchange meeting, called all the members of the music group over, and then said in a deep voice: "You can just rest in the hotel tonight, I will go to receive Fuso Music by myself. group."

In doing so, he decided to bear the cynicism of Fuso Kingdom alone.

However, when the members heard this, they became anxious.

"Teacher Zhao, we will go with you."

"Yes, those guys from Fuso Country have bad intentions, and we absolutely cannot let you face them alone."

"You must not go alone."

"Please let us face it together!"

Zhao Shu lowered his expression and shouted coldly: "What? Do you all like to be bossed around by others? Do you like their ridicule and provocation? Do you like to be looked down upon?"

When everyone heard this, they stopped talking.

Zhao Shu shouted softly: "Stay in the hotel and spend more time improving your piano skills. This is the business. If any of you can reach the top international level in piano skills, then it doesn't matter if I suffer a little injustice tonight." ?”


He walked away and walked into his room.

Just as I was about to take a break, my cell phone rang.

Zhao Shu looked at it, his eyebrows relaxed a little, he answered the phone and said with a smile: "Lao He?"

It was a call from He Zhixing.

He Zhixing did not look shabby and went straight to the topic: "Are you still hosting the music group from Fuso Country? You've got a lot of looks, right?"

Zhao Shu smiled: "Fuso Kingdom has always been like this, I'm used to it. But as long as you can learn a little bit about each other from the exchange, it's worth it even if you get a look."

He Zhixing expressed his emotion as expected: "How about we video chat tonight? I'll have a few drinks with you in the air to relax your mood."

Zhao Shu shook his head: "No, I have to accompany them at night."

Then, he told Fuso Country that he heard that the piano music in a recent movie was very popular, so he planned to listen to it.

After finishing speaking, he smiled bitterly: "How high can the level of piano music in a movie be? I'm afraid I can't even look down on it, so tonight those representatives of the Fuso Kingdom will use the theme again."


After hearing what Zhao Shu said, He Zhixing suddenly exclaimed: "Old Zhao, I remembered it when you said that. Hasn't my eldest granddaughter always been a fan of Xiao Wang? She said she watched a movie two days ago , saying that a piano piece in it is particularly beautiful, and this piano piece seems to have been written by Xiao Wang. Could it be that this is the piano piece that Fuso Kingdom mentioned?"

"Wang Mo?"

Zhao Shu exclaimed.

He Zhixing said: "Yes, that's him. As you know, Wang Mo is very accomplished at the piano. He showed off his skills last time in Qingbei."

Zhao Shu nodded: "You are right. Wang Mo's piano playing level is above the professional level. Last time he also played a piano piece he composed. I remember it was called "Everything I Think of is a Galaxy," right? Level Very good. Therefore, with his level of piano creation, the piano music he writes may indeed be sought after by netizens. However, compared with the music team I led this time, there is still some gap, let alone compared with Fuso Country ”

He Zhixing deeply agreed: "That definitely can't be compared with Fuso Country. But if it is really the piano music composed by Wang Mo, it certainly won't be far behind. I think you can contact Xiao Wang later. , and ask him to send the audio to you to listen to first. When Fuso Kingdom launches an attack in the evening, you will also be prepared in advance so that you are well aware of it."

When Zhao Shu heard this, he thought it was a good idea.

If he had listened to this piano music in advance and knew its pros and cons, he would have had enough time to deal with Fuso Country's difficulties.

Think of this.

He hung up the phone in a hurry and dialed Wang Mo's cell phone.

Although Wang Mo was a little confused when he received Zhao Shu's call rashly, and he didn't know why he suddenly asked for the audio of "Memorial of Love". But he still sent the audio to Zhao Shu honestly.

After Zhao Shu got "Memorial of Love", he didn't have much thought. He opened the laptop directly, downloaded the audio from the mailbox, and clicked on the audio.

The hotel where I stayed was very soundproofed.

So even though it was evening, it was noisy outside.

But the room was still very quiet.

The soft piano sound soon came from the laptop with average sound quality.

Just a few seconds.

Zhao Shu's originally unconcerned expression was stunned.


be surprised.



In the next few minutes, the expression on Zhao Shu's face was extremely rich.

It wasn't until the audio ended for a long time that he let out a breath and looked at the piano music "Memorial of Love" on the computer. For a moment, his mood was almost indescribable in words.

A few minutes later.

Zhao Shucai carefully closed the laptop.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Xiao Liu, tell everyone that I have changed my mind and ask everyone to pack up. Everyone will come with me to watch a movie with the Fuso Music Troupe tonight!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Then his eyes were fixed on the computer again.

After a long time, Zhao Shu finally uttered two words: "Abnormal!"

eight pm.

Zhao Shu booked a small theater in a theater in Xujiahui, the magical capital, in advance, and led the Chinese music delegation to the theater, waiting for the arrival of the Fusang music delegation.

Behind him, everyone else had doubts in their eyes, not sure why Zhao Shu suddenly changed his mind and brought them along.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did Teacher Zhao suddenly ask us to accompany him?"

"Didn't you say you won't let us come and scold you?"

"it's wired."

"What's even weirder is, do you have any idea about Teacher Zhao's expression? It was solemn and ugly before. Although it is still serious now, it seems to be confident and indifferent."

"Huh? When you say that, it seems to be true. Could something have happened?"


Zhao Shu listened to everyone's whispers.

But he didn't speak, just sat quietly on the chair and waited.

The movie starts at 8:30 pm.

At 8:20, the Fuso Music delegation finally arrived.

Seeing that everyone from the Chinese music delegation was there, they were all stunned and seemed extremely surprised.

The leader, Erlang Miyata, raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Shu: "Mr. Zhao, I didn't expect that you and your companions would all come. I thought you were the only one."

Zhao Shu said in a deep voice: "Mr. Miyata is joking. We in China have always upheld the hospitality of our ancestors. No matter what the guest's intention is, we will receive the guest with the most sincere attitude from the beginning."

"very good!"

Miyata smiled faintly and thought to himself, I hope you can maintain this sincere attitude later.

The movie theater is a small movie theater that can only seat thirty people.

After both parties sat down, it was almost full.


The movie starts.

Each of these delegations from Fuso Country was proficient in Chinese, so even though they were watching Chinese movies, there was no language barrier and everyone watched them with gusto.

There were even several people who were moved to tears shortly after the movie started playing.

On the other hand, the Chinese delegation looked a little boring.

Seeing the reaction of everyone in Fuso Kingdom, Zhao Shu cursed in his heart: "It seems that apart from animation and action movies, Fuso Country really doesn't have any good movies. It's really hard to understand that even such ordinary movies are so fascinating."

However, the other Chinese representatives were not in the mood to criticize.

As time went by, except for Zhao Shu, everyone else's hearts became anxious and their expressions became tense.

Because everyone knows that the so-called piano song on the Internet may appear at any time.

As long as the piano music comes on.

They will face all kinds of difficulties from Fusang Kingdom.

So while everyone in Fuso Kingdom was enjoying the movie, almost everyone in China was in a state of suffering.


When the movie reaches more than sixty minutes.

"Ding ding ding~~~"

A soft piano sound drifted from the speakers.

Whether it was the Huaxia Kingdom or the Fusang Kingdom, the delegations from both sides were shocked.


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